Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 33 Assembly

Chapter 33 Assembly (5k)

There is an ancient saying that ships in the south and horses in the north can be divided by the Han River in Jingzhou.To the north of the Han River, there are few rivers. For example, Huo Jun and Liu Bei went north to conquer the Central Plains, and they basically took the land route. To the south of the Han River, there were many rivers. Due to the convenient water transportation, they basically took waterways wherever they could.

Going south along the current, even though it was freezing cold, it was still fast.The journey from Xiangyang to Jingling was nearly a thousand miles, and with the delays on the way, we arrived at Jingling in only eight or nine days.

Not long after Huo Jun arrived at Jingling, towards the end of the year, he was the first to wait for the Five Hundred Bubu led by Huo Du.

In the camp tent, wine was boiling on the stove, and Huo Jun and Huo Du were sitting around the stove.

Huo Du took a sip of wine and asked: "On the eve of going north to Xiangyang, didn't Zhong Miao want to serve Liu Yuzhou? How come he is ordered by Xiangyang to be the captain and lead his troops to Jiangxia to strengthen the defense of Xiakou."

Huo Jun leaned close to Huo Du's ear and whispered: "Brother, Liu Yuzhou was trapped in Xinye. Under Jun's plan, he joined forces with his eldest son and sent troops to Jiangdong. We are going to Jiangxia now to investigate the military affairs of Jiangdong for the army. …”

"Zhong Miao has great tricks!" Huo Du said excitedly with his eyes widened: "I have been promoted from mayor to army officer and captain in the north for only nine months. If I go to Jiangdong and help Liu Yuzhou make achievements, wouldn't it be possible? Moved to Zhonglang General."

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, the position of general was important, and the position of general was not always occupied. Only when there was a war, he was called the general who commanded the troops. Therefore, the highest official position a military attaché could obtain was that of Zhonglang General.Lu Zhi, Huangfu Song, Dong Zhuo and others who conquered the Yellow Turban Uprising held the position of Zhonglang General.

However, with the chaotic times at the end of the Han Dynasty, in order to win over people's hearts, the number of official positions has been increasing. In the past, school captains, who were middle-level officers, are now only middle- and lower-level officers.

Huo Jun smiled at Huo Du's expectations. He hoped to become a general and a prefect before he was 30 years old.

Huo Jun took a sip of wine and said with a smile: "If I can really help Liu Yuzhou achieve great achievements, why would I do this? It is also possible to worship the general by then."

Huo Du took a breath. In his opinion, even Cai Mao, the previous governor of Nanjun, did not hold the position of general!

"That's true, I, the Huo family, are on the rise!" Huo Du exclaimed.

Huo Jun put down the wine bowl and asked with concern: "Brother led the soldiers to rush here. I wonder how the morale of the soldiers is now?"

Huo Du pondered for a while and said: "The prefectures and counties mobilized their troops in winter, and the brothers went to Jiangxia. I am a little dissatisfied. If I hadn't been working for you and my brothers, I'm afraid I would have complained."

Huo Jun nodded slightly and said in agreement: "The end of the year is approaching, the New Year's Day is approaching, and when the family should be reunited, they were transferred to Jiangxia to guard the border. How can I not feel resentful in my heart!"

This is the first problem Huo Jun needs to face after he takes charge of the army.

As mentioned before, Huo's and Gao's tribes do not belong to the regular army of Jingzhou.Their usual military supplies come from their own tribe, so Nanjun rarely dispatches them to fight.

Huo's tribe belongs to Huo Jun's own private army. There are no major problems in all aspects. At most, they will complain a few times because they can't celebrate the New Year at home.

But the Gao clan is different. Like the Huo clan, they are now transferred to Huo Jun and under his jurisdiction.Not only was he going to Jiangxia, but he was also deploying troops near the end of the year, so he was probably quite dissatisfied.Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been lingering for so long and still haven’t arrived at Jingling.

At the same time, putting himself in Gao Xiang's shoes, he would also wonder whether Huo Jun, as a school captain, would be able to handle a bowl of water equally.In running the army, he would favor his own clansmen and bully those with foreign surnames.

Thinking of this, Huo Jun understood in his heart and said: "Brother, take a look at what the brothers in the army are short of today. Make a note of it and then go to Jingling Market tomorrow and buy double the amount according to the number. You can't buy drinks. Just buy more food and clothing.”

"This..." Huo Du seemed to understand something and said, "Let's buy some for Gao Xiang and the others, right?"

Huo Jun picked up the wine pot, poured a bowl of hot wine for Huo Du with a smile, and said: "Now that I am in charge of the army, I will do whatever I want, regardless of distance or distance. If Jun is partial to my Huo clan, how can Gao Fenglu do it?" I will obey. Now I am going to Jiangxia to recruit troops. They are all from Nanjun and Township, and they should live in harmony."

With that said, Huo Jun offered a bowl of wine to Huo Du and said: "From tomorrow onwards, when the army meets, there will be no brothers and clansmen, only superiors and inferiors."

"Please rest assured, Zhongmiao!" Huo Du looked solemn, raised his bowl and said in return, "It concerns the future of my Huo family. Du must bear this in mind. We have no brothers in the army. We only act according to military orders."

After getting along with each other for so many years, Huo Jun has a general understanding of his brother's character. Perhaps because of his eldest brother, he has a sense of sacrifice before family interests or collective interests.

After knowing his brother's abilities, Huo Du was often willing to cooperate with him, instead of thinking that his brother could not save his face.


Two days later, Gao Xiang's troops finally arrived at the meeting point at Jingling.

The temporary assembly point is located in Jingling Campus, located in the open space in the southwest outside the city, and can accommodate the assembly of a thousand people.

The Gao family members carried weapons and pushed large and small carts in three rows, stretching for several hundred meters.Although the soldiers of Gao's tribe were dressed in civilian clothes, they were in good spirits and marched in a somewhat orderly manner, closely following the leading flag.

During the march, Gao Xiang led the Yizhou horse and walked slowly beside the queue, looking at the school grounds in the distance.

There are no horse-producing areas in Jingzhou and Yangzhou in the south. Only Yizhou in the west produces Yunnan horses because of Nanzhong.If Jingzhou wants to buy horses, the only place is Nanzhong.Although the Yizhou horses are short and not as good at fighting as the northern horses, they are at least still horses.

Gao Chen walked to Gao Xiang and said worriedly: "Brother, I'm so late. If I anger Huo Canjun, it might not be a good thing."

Gao Chen, also known as Yaohui, is Gao Xiang's cousin. He is quite powerful and is considered the second-largest figure in the Gao clan, helping Gao Xiang lead the army.

Gao Xiang laughed a few times and said, "Wouldn't it be nice if Huo Shenjun was really angered by us?"

"What do you mean, brother?" Gao Chen asked in confusion.

Gao Xiang looked at the school grounds that were getting closer and explained: "The warrant issued by Nanjun does not specify when it will arrive, so Huo Shenjun cannot punish us. If he is unhappy because of this, he is probably narrow-minded. People will generally not be fair in dealing with people in the future.”

"It's better to use this matter to see Huo Jun's face clearly. If you are close to the clan members, we can just obey him in the future. If the rewards and punishments are fair, we can also listen to him."

Gao Chenruo nodded. He understood what his cousin was thinking. He wanted to test Huo Shenjun.


When they arrived about half a mile outside the school grounds, two cavalrymen galloped out, intercepted Gao Xiang's men, and shouted loudly: "Who are you waiting for? Do you have military orders?"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang had a look of surprise on his face. He did not expect that Huo Shenjun would have scouts in his own territory.And this scout actually has horses. You must know that there is an extreme shortage of horses in the south.

If Huo Jun knew what Gao Xiang said, he would also complain a few words.There are only six horses in the whole army, two are for scouts and one is for Huo Du.The remaining three horses will be traced back to Liu Bei, one each for Chen Dao and his subordinates, and one for Liu Bei.

Gao Xiang got on his horse, drove forward, and replied: "I am Gao Xiang, the commander of another department. I am following Liu Jingzhou's military order to reinforce Jiangxia, and I am under the command of Huo Shen's army."

The two sides checked the documents, and the cavalrymen returned to report to the camp.After a while, he turned back and invited Gao Xiang's troops to enter the camp.

When Gao Xiang's troops entered the school grounds, they were attracted by the scene in the camp.About [-] soldiers were practicing military formations. Shielders, spearmen, and archers each performed their duties. Under the command of the order flag, with the corps commanders and chiefs as the core, the formations were rapidly changed.

Huo Du on the high platform waved the flag in his hand and danced towards the camp gate.

In a moment, the military formation adjusted its direction. The sergeants in the front row held shields and the sergeants in the rear held spears. The entire military formation looked like a hedgehog.Accompanied by the sound of neat drums, the soldiers moved forward steadily and vigorously.


Suddenly, the soldiers' shouts of killing shook the sky, like a landslide and a tsunami. Their passionate sounds pierced the eardrums of Gao Xiang, Gao Chen and others.The timid person in Gao's Trilogy subconsciously took a few steps back, as if there was a devouring beast ahead.

Gao Chen leaned back, took a breath of cold air, and said, "Brother, the Huo family Qu Xiongwu is not just a lie."

Gao Xiang held his sword tightly and said: "It seems that the military formation is more strict than the last Nanjun military parade."

A year ago, Cai Mao summoned powerful troops from all over the country to review in Jiangling, and Gao Xiang also participated.At that review ceremony, Gao Xiang's team was evaluated as the middle one, while Huo's team was rated as the champion because of Xu Xingru Lin's well-organized lineup.

At that time, Gao Xiang lamented the strictness of Huo's Trilogy. Today, after meeting again after a year, he found that the momentum and eliteness of Huo's Trilogy were even better than in the past.

Huo Du on the high platform saw that the effect had been achieved, so he waved the command flag and ordered the soldiers to disperse into a loose formation.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, and Gao Xiang followed the sound and saw a general and his attendants walking towards him.

When he got closer, Gao Xiang realized that the way he was dressed was different from that of any general in the Han Dynasty. He looked like Zhongjia but not like Zhongjia. In the past, Zhongjia used outer robes to cover his iron armor.But the general in front of him had his wide sleeves folded down from the right fold and covered with armor. One arm was exposed with arm armor and one arm was wrapped in an embroidered robe.

Such an appearance not only gives a sense of bravery, but also maintains an elegant style. It covers up the excessive murderousness of the armor and brings toughness to the frail robes.Coupled with the heroic face, it is really amazing!
And no one else but Huo Jun could dress up like this.After taking command of the soldiers, Huo Jun brought his favorite Song Dynasty Zhongjia costumes to the Han Dynasty. "join the army!"

When Gao Xiang heard the soldiers' shouts, he knew that the person in front of him was the Huo Canjun he mentioned.

"Xiang meets Huo Canjun!" Gao Xiang saluted.

Huo Jun helped Gao Xiang up and said with a smile: "The Gaobei tribe is going hard in the cold weather. Jun has ordered the soldiers to cook warm soup and let the other tribe's men rest."

Gao Xiang felt guilty when he saw that Huo Jun didn't care about his late arrival and his attitude was so gentle. He said, "Xiang and his troops arrived late. Please join the army to blame!"

Huo Jun held his sword and said: "Since you haven't joined the army, you can't say you are guilty. From now on, you can just obey the military orders. If you miss the deadline in the future, you will be dealt with according to military laws. Other departments need to warn their subordinates not to violate military regulations."

The failure of military law in the Han Dynasty should be punished with death!
"No!" Gao Xiang responded with his spirits up.

After being given a sweet date and a slap in the face, Gao Xiang did not dare to underestimate Huo Canjun.

After the two separated, Gao Xiang, led by the sergeant, came to the low and dilapidated house where they lived.

The house has been built for a long time, and there are potholes everywhere. The roof is covered with thatch. It is not known whether it will be swept away by the strong wind.However, as a Sima of another department, Gao Xiang's residence is better, at least he doesn't have to live with others.

Just when Gao Xiang entered the house, Gao Chen came over again and said, "Brother, Huo joining the army is very good!"


Gao Chen explained: "I walked around and found that although the appearance of our house is shabby, the inside is clean and has been cleaned by Huo Shenjun. I just ordered people to bring food and clothing, and I plan to go on a long trip at the end of the year. It’s very difficult, so let the soldiers go and take it.”

Gao Xiang looked at the furnishings of the wooden house where he lived and sighed: "Xiang has the heart of a villain and thinks of the behavior of a gentleman."

He thought he was related to another department and Huo Jun ordered people to clean it, but unexpectedly he also cleaned other houses, which made him even more embarrassed.

"Brothers, please stay calm and don't make trouble. Since Huo Canjun sincerely treats me, we must not disrespect him." Gao Xiang warned Gao Chen.



Jingling goes southeast, goes straight down the Han River, passes through Yunmeng Daze, and then reaches Xiakou.

Yunmeng Daze has been shrinking since ancient times, and the exposed land has gradually been occupied by people.For example, in the Western Han Dynasty, Jingling and Huarong counties were first established, and Yunmengze was located to the south of the two counties. By the Eastern Han Dynasty, it had moved to the southeast of Huarong. Due to the accumulation of sediment, a swamp was formed, making the road muddy and difficult to navigate.

The fleet carrying thousands of people just went down the river.

The river wind howled, Huo Jun stood on the deck with his sword in his hand, blowing his sleeves, and his embroidered robes rustled, revealing the armor on his chest. He was so heroic that anyone who saw him couldn't help but praise him.


Huo Jun rubbed his nose. The wind in winter was so cold. He should have put on a coat.But ordinary outer robes don't match my outfit, and I need a big cloak to fit.

Looking at the vast Yunmeng Daze, Huo Jun stepped off the bow and asked, "Are we almost to Wulin?"

A sailor in his fifties held onto the ship's wall, pointed to the far southwest of Yunmengze, and shouted: "Join the army, there is Wulin, and not far from Wulin is Red Cliff."

Huo Jun looked away and saw that the lake was completely white, and the so-called Wulin was extremely small, like a black spot.

"Will the southeast wind blow here in winter?" Huo Jun shouted.

The old sailor pinched his fingers and said: "There is a southeast wind in winter, but it is at night, not during the day."

Huo Jun walked on the ups and downs of the deck as if walking on flat ground, walked up to the old man, pointed to the mountains in the southwest, and asked: "What mountain is that?"

"If you want to join the army, it's Tianyue Mountain. The mountain is steep and difficult to climb." The old sailor replied again.


Huo Jun wandered on the deck for a long time, and was blown back into the cabin by the cold river wind.

There is a price for being cool. In the winter, the armor is cold, and the river breeze blows, and the cold air penetrates to the bone marrow.

Back in the cabin, Huo Jun took a cloak and wrapped himself up.

Huo Du appropriately handed over a cup of warm tea and asked, "Why does Zhong Miao care so much about the terrain around Yunmengze?"

Huo Jun warmed up his body and said, "Now that Jiangxia is using troops to fight, how can we not know the terrain?"

After a pause, Huo Jun asked: "How are the soldiers under Gao Fenglu's command these days?"

Huo Du pondered for a while and said: "The sergeant under Feng Lu's tent is quite respectful and has not violated any discipline."

"Very good!"

By advocating force and offering favors, Gao Xiang and his tribe have been quite cooperative since joining the army.

However, Huo Jun had dirty thoughts in his heart. He hoped that some members of the Gao clan would take the opportunity to become arrogant because of his kindness. He could punish them by relying on military law and standing on the moral high ground, thus establishing his authority with both kindness and power.


However, the cooperation of Gao Xiang's troops is not unacceptable. After all, both parties are from Nanjun. After arriving in Jiangxia, they can still follow their own military orders.Then using your own methods, it shouldn't be a problem to slowly convince them.

Huo Du saw Huo Jun who picked up the structural diagram of the ship again and asked, "Why is Zhongmiao studying ships?"

"See if there is any improvement?" Huo Jun replied casually.

Huo Jun lived by the sea in his previous life. In Fujian, a country with many harbors, the young man often took a diesel boat from one end of the country to the other side of the sea in order to travel.We are still accustomed to boating and swimming.Because his family was engaged in shipbuilding, he was interested in knowing a little about ancient ships.

During the Qin and Han Dynasties, ships had not yet reached their future perfection and were in the development stage of inland river wooden boats.Even the kind of building ship that astonished the ancients was only an enlarged version of a wooden ship. The keel had not been invented yet, and there was no watertight cabin. The V-bottomed wave-breaking ship type had not yet appeared, so the current ships are all flat-bottomed with shallow drafts. type ship.

Once a flat-bottomed boat encounters strong winds and waves, it will easily overturn due to center of gravity issues. This is also the reason why the large-scale boats built by Cao Pi and Sun Quan have overturned.

According to Huo Jun's understanding over the years, water warfare in the Han Dynasty was basically a long-distance bow and arrow battle, or a side-to-side battle close to the hull.

As for why there is no collision battle like in the Western European Mediterranean, the reason is very simple, because one is the Mediterranean and the other is the Yangtze River, which are affected by objective conditions.

The main requirement for supporting angle collision operations is how much impact the wind and water flow from the outside can bring to the hull.Inland rivers are no better than those in the Mediterranean. In most cases, the external power provided to the ship cannot be that sufficient.

Of course, it's not that there are no collision battles, it just exists in a few waterways, and it's upstream versus downstream.The upstream can take advantage of the narrow water channel and fast water flow to launch ramming operations against ships downstream.

When an upstream vessel that already has a unilateral advantage faces a downstream vessel that is unable to fight back, it naturally does not need the special collision angle in the Mediterranean.Downstream ships cannot hit upstream ships, so there is naturally a lack of demand for this.

Different water conditions create different tools, and the Mediterranean invented the collision angle.During the Spring and Autumn Period in China, the Chu State invented the hook specifically for boarding battles.

Hook and reject, those who are retreating will be hooked, and those who are advancing will be rejected.

Western Europe and East Asia have different objective environments, which have resulted in different weapons and equipment.

([-]-in-[-], gone at night)
(End of this chapter)

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