Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 285

Chapter 285
AD 211, the 16th year of Jian'an, Xia.

Cao Cao wrote to Emperor Xuchang in the "Shu Zhi Ling" and requested that the number of households be reduced by [-].The emperor did not allow it, and only allowed five thousand households to be reduced, and the fifteen thousand households were divided equally among Cao Cao's three sons.

The emperor also named Cao Cao's eldest son Cao Pi as a general with five sense organs and deputy prime minister.

A few days later, Cao Cao ordered Ruan Yu to write a review of the "Articles on Pursuing the Southern Thieves" and also to Emperor Xuchang.The article discusses a series of violations of etiquette such as Liu Bei's appointment of officials, the establishment of counties in violation of the system, the murder of Liu Qi, and the opportunity to usurp the throne.

The emperor Liu Xie approved Cao Cao's Wenshu and ordered the Han Prime Minister Cao Cao to lead a 40-strong army to conquer Wu and Chu southward.

The next month, Liu Bei heard about the "Article on Pursuing the Southern Thieves" in Wuhan and ordered Wang Can to write the "Article on Jing'an by Order", which was published all over the world.The article denounced Cao Cao, deceiving the emperor, mutilating the imperial concubine, poisoning the prince, and committing cruelty and a series of other inhumane methods.

Now Liu Bei, as a clan member of the Han Dynasty, holds the imperial edict and raises an army of 40 to punish the traitors of the country.

The two articles were exposed all over the world, and Ma Chao and Han Sui raised their troops to respond. They marched south to Hanzhong and were loyal to the prime minister. Liu Zhang of Yizhou waved his flag and shouted, inviting troops to Sichuan to conquer Ma Han in the north.

Zhangling County, Suixian County.

With the psychological shadow of the defeat of Jinkou, Cao Cao led his troops south to Xinye. After learning that Guan Yu was firmly guarding Gong'an City and Dangyang City, he took the Suizao Corridor to bypass Gong'an City and attacked Jiangxia County in Jiangbei.He also divided his troops with Cao Ren and asked him to go south to Gong'an to plunder the formation for him.

In the large tent, Cao Cao was writing on the documents with a pen, and the generals on the left and right were waiting for him.

Cao Cao dipped his pen into the inkstone and said, "Can Ma Chao and Han Sui raise an army to conquer Hanzhong?"


"Ten days ago, Ma Chao left Pang Rou to guard Huaili and led [-] cavalry southward from Baoxie Road. He also ordered Pang De to lead [-] elite soldiers southward through Ziwu Valley. Du Ji, the governor of Hedong, and Zhong Yao, the captain of Sili school, each sent their troops To provide grain and grass for Ma Chao’s army, only half a year’s worth of grain and grass is provided.”

Sima Yi only reported what happened in Guanxi to Cao Cao, saying: "Han Sui led [-] Longyou cavalry to conquer Hanzhong from Qishan Road, and Wei Kang, the governor of Liangzhou, provided food for him."

After a pause, Sima Yi continued: "Taiyuan Shang Yao rebelled, and generals Xia Houyuan and Xu Huang have led their troops to conquer it. If there is a change in Guanzhong, you can enter Guanzhong from Hedong at any time to fight against the thieves for the Prime Minister."

Cao Cao nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "What happened in Guanzhong is as Gu expected. Now let's watch Ma, Han and Zhang Lu Yao Dao fight each other. When the three of them are tired, Gu will lead his army to the west and wipe out Guanxi. If Lianglong is pacified, we can expect it to reach Bashu!"

Sima Yi thought about it for a while and said: "Prime Minister, please forgive me for saying this boldly. Ma and Han are famous in Guanxi. Now they are marching south to Hanzhong, and they may have different considerations. If they get money and food from Hanzhong, they will also have relations with the Western Qiang and Di." If we help each other, it may lead to chaos!"

Seeing that he was the son of an old friend, Cao Cao patiently explained: "Hanzhong has great mountain dangers, and Zhang Lu has been here for more than ten years. How can he be an incompetent man? Ma Chao relied on Gu's money and food to enter Hanzhong. Gu cut off his money and food, and then went to the west. If we go forward, Ma'er will be surrounded by water without a source. If I use some means to intervene, it will be enough for Ma and Han to kill each other."

Sima Yi seemed to suddenly realize it and complimented him: "The Prime Minister is wise!"

Sun Quan glanced at Sima Yi and felt wary. Not long after he first entered the prime minister's palace, this guy gained the prime minister's trust.With the lintel of his family and the close relationship with the crown prince Cao Pi, he will definitely have a position in the court in the future.


The attendant was panting and ran quickly from outside the tent to enter the tent and said: "This is to inform the Prime Minister that Liu Zhang asked Liu Bei for help and asked for a general to go to Shu to resist Ma and Han. Liu Bei agreed and sent Zhang Fei and Lu Yi to lead [-] troops. Enter Shu."


In the silent tent, the sound of the brush falling to the ground could be heard clearly.Everyone looked for the voice and saw their prime minister's brush falling on the ground, with expressions of shock and anger on their faces.

"Prime Minister!"

Sun Quan bent down to pick up Cao Cao's writing brush, put it on the desk, and whispered: "Please calm down, Prime Minister!"

Although he didn't know why Cao Cao acted like this, experience told Sun Quan that Cao Cao must be angry at this time.

Jia Xu quickly stood up from the crowd, and when everyone was surprised for unknown reasons, he looked frightened and apologized, saying: "Prime Minister, I made a mistake in my suggestion, please punish me."

It has to be said that Jia Xu is a talented person. In just a few breaths, he figured out the impact and changes of the Bashu war before and after.Because he suggested that Ma and Han march south, Liu Zhang was frightened and asked Liu Bei to enter Sichuan.

He had calculated everything, but he never thought that Liu Zhang would be so timid. He owned more than ten counties in Bashu and was extremely wealthy. There were at least [-] or [-] troops in the state, not one hundred thousand.With the danger of Shu Road and the large number of soldiers and horses, why are they so afraid of Ma and Han?

Could it be that Liu Zhang didn't know that Ma and Han could take Hanzhong at most, so he wouldn't have continued southward?Even if Liu Zhang didn't know it, there would be no wise man beside him to advise him!

A wise man thinks a lot, even if he makes a mistake.Gai Liuzhang's timidity was beyond Jia Xu's imagination, or maybe Jia Xu didn't expect that Zhang Song was there.

Cao Cao sighed helplessly and said, "How foolish Liu Zhang is to invite a tiger into his house!"

Cao Cao lamented his own powerlessness, and Liu Bei surrounded Wu Chu and ruled across the river from him.Now he wanted to take advantage of Liu Bei's unstable situation to conquer Wu and Chu in the south to see if he could take advantage of it.Now that the war has not started, Liu Zhang asked Liu Bei to send troops to Shu.Based on his understanding of Liu Bei's character or his behavior.If he did not intervene in Yizhou, Liu Bei would annex Liu Zhang sooner or later.

When Liu Bei takes control of the four states of Yi, Yang, Jing, and Jiao, he will have a north-south confrontation with the Central Plains under his control. By then, he will no longer be able to suppress Liu Bei.

Looking at Jia Xu who was kneeling down to apologize, Cao Cao stood up, helped him up, and said comfortingly: "Liu Zhang is timid. He heard that Ma and Han went south and welcomed Liu Bei's troops into Shu. What does it have to do with you? Even if Ma and Han don't conquer Hanzhong, , Liu Zhang is also in danger when he conquers Hanzhong alone!"

Cao Cao has a clear mind and cannot blame Jia Xu for this kind of thing.Zhang Lu had to conquer. Even if there were no horses and Han went south, he would definitely cause Liu Zhang to panic.

"Thank you, Prime Minister!"

Jia Xu bowed again and thanked Cao Cao for his forgiveness.

"Prime Minister, Liu Bei sent troops to Shu, what should we do?" Cao Hong asked.

Cao Cao stroked his beard and said calmly: "Bashu is so vast that it cannot be conquered by [-] soldiers and horses. I predict that Liu Bei will have a back-up, which can be used by our army. The advance guard sneaked into Bashu and spread rumors that Liu Bei wanted to take Bashu. , occupying the upper reaches of the river to resist China."


After saying that, Cao Cao sneered a few times and said: "I am raising my troops to the south, but Liu Bei is moving a large number of troops to march west. I dare to look down on me like this. Let me let Liu Bei know how prosperous I am as a sergeant in the Central Plains."

"The order is sent, Zhang He, Gao Lan, and Guo Huai are the vanguard, rushing to attack Anlu. Gu leads the army behind. If Liu Bei dares to cross the north of the Yangtze River, Gu will defeat him at Xiakou."

"No!" The generals ordered to retreat.
Let’s not talk about Cao and Liu fighting again, but look at the direction of Bashu.As Jia Xu said, Liu Zhang could not see through Liu Bei's ambitions, but the wise men under his command could see through the general trend.

Chengdu, State Shepherd's Mansion.

"Your Majesty, don't let Zhang Fei enter Yizhou!"

Huang Quan straightened his back and said loudly: "Liu Bei, the great hero in the world, is Cao Cao's enemy. Now I am sending Zhang Fei to Shu to seek help from Yizhou. I hope you will be wise and send Zhang Fei back to Chu as soon as possible. If Zhang Fei is allowed to stay in Bashu for a long time, , then if we join forces with Liu Bei's army, Bashu will be in danger!"

Liu Zhang, who had been brainwashed by Zhang Song, stood up, waved his sleeves, and said displeasedly: "Liu Xuande is my brother from the same clan, how could he take away my inheritance? How can a mere warrior enter Shu and act as a barrier for Yizhou to cause trouble?"

Huang Quan stood up from the table and said angrily: "How can there be such a kind person in the world who would help me in Yizhou without asking for retribution from him? Liu Bei only had Danyang County two years ago, but now he has swept Wu Chu and destroyed the south. Isn't it right? Good man, I hope my lord will see clearly!"


Wang Lei stood up, grabbed Liu Zhang's sleeve, and begged, "Your Majesty, Cao Cao is about to go south. Liu Bei is not afraid of Cao Cao's southward march. Twenty thousand rebel soldiers have entered Shu, and most of them are deceitful. I have been used by my late king, and I can't bear to see you now." You are destroying our foundation in Yizhou."

Seeing this, Zhang Song advised: "Your Majesty, Zhang Fei is just a man without a plan, so there is nothing to fear. Huo Jun and Guan Yu are staying in Ruxukou and Gong'an City to resist Cao Cao. If Zhang Fei displeases the lord, How can Zhang Fei be able to cause chaos by cutting off the soldiers, horses, and food, just as he chokes his throat?"

Liu Zhang, who was hesitant, strengthened his determination, shook off Wang Lei's pull, and said in a deep voice: "No need to say more, I am determined!"

"This is unacceptable!"

Wang Lei grabbed Liu Zhang by the hem of his clothes and begged, "Why do we in Yizhou have no good generals? Why do we need to entrust it to outsiders?"

Huang Quan knelt on the ground and begged: "If your envoy can trust Quan, give me troops and horses. Quan will surely be able to supervise the generals in Bashu and attack Hanzhong in the north to repay your kindness to your envoy."

Zhang Song leaned close to Liu Zhang's ear and whispered: "Did you not see Zhao Wei's old affairs?"

Zhao Wei was born in Anhan, Ba County.In his early years, he followed Liu Yan to Shu and became Sima.After Liu Yan died, he saw that Liu Zhang was kind and respected him as his master.Later, Zhang Lu rebelled, and Zhao Wei united with the Yizhou clan to start a rebellion.He was defeated by the Dongzhou Army and died in Jiangzhou.

Zhang Song compared Huang Quan to Zhao Wei's old story, which stung Liu Zhang's fragile heart. This strengthened Liu Zhang's idea of ​​using external forces to Peking and Hanzhong.

"I'm determined alone!"

After saying that, Liu Zhang gave instructions: "Let the eldest son lead the troops to meet Zhang Fei in Fucheng. He will give Zhang Fei a thousand good horses and a hundred thousand dan of grain. Let him supervise the generals at Baishui Pass and attack Hanzhong in the north without making any mistakes."

"Mr. Yingming!" Zhang Song said with a smile.

Huang Quan and Wang Lei sighed deeply, deeply hating Zhang Song for bewitching Liu Zhang.

(End of this chapter)

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