Chapter 28
Time passed, and soon the day came for Liu Cong to marry his wife, and the city of Xiangyang was bustling with activity.

In the early morning, the house was deserted. After Huo Jun washed up, he put on his cloak.

Deng Fan rubbed his eyes, walked out of the bedroom, and asked, "Father, where is my mother?"

A soft smile appeared on Huo Jun's lips, he touched Deng Fan's head and said, "Mom went shopping for groceries and will be back soon. You go read a book first, or complete the homework assigned by your husband."


Deng Fan didn't cry or make a fuss. He walked back to the side room, lit the oil lamp, and began to read "Jijiupian" with great self-discipline.Deng Fan is talented and intelligent. Under the guidance of Sima Zhi, he has now learned the last part of "Ji Jiu Pian".Maybe after a few days, you can try to study other books.

"...It is easy to buy and sell money, and you can win in the capital market. The silk thread is warm and wrapped around the promise, and the silk thread is used to form the thread to move high. Measure the size and weight, and get, receive, and give to each other. Rice, millet, and rice. Ji millet and sesame seeds, cakes, bait, wheat rice, sweet bean soup..."

Accompanied by the sound of Deng Fan reading, Huo Junping calmly sat on the couch and made himself a pot of tea.Lift the teapot and pour the brewed tea into the cup.Eating the Hu biscuits that Chef Deng had prepared early, sipping warm tea, quietly waiting for the news.

After drinking one cup after another, Deng Fan recited "Ji Jiu Pian" over and over again, but Huo Jun was not in a hurry at all.

"General Rongbo visited his neighbors, and the official of Linshi County brought gold and silver."

"Stay on!"

Huo Jun put down the teacup and asked, "Why does the Linshi County magistrate bring gold and silver?"

In the room, Deng Fang pondered for a while and replied: "What the Linshi County magistrate said is that craftsmen work in workshops, and food and clothing are provided by the court, and they are not allowed to leave without authorization. It means gold and silver, and craftsmen include gold and silver. Second craftsman.”


Huo Jun nodded with satisfaction and drank the tea he made.

As the sun gradually rises, the cold air dissipates.There was a sound of footsteps, and Chef Deng and Huo Xiong returned to the yard.

Chef Deng took off the fish-smelling headscarf, saluted and said, "To inform the head of the family, the fish has been sold to the cook, and there is nothing unusual about it."

Huo Jun looked at Huo Xiong and saw him nodding, then a smile appeared on his face and shouted: "Fan'er, grandma is back!"


Deng Fan ran out of the side room and curiously asked about Chef Deng's whereabouts.Cook Deng explained to Deng Fan while taking out the táo she bought at the market.

The harpoon is as small as a drum. If you hold the handle and shake it, it will strike at the side of your ear.Rattles have been around since the Warring States Period and were often used in ritual music.By the Han Dynasty, it had become a toy for folk children.

Deng Fan took the rattle and shook it from side to side. The small drum hammer struck the drum surface and made a "puff-dong-puff-dong" sound.This made Xiao Deng Fan very curious, and he couldn't help but increase his strength and shake louder and louder.

"You don't have to cook for me today."


Huo Jun stood up from the couch, took off his sword from Lan Qi, and put it on his waist.

Stepping out of the courtyard, his eyes became more and more fierce with every step he took.

In this troubled world, he is a corrupt person.

A gentleman hides his weapon in his body until the time comes, and today is the day when the sword will be unsheathed.

Jingzhou is his chessboard, and he is also the only chess player!

The eldest son's mansion is bustling outside but quiet inside.

Liu Qi was obsessed with hanging out with beauties, blindfolded and playing hide-and-seek with the singer in the room.It seems that if his eyes are covered, his heart is also covered.

"Where is the beauty?" Liu Qi shouted greasyly.


Liu Qi was groping around in the empty room.

"Still here!"

"Here!" the man responded in a deep voice.

Liu Qi was excited, pulled off his blindfold, and followed the sound, only to see Huo Jun, fully dressed, sitting on the table with a solemn expression, staring at him.The beauties in the room had long since dispersed, and there were no human figures anywhere except Huo Jun and him.

"Zhong Miao, this..."

Liu Qi laughed a few times and was about to make a joke when he saw Huo Jun staring at him seriously.Different from his gentle expression in the past, today he is not angry or intimidating.

In an instant, Liu Qi was afraid, put on his clothes silently, and apologized to Huo Jun.

Huo Jun took off his long sword, put it on the case with a 'snap' sound, and asked sternly: "Now Liu Cong, Cai Hao, Zhang Yun, Kuai Yue and others have joined forces to seize Bo Wei's position. But Bo Wei doesn't know it. , you are still lusting after women, do you have to wait until they put the knife on your neck before taking any action?"

Liu Qi knelt on the couch, lowering his head and not daring to speak.

After a while, Liu Qi let out a long sigh and said, "Qi has no solution. What can I do if Liu Cong gets married?" Taking a deep breath, Huo Jun pressed his sword on his hand and said calmly: "I have made the book in the belly of the fish The plan is to hide the words 'son avenges father' in the belly of the fish. This fish has now been sent to Liu Cong's house, and it won't be long before Ming Gong discovers it."

In Liu Qi's shocked eyes, Huo Jun moved the long sword in front of Liu Qi and said: "That's why the eldest son has two choices at the moment. One of them has always made it clear that Jun is practicing witchcraft and letting Jun die and his family will be wiped out; Er Suijun took advantage of the situation and asked troops to attack Jiangdong when Duke Ming was angry to achieve great achievements."

Cut first and then play!

In an instant, Liu Qi was confused by Huo Jun's sudden news, and was speechless for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Qi suddenly became at a loss. He could not give up Huo Jun. If he left Huo Jun, there would be no one around him to plan for him.And giving up Huo Jun also symbolized his surrender.

But it is also difficult for him to invite troops to attack Wu!
After a few breaths, Liu Qi had a clear idea. He moved his sword back to Huo Jun and said worriedly: "It is good to invite troops to attack Sun, but there is no general beside Qi. Who can lead the army? If the attack fails, I am afraid that It will ruin Qi’s reputation.”

Huo Jun's expression softened, he smiled, and said, "If Jun can offer this strategy, there will be foreign aid to help the young master grow."

Seeing that he had a countermeasure, Liu Qi asked, "Who is it?"

"General Zuo, Liu Xuande, the shepherd of Yuzhou." Huo Jun said: "Xuan Degong is famous for his martial arts and is rampant in the world. Cao Cao is the only one who can defeat him. The eldest son asked Xuande for reinforcements and sent troops to Jiangdong. How can the Jiangdong generals stop him?"

"Huang Zu, the prefect of Jiangxia, has guarded Jiangxia for several years. Although he was defeated by Sun Ce, he is still a strong enemy in Jiangdong. The eldest son can have Huang Taishou and Xuande Gong as his arms, and he will go to Jiangdong and compete with Sun's generals."

Liu Qi nodded slightly and asked: "Xuande Gong's troops are in Xinye. I wonder if I would like to go to Jiangdong with Qi."

Liu Bei has a special status in Jingzhou. He is a guest general and is highly independent.If he didn't want to, Liu Qi would not be able to control Liu Bei, except Liu Biao who was stuck with Liu Bei's food and grass.

Huo Jun straightened his waist and cupped his hands and said, "Jun is familiar with Mr. Xuande and is willing to lobby for the eldest son."

Liu Qi was overjoyed. He held Huo Jun's hand and said gratefully, "I feel very lucky that you can make plans for Qi. I will live up to you in the future!"

The highest state of selling people is to be sold and pay for them.But having said that, Liu Qi's best choice at the moment was to go to Jiangdong.

Liu Qi made money!


At the Yiji Mansion, Liu Bei, who was attending a wedding banquet, rested here.

At this time, Liu Bei couldn't calm down. He was pacing back and forth, waiting for Huo Jun to come.

"My Lord, I'd like to see you, Mr. Huo!" Zhao Yun reported.

"it is good!"

Liu Bei put away the anxious look on his face, then showed a happy expression and said, "Follow me to welcome Zhong Miao!"


Liu Bei walked away in a hurry. When he saw Huo Jun, whom he had not seen for a long time, he stepped forward to hold his hand and said with concern: "Zhong Miao has been looking very haggard recently. Bei is deeply uneasy."

"Thank you Mingguan for your kindness!"

Huo Jun followed Liu Bei into the bed and said in a low voice: "Ming Gong, the eldest son is willing to send troops to Jiangdong. Now I order Jun to persuade Ming Gong to help."

"it is good!"

Liu Bei's face lit up with joy, he held Huo Jun's hand tightly and said, "What do you mean by Liu Jingzhou?"

Huo Jun leaned close to Liu Bei's ear and whispered: "The silk is hidden in the belly of the fish, and the son avenges his father."

Liu Bei's eyes widened, he pointed his finger and asked in surprise: "Today?"

Huo Jun raised the corner of his mouth and said with a sneer: "On a happy day, presenting a book from the belly of a fish is a bad omen, but An Neng can't be angry!"

Liu Bei took a breath and said, "Uncle, will you handle this matter?"


"Success or failure depends on today!"

Huo Jun smiled. Liu Cong's wedding banquet would not only be attended by Liu Bei, but also by Liu Qi. All prominent figures in Jingzhou would also attend.

In Xiangyang City, a car from Longzhong stopped at the gate of the Huang family's house. The eight-foot-tall young man holding a feather fan got out of the carriage and stretched.

"Why did Kong Ming come to Xiangyang?" asked the Huang clan.

Kong Ming smiled brightly and said, "I'm afraid Mr. Cong's wedding banquet will be lively today, so Liangte came to take a look."

"Uncle, come in quickly!"

Kong Ming shook his feather fan and walked into the house with his wife Huang.

(End of this chapter)

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