Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 35 Competition

Chapter 35 Competition (4k, please follow up)
"Are you Huo Canjun?"

Gan Ning looked at Huo Jun, who was wearing Zhongjia, and couldn't help but sigh inwardly at his heroic spirit.

Huo Jun slightly cupped his hands and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know why Colonel Gan stopped our army from setting up camp."

Gan Ning puffed out his chest and said with a sneer: "Your camp is owned by someone. If someone hadn't neglected official duties, how could it be your turn to live there?"

As he spoke, Gan Ning stared at Zhang Feng with a fierce look in his eyes. It was obvious that Gan Ning already knew who was behind this.

Zhang Feng, who came with Huo Jun, was not afraid and scolded: "Gan Xingba, Qian'an dares to act so arrogantly here, why don't you quickly order your men to vacate the camp and let Huo Canjun and others move in."

Huo Jun raised his hand, signaling Zhang Feng not to say anything. He put his hand on the hilt of his sword and asked, "I have military orders. This camp belongs to Jun. I wonder what Captain Gan wants to do?"

Judging from the current situation, it is impossible for Huo Jun to give up the camp to Gan Ning.After all, a conflict has broken out between the two sides. If they give in, I don't know what the soldiers of the Gao clan will think. It will be difficult for Huo Jun to lead troops in the future.

Of course, Huo Jun could also use military orders, carry Huang She, and stand on the commanding heights to force Gan Ning to give up the camp, but the end result would be that Huo Jun would tear Gan Ning's face apart, and even cause greater turmoil.

Tearing Gan Ning's face apart meant that Huo Jun was going to break up with him.Of course it was impossible for Huo Jun to do this. After all, he came to Jiangxia to prepare for going to Jiangdong.Offending Gan Ning means that Gan Ning may be pushed to Sun Quan's side.

Huo Jun must find out what Gan Ning's intentions are and see if he can find a solution to the problem.After all, Gan Ning in history was not a simple reckless man and could not cling to the camp.Of course, Gan Ning could not give up the camp easily, otherwise it would be difficult for him to lead troops in the future.

Gan Ning held the handle of his sword and said in a deep voice: "We all serve in the army. We should put bravery first and respect those who are capable. Now it is not difficult for me to vacate the camp. You select the brave ones from the army. If you fight against me, the bet is this camp.”

Gan Ning looked at Huo Jun with his fierce eyes and asked, "I wonder if Huo Canjun dares or not?"

Just as Huo Jun thought, Gan Ning was not a reckless man, he was also resourceful.He relied on his superior force and was able to control Jingyi with few opponents.Today, he wanted to anger Huo Jun and others and force him to duel with him. When the time comes, he would win with his own bravery and save the camp.

"Eggless, get out!"

"Get out!"

The Jinfan thieves in the camp yelled curses, mixed with bad slang.

The Jinfan thief's insults also angered Huo Jun's soldiers again, and they also cursed back.Huo Yuan was so excited that he ran to Huo Jun and asked to fight.

Huo Jun put his hand on the hilt of his sword and said: "Captain Gan, how can the bravery in the army be limited to the bravery of a single man? Jun thought it would be better to set up three competitions. One is archery, the second is cavalry, and the third is between you and me. Choose 40 people and have them line up to fight. The winner will be the winner of two out of three games."


How could Huo Jun not know Gan Ning's little thoughts?Gan Ning was not an ordinary general. He was also the man who robbed the Wei camp with hundreds of people. Although he only killed a few dozen people and left, at least he had robbed the Wei camp.Therefore, the three competitions he set up also have mysteries.

Hearing this, Gan Ning looked at Huo Jun's disciplined subordinates, then at his casual subordinates, gritted his teeth and said, "How about choosing three people to compete in archery and riding combat?"

Huo Jun shook his head and said: "The first two rounds only require one person, not three."

Huo Jun also knew the level of his subordinates. In terms of personal bravery, they might not be as good as Gan Ning's Jinfan Thieves, but if they fought as a team, they might still be able to compete with Gan Ning's Jinfan Thieves.

"it is good!"

Gan Ning thought about it and thought that Huo Jun only had less than ten horses under his command. He roughly guessed that Huo Jun had people who were good at riding and fighting, but their level was probably just that.

But just in case, Gan Ning said: "Can those who participate in the first round participate in the third round?"

Looking at the cunning Gan Ning, Huo Jun guessed his thoughts and said, "According to Captain Gan, everyone can only participate in the second round."

"it is good!"

Gan Ning was overjoyed, this was good for him, Huo Shenjun didn't seem very smart.

He stood out from the crowd and said in a deep voice: "In that case, I will do both shooting and riding!"

"It's against the rules. You said you would participate in one round and three..."

Huo Du stood up and wanted to say a few words, but was stopped by Huo Jun.

"Yes!" Huo Jun replied.

"Okay! Who's coming?" Gan Ning shouted eagerly.

Huo Jun pondered for a while, looked at Gao Xiang who volunteered, and asked, "I wonder if Feng Lu would like to compete with him?"

"How dare you not want to!" Gao Xiang responded.

Then, Huo Jun ignored his brother Huo Du who asked to fight, but looked at the taciturn Chen Dao and asked, "I wonder if I can ride and fight?"

"No!" Chen Dao responded with his hands raised.

"The last item is for the Huo Bei tribe to select 40 military commanders and above, and prepare to fight with them."



Gao Xiang and Gan Ning stood holding bows, with the target eighty steps away.

"Everyone shoots an arrow, and the five arrows are divided into high and low."

"Someone comes first!"

Gan Ning held the bow body, pinched the bow to nock the arrow, and formed a line with his hands and shoulders.With the sound of breathing, Gan Ning let go. There was a loud sound in the air, and he saw the arrow hitting the red heart.


A smile appeared on Gan Ning's face, and he immediately looked at Gao Xiang, who was preparing to shoot an arrow, and said, "The wind is strong, aim more to the left."

Gao Xiang ignored it, but took a deep breath, raised the bow with his left hand, and took aim with the arrow.Just as I was aiming to shoot, I felt the wind blowing from the left. I suddenly thought of what Gan Ning had just said about the strong wind, and subconsciously aimed more to the left.


"Left bias!"

Gao Xiang's arrow exceeds half of the red heart!
Seeing this, Gao Xiang glared at Gan Ning, who realized what he was doing.Aiming left was correct, but he couldn't aim more. It was obvious that Gan Ning's words had disturbed Gao Xiang.

Gan Ning smiled briefly, raised his hand to draw his bow, and shot the red heart again.

"Remember, keep to the right!"



After being interfered by Gan Ning once, Gao Xiang calmed down and hit all three arrows. However, after Gan Ning hit the red heart for the fifth time, Gao Xiang's five arrows missed again.

"Ha ha!"

Gan Ning laughed heartily and felt quite proud.

"The captain is mighty!" Jinfan Thief shouted, waving his arms high.

The soldiers sighed, but they were frustrated at Gao Xiang's failure.But Huo Jun's face was dull, neither happy nor sad.Gao Xiang walked up to Huo Jun, cupped his hands, and said shamefully: "Join the army, Xiang has a duty to join the army!"

Huo Jun showed a smile, patted Gao Xiang's shoulder, and said comfortingly: "Feng Lu just does her best, there are still two battles left, and there is still a chance."

Then, Huo Jun turned his eyes to Chen Dao and said, "Next, please come to me!"

"Please feel free to join the army!"

Chen Dao got on his horse, held the wooden stick, and rode out.Gan Ning had also mounted his horse, holding the reins and walking opposite Chen Dao.

"Gan Ning, Gan Xingba, a native of Bajun, Yizhou."

"Chen Dao, Chen Shuzhi, is from Runan, Yuzhou."

Gan Ning took a look at Chen Dao. He felt a strong murderous aura from Chen Dao's body, and something vaguely felt in his heart.

He grew up in Badi, a place with dense valleys and crisscrossing rivers. Therefore, he was good at fighting on foot, and it was easy for him to travel across mountains and rivers.The archery skills in his hands are also excellent, but he is a bit weak in mounted combat.

This weakness is only compared to his infantry combat, which is no problem for ordinary cavalry generals, but when it comes to the elite generals in cavalry combat, he is somewhat unable to do so.After all, he is not a Gundam and cannot be proficient in walking, riding, water, and shooting.


Chen Dao lightly clamped the horse's belly, raising smoke and dust, and rushed toward Gan Ning's chest with his stick.

"Well done!" Gan Ning showed no sign of weakness and greeted him with a stick.


The two horses are staggered and the two sticks are hitting each other. There is no winner in one round.

Gan Ning turned the horse's head and shouted: "Be careful on the left side!"

After saying that, Gan Ning stabbed Chen Dao in the right abdomen with the wooden stick.Chen Dao was not affected by it, he lowered his arms slightly sideways, blocked the front end of the incoming stick with the body of the stick, twisted his waist and exerted force to directly push it away.

The two horses are intertwined, and there is no distinction between them.The audience outside the field stared at the two, and their hearts would tighten every time Gan Ning and Chen Dao fought against the wrong horse.

After the two sides fought for dozens of rounds, Gan Ning deliberately used a flaw. Chen Dao didn't seem to know how to thrust the stick. When Gan Ning was about to strike with the stick, his flank suddenly dodged the tip of Chen Dao's stick, and then he stabbed Chen Dao instead. In order to hit him, the wooden stick was ready to hit Chen Dao's head.

In the flash of lightning, Chen Dao dodged and hid under the horse's belly, dodging Gan Ning's moves. At the same time, he let go of the wooden stick, pulled out the saber of his waist sword with his backhand, and directly cut the reins of Gan Ning's horse. When passing Gan Ning's thigh, hold back so as not to hurt it.

Gan Ning turned the horse's head, looked at the broken reins, looked up at Chen Dao who was sheathing his sword, and then looked at Huo Jun who was watching the battle, and sighed.No wonder Huo Shenjun dared to compete like this and proposed that one person would determine the outcome instead of three people. It turned out that he had this ace in his hand.

After just playing against each other, Gan Ning could feel that Chen Dao's strength was far from the top.If you fight him on foot or water, you can easily defeat him.But in the riding battle, he was better than him.

Could it be that when Nahuo joined the army, he considered his own strength?
Gan Ning was also a generous person. He raised his hands and said, "Ning loses!"

Seeing Gan Ning admit defeat, everyone was relieved, including Huo Jun, who seemed calm on the surface.

He was right in his bet. Chen Dao, as a Shu Han general whose loyalty and bravery was second to that of Zhao Yun, was indeed very powerful.Huo Jun generally knows Gan Ning's strength. In terms of personal bravery, he is definitely a first-rate general.

Therefore, Huo Jun was betting that Gan Ning, a southerner, would never be able to compare to Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei in terms of cavalry fighting skills.As for Chen Dao, whose level of cavalry combat in Liu Bei's army was second only to Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei, he had no chance of winning against Gan Ning.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

Whether it is Huo's tribe or Gao's tribe, they are all shouting for Chen Dao's victory.

Gao Xiang also punched hard. He had just lost to Gan Ning, and he was under great pressure.Now that the game is even, he still has a chance to make up for it.

Gao Xiang walked up to Huo Jun, raised his hands and said, "Join the army, Sanlun Xiang, please go out and fight to avenge your shame."

Huo Jun laughed and said, "Since Fenglu has this idea, how can Jun not want to!"


If you want people to integrate into the team, the core thing is the sense of honor.Huo Jun wanted to compete with Gan Ning. He not only wanted to solve the camp problem, but also wanted to integrate Gao Xiang and Gao's tribe into the team through external pressure.After all, when people are violated, they always find someone close to them to hug.

Then, Huo Jun and Huo Du looked at each other. Huo Du understood, walked in front of everyone, and commanded the soldiers who were about to participate in the battle.

"Take a break!"

"stand at attention!"

"Look to the right - Qi!"


"Count the numbers!"

Listening to the strange password, everyone looked surprised. They had never heard such a password before.The Huo tribe is accustomed to it. They have been trained in this way since they joined the army.

There was nothing that could be done about it. In the early years, no one taught him how to train soldiers, so Huo Jun could only apply some military knowledge from later generations.This set of military training formation essentials was retained by him through practice.

As far as modern queue drills are concerned, it actually originates from the queuing and shooting in the modern military system.This form of life-threatening warfare places strict requirements on the discipline and formation of the army.This kind of phalanx formation actually originated from the phalanx formation in ancient wars.

While Huo Du was reorganizing his team, Gan Ning was beating up the Jinfan thieves and shouted: "Wrestling on land is no better than in water. The military formation should be the priority, and don't rely on your own bravery. And if you lose, we won't win tonight." A place to sleep.”

"Let me or not?"

"No!" The Jinfan thieves roared.

Compared to the shouting Jinfan thieves, Huo's tribe was silent and waiting quietly.

"go ahead!"



In a small army formation of 40 people, a muscular drummer beat the drum head with a wooden hammer, and the drum was hung on his chest. The remaining 39 soldiers stepped on every step according to the beat of the drum without any confusion.

Such a scene made Gan Ning's eyes widen.

40 men fight, relying on both bravery and military formation.His subordinates have a strong bandit spirit and have been plundering ships with him all year round. They are extremely good at boarding battles.In the boarding battle, more emphasis is placed on individual bravery rather than the orderliness of the formation.

He thought that his men would have no problem winning the game with their own bravery, but he didn't expect that Huo Shenjun's men were so orderly, walking slowly and closely to the beat of the drum.

In an instant, Gan Ning remembered Sun Tzu's words on the Art of War and walked slowly like a forest!
Gan Ning then looked at Huo Jun, who was calm and composed, and Huo Jun seemed to notice Gan Ning's gaze and nodded slightly.

The cold wind blew by and rolled up Huo Jun's clothes. He put his hand on the hilt of his sword and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

On land, his ten soldiers may not be able to defeat ten Jinfan thieves, but his forty soldiers may be able to defeat Jinfan thieves.

ps: Please follow up on Monday and Tuesday, and the editors will look at the data on Tuesday.

(End of this chapter)

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