Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 278 Promotion and Politics

Chapter 278 Promotion and Politics
The Xuzhou newly divided by Liu Bei was different from the Xuzhou in the Eastern Han Dynasty.In addition to the original Xuzhou counties such as Guangling, Xiapi, and Pengcheng, the two counties of Lujiang and Jiujiang in Yangzhou were also included in Xuzhou.Lujiang and Jiujiang counties are located in the Jiangbei area, and most of the counties and villages are under Cao Cao's account.

In fact, since Huo Jun wanted to take Hefei, it might be more appropriate for Liu Bei to appoint Huo Jun as the governor of Jiujiang.However, Huo Jun previously served as the prefect of Nanjun, and now he has stepped down from his post. It is not appropriate for Huo Jun to take charge from afar.Moreover, Huo Jun performed outstandingly during the process of Liu Bei's succession to Jingchu, so he was not given a higher reward, which was unjustifiable both emotionally and rationally.

Of course, not only Huo Jun's appointment came out, but also the appointments of various high-ranking officials in Wu Chu.

Liu Bei himself served as the pastor of Jing and Yang prefectures, and the prefects of Wu and Chu counties were all under his supervision.

Huo Jun, General of the Northern Campaign, governor of Xuzhou, governor of Poyang and Danyang counties, and Marquis of Yunyang Township.

Governor Guan Yu defeated Cangwu and surrendered Jiaozhou. He also planned to kill Le Jin and defeat Zhang Liao. He moved to conquer the general of the West, the governor of Nanjun, and the Hou Tinghou of the Han Dynasty. He granted Wuling Chong County (today's Sangzhi) as a salary city.

Zhang Fei accumulated his previous achievements and was promoted to General Fubo and Governor of Yidu, adding [-] households to the city.

Yidu County is divided into counties to the west of Nan County, and has jurisdiction over the five counties of Xiling, Yidao, Weishan, Zigui, and Xinling, and is responsible for the affairs of Bashu.Zhang Fei led his troops to garrison Yi Road and supervised Xiang Lang's political affairs in Yidu County.

Mi Zhu moved to Anhan to be the general and placed himself above all other officials. He was given five hundred catties of gold, one thousand catties of silver, and a large number of acres of land.Jian Yong, Sun Qian, and Yi Ji each received awards, but they were all inferior to Mi Zhu.

Zhuge Liang accumulated his previous achievements and was promoted to military advisor general and appointed as chariot and cavalry general.

Xu Shu moved to be a general in charge of the army and took charge of the administration of military officials.

Gan Ning moved to General Hengjiang and led the governor of Nanyang from afar, adding three hundred additional towns.

Zhao Yun moved to be the general of Yijun, protected the military affairs of the Central Army, and increased the food supply by [-].

Mi Fang moved to be the general of the bandits, the governor of Danyang, and the Marquis of Duting.

Wang Wei moved to Pingyi General, Cangwu Prefect, and Dutinghou.

He Qi made great achievements in conquering Shanyue in the east of the Yangtze River. He established Linshui, Shixin and other counties, suppressed the Yellow Turban rebellion in Kuaiji, and moved General Fenwu.

Lu Su moved to Pingnan Zhonglang General and became the governor of Jiaozhou. He led thousands of Baijie troops and settled in Jiaozhou.

Lu Xun moved to serve as the commander-in-chief of the army, and he and Meng Da were stationed at Xiaoting, facing Zhang Fei's camp across the river.


Pan Jun moved to Wuhan County as governor and was granted the title of lord.

Wuhan County is divided into three counties: Jiangxia, Yuzhang, and Changsha, and eight counties: Wuhan, Xiazhi, Xunyang, Yangxin, Chaisang, Shaxian, Xiajun, and Hanchang.

Bu Zhao moved to Wuling Prefecture, Zhuge Jin moved to Kuaiji Prefecture, Lu Dai moved to Wu County Prefecture, Huang She moved to Jian'an Prefecture, Quanrou moved to Lingling Prefecture, and Yan Zhen moved to Guiyang Prefecture.

Huang Zhong, the former governor of Guiyang, moved to fight against the captives and was transferred to the Chinese Army.

Liu Bei used political means to replace the three counties in Jingnan except Changsha with his own dignitaries, either Jianghuai confidants or old Jiangdong officials.

In addition, Huo Jun left Nanjun, and now only the four counties of Yuzhang, Luling, Jiangxia, and Changsha are still controlled by Liu Qi's old people.Of course, Liu Bei is not prepared to replace all of these people. Liu Qi's old people will have to be used in a short period of time, and the two families cannot be separated.


In terms of the army, Liu Bei promoted more than thirty outstanding generals, such as Lu Meng, Zhu Huan, Shi Ran, Fu Wei, Wei Yan, Fukuang, Feng Xi, Zhang Nan, Xiang Chong, Quan Cong, Liu Feng, Tai Shi Heng and others.

In terms of scholars, in addition to Pang Tong recommended by Huo Jun, Zhuge Liang promoted Ma Su and Liao Li to serve as officials, Gu Yong promoted Wu Can, Ding Chen, Yin Li, Zhang Bing and others, Wang Can promoted Zhang Cun, Han Ran and others... Liu Bei came to all these. Those who did not refuse were promoted to the Chariot and Cavalry General's Mansion one after another.

With such a terrifying talent reserve, Liu Bei currently lacks both people and land, and lacks time to integrate Jing and Yang states.When Liu Bei's integration is completed, his strength will grow explosively.


The government was moved to Wuhan, and Huo Jun, with the appointment of Xuzhou governor in mind, was also preparing to return to Jiangling and lead his sergeants eastward to Jiangzuo.However, before leaving, Liu Bei stopped him and asked him to discuss Wu Chu's military and political affairs.

The dilapidated E County government office was filled with more than a dozen senior officials from Wu and Chu, all of whom were well-dressed and well-dressed.

Liu Bei sat high on the couch, listening to the arguments among the scholars, and his ears were very noisy.

From the dispute over tax quotas to the revision of the law, from the revision of the law to the Confucian classics, and from the discussion of the Confucian classics to the salt and iron official camp.

As Liu Bei's personal appointee, Zhuge Liang first discussed with Gu Yong, Pan Jun, and Zhang Zhao the amount of tax collection, and then discussed with everyone the direction of revising the law.

Zhang Zhao blushed and argued: "My lord has just taken charge of Jingchu. He should be like Emperor Gao who entered the pass. In order to care for the hearts of the people, he made a three-law agreement with the people. Now that Wu and Chu are at peace, it is appropriate to suspend the ban and relax the ban to win the hearts of the people."

The feather fan shook rapidly, and the cool breeze generated by the feather fan calmed Zhuge Liang's hot heart.Zhuge Liang said in a deep voice: "Now An Neng is as old as in the past. In the past, Qin's laws were harsh and the people were resentful. Chen Sheng and Wu Guang rebelled because of this. Gaozu used his magnanimity to please the hearts of the people in Guanzhong."

"The second generation of Linzi ruled Wu and Chu. Due to the turmoil of the current situation, they only used the law to control the officials, conferred titles and titles, and served as county guards. At that time, people from the south came to occupy the counties and counties, and gained exclusive power and bullied the villages and counties. The state government was virtuous. It is difficult to administer, and it is difficult to abide by the majesty, but only to be pleased with the official title."

"If you have many titles, you will be arrogant, and if you have high officials, you will be arrogant. When you live in the countryside, the officials are also subject to restrictions. The monarch and his ministers will be disordered, and cholera will plague the state capital."

"Ji Liang strictly enforces the rule of law, and the power of the law is known; he also appoints wise officials to manage it, and the rule of law is in line with the county and township. The top and bottom are orderly, the monarch and his ministers are in order, and the government orders are interoperable, which is the key to governance."

Zhuge Liang saw further than everyone here in the political dimension.He was not arguing with Zhang Zhao about the strictness of the law revision, but he was striving for the strictness of the law to help Liu Bei establish an orderly ruling system from top to bottom.

Whether it is Jingzhou or Yangzhou, in the previous rule, except for Danyang, which was deeply governed by Zhuge Liang, the other states and counties were in chaos.

This chaos does not refer to the occurrence of war or the chaos of the ruling order.The local gentry powerfully usurped the rights of local officials, and local officials had no supervision from the upper echelons of officials. Fishing, corruption, and personal gain emerged one after another.

What Zhuge Liang strives for is not to please the people, but to establish a bureaucracy that belongs to Liu Bei.After all, if the government decrees are unreasonable, the people you please will benefit the powerful and wealthy people.

Only by establishing a qualified governance system can the normal operation of Wu Chu be ensured and positive feedback be fed into the military.

Warlords compete for hegemony, there are many strategies, and the macro military strategy is only part of it.More boring and troublesome administrative work, interpersonal relationships, and understanding of government orders are also invisible wars.

Liu Bei wanted to compete with Cao Cao for the world. In addition to fighting with real swords and guns, he also wanted to test Zhuge Liang's political level.

Fortunately, in this dimension, Zhuge Liang is no longer fighting alone. Zhang Zhao, Xu Shu, Pan Jun, and Gu Yong are all outstanding politicians.Huo Jun can also mix in and say a few words, and Jiang Ji and Sima Zhi under his tent are also top scholars in the country.

Pan Jun considered and said: "A sage does not teach by changing the people, and a wise man governs without changing the law. My lord first took charge of Wu and Chu, but now he has changed the laws so much that he is afraid that the officials will be uneasy and will not criticize the emperor. Why not rule with the old law for the time being and slow down the implementation of the law? Picture, if the officials learn the old ways, they will feel at ease."

Huo Jun, who was wearing Zhongjia, refuted: "It changes with the times and adapts to local conditions. Since the Lord entered Chu, he has cooperated with Chu officials and praised the officers and soldiers. Nowadays, those who criticize strict laws are mostly local evil tyrants and corrupt officials in the state government. Wait, people like this must be a black sheep and should be eliminated as soon as possible.”

Perhaps influenced by joining the army, Huo Jun was not very interested in Huairou politics.It's impossible to expect everyone to support you.The only way is to win over one faction and fight against another.

Previously, Liu Bei had given such benefits, granted him a salary, and granted more than [-] people to him as marquises, just to win over the senior officials of Jingchu.

In the feudal system, unless the dynasty is at the end of the dynasty or the people are harmed too much, there will be overall stability if there is no chaos at the top.Nowadays, it is not difficult to suppress the ordinary powerful people at the lower levels who do evil and to clean up the incompetent and corrupt officials.

Liu Bei's political level was not bad, and he knew the deeper meanings expounded by Zhuge Liang and Huo Jun. He slapped the table and said, "Don't say anything. You should adapt to the current conditions, establish strict laws, and deeply govern Wu and Chu."

"No!" Seeing Liu Bei's decision, everyone gave up the argument and agreed.

After drafting the law, Zhuge Liang believed that the world was in chaos, and soldiers were sent out more frequently than in the past. Military expenditures had doubled and it was difficult to cover them with taxes alone. Today, the salt and iron official camp system is implemented to assist military expenditures.

Liu Bei promised to set up a salt and iron school captain.Gu Yong was appointed to the post to adjust the benefits of salt and iron and enrich military supplies.

Then, Huo Jun intervened and said: "My lord, the trouble for all world leaders is that there is not enough rice. Therefore, when there is an army war, the food and grass are not enough and the troops retreat; the people are hungry and cold, have difficulty eating and have no children."

"Whenever the population declines, the army will have fewer soldiers and less rice will be produced. At times, taxation will be more severe than tigers, and the people will hide their household registrations. The country will have few households and few soldiers. If this continues, the country will be difficult to survive."

"If rice is plentiful and the army has no shortage of supplies, the war can be successful for a long time; the people are full and protected from hunger and cold, and many children will be born. Taxes will be lenient and people will be generous, and the people will enter the records one after another. The number of households will increase, and more people will join the army. And so on. , then the country can be rejuvenated.”

"Today's north-south trend has begun to take shape. The two states of Wu and Chu are vast, sparsely populated, and densely populated by mountains and forests. In ancient times, they were mostly barbaric places where rice was eaten, fish was cooked, and water was cultivated by fire. There was no one who was cold or hungry, and no one had a lot of gold. The family is despised by the people of the Central Plains."

"There are several states in China with fertile land. Chestnut and wheat are cultivated in rotation. Two-year-old and three-year-old crops are abundant. Compared with the north and the south, Wu and Chu are as vast as China. However, the geographical advantages are insufficient, the farming skills are not sophisticated, and the people are few. The long-term confrontation has only The river is in danger. In order to plan China’s plan, we should practice the method of planting rice and wheat in rotation.”

"Jun Xi governed Wancheng and Jiangling and followed this method. Rice was planted in the spring, wheat was planted in the autumn; wheat was harvested in the spring, and rice was harvested in the autumn. The people rotated acres of land without wasting the farming season, and the output increased by several buckets compared with previous years. Each household counted several buckets. , Tens of thousands of families fight, this is a plan to enrich the country."

"Farming is not abandoned in all seasons, the people have fields to cultivate, and soldiers are stationed in the camps to cultivate. Since then, the tax amount has remained unchanged, the taxes have increased, rice has been accumulated in warehouses, there have been many hidden households, the national treasury is full, and Dingkou is prosperous. Let's observe it. , the Central Plains can be mapped, the Han Dynasty can be prospered, I hope my lord will do it."

Huo Jun discussed the relationship between people and food from multiple aspects, briefly compared the situation in the north and the south, and suggested that Liu Bei should promote the method of rotating rice and wheat in the sixteen counties of Wu and Chu to increase national strength.

Sure enough, Liu Bei was overjoyed and praised: "Zhongmiao mounted his horse to govern the army, and dismounted to calm the people. He is a scholar of the Han Dynasty! I had heard about the method of rotating rice and wheat when I was alone on the left side of the Yangtze River. The rice was stored in warehouses in Poyang, and the soldiers were self-sufficient. If you rely on this method, you should accept it alone."

Liu Bei ordered: "Zhongxuan will personally draft government orders and issue them to counties. Since Kong Ming is in charge of government affairs, he should supervise the governors of various places."

"No!" Wang Can and Zhuge Liang responded with their hands raised.

Wang Can, who previously served as Liu Qi's long history, is now serving as the Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Guard, becoming Liu Bei's exclusive secretary, in charge of sealing the government, and writing government orders.

There are so many strange official names, which is also a helpless move.There are too many talents and too few official positions.Only new official positions can be created to meet the demand.

(End of this chapter)

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