Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 328 Zhao Kuo is alive

Chapter 328 Zhao Kuo is alive
Xia Houyuan received Cao Cao's military order and sent troops from the four counties of Longxi, Hanchang, Wudu and Jincheng to conquer Hanzhong. There are generals Yang Fu, Yan Xing, Zhang He, Zhu Ling, Zhao Ang, etc. under the tent, with more than [-] soldiers. At that time, with General Zhang He and Prefect Yang Fu as the vanguard, they led an army of ten thousand people and attacked Ju County from Xia Bian.

Lu Xun heard that Zhang He and Yang Fu were the vanguards who went deep into Ju County. He led two generals, Yang Ang and Zong Yu, and ten thousand troops to send troops from Yangping Pass to fight against Zhang and Yang.

Qishan Road, Cao Jun's army.

Cao's army was like a long snake winding along the mountain road. The flags in the queue were buzzing, the infantry followed the flags with spears and spears, and the knights dismounted and walked away holding the reins.

Zhang He and Yang Fu stationed their horses on the hillside, overlooking the advancing army.

"Wei Gong led the army to supervise the battle in Chang'an. He ordered General Zilian to lead [-] troops to go south on the Tangluo Road and supervise generals such as Xu Huang, Cao Xiu, and Cao Zhen. Ma Mengqi led [-] troops to go to Baoxie Road to march into Hanzhong. . Now with the [-] troops and horses from Longyou, there will be [-] troops and horses at that time. Hanzhong can probably win this battle."

Cao Cao did not personally conquer Hanzhong. Due to the restriction of food and grass supply, he sent Ma Chao and Cao Hong to lead [-] elite troops to march south. He himself stayed in Chang'an and watched the war in Hanzhong and Gong'an.

After all, the Guanzhong of today is different from the Guanzhong of the future. It supplied Ma Chao to attack Hanzhong and Xiahou Yuan to take Longxi, so there was no more food left. Moreover, Guanzhong was in dilapidated state, and it had experienced the battles between Ma and Cao, making it even more withered.

The grain and grass for this expedition to Hanzhong were still mobilized from Hedong and Hebei, and the people of Guanzhong and Longxi were recruited and traveled hundreds of miles to supply [-] soldiers, which was barely enough. If a hundred thousand troops were to march into Hanzhong, the logistics would not be sufficient.

Zhang He was full of confidence and said to Yang Fu: "If we have to defeat Hanzhong, we should look south to Bashu. If we attack the enemy again, force Guan and Zhang to retreat, Bashu will be able to conquer it!"

Yang Fu held up the reins and said: "General, Yangping Pass is difficult to conquer. Han Sui raised his troops to attack it and died at the hands of Zhang Fei. Now Lu Xun is holding the city without fighting. If our army wants to take Hanzhong, we may need General Lai Zilian's troops."

Zhang He looked at the scouts galloping ahead and said, "According to the reports from the scouts, there are only [-] defenders in Hanzhong, most of whom are old and weak. Now that there are three armies coming together, it will be difficult for Lu Xun to hold on to Yangping Pass." also!"

The scout reined in his horse and reported: "General, Lu Xun led Yang Ren and Zong Yu to fight. There are about [-] soldiers and horses, and Wu Lan is ordered to guard Yangping Pass."

Zhang He was overjoyed and said, "Lu Xun led his troops to fight. Is the report true?"

"General, I don't dare to lie!" the scout said, "Lu Xun led his troops to Ju County. He probably wants to fight with our army."

"Ha ha!"

Zhang He stroked his beard and smiled and said: "The army is pressing down on the border. If Lu Xun defends Yangping Pass, although our army is large, it will not be easy to break the city due to the danger of Yangping Pass. Now Lu Xun does not want to defend the city walls, but instead leads his army to fight against our army. This is a blessing for our army!"

There was no room for Zhang He to be unhappy. How could he not know the dangers of Yangping Pass? If Lu Xun held on to the pass without fighting, Yangping Pass would still be difficult to conquer even if Xiahou Yuan led all Longxi troops to arrive. If we want to truly conquer Hanzhong, we probably need to rely on the two armies of Ma Chao and Cao Hong who march from Guanzhong.

Now Lu Xun abandoned the pass and led his troops to fight. Isn't this a stupid act? What is it?
If he can defeat Lu Xun, Yangping Pass will be destroyed without any attack. If Yangping Pass is broken, what else can Hanzhong rely on to stop his advance?
Yang Fu was a little worried and said: "Although Lu Xun is a Confucian scholar, he is respected by Liu Bei, so he is not an unscrupulous person. I am afraid that this battle is to weaken the power of our army in order to consolidate the hearts of the people."

Zhang He smiled and did not take it seriously and said: "Liu Bei is thinking about Bashu, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu are marching westward to Chengdu, and there are no generals available now. Lu Xun may have the ability to manage politics, but when it comes to military use, he is really a Confucian scholar!"

"At the beginning of the Hanzhong period, the people's hearts are unstable. Most of the soldiers and horses in Hanzhong are Zhang Lu's soldiers. Now that we are raising troops to fight, can the sergeants fight to the death for Lu Xun?"

"To defeat the enemy's front, you need to select elite troops to fight and strive to defeat the enemy. However, Lu Xun was worried about Yang Ang's surrender, so he left Wu Lan to defend the city and led his own troops into battle. With this arrangement, can we defeat our army?"

In Zhang He's eyes, Lu Xun's chess move was too bad. If he wanted to imitate Zhang Liao's method of defeating the enemy's troops, he should select sharp soldiers and strike hard. However, Lu Xun learned a different lesson. He was worried about Yang Ang becoming a surrendered general and did not dare to let him guard his home, so he asked his general Wu Lan to stay in the city. With this arrangement, the generals who should go to war will stay at home, and those who should not go to war will go to war instead.

Could it be that Lu Xun thought he could defeat Yang Ang with these surrendered soldiers?

It is undoubtedly an idiot's dream. When it is time to defend the city, he chooses to go to war instead of defending the city; when he should choose generals and sharp soldiers to go to war, he lets the generals defend the city.

He doesn't know himself or the enemy, he's just talking about war on paper!

Zhang He and Yang Fu looked at each other and felt that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Yang Fu pondered for a while and said: "General, Lu Xun's troops have left Yangping Pass and are now camping on the Han River, not far from our army. Since Lu Xun wants to fight our army, we must not miss the opportunity now. Our army should advance quickly. To prevent Lu Xun from leading his army to retreat to Yangping Pass."

Zhang He nodded slightly and said with a smile: "The general and I will defeat Lu Xun's troops first, and then attack Yangping Pass. When Hanzhong is defeated, you and I should be the first to succeed!"


Not to mention that two generals, Zhang He and Yang Fu, led their troops and rushed to Ju County, hoping to fight Lu Xun.

Lu Xun, who was on the west bank of the Han River, heard that Generals Zhang He and Yang Fu were coming with their troops. He led the generals and more than a hundred Qingqi to cross the Han River and observed the terrain of the battlefield on the east bank of the river.

The Han River has three sources: the north, the middle and the south. They are distributed as Yangshui, Jushui and Yudaishui. When the three waters gathered together and flowed through Hanzhong, they were first called Hanshui. After leaving Yangpingguan and walking towards Juxian, this Han River can be called Jushui. The Jushui River flows out from the Qinling Mountains and passes through the ravines of the mountains. Ju County (now Lueyang County) is located on the bank of the Jushui River.

"In the early spring of this year, the river is gradually rising. Although it is not enough to provide natural danger, it can be used to control the enemy. General, why not camp on the east bank and rely on the river water to defend."

Yang Ang was quite worried and said: "In my opinion, it may be the best idea to stick to Yangping Pass. Cao Cao is in the pass now, and the general will be able to go south soon. The general is not in Hanzhong at that time, and I am afraid that Hanzhong will be in danger!"

Lu Xun was quite confident and said with a smile: "From Guanzhong to Hanzhong, the only major roads that can be traveled are Baoxie and Tangluo Road. Although Baoxie is easy to travel, Ma Chao burned the plank road. From then on, when the road goes south, the plank road must be built to pass. Tangluo Road , the road is far and dangerous, and the traffic is far less smooth than Baoxie."

"If Zhang and Yang are defeated now and the troops return to help Hanzhong, the enemy will still be fighting on the Shu Road."

"Defeat Zhang He?" The generals looked strange and began to whisper.

Zongxu looked worried and said: "General, Zhang He is a veteran general of Cao's army. He has joined forces with Yang Fu and has ten thousand soldiers. He is the vanguard of the enemy. We are fighting the enemy now. With the current troops of our army, it may be difficult to defeat him. Cao Jun resisted."

"If we don't defeat the enemy and win the victory now, and the soldiers are afraid of the enemy invaders, can they hold on to the city?"

Lu Xun put his hands behind his waist and pointed: "Although the five thousand cavalry under Zhang He's tent are elite, most of the troops and horses under Yang Fu's tent are Qiang. The Qiang army is loose in discipline and should be used. If we don't attack now, we will wait until Xia Houyuan gathers his troops." , can you win and defeat the enemy?"

There were 2 soldiers in Hanzhong, 1 of whom were old soldiers of Wu and Chu left behind by Zhang Fei, 5000 of whom were surrendered soldiers of Hanzhong under the command of Yang Ang, and the remaining [-] new soldiers who were recruited by Zong Yu from refugees and immigrants from Guanzhong. With such a coordinated military structure, people's hearts are likely to be unstable when faced with a powerful enemy attack.

This is why Lu Xun strives to defeat the enemy in battle, that is, to defeat the enemy's front and give his soldiers the confidence to fight. For defensive warfare, the confidence to hold on to the city is far more important than the number of soldiers and horses.

Seeing that everyone did not trust him, Lu Xun raised his whip to the east and said: "It is a taboo for military officers to not defend the city and raise troops to fight. Zhang He deceived me into a Confucian scholar, so he must be eager to win over our army. The enemy is eager to cross tomorrow." Water invites battle, and the enemy must fight. You should be able to defeat the enemy!"

Zhang He believed that Lu Xun had committed a serious military crime by abandoning the city and choosing to go out to fight in the field. But little did he know that Lu Xun also made Zhang He lower his guard and aroused Zhang He's desire to defeat him. After all, once Lu Xun is defeated, Hanzhong will be defeated easily.

"When fighting across the water, I'm afraid it will be difficult to defeat the enemy. I hope the general will think twice!" Yang Ang advised.

Lu Xun put his hand on the hilt of his sword and said sternly: "To defeat the enemy and win, right now, don't you say too much!"

"The generals have returned to camp to prepare for battle. Deyan is coming with me. I have important matters to tell you!"


The generals sighed and returned to the camp. It was obvious that they were deeply doubtful about Cao's army going to battle tomorrow.
Zhang He and Yang Fu were worried that Lu Xun would lead his troops back to Yangping Pass again, so they followed the troops and arrived not far from Jushui at night. They ordered their scouts to keep an eye on Lu Xun's troops on the river bank to prevent Lu Xun from withdrawing his troops overnight.

The next day, to everyone's surprise, Lu Xun took the initiative to lead his troops to attack and sent people to write a letter of challenge to Zhang He and invite him to fight.

In early spring, the water level in Jushui is not high, and one can cross the river by wading in the river. I saw Nan Bing, under the shouts of the general, crossing the Jushui River from the shallows, stepping on the river water that was submerged above his lower body.

The sergeants tried their best to prevent their weapons from getting wet by the river water, holding their spears, swords, shields, or bows and crossbows high as they marched hard in the river. Thousands of soldiers walked along, and the water in Ju was so turbid that the fish ran away in fright.

After several twists and turns, the Confederate sergeants landed on the beach with their lower bodies wet. Lu Xun was also driving his horse to the shore, commanding the sergeants to form an array near the water.

Lu Xun shouted at the top of his lungs: "Quickly form a formation and go down into the water to meet the enemy."

"Array with your back against the water?"

When Yang Ang received the order, his eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

Are you kidding yourself about forming an array with your back to the water? If you don't say it's a failure, let's just say that the water is trapped in the water. How can it be considered a dangerous situation to put one's life on the line?

Yang Ang immediately rode up to Lu Xun, half angry and half angry, and asked: "General, marching and fighting is no child's play!"

"The Marquis of Huaiyin arrayed himself against the water, but he still risked his life for the future; Huo Xuzhou arrayed himself against the water, and had boats and boats to support him. Now the general arrays himself near the water, what is his method?"

Yang Ang was even made to cry by Lu Xun. Before, he felt that although Lu Xun was a Confucian scholar, he was quite reliable. Now, when we form an array near the water, we really want to kill him!
They lined up with their backs against the water, risked their lives and lost their lives, and sent people to steal their homes. Aren't you afraid of being attacked by Zhang He when you are in formation now?
Feelings met the reincarnation of Zhao Kuo!
Lu Xun was furious and said: "As a general, you only need to obey the military orders. Xun has his own strategies to defeat the enemy."

Yang Ang wanted to cry but had no tears, so he could only follow Lu Xun's order and lead his troops into formation.

Such a scene was caught in Zhang He's eyes.

Zhang He stood on a high hill, laughed heartily, and said: "Lu Xunguo is a Confucian scholar. The water he encounters is not a deep river, but a shoal. If the former army crosses the river and attacks halfway, our army can win!"

When Zhang He saw Lu Xun taking the initiative to cross the water to the west bank, he thought it was a trick. But now that he saw Lu Xun like this, he really laughed to death.

Confucian scholars are indeed Confucian scholars. They seem to understand but not understand, and they are not very good in the art of war. If you can't learn Han Xin's waterfront formation, then you can learn from Huo Jun's waterfront formation.

Now Lu Xun is close to the water, but there is no way out. It's not like Huo Jun, who relied on the river water to form a moon formation, but made it look different.

Now he only had to charge forward with infantry to block Lu Xun's offensive. Behind the Confederate Army was the shallow Jushui, and there was a way to survive. The Confederate Army was bound to be defeated and flee.

Zhang He said to Yang Fu: "Lu Xun, a Confucian scholar, read the art of war roughly, crossed the water and formed a formation, trying to imitate Han and Huo. Now we are halfway across the river and attack. Our army will lead the infantry to press forward, and the cavalry will charge to the left and right. The army formation can be broken!" "

Yang Fu stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Lu Xun did not understand the art of war and violated the taboo of military strategists. He actually used this formation to treat the general. It would be a pity if our army did not attack him halfway!"

"Get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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