Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 300 Storm in Bashu

Chapter 300 Storm in Bashu
Chengdu, State Shepherd's Mansion.

In the assembly hall, Yizhou civil and military officials whispered to each other.Liu Zhang, who was sitting on the high couch, looked gloomy, as if he was troubled by something.

"Your Majesty, Zhang Fei refuses to hand over Hanzhong, and refuses to hand over Zhang Lu. The Grand Sima has ulterior motives and intends to invade Bashu, so we must be on guard!" Huang Quan advised.

Zhang Song immediately stood up from the table and retorted: "Your Majesty, why did Huang Chenggang say this? Lu Xun gave Baozhong to the second son to rule, and then ceded the counties and villages to the second son one after another. Why is he so suspicious of Da Sima?"

Wang Lei looked unhappy and said: "Zhang Farewell, Lei went to Wuhan as an envoy. Da Sima personally promised that Zhang Fei and the second son would deliver Hanzhong. Today Zhang Fei pretended to be crazy while drinking, and Lu Xun signaled that the sale would be good. We have been evading this for several months, don't you?" Are you deceiving my Yizhou scholars as stupid?"

Due to the issue of the division of Hanzhong, Liu Zhang sent envoys to Liu Bei twice, and the conditions he offered became more generous each time.Liu Bei asked Zhang Fei to deliver the goods for the first time, and scolded Zhang Fei for being reckless in front of the messenger for the second time.

Zhang Fei was even more able to stall for time. The first time, Zhang Fei could not deliver Hanzhong without Liu Bei's order; the second time, Zhang Fei openly promised to let Liu Chan take power, but secretly let the county chiefs kick the ball; the third time, Zhang Fei After drinking and acting wildly, Lu Xun pretended to be a good person and temporarily handed over Baozhong County to Liu Chan.

For the fourth time, Liu Chan urged Lu Xun to hand over Nanzheng and asked Zhang Fei to withdraw his troops from Hanzhong.As a result, Zhang Feiwan disappeared and Lu Xunwan pretended to be ill.Liu Chan finally couldn't bear it anymore and reported Zhang Fei's unusual behavior to Chengdu.

With that said, Wang Lei raised his hands to Liu Zhang and said: "Your Majesty, when Lei was sent to Wuhan as an envoy, he passed by Jiangling and saw Guan Yu selecting soldiers and preparing military supplies. When he returned to Yiling, he saw Gan Ning stationed at Xiao Pavilion and repairing boats. Ge. With this move, Liu Beigai may have the intention to invade Bashu from the west."

"Gan Ning?"

Liu Zhang's face was gloomy and uncertain, when he first took office.Gan Ning was instigated by Liu Biao of Jingzhou and rebelled with Shen Mi, Lou Fa and other generals. Fortunately, he was defeated by Zhao Wei.Now that Ganning is stationing troops in Yiling, it is difficult not to let his thoughts wander.

Zhang Song saw that the situation was not going well, so he bit the bullet and said, "Didn't Zhuge Kongming say that Cao Cao was in the north, and he didn't dare to hand over Hanzhong easily, for fear that Cao Cao would take the opportunity to go south. The unusual movement in Nanjun may be due to military mobilization due to the early cessation of the Jiangxia war."

As he spoke, Zhang Song thought of something and explained: "Huo Jun led his army to attack Hefei in the north. It is unknown whether Da Sima may want to take advantage of Cao Cao's battle with Ma Chao to lead his army to attack Xiangfan in the north!"

Seeing Zhang Song's weak excuse, Huang Quan sneered a few times and said, "Zhang Biejia, Quan heard an interesting story from the public. I wonder if Biejia would like to hear it?"

Huang Quan ignored Zhang Song's wishes and continued: "There is a rich man named Zhang in Shu County. There was a thief in his home. He invited outsiders to break into the house to drive them out, but the thief was eliminated. The outsiders took possession of the thief's property and said that to avoid the thief from entering the house, I will Live in your home.”

After saying that, Huang Quan looked at Zhang Song and said with a smile: "At that time, the Zhang family had great wealth, a beautiful wife and concubines, and a powerful army. I dare to ask Zhang Biejia, what are the intentions of others?"


Zhang Song's face was very ugly. During this period, he had been running around speaking for Liu Bei, but now that time has passed, he has fewer and fewer excuses.

However, Liu Bei also felt bitter, not because he was unwilling to use troops against Bashu.After several months of confrontation with Cao Cao, troops were mobilized to support Huo Jun. He only had a few soldiers and horses at hand.The sergeants must be given a rest, and the battle in Shu must take a long time, and the logistics reserves of supplies and military supplies are also indispensable.

In addition, Liu Zhang did not feel sorry for Liu Bei, but kept sending gifts to Liu Bei.As soon as Zhang Fei captured Hanzhong today, Liu Bei turned against Bashu and attacked Bashu. It looked so ugly.

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard Huang Quan's words.

How could Zhang Song not know that Huang Quan was ridiculing him, and said in a low voice: "How can major events in Yizhou be discussed in terms of neighborhood affairs? Duke Cao is a powerful enemy, how can the Grand Sima be a kind person? If the persecution is too much, I might anger Da Sima.”

Everyone who was laughing at that moment stopped laughing.

Zhang Lu is difficult to defeat, and Cao Gong is not easy to mess with. How can Liu Bei, who is as powerful as Cao Cao, be a kind person.

Seeing Liu Zhang's fear, Huang Quan said: "Your Majesty, it is precisely because of the outstanding appearance of Da Sima that Xiong is now occupying Wu Chu and confronting Cao Cao across the river. We, Yizhou, have to be prepared to avoid inviting tigers into Sichuan and causing other disasters. .”

Hearing this, Liu Zhang frowned slightly, feeling annoyed for Liu Bei in his heart.

In the past, he invited Zhang Fei to Sichuan, mostly to defend against enemies from the north.However, Zhang Fei defeated the enemy in just a few months, and Liu Bei repelled Cao Cao's march south.The strength Wu Chu displayed was terrifying.

Now Liu Zhang is riding a tiger and can't get off, because he is afraid of offending Liu Bei and causing disaster.He was also afraid that Liu Bei would spy on his Bashu and wait for an opportunity to enter Sichuan.

After hesitating for a long time, Liu Zhang looked around at the crowd and asked, "What should I do to the Great Sima now? Does the Great Sima intend to spy on me, Bashu?"

"Does Zichu have any ideas?"

Liu Ba looked at Liu Zhang's longing eyes and said: "Your Majesty, Liu Bei is a great hero in the world. He will not be subordinated to others. In the past, he said that if he entered Sichuan, he would do harm. What happened in Hanzhong today should be in accordance with what he said in the past. Ba thought that Liu Bei must be there. To win the heart of Shu, we should defend the border with heavy troops to avoid collaborating with Zhang Fei."

After the Battle of Chrysostom, the Second Liu Dynasty swept across Wu and Chu. Liu Ba refused to surrender to the Second Liu Dynasty and fled to Jiaozhi County.When he arrived in Jiaozhi County, Liu Ba changed his surname to Zhang, but later he disagreed with Shi Xie, the prefect of Jiaozhi.

So Liu Ba entered Yizhou County in Nanzhong via Zangdao Road. The prefect of Yizhou County wanted to kill Liu Ba.After being advised by the chief official, he admired Liu Ba's talent, so he sent him to Chengdu and handed him over to Liu Zhang.

After Liu Zhang got Liu Ba, he was extremely happy and would consult Liu Ba for his opinion on all important matters in Bashu.Now Liu Zhang thought that Liu Ba had been in contact with Liu Bei, so he asked about it.

"Defense the border with heavy troops?"

Liu Zhang muttered for a few times and asked: "Where should we station our troops? And what should we do to Zhang Fei?"

Liu Ba did not hesitate and said: "Garrison troops in dangerous places, cut off communication between Hanzhong and Wuhan, and order Zhang Fei to lead his troops out of Sichuan."

"What do Gongheng think?" Liu Zhang asked.

Huang Quan pondered for a while and said: "According to what Mr. Zichu said, heavy troops guard the border to prevent Liu Bei from breaking into Bashu. The soldiers of Wu and Chu were isolated in Hanzhong, so they must panic. Zhang Fei was unwilling to leave Shu because of the homesickness of the soldiers. I have to get out of Sichuan.”

"However, if Zhang Fei makes a rebellion, he will block the road to Shu, send people to appease the Wu and Chu soldiers, and talk about sending them back home. The soldiers under Zhang Fei's tent will be homesick, and there will definitely be many people who flee. The chaos of Zhang Fei's troops should be eliminated."

The strategy proposed by Huang Quan is to attack the heart.No matter who the general is, it is difficult to control the homesickness of soldiers.

Historically, Guan Yu flooded seven armies and was later repelled by Xu Huang.At that time, Lu Meng crossed the river in white clothes and attacked Jiangling. Guan Yu led his army to retreat south.Facing Guan Yu's counterattack, Lu Meng adopted a strategy of attacking the enemy's heart. As a result, Guan Yu's soldiers fled in large numbers.Guan Yu had no choice but to defeat Maicheng.

Even Guan Yu couldn't stop the sergeant from feeling homesick, let alone Zhang Fei.Moreover, the sergeant was far away in Hanzhong and had cut off communication with Wu Chu.

"Your Majesty, such actions may anger Da Sima!"

Zhang Song complained secretly in his heart, fearing that Liu Zhang would adopt Huang Quan and Liu Ba's strategy.


Zheng Du looked at Zhang Song with disdain and said: "Your Majesty, Liu Bei sent Gan Ning to reinforce Yiling, and I, Bashu, to reinforce the troops in the east, why not?"

"As for Zhang Fei's troops, if Zhang Fei has no intention of spying on Bashu, our army will send him out of Sichuan with a salute; if Zhang Fei deliberately plots rebellion, he will be treated according to Huang Gongcao's policy."

After a pause, Zheng Du said: "Your Majesty, please don't listen to the opinions of villains anymore, so as not to ruin major events in Yizhou."

Zheng Du, a native of Mianzhu, Guanghan, Yizhou, was known for his strategy.He was promoted by Liu Zhang and held an official position.

Zheng Du calls himself a villain, which is a pun.Zhang Song is short in stature and can be called a villain on the surface; Zhang Song mostly speaks for Liu Bei and can be called a villain secretly.

Such words made Zhang Song angry, but he did not dare to say anything, so he could only reveal his identity.However, Zhang Song wrote down what Zheng Du and Huang Quan said today, hoping to take revenge on these people after gaining power.

Liu Zhang stroked his beard and said thoughtfully: "So I can follow the advice of the gentlemen, but I don't know where to station the troops?"

Huang Quan thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, those from Jiangzhou will connect the Three Rivers up and down to the Dajiang River to control the dangerous points entering Sichuan. Zhang Fei is currently in Hanzhong, and Liu Bei's troops are stationed in Yiling. The troops stationed in Jiangzhou can isolate the troops of Wu and Chu from the inside and outside. They are not allowed to enter, and sergeant Zhang Fei is not allowed to come out." "If Jiangzhou is captured by Zhang Fei, sergeants from Wu and Chu can enter Sichuan. At that time, the soldiers and horses of Wu and Chu poured into Bashu and were divided into three rivers. I, Yizhou, may not be able to control it. Therefore, based on the view of power, , I sent you to strengthen the army in Jiangzhou, and ordered Baidi to guard Meng Da and Wu County guard Fa Zheng to guard Wu and Chu, which should prevent Liu Bei from entering the west."

Liu Zhang thought deeply and said: "In this case, let the eldest son Liu Xun lead an army of [-] troops to Jiangzhou and supervise Zhang Ren, Liu Huang, Leng Bao and other generals. Let the second son withdraw from Hanzhong, urge Zhang Fei to withdraw, and They also closed the Shu road on the border to prevent Zhang Fei from causing trouble."

"No!" Everyone clapped their hands in response.

Liu Zhang no longer dared to trust others in terms of military power. Only his eldest son Liu Xun could be trusted, so he asked his eldest son Liu Xun to lead his army out of Zhenjiang to prepare for Wu Chu in the east.

After the discussion was over, Zhang Song hurried out of the hall and hurried back to his home.

Back in the study, Zhang Song wrote letters to Liu Bei and Zhang Fei respectively, telling Liu Zhang all about his plan and asking Zhang Fei to make arrangements in advance to prevent Liu Zhang from succeeding.He also wrote a letter to Liu Bei, asking Liu Bei to quickly raise troops to march westward to Bashu, and not to hesitate any longer.

"You two send these two letters to Zhang Fei in Hanzhong and Fazheng in Wu County respectively. The matter is urgent and cannot be neglected."

Zhang Song called his two sons and warned: "This letter is related to the future wealth, honor and disgrace of my Zhang family, and it must not be known to outsiders to avoid getting into trouble."

"Promise!" Zhang Biao and Zhang Lun accepted the letter respectively and responded with their hands in hand.

After the second son left, Zhang Song just breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master, Zhang Guanghan is here to visit," the attendant informed.

"Hurry up, brother!" Zhang Song smiled and asked his brother Zhang Su to come into the room.


Chengdu was a thousand miles away from Hanzhong. Zhang Biao took the letter and traveled at night under the stars, taking the Golden Bull Road into Hanzhong. It took him three to five days to finally reach Nanzheng.

Nanzheng, Yitang.

Zhang Biao handed over the letter and said tiredly: "General Zhang, my father told me something secret and urgent. I wrote it all in the letter. Please read it carefully, General."

Zhang Fei saw the tired look on Zhang Biao's face and his pupils were bloodshot. He also knew that he had been working hard on the journey, so he waved his hand to ask Zhang Biao to step back and rest.

After opening the letter, Zhang Fei's expression changed greatly. He raised his head and gave orders to his left and right officials, saying: "Let Lord Boyan and Shi Yuan come quickly. I have something important to discuss. You and I will leave the hall without waiting."


After a while, Pang Tong and Lu Xun entered the hall in a hurry.

Seeing the two of them sitting down, Zhang Fei handed the letter to them to browse and asked: "Second gentleman, the matter is so urgent, how should we deal with it?"

Pang Tong thought for a while and handed the letter to Lu Xun, saying: "General Zhang, I have three strategies, upper, middle and lower, for the general to use."

Zhang Fei's face was calm and he asked for advice: "Please teach me the military advisor carefully. Fei will listen attentively."

Pang Tong stroked his beard and said: "The best strategy is for the general to select elite soldiers and strong generals, prepare enough food and grass, and take advantage of Liu Zhang's unprepared situation. Send out troops along the Jinniu Road, break through the Baishui and Jiameng Passes, march straight in, and capture Chengdu. Then there will be a battle between Bashu and Shu. You can get off."

Zhang Fei listened carefully, poured tea for Pang Tong, and said, "What about the middle and lower strategies?"

Pang Tong dipped his hand in tea, sketched the map on the case table, and said: "In the middle strategy, our army will enter Bashu via Micang Road, break the Hanping Pass and go south, seize Brazil County, and march to Jiangzhou. Meng Da and Fazheng will attack Jiangshui Avenue led the two generals Guan and Gan into Shu."

"At that time, our troops from Hanzhong and those from Wu and Chu converged in Jiangzhou. After conquering Jiangzhou, our troops were divided into three groups. They took the inner, middle and outer rivers to seize Chengdu. At that time, the three armies were divided into Bashu prefectures and counties, and the troops arrived at the gates of Chengdu. Why worry about Liu Zhang not surrendering?"

As he spoke, Pang Tong scolded Fang Qiu in an passionate tone.

"How will Liu Chan and Yan Yan be treated while they are still in Hanzhong?" Zhang Fei asked.

"The general has said that he will withdraw his troops and hold a banquet for the two of them. They will definitely come. We should set up an ambush at the banquet, capture the two of them, and treat Liu Chan with courtesy. If Yan Yan is unwilling to surrender, he can be killed," Pang Tong said. .

Zhang Fei nodded and asked, "What's the next step?"

Pang Tong took a sip of tea and said calmly: "The next step is to give up the discussion on Shu for the time being and withdraw the troops from Hanzhong. In the future, we will see the opportunity and move forward slowly."

Zhang Fei shook his head quickly and said: "There is no bad idea. I was ordered to march westward to capture Bashu for my brother. How can I retreat so easily and leave Hanzhong to Liu Zhang in vain?"

"In this case, our army can only use the upper and middle strategies at the moment. How about General Zhang's decision?" Pang Tong said with a smile.

Zhang Fei hesitated, looked at Lu Xun, and asked, "Bo Yan, what strategy do you think we should use?"

Lu Xun pondered for a while and said, "Xun is thinking of Cao Cao's army in the pass!"

"Cao Cao?"

Zhang Fei suddenly slapped his head and woke up.Cao Cao is fighting fiercely with Ma Chao in Guanzhong. Now if he divides his troops to capture Bashu and Hanzhong is empty, he will have to leave people to defend Hanzhong.

Lu Xun put down the letter and said slowly: "Cao Cao is fighting Ma Chao today. With Ma Chao's strength, Cao Cao will win in the near future. Cao Cao has secured Guanzhong, divided his troops and taken Lianglong. He is now in the northwest, and I am afraid he will look forward to Bashu!"

Pang Tong also looked worried and said: "Bashu is in the south, we have to take it; Cao Cao is in the north, we have to prepare. In this dilemma, we need to make a decision."

Zhang Fei frowned and said, "What should we do now?"

Pang Tong stood up and thought about it, and said: "General, Guanxi has been away from the Central Plains for a long time, and Cao Cao has suppressed Ma Chao, so how can he immediately go south to Hanzhong? For the current plan, the general will raise his troops and go south to respond to the lord's army. By then, my Wu Chu troops will enter Shu, even if Cao Cao goes south to Hanzhong, Our army can also support one or two."

Lu Xun nodded slightly and said: "If this is the case, the only way is to take Jiangzhou and lead Wu Chu soldiers and horses to the west. At that time, Cao Cao led his army south. Although our Wu Chu soldiers and horses traveled thousands of miles to support, they can still resist Cao Cao."

Zhang Fei scratched his beard and asked: "In that case, who among Boyan and I will stay in Hanzhong, and who will go to Jiangzhou?"

Pang Tong sat on the couch and said with a smile: "The general killed Han Sui and surrendered Zhang Lu, which made Bashu famous. With Tong watching, the general led his army south. He should be able to intimidate the generals of Bashu and make the enemy surrender."

"Bo Yan has far-reaching thoughts, is well versed in military strategy, and has a tolerant spirit. Moreover, he has no reputation and is not a general that Cao Cao cares about. He can be stationed in Hanzhong. At the time, Boyan concealed his sharp edge and observed the people's sentiments internally. He might be able to defend Hanzhong. Even if he is defeated. , can also deal with it."

Pang Tong had gotten along with Huo Jun and worked with them.It was deeply discovered that Lu Xun had outstanding military talents, was both civil and military, and had no problem at all in taking charge of one side.

Moreover, since Lu Xun had no reputation, Cao Cao would definitely despise him and buy more time for Hanzhong.If Zhang Fei stays behind and Cao Cao intensifies his attack, coupled with his character flaws, he may not be defeated.

"How is Boyan?" Zhang Fei asked.

Lu Xun bowed his hands to Zhang Fei and said in a deep voice. "General, please feel free to go south. We should defend Yangping Pass. If Yangping Pass is breached, we should defend the two cities of Mianyang and Chenggu, waiting for reinforcements to arrive."


(End of this chapter)

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