Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 344 Food Road

Chapter 344 Food Road
  In May, Chencang.

It was getting slightly brighter, and Zhao Yan got up early to say goodbye to Zhang Ji, preparing to escort the grain and grass to Hanzhong.

"The war in Hanzhong is tense. Yan should rush to the grain team to protect the grain road. Zhang Yongzhou should be busy with the food and grass for the army." Zhao Yan said goodbye with his hands in hand.

Zhang Ji hesitated a little and reminded: "Boran, the people are far away doing corvées. I see that they all look uneasy. Boran should comfort them, lest the people riot and cut off the food routes, and the army retreats due to lack of food."

Zhao Yan frowned and sighed slightly, and said: "The people are worried, and Yan Duo is aware of it. The war in Hanzhong lasted for a long time, and Wei Gong personally invaded Hanzhong. The army is in short supply. It is inevitable for the people to leave their hometowns and miss their hometown for a long time!"

Since Xia Houyuan entered Hanzhong, civilians have escorted grain and grass to Hanzhong. The journey is long, and many civilians are squeezed. Now that Cao Cao has entered Hanzhong, soldiers, horses, money and food have consumed more money, and the burden on the people has become heavier. In this case, it is very easy to cause rebellion among the people. After all, this kind of thing is commonplace under Cao Cao's rule.

However, people tend to come to whatever they are afraid of. The attendants walked into the hall and said urgently: "Guard Army, yesterday the civilians who went ahead caused a commotion in Sanguan Post. General Niu led a thousand people to suppress it. I don't know what the situation is today!"


Zhao Yan's face changed greatly and he said: "There are ten thousand people when transporting grain. If there is a rebellion, how can General Niu with thousands of people deal with it?"

After a little hesitation, Zhao Yan said: "I ordered the hundreds of soldiers under my account to set off immediately and rush to Sanguanyi to suppress the civil uprising!"

Seeing this, Zhang Ji stopped Zhao Yan and advised: "You only have a hundred soldiers in your tent, and General Niu has a thousand people in your tent. If you can't suppress them with a thousand people, it will be useless for you to lead a hundred people to Sanguanyu. It's better to observe the situation in Chencang." , and then think about countermeasures.”

Zhao Yan shook his head and said: "There are tens of thousands of civilians in the front, coming from all over the country and not belonging to each other. There are few rebels and many hesitants. If something happens, it will be a chaos of thieves. Yan should go there personally to appease him, and he will be calmed down quickly. riot."

"As if he is a guard of the army, he is protecting the food and grass. If there is a loss of food and grass, it is hard to blame him. Wei Gong will definitely be angry."

As an army guard, Zhao Yan was responsible for logistics, food and road comfort. If something happened to the grain road, Cao Cao would definitely settle the score with him. It would be an advantage to him to remove him from his post, and he would definitely be killed as punishment.

Zhang Ji seemed to understand Zhao Yan's difficulties and said comfortingly: "What Bo Ran said is not unreasonable. Now that the people are in chaos, you can treat him kindly and leniently, absolve him of his guilt, and not investigate him. This may be safe."

"Thank you Yongzhou for reminding me, I will remember it carefully." Zhao Yan said.

Zhao Yan was cruel and often squeezed the people in order to complete the tasks of his superiors. For example, Cao Wei's policy on married women was originally intended to betroth widows to mature men to multiply the population, but in the hands of Zhao Yan, it changed.

When Du Ji governed Hedong, he was benevolent and caring for the people, combined strength and softness, and strictly followed the policy of married women. When Zhao Yan governed Hedong, he sent several times as many women as Du Ji.

Cao Pi then questioned Du Ji, who bluntly pointed out that the people he recorded were all the wives of the dead, while the ones Zhao Yan sent were the wives of the living. Such an answer revealed the darkness of Cao Wei's politics and made Cao Pi's face change drastically.

Zhang knew Zhao Yan's character, and in order to prevent the civil unrest from spreading, he specifically told Zhao Yan not to be so cruel. Of course Zhang knew it, but how could Zhao Yan not know that he already had a response strategy in mind.

Forty miles away, it might take a civilian man a day to carry provisions on his back, but Zhao Yan, who was marching lightly, only took half a day to get there.

By the time Zhao Yan arrived, the uprising had been suppressed by Niu Gai. Cao's soldiers led the rebels to the wilderness. There were more than a thousand people in number. Niu Gai was eager to try, as if he wanted to execute all the rebels.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Yan hurried to Niugai's side and said, "What does the general mean by this?"

When Niu Gai saw that it was Zhao Yan, he raised his hands and said, "To report to the army, the people of Luoyang rebelled. There were more than [-] followers. A certain man led his army to attack them and captured and killed more than a thousand people. I will behead the rebels and pass their heads to him." Everywhere, use your authority to impress the people so that they don’t dare to rebel.”

Zhao Yan looked at the people in the field and asked, "Why are the people in Luoyang rebelling, but the people in Hedong are not rebelling?"

Niu Gai rejoiced and said: "The people of Luoyang rebelled. Someone once called the people of Hedong to rebel. The people of Hedong said: 'Everyone is destined to die, and they dare not betray Du Hedong's kindness.' Therefore, the people of Hedong were content with their own affairs, but the people of Luoyang rebelled. Hit by the department."

Although Cao Wei had ruthless people like Zhao Yan and Cheng Yu, it also had good officials like Zhang Ji and Du Ji.

Counting the heads carefully, Zhao Yan said: "The people of Luoyang rebelled. Although the general has killed more than a thousand people and captured them, there must be thousands of people who have escaped. If the general kills all the rebels, thousands of people will definitely be in fear and live in seclusion in the mountains. The remaining people are civilians." Fear, this will be detrimental to food transportation."

Niugai's face straightened slightly and he said, "Please give me some instructions from the guard!"

Zhao Yan pointed at the crowd and said: "The people are ignorant, and you can win their hearts by giving small favors. Now you can kill the leader, and the rest will be exempted from their guilt. When the fugitives hear this, they will happily return to help our army transport food and grass." .”


Niu Gai hesitated a little and said, "I'm afraid Wei Gong will punish you for doing this!"

Zhao Yan stroked his beard and said: "I just use these words to temporarily appease the rebellious people. I will write a letter to Wei Gong. How will Wei Gong punish him?"

After saying that, Zhao Yan sneered and said: "When the grain and grass are transported to Hanzhong, with the army on the side, the rebellious people can be punished on the spot."

It must be said that Zhao Yan's plans are vicious and ruthless. However, such a person was highly valued by Cao Cao. In the battle of Chrysostom, the seven armies were protected; in the battle of Guanzhong, the twelve armies were protected; in the battle of Hanzhong, the grain road was protected.

"The guard is wise!" Niu Gai admired him.

The rebellion of the people transporting grain in Guanzhong was only a microcosm of the Battle of Hanzhong. Compared with Cao Jun, transporting food for the Southern Army was much easier.

At Huo Jun's suggestion, Zhang Lu called on the Five Dou Rice Sect to launch a holy war to defend the holy land of Hanzhong.

In response to the teachings of Zhuang Lu, people from all over the country took action to offer wine sacrifices. In just one month, [-] Han and Yi men and women in Badi were recruited to cross the rugged and difficult Micang Mountain Road to transport food for the Southern Army. More than [-] stones.

Those who win Zhang Lu will win the people of Hanba, and this is not just a lie. In history, when Cao Cao obtained Zhang Lu, he was able to move hundreds of thousands of Han and Ba people; now Liu Bei obtains Zhang Lu, he can obtain both people and land.

Although the Chencang civil uprising was suppressed, the news was brought to Hanzhong by messengers.


The drums were beaten by strong men and resounded on both sides of the river, urging Cao's soldiers to attack the mountain. However, no matter how passionate the drum beat was, it still could not stop the retreat of Sergeant Cao's soldiers.

Especially when the 'Liu' banner appeared behind Dingjun Mountain, the morale of all the Southern Army soldiers soared, almost suppressing Cao's soldiers. If Huo Jun hadn't stood still, it is estimated that Cao's soldiers would have been unable to hold on and would have been defeated!

"Bastard!" Cao Hong was furious when he saw his soldiers retreating, and tried to kill the retreating soldiers.

"Zi Lian must not act rashly!"

Cao Cao, who was standing on the chariot, scolded: "Liu Bei came to Hanzhong in person, and the enemy's morale has soared. How can we move lightly?"

"Duke Wei?"

Cao Hong showed resentment and said: "Our army cannot defeat the southern bandits. Liu Bei personally went to Hanzhong to supervise the battle. The morale of the enemy army has increased greatly. I am afraid that all the previous efforts have been wasted!"

"Let's call gold!"

Looking at the blurry flags on Dingjun Mountain, Cao Cao said melancholy: "The morale of our army has been exhausted. Huo Jun did not move his troops and waited for work, and won the victory due to the favorable location. Now Liu Bei is supervising the battle on the mountain. The morale of our army has increased greatly, and our army has lost harmony."


"Ding Ding!"

The sound of golden bells replaced the sound of drums. Cao's soldiers, who were wading through the river to attack the mountains, seemed to have heard the gospel and retreated slowly. They dared not stay in Hannan.

On Dingjun Mountain, watching the crowd retreat, Liu Bei smiled and said: "From now on, there will be Hanchuan alone!"

Huo Jun cupped his hands and said: "Cao Cao has been fighting for months, and his soldiers have suffered many casualties. My lord has come to Hanzhong to boost the morale of the army and impress Cao Cao. I have been blessed by my lord. Looking at the current situation, we will be exhausted and we will win. This battle will be won!"

"Ha ha!"

Looking at the small tide of Cao's army, Liu Bei stroked his beard and smiled complacently.

When he traveled a long distance from Jiangzhou to Hanzhong, Cao Cao had been surrounding the camp in Hannan for almost a month. The soldiers suffered heavy casualties and it was still difficult to conquer.

Today Liu Bei supervises the battle at Dingjun Mountain and puts up a big flag to motivate the soldiers. After hearing that Liu Bei had arrived in Hanzhong, the morale of the army was greatly boosted. Cao Cao's army attacked several times but was repulsed. This forced Cao Cao to hastily end today's battle.

In the current situation, Cao Cao will withdraw his troops in a short time. When Cao Cao withdraws his troops, Liu Zhang will inevitably surrender, and Yizhou will be captured by him.

At the end of the year, return to Chu~

Cao Cao rested his hand on the chariot, with a worried look on his face, and sighed: "Liu Bei is here in person, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me in Hanzhong."

"Could it be that Liu Zhang surrendered?"

After Guan Yu conquered Baishui Pass and captured Jinniu Road, Cao Cao lost the news about Yizhou. He only knew that Guan Yu led his army to attack Shu.

After losing the news, Cao Cao didn't know what to do now?

If we can't defeat the enemy, do we want to withdraw our troops?

But if he works to no avail, wouldn't he be ridiculed? How could he become the King of Wei?
  "Wei Gong, the guards are here to report!"

Yang Xiu caught up with the chariot driver on horseback and said: "The people rebelled, and General Niu led his troops to suppress it. Zhao Hujun has beheaded the thieves. I wonder if the remaining ones should be punished?"

Cao Cao was in a bad mood and said: "Dezu can handle such trivial matters by himself, why bother asking Gu!"

"Xiu thinks that the guardian army has been punished appropriately, and the servant may be pardoned and not be held accountable." Yang Xiu said.

"If we don't investigate, it's hard to show how strict the law is. Death penalty can be avoided, but living crime is difficult to forgive. The whole family moved to Guanzhong and was included in the military household in order to enrich the population of Guanzhong." Cao Cao said.

Yang Xiu's eyes flickered and he suggested: "Wudu is close to Guanzhong. Should we move Wudu Hanhu to Guanzhong?"

Cao Cao stared at Yang Xiu for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "According to your wishes, the people of Wudu will be moved to Guanzhong to fill the population of Guanzhong."


Yang Xiu lowered his head and responded.

"Duke Wei!"

Sun Quan rode his horse to Cao Cao's chariot and said, "According to reports from the scouts, there are southern thieves on Jinniu Road, led by the enemy general Lu Meng."

Cao Cao pondered for a while and said: "Lü Meng came out of the Golden Bull Road, probably because he wanted to peek into our army's food road."

"not good!"

Cao Cao reacted suddenly and said: "In the past few days, a batch of military rations has come from Longyou and will be sent down the Han River to our army. If this food is lost, our army will be short of food and grass."

"Come on!"


"Order Ma Chao to lead his troops to march west on foot and on horseback to protect Longyou's army," Cao Cao said.


ps: I’m not in good condition today, let’s take a look!
  (End of this chapter)

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