Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 316 Returning to the North with great ambition

Chapter 316 Returning to the North with great ambition
Since that day, Cao Cao and Xun Yu had a quarrel, and the two were at loggerheads. The conflict intensified and became irreconcilable.

Xun Yu claimed to be ill and asked for leave, saying that it would be difficult for him to join the army in the war.Cao Cao followed his wishes and allowed Xun Yu to stay in the city to recuperate and let his attendants take care of him.

Shouchun, Cao Jun's stronghold.

In the big tent, Yang Xiu presented the battle report and said: "To report to the Prime Minister, Zang Xuzhou led his army more than a hundred miles into Huainan and swept through Huaidong. The water thieves were defeated and soldiers surrounded Sheyang for ten days. However, Sheyang was close to the lake, and the water The thieves and boats are out and about, harassing the grain roads, and the soldiers are exhausted and their food supplies are exhausted. May I ask the Prime Minister for your orders now?"

Sheyang Lake, also known as Shebei in the Han Dynasty, is the deepest and widest lake. It can receive water from all counties and counties, and can enter the sea if you walk eastward.King Wu's Fucha connected the Hangou of the Jianghuai River to the Jianghuai River through Sheyang Hubei.

Sun Ce attacked Chen Deng, sent troops from the east of the Yangtze River to the north, sailed from the river into Sheyang Lake, and defeated Sheyang County.

In the Jianghuai defense line deployed by Huo Jun, Lu'an and Hefei were the strongholds in Huaixi, and Sheyang (today's Baoying County) was the stronghold in Huaidong.In the Huaidong area, the garrison numbered [-], led by Deputy Governor Lu Su. General Xu Sheng led an army of [-] to guard Sheyang City.

Even if Zang Ba goes more than a hundred miles deep, Huo Jun will probably let him out.In the defensive strategy formulated by Huo Jun, if Huaidong encounters a heavy force of Cao's army moving south, it will use Sheyang Lake as a stronghold. Through the rivers extending in all directions, Jiangzuo's navy will be used to harass Cao's grain routes, thereby passing through more than a hundred miles of uninhabited territory. District, forcing Cao's army to retreat after running out of food.

As for the farming area that Liu Ji was responsible for, it was located south of Sheyang Lake, that is, the three counties and townships of Gaoyou, Hailing, and Ping'an in the rebuilt Guangling County.Unless Sheyang is defeated and the Sheyang Lake navy is annihilated, Cao's army cannot continue to penetrate deeper.

Cao Cao thought about it and said: "The southern thieves are good at boats and boats. The city of Sheyang is defended by the water. It cannot be defeated without heavy troops. Zang Xuzhou has been sending troops for a while, and there is not enough food and grass. It is difficult to fight again. Let him withdraw his troops and return north."


Looking at Yang Xiu's retreating figure, Cao Cao felt a severe pain in his head.Although his move south this time was mostly for obvious political purposes, it did not mean that he did not want to retake Hefei.

However, Huo Jun knew that he was patrolling Shouchun in the south, like a hedgehog, abandoning the outer cities and shrinking his troops to Lu'an, Hefei, Sheyang and other cities, and had no idea of ​​fighting him.Lure yourself deep into the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers, lengthen the supply lines, and use the dense water network to disturb the grain routes.

It has to be said that Huo Jun is the strongest opponent Cao Cao has encountered since his career in the world.Fight for the sake of the enemy, retreat when the time is right, and never be sloppy.

"Prime Minister, now that Xuzhou has been ordered to withdraw its troops, what should our Huaixi troops do now?" Xiahou Dun hesitated and said, "After all, Huo Jun is good at water warfare. We must take note of the old events in Jianghan."

Seeing that Xiahou Dun had accidentally poked his wound, Cao Cao's face darkened and he said in a muffled voice: "In the Battle of Chrysostom, I was sick, the sky burned the ship, and I withdrew my troops alone. I made Huo Jun win the battle, and he gained fame in vain." .”

"Since Gu Nan patrolled the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers, the southern thieves have escaped on the water and are clinging to the city walls, not daring to fight. This is so cowardly!"


Seeing this, Sun Quan hurriedly stood up and took the blame for Cao Cao.

Sun Quan started to march out, apologizing and saying: "In the battle of Chrysostom, Quan didn't know who he was, and he misjudged Yu Shao, so Gan and Yu succeeded in pretending to surrender. Quan asked the prime minister to punish him, and he committed crimes that were unfavorable to his surrender."

Cao Cao waved his hand and said calmly: "At that time, there were many surrendered scholars and generals from Wu Chu. They had no choice but to win people's hearts. It is normal for some treacherous people to be mixed among them. It is difficult to distinguish them."

As he spoke, Cao Cao stroked his beard and said with a smile: "In this southern expedition, Rui Xuan led his soldiers to return to normal, and it was thanks to Zhongmou that they surrendered. The merits and demerits are balanced, so what crime does Zhongmou have?"

Rui Xuan, father Rui Zhi, brother Rui Liang.Both generations of the Rui family worked for the Sun family, just like old people like Cheng Pu and Han Dang.

His father, Ruizhi, joined the army with Sun Jian and made great achievements in the expedition. He was recommended by Sun Jian to be the prefect of Jiujiang, and later he was transferred to the post of prefect of Wu County. He was well-known in politics during his tenure.

After Rui Zhi's death, his eldest son Rui Liang welcomed Sun Ce and went south from Pingjiangdong to serve as the eastern captain of Kuaiji.

When Liu Ping Jiangdong, Rui Liang followed Sun Quan and surrendered to Liu Qi.In order to stabilize Jiangdong's rule, Liu Qi reinstated Rui Liangguan to his post and reunited the original soldiers.

Rui Liang died of illness this year, and Rui Xuantong's father and brother's old soldiers were made according to the Sun family's private army system.In order to deepen his rule in Jiangdong, Liu Bei rejected Rui Xuan's request to command the old soldiers, appointed Rui Xuan as a civil servant, and handed over the troops to Mi Fang to command.

At that time, Sun Quan accompanied Cao Cao on a southern tour. Under Sun Quan's encouragement, Rui Xuan led more than a thousand people from his tribe to surrender to Cao Cao.Cao Cao was overjoyed and named Rui Xuan General Fenwei and Marquis of Liyang.

"Thank you, Prime Minister!"

Sun Quan stepped down gratefully and sat back down.

Facing the prying eyes of everyone, Sun Quan looked calm.Others laugh at him for licking too much, and others laugh at him because they can't see through it. If he doesn't lick now, when will he wait?
Cao Cao will be proclaimed Duke in the near future. He took the initiative to share the blame for Cao Cao and has made great achievements. Is he still afraid that Cao Cao will not give him a promotion?
The atmosphere in the tent improved, and Cao Cao was not in a hurry to make military arrangements. Instead, he talked and laughed with everyone, as if waiting for something.

After a while, Sima Yi hurriedly stepped into the tent, raised his hands and said, "I'm reporting this to you, Prime Minister, for a great victory at Longyou!"



Sima Yi spread out his scarf and read in a deep voice: "General Yuan of the Army Guard was ordered by the Prime Minister to supervise Zhu Ling, Zhang He, Guo Huai and other generals to garrison Chang'an. In the fifth month, Yuan attacked Yang Qiu in Anding, and Yang Qiu surrendered; Zhang He's troops He defeated the mountain bandit Liu Xiong and surrendered his tribe; Zhu Ling conquered Jin Fu in Xia Yang, killed the enemy and surrendered his tribe."

"In the early days, Wuhan Song Jian, because of the chaos in Liangzhou, called himself Heshou to pacify the Han king; Di Wang Yang Wanwan rebelled against the Xingguo and attacked Longyou; Xiping Guo Xian stopped the dangerous situation and colluded with the Qiang. The Qiang in Longyou continued to be in chaos and banditry The bandits usurp and rebel, and the soldiers and the people are uneasy."

"In the sixth month, Yuan, on behalf of the prime minister, eliminated the traitors and led his troops westward to Longyou to capture the three thieves mentioned above. When they arrived at Hanchang, Yuan defeated tens of millions of Yang and advanced to massacre Xingguo in order to intimidate the Qiang. He turned to attack Yuhan, and the rest of the month Pull it out, Yuan Zhanjian and the prime minister who has been installed have already come down."

"In the seventh month, Yuanbie sent general Zhang He and others to conquer Xiping, and Guo Xian led his troops to surrender. He used Guo Xian as his guide and crossed the river into Xiaohuangzhong. All the Qiang in the river surrendered, and Longyou was leveled."

After reading, Sima Yi presented the scarf and congratulated the Prime Minister and said: "I would like to congratulate the Prime Minister. After many years of turmoil in Guanxi, he was far away from China, and now he has surrendered to Long Tu. The Prime Minister has outstanding achievements and unparalleled martial arts!"

Cao Pi stood up from the side seat, raised his hands and said, "Congratulations, Prime Minister, for opening up the territory and restoring the territory!"

"Congratulations, Prime Minister, on opening up new territory and restoring territory!"

Everyone in the tent stood up and saluted in celebration.

"Ha ha!"

Cao Cao laughed happily a few times, lowered his hands and said: "Miaocai pacified Long in March, killed Yang Wanwan, massacred Song Jian, and surrendered Guo Xian. Song Jian was in rebellion for more than thirty years and was destroyed in one fell swoop. Promote the power of China."

Then, Cao Cao stroked his beard and praised: "Zhongni said: 'I am not as good as you.' This wonderful talent is showing off his power to eliminate chaos, marching forward like a tiger, and moving forward. I should report it to the emperor for praise."

After a while, the attendants stepped into the tent and announced: "The Prime Minister is here to advise the officials and they are here with the emperor's edict."

Upon seeing this, all the civil and military officials calmed down and became respectful.This respect is not for Wang Lang, but for Cao Cao.

Cao Cao led everyone to greet him respectfully, and Wang Lang came holding the emperor's edict.Seeing Cao Cao, Wang Lang saluted and said hello, and said respectfully: "Prime Minister Nanwei Jianghuai, Xipingguanyou, has outstanding achievements. Now Lang, by order of the Emperor, is here to reward the Prime Minister."

"Everyone listens to the order!"

Wang Lang spread out the emperor's edict and recited it in a deep voice: "Because of my bad virtues, I was rarely pitied and punished. I traveled more to the west and moved to the Tang and Wei Dynasties. At this time, it was almost as if it were decorated, the ancestral temples lacked sacrifices, and the state had no place; A group of evil people covet each other, divide the Xia, and lead the people of the land, but I have no success, that is, the fate of my great ancestor will fall to the ground..."

"In the past, when Dong Zhuo was in trouble for the country at the beginning,... Ma Chao and Cheng Yi joined forces with each other to fight against each other. They occupied the river and Tong, and pursued their own desires. They died in Weinan, and offered thousands of plans to suppress people. They then established border towns and pacified the Rong and Di. This is It’s also your merit.”

"Today, the ten counties of Hedong, Hanei, Weijun, Zhaoguo, Zhongshan, Changshan, Julu, Anping, Ganling and Pingyuan in Jizhou are named Duke of Wei, Xijun Xuantu, Ju Yibaimao, and Qiergui. , used to build the tomb society.…”

"The Prime Minister's merits are outstanding in the world, and the Emperor of Heaven bestows them upon the Duke of Wei and the Prime Minister. I hope that the Prime Minister will accept the order and return to Xuchang." Wang Lang said respectfully.

"Please, Prime Minister, accept the order!" everyone stood up and said.

Cao Cao looked horrified, and said evasively: "I have received great kindness from the late emperor, but I have little merit and little merit. I dare not hope for a high position. It is the duty of a minister to be loyal to the country. It is not suitable for a minister to enter the nobility and benefit the land. Jiuxi is a great gift, and it is my duty. Not weighing."


Wang Lang showed hesitation and said: "The Prime Minister's great achievements cannot be rewarded except by the Duke of the country. I hope the Prime Minister will accept it."

"I'm so scared that I don't dare to accept it." Cao Cao declined again.

Jia Xu stepped out of the queue, cupped his hands and said, "Prime Minister, the emperor's kindness cannot be ignored. Why don't the prime minister meet the emperor again to understand his feelings?"

Cao Cao hesitated for a while, then sighed and said: "In this case, I can only return to the capital to see the emperor, and say that I am loyal and repay the country's kindness, and I will give up my life with my gray body."

"The Prime Minister is wise!" Everyone saluted again and said.

Obviously this scene was created by Dong Zhao, and persuading him to join Wei Gong was an important step for Cao Cao to become king and establish his country.First, the report of the Longyou Battle was delivered, and then the emperor's edict was delivered. With the support of martial arts, no one dared to question Cao Cao's qualifications to become the Duke of the country.

Cao Cao put away the edict and said: "The generals patrolled Shouchun in the south, and the generals went deep for more than a hundred miles to sweep away the thieves. The south bandits hid in the swamps and defended the city walls. They were too timid to fight, so there was nothing to worry about. The generals returned to Xuchang to pay homage to the emperor, and now the Jianghuai River I will be able to help you all."

"Please give me your orders, Prime Minister!" everyone responded.

"Where is Xiahou Dun?"

"The end is here!"

"You will supervise the troops of the Tenth Army and govern the generals of Henan and Xu. They will be stationed in Shouchun and guard the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers. The southern thieves come by boat and often attack and harass the border people. From now on, build more cities and gather grain and grass." Cao Cao emphasized. .

"Those in Shouchun control Huai and Ying, and take Jiangtuo with their arms. They are the key hub of China and the shield of Yanyu. When the southern thieves enter the Central Plains, they must first use this city as a foundation to peer into the north. Gu Buqiu plans to seize Hefei. , I only hope that you can keep Shouchun."


Seeing the blind Xiahou accept the order, Cao Cao reached out and patted his shoulder, and said: "In the past, Lu Bu attacked Yanzhou and all the cities fell. You tried your best to protect the three cities and defeated the enemy's army. Now I am entrusting you with Jianghuai and I hope you can defend Shouchun. Don’t make any mistakes.”

"Prime Minister, please rest assured. When the city is here, people will be there, and when the city is gone, people will perish." Xiahou Dun responded in a deep voice.


After some more instructions, Cao Cao asked Xiahou Dun to retreat and arrange the withdrawal.

Since Cao Cao raised his army, all the Xiahous of Cao Cao often went out with him on expeditions. The only ones who could stay at home were Xiahou Dun and others.

Although Xiahou Dun was not good at leading troops in battle, he was not bad in other aspects, and could even be said to be outstanding in some parts.He is a frugal person, and if he has any extra money, he will share it with his subordinates. He does not manage the property himself, but he can often do it himself in times of difficulty.

Cao Cao put Xiahou Dun in charge of Shouchun. Generally speaking, he valued Xiahou Dun's obedience and ability to win people's hearts, and used this characteristic to compete with Huo Jun.

As for the battle, Cao Cao did not expect Xiahou Dun to attack Hefei, and only asked him to defend the city and gather food and grass.After all, defensive warfare is far simpler than offensive warfare, and defending a city in defensive warfare is far simpler than attacking.

Huo Jun could not conquer Hefei, so he conquered Hefei through flooding, encirclement and reinforcements.Or maybe the two generals Guan Yu and Zhang Fei entered Shu and were blocked by Jiangzhou. They had no other choice but to fight against the city.

When everyone was far away, Sun Quan walked up to Cao Cao and said, "Wei Gong, I am returning to Xuchang in the north. I wonder how Xun Lingjun will deal with it?"

Since his return, Sun Quan experienced Chrysostom's great escape and gradually became Cao Cao's confidant.Perhaps because of King Wu of the Wei Dynasty, Sun Quan could often understand Cao Cao's deep meaning, allowing Cao Cao to use it extremely smoothly.

Cao Cao raised his eyebrows and asked, "How is your condition?"

"Stay behind closed doors!" Sun Quan replied.

"Have you eaten?"

Sun Quan lowered his eyes and replied: "You should not eat!"

"How can you not eat when you are sick?" Cao Cao said calmly.

Cao Cao put his hand on his belt and said: "Zhongmou, please visit Wen Ruo for the orphan, remember to bring a food box!"

Sun Quan's eyes flashed, and Cao Cao emphasized the pronunciation on the word "food box".

No food in the food box!

No Han Lu to eat?
Or let it die?

"Quan takes orders!" Sun Quan responded.


Cao Cao nodded with satisfaction and said, "You should only know your loyalty!"

(End of this chapter)

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