Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 332 Forbidden to call Huo Du

Chapter 332 Forbidden to call Huo Du
Chang'an, the state capital.

"Wei Gong, this is the defense plan for Hanzhong submitted by Du Hujun. General Zilian and General Meng Qi built equipment to besiege Mianyang City; General Zhengxi crossed the Han River and occupied the dangerous strategic points south of Hanhan."

Yang Xiu handed the defense plan drawn by Du Xi to Cao Cao's desk and said, "General Zhengxi told Zhang He that he followed Lu Xun's strategy and was attacked by the enemy. The elite vanguard was completely destroyed. Do you want to order punishment?"

Cao Cao spread out the map on the desk and said, "This is not Zhang He's fault. Lu Xun was very cunning and scheming. He showed himself to be a Confucian scholar. Zhang He is understandable for underestimating the enemy's defeat. Moreover, victory and defeat are common matters for military strategists. How can he be blamed for this? If you are defeated once, you will be punished by being imprisoned. Doesn't this depress the soldier's heart?"


As he spoke, Cao Cao carefully browsed the defense map of Hanzhong and said with emotion: "Lu Xun is an extraordinary person. He can choose the two cities of Mianyang and Chenggu to defend, echo from the east to the west, and seize the key points of the grain road. At that time, the enemy invaders entered Hannan, which was detrimental to the enemy. I also!"

"Wu Chu is so handsome!"

"Liu Bei has chosen a good son-in-law!"

Sima Yi suggested: "Wei Gong, Lu Xun is holding on to Mianyang. He wants to hold on and wait for reinforcements. If we can cut off the reinforcements now. Unexpectedly, after a long time, Mianyang's people will be distracted, and it will be under the control of our army."

Cao Cao stroked his beard and said, "The arrangement of Guan Miaocai's army camp is just as you said, to prevent the enemy's troops from aiding Hanzhong from the north. I wonder who Liu Bei will use as his general to aid Hanzhong from the north?"

Yang Xiu replied: "I am reporting to Wei Gong that according to reports from Hanzhong, Liu Bei ordered Gan Ning to lead his troops to the north for reinforcements, and the General of the Expedition to the West sent General Jun Yi to lead his troops to defend the south. Now Gan Ning is blocked on the Micang Mountain Road."

"Gan Ning?"

Cao Cao pondered for a while and said: "Gan Xing fights bravely and domineeringly, but he is not known for his generals. Now that Liu Bei has sent Gan Ning north, it can be seen that in order to seize the land of Shu, there are no generals available in his army!"

Cao Cao and Liu Zhang still communicated with each other and heard about the internal war in Bashu. Knowing that Liu Bei also sent Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun into Shu, together with generals Guan and Zhang, they divided their troops into three groups and took Chengdu directly.

After a pause, the suspicious Cao Cao asked, "Where is Huo Jun now?"

"According to reports from Jianghuai, Huo Jun seems to have returned to Wuhan to recuperate. And according to Xiangfan battle reports, Huo Jun accompanied Liu Bei to the north of the Yangtze River in person to gather soldiers from Jianghan and serve as a filial son to the general." Yang Xiuhui reported.

"Supervise the police?"

Cao Cao thought about whether there was any lie in it.

After much deliberation, Yang Xiu said: "Liu Bei sent all his troops to seize Shu, and Jianghan was empty. He was afraid that Wuhan would not be saved, so he left Huo Jun to supervise the battle in Jianghan."

Liu Bei and Huo Jun met. In order to make Cao Cao make a wrong judgment on the Hanzhong battlefield, Liu Bei threatened Huo Jun to follow him to supervise the battle in Jiangbei. Huo Jun was not on the Jianghan battlefield, but entered Bashu from the west and hid behind Ganning.

Huo Jun is on the Jianghan battlefield, and Gan Ning is aiding Hanzhong from the north. There is not much problem with this arrangement.

First of all, Huo Jun is from Chu, and he personally supervised the construction of Gong'an City; secondly, Wu and Chu's mobile troops moved in from the west, and Jianghan was mostly empty. For the sake of safety, it was normal for Liu Bei to let Huo Jun accompany him to supervise the battle in Jianghan; finally, Huo Jun has relied on the navy to fight for many years and does not understand the geography of Bashu.

On the other hand, Gan Ning was a general who was familiar with the geography of Badi. Apart from Zhang Fei, Liu Bei's only other general was Gan Ning. It seems reasonable that Zhang Fei takes Chengdu and Gan Ning aids Hanzhong from the north!

Cao Cao stroked his beard and said: "Let Zixiao be more careful to avoid falling into the enemy's plot."


Sun Quan squeezed in front of Cao Cao's case and said: "Wei Gong, the general who conquers the west has a strong temperament. Gan Ning may use tricks to lure him into battle to defeat our army and advance to Hannan. We must be prepared for this."

Cao Cao held the cup of tea, considered it for a long time, and said: "What Zhongmou said is reasonable. Now the power of Hanzhong is with me and not with the enemy. The most important thing for talented people to use troops is to secure Hannan. When Mianyang City is defeated, Hanzhong will be our army." What he did.”

After saying that, Cao Cao put down the tea cup and said: "I wrote a letter to the talented person, so I gave you some advice."

Picking up his pen, Cao Cao wrote a letter on his scarf, telling Xia Houyuan to just hold on to Hannan and not to rush into battle.

"Send this letter to Hanzhong quickly!"


Cao Cao put his pen down on his desk and asked, "How is the deployment of military rations and equipment today?"

"I have reported to the Duke of Wei that all the baggage from the east of the river has been collected. The grain and grass from Henan have also entered Guanzhong from the west of the river. They were first stored in Chencang. Then they took the Chencang Road and merged into the Qishan Road. They traveled eastward along the Han River and transported it into Hanzhong."

Yang Xiu hesitated for a while and then said: "It's just that the governor Wei is not feeling well and it is difficult to manage the affairs. It is necessary to select another talented person to take up the position of governor."

Cao Cao thought for a while and then said: "Since Dong Zhuo's rebellion, the northwest is no longer part of the Central Plains. Although Guanzhong and Longyou were incorporated into China, several counties in the northwest and the western regions are still ruled by rebels. Liangzhou It’s hard to call Liangzhou.”

"Today, according to the governance of Jiuzhou, the counties from Sanfu to the Western Regions should be classified into Yongzhou, and wise men should be selected as governors of Yongzhou."

After Cao Cao was proclaimed Duke, in the name of respecting Yu's legacy, he restored the thirteen states of Han Dynasty to Jiuzhou, abolished Liangzhou and established Yongzhou, merged Youzhou and Yuzhou into Jizhou, and abolished Jiaozhou and reorganized it into Jingzhou and Yizhou. .

Cao Cao's move was called to admire the ancient system and restore Kyushu, but in fact it was to strengthen his base. In the name of Wei Gong, he also led Jizhou Mu, and the land in Hebei became completely owned by his Cao family.

"Where is Zhang Derong?" Cao Cao shouted.

"Chen is here!"

Zhang stood out from the crowd and responded.

Cao Cao showed a smile and said: "In the past, when there was great chaos in Guanzhong, you worked hard for the country. I want to show you that I am the governor of Yongzhou to govern the land of Guanxi."

Zhang was overjoyed, raised his hands and said, "How dare you not serve Duke Wei to the death?"

"Returning home in fine clothes, that's all. I hope you will support me." Cao Cao said comfortingly.

"Thank you, Duke Wei!"

After Zhang Ji retreated, Cao Cao said, "Where is Zhao Yan?"

"Chen is here!"

"Gu ordered you to lead the second battalion of soldiers to station in Chencang and supervise the protection of the grain road. Wait for orders from Gu's army in preparation for the southern expedition."

Bazhong, Xuanhan County.

In spring, everything revives, there are no clouds in the sky, and the wind is refreshing.

The Badi Mountains are continuous and the trees are lush and green. The sunlight passes through the trees and turns into spots, and the light and shadow flow.


Huo Jun rested his hands on the tree trunk, breathing heavily and already sweating profusely.

After parting with Zhuge Liang, he went northward from Jiangzhou up the Qujiang River. When he arrived at Danqu River in Brazil, he did not take the Danqu River to go northward and met Gan Ning at Micang Road. Instead, they took Bu Cao River and went deep into Xuanhan County, the hinterland of Bazhong.

Before entering Jiangzhou to meet Zhuge Liang, he had ordered Chen Dao and Zhang Lu to go deep into Bazhong to recruit soldiers living among the high mountains and ridges of Bazhong. Today, Huo Jun, led by Yan Pu, joins Chen Dao and Zhang Lu.

However, Huo Jun suffered a lot from disembarking from the Cao River and traveling through the mountain road. Bazhong is almost entirely mountainous, and the mountains are steep and difficult to walk on.

But according to Yan Pu, the mountains in Bazhong are not that steep compared with the mountains outside Hanzhong.

Yan Pu leaned on his crutch, pointed to the mountain road going down, and said: "Huo Du, this road goes down to Xuanhan County. Tianshi and General Chen should be waiting for us in the city."

Huo Jun looked at the narrow mountain road going down the mountain, his knees couldn't help but feel weak, so he had to grit his teeth and go down the mountain with a wooden stick.

Slowly walking down the mountain road, I don't know how long it took before I saw the city of Xuanhan County (Dazhou City) located in the river valley. When they first arrived at the foot of the mountain, Chen Dao and Zhang Lu led dozens of guards to greet them.

"I've met Huo Du!" Chen Dao and Zhang Lu saluted.

While talking, Zhang Lu asked his men to carry the bamboo sedan and asked Huo Jun to get on the sedan.

"The mountain road is rugged. Huo Du has just arrived in Badi. He may be very tired, so he can take a bamboo sedan to rest."

Huo Jun waved his hand and refused: "You are so strong, why do you need a bamboo sedan?"

"Have you revealed my name?"

Zhang Lu shook his head and said: "Since entering Bazhong, Lu told the leaders of the Jin people that General Naigan was recruiting troops, not Huo Du."


"From now on, it is forbidden to call someone Huo Du in the army. He should be called a general."

Huo Jun leaned on a wooden stick and asked, "Zhang Tianshi has been in Bazhong for many days. I wonder if the Bazhong people have led troops to help?"

Zhang Lu walked with Huo Jun and said: "Since I entered Bazhong, I have followed the general's words and written letters to Du Yi, Pu Hu and other seven princes, ordering them to send elite troops to attack Han Xuan. At this time, everyone responded, each one There are hundreds of strong soldiers in the Fa Department, and there are about two thousand people to help them, many of them are brave and good at fighting."

"Is this enough? If not, I can recruit thousands more for the general."

Huo Jun pondered for a while and said: "Since the Han Dynasty has entered Hanzhong, the mountain roads must be thousands of miles long and rugged, and the supply of food and grass is inconvenient. Today's soldiers rely on elites rather than large numbers. When fighting with the upper hand, even a thousand elites can defeat an army of ten thousand. "

"I would like to invite those who are familiar with the geography of Han and Ba to meet me!"


No matter how much future generations complain about the princes who can separate one side of the Three Kingdoms, they will always be outstanding people in the world.

Even Zhang Lu, who occupied Hanzhong, had extraordinary abilities. He practiced the Five Dou Rice Cult, not only in Hanzhong, but also in Bazhong, which was not attracting attention.

Bazhong is located between high mountains and ridges, and is full of barbarians and barbarians. It is far less wealthy than Hanzhong. However, the Mi people were far better at fighting than ordinary soldiers. The Eastern Han Dynasty court conscripted the Mi people several times to fight for the country, such as conquering the Qiang people in Longxi, or conquering the barbarians in the south. Wherever they passed, there were many bandits and bandits, so they were called Yizhou's soldiers.

Zhang Lu relied on the Five Pecks of Rice religion to win over the people's hearts and drive them for himself. He provided grain from Hanzhong and guarded the Shu Road. He not only withstood Liu Zhang's several counterattacks, but was also able to push back.

Historically, the core reason why Cao Cao was able to move the people of Han and Ba was that he got Zhang Lu, otherwise no one would be willing to follow Cao Cao all the way to Guanzhong.

Zhang He led his troops deep into Badi and was able to relocate the people, and Zhang Lu was the key to it.

Under religious rule, Zhang Lu had terrifying appeal. So much so that after Zhang Lu was captured by Zhang Fei, he was quickly sent to Wuhan to avoid a resurgence.

Now Hanzhong is under attack, and Zhang Lu is living idle in Wuhan. Huo Jun will use his prestige to recruit Bazhong, recruit people to join the army, and provide food and grass for the people.

Of course, when Zhang Lu entered Bazhong, how could Huo Jun not take precautions in case something unexpected happened, so he sent Chen Dao to accompany him to take care of him. When the mission is over, he will be escorted back to Jiangzhou by a special person.

When he arrived at the county government office, Huo Jun sat down on the couch to rest without any hesitation.

After a while, a young officer with dark skin and thin body was led into the hall by his attendants.

Seeing this person entering the hall, Zhang Lu introduced him and said: "General, this is General Wang Ping. He is well versed in the geography of the Han River. He has the topography of Han and Ba in his mind. If the general wants to save Hanzhong, he should consult us about the geography. Yu Wangping.”

Although Wang Ping is a Tibetan, he is not a barbarian by birth, but a Sinicized Tibetan. He looked and dressed like a Han Chinese. If not for what Zhang Lu said, outsiders wouldn't be able to tell that he was a Han from his appearance.

Of course, from the silk cloth Wang Ping wears, it can still be seen that he is not a serious Han Chinese.

Wang Ping saw Huo Jun sitting on the couch with a respectful look on his face. He saluted solemnly and said, "Wang Ping, every prince has met the general."

Huo Jun looked at Wang Ping for a long time and asked: "Since Zijun dares to say that he is well versed in the geography of the Han River, how can he know the geography of Dingjun Mountain?"

Wang Ping lowered his head and replied: "Dingjun Mountain is located south of the Han River. If you camp on Dingjun Mountain, you can see Mianyang and Yangping Pass. The detailed location of Dingjun Mountain can be drawn by Ping for the general. On the silk."


Huo Jun was quite satisfied and asked: "Why does Zijun know the terrain of Han River so well?"

Wang Ping's face straightened slightly, he cupped his hands and said, "General Qi, I am fortunate to have a young leader. All the mountains and rivers and terrains I have seen can be remembered in my mind. If I see them more often, I will never forget them."


Huo Jun nodded slightly and praised: "There are few people in the world who can understand the beauty of mountains and rivers. After several years of experience in the army, it can be of great use!"

"Thank you for your appreciation, General!" Wang Ping said, feeling flattered.

Among the famous generals of the Three Kingdoms, the person with the lowest background may be none other than Wang Ping.

Born in a barbarian family, the boy's family was so poor that he had to take his mother's surname. When he grew up, he changed his surname to Wang. Because he is poor and a barbarian, he knows his words, but he does not know his words.

Fortunately, the world was in troubled times, and he had military talent. He knew a thing or two about landscapes and geography, and he was able to advance successfully in the army.

Of course, the key lies in Bole. If Zhuge Liang hadn't appreciated Wang Ping, he probably wouldn't have been able to get ahead in his life. After all, just his status as a barbarian restricted him.

Huo Jun pondered for a while and asked: "How many troops and horses do we have today? Do we have a general?"

"There are about two thousand people, all of whom are elite and good soldiers from the seven tribes of the Jin people. There is no general." Wang Ping replied: "If the general feels that there are few soldiers, Ping is willing to return to his tribe to recruit troops for the general."

"We have enough soldiers and horses!"

Huo Jun waved his hand and said: "Today the army has no master. I will appoint you as a false captain to take charge of seven tribes of soldiers. You will be limited to seven days to strictly observe military discipline. If you fail within seven days, you will be dismissed as a captain. job."

"No!" Wang Ping responded with a serious face.

After Wang Ping retreated, Chen Dao asked: "General, the troops are in Bazhong now. I don't know when they will join General Xingba to assist Hanzhong?"

Huo Jun raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile: "Did you ever say that you would meet up with General Xingba?"


Chen Dao showed a worried look on his face and said: "Cao's army entered Hanzhong and did not join forces with General Xingba. Even if there are people to help, with the current strength of the army, it will be difficult to solve the difficulties in Hanzhong. Moreover, if the news from Hanzhong is cut off for a long time, I am afraid that people will If it falters, the city will be difficult to defend.”

"Not urgent!"

Huo Jun was confident and said: "Bo Yan has always had military strategies. If we retreat to the city, we must have a good strategy to deal with it. Although military tactics require speed, it is better to choose the right time to advance. Now we will station troops here and order scouts to investigate the enemy's situation in detail."

"In the next few days, my uncle will be able to go to the Jin people's army and help Prince Jun organize the army. The people of Jin are good at running in the mountains and are familiar with the terrain of Han and Ba. It is indispensable."


Seeing that Huo Jun had his own countermeasures, Chen Dao did not dare to say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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