Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 358 Taking credit

Chapter 358 Taking credit

Sun Quan's clever methods made Cao Cao, who was in Chang'an, sigh a few times.

Cao Cao pardoned the death penalty for Fu Shou's mother and nineteen members of her clan, and instead distributed them to Zhuo County in the border area. As for Fu Shou, his second son, and more than a hundred clan members, they were all executed.

Fu Shou's death was exposed to the world.

Within a few days, it also spread to Wuhan. Liu Bei took advantage of this and angrily accused Cao Cao of chaos, recognized Fu Shou as queen, and ordered several southern states to mourn Fu Shou, the mother of the country.

As for how to mourn, Liu Bei tied a hemp scarf on his head to express his condolences.

The Lord set an example, and all the ministers followed suit. They wore linen scarves on their heads in mourning for their longevity.

That day, after Huo Jun had breakfast, he would rush to Hanchang Palace for work.

"Husband, I forgot to bring the linen towel!"

Xiao Qiao came trotting over, waves swaying on her chest.

Spring is about to pass and summer is approaching. Women's clothes are gradually becoming thinner, and their curvy figures are more exposed.

Huo Jun waved his hand and said: "Your Majesty has an order to wear hemp for three days. Today three days have passed, there is no need to wear hemp again."

Xiao Qiao put away the linen towel and asked: "The steward of the government told me, how should officials declare their flat property?"

Huo Jun sighed slightly and said: "The declaration should be made truthfully, how can we commit fraud. The land tax and household tax paid should be paid truthfully. I also informed the Sheng tribe members that they should not rely on power to deceive superiors and conceal inferiors."

The release of Rentao was directly promoted to several states in the south. Its core is to divide the amount of property of households, the rich will get more and the poor will get less. This requires the government to control the grassroots level. If the control is insufficient, there will inevitably be situations where the superiors and subordinates are deceived.

However, the Southern Han Dynasty was not a decadent old dynasty. The central officials worked hard, selected good officials to serve in counties and counties, and enforced strict laws, so they had relatively good control over the grassroots.

However, for the core dignitaries of the Southern Han Dynasty, even if they were rated as upper households, paying three bolts of silk and three pounds of cotton was not much, but they still had to pay.


Huo Jun teased Xiao Qiao's broken hair and said: "In the future, we can buy more Shu brocade. The curtains in the house are too simple, so we can replace them with Shu brocade. Tell my wife, we can also make more clothes, so there is no need to dig through the Shu brocade." "


If the rich and powerful don't pay enough taxes, they will buy more Shu brocade. This alternative tax on the rich can not only make wealthy businessmen happy to pay, but also enrich the treasury without cutting off the bottom leeks. It really kills multiple birds with one stone.

Huo Jun was about to set off, but saw Xiao Qiao holding his hand, seeming to have something to say.

"If there's anything else, let's talk about it!" Huo Jun said, getting straight to the point.

Xiao Qiao hesitated for a while and said, "It's a beautiful day today. Mrs. Chen invites me to go on a trip with my sister. They will go out in the afternoon and return in the evening. I wonder if my husband can agree?"

Looking at Xiao Qiao's longing eyes, Huo Jun said with a bad smile: "It's not impossible to agree, but you have to agree to one thing as your husband."

"What's the matter?"

Huo Jun leaned into Xiao Qiao's ear and whispered a few times. Xiao Qiao rolled her eyes at Huo Jun and responded with a blush.

Seeing Xiao Qiao's expression, Huo Jun laughed and left the house, took a carriage and rushed to the palace for work.

Now Huo Jun has a new official position, that is, as a former general, he also holds the post of Central Supervisor of the Army.

Under discussions with Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, Huo Jun and other core civil and military figures, and using Huo Jun's proposed plan as a template, Liu Bei adopted the opinions of all parties and finalized the Southern Han Dynasty's forbidden army system.

In the Forbidden Army, there are four levels: military advisor, supervisory army, guard army, and code army.

The military advisor is not responsible for specific affairs, and is mostly based on honor. Mi Zhu, the general of Anhan, serves as the central military advisor.

The supervisory army supervises the generals of the Forbidden Army and coordinates the war. Now the Forbidden Army is formed. Liu Bei appoints Huo Jun as the central supervisory army to help him establish the structure of the Forbidden Army, three cao and three supervisors.

The Hujun selects the generals of the Forbidden Army, who are the later heads of the Organization Department. Except for the senior officers appointed by Liu Bei, the Hujun is responsible for the selection of middle and lower-level officers. In terms of actual function, it is still above the supervision of the army. The Central Guard Army was appointed by Zhao Yun to help Liu Bei select the officers of the Forbidden Army.

Dian Jundian was in charge of the imperial army camp and was responsible for selecting and supervising the soldiers of the Southern Army, namely Huang Zhong.

In terms of the leadership of the soldiers of the Northern Army, Liu Bei assigned Chen Dao to be responsible for it, and Yulin Supervisor, one of the three supervisors, was in charge, and his rank was lower than that of the Zhongdian Army.

In this way, it seems that there are high and low levels among each level, but in fact, the sections they are responsible for are different.

It is difficult to say that Huang Zhong, who was in charge of the Southern Army, was inferior to Zhao Yun, who supervised the Imperial Army. After all, the two have different scopes of responsibility. One is responsible for the selection of soldiers, and the other is the appointment of officers.

The central military system is a position, and the four generals are officials. High-ranking officials are not necessarily qualified for high-ranking positions, and low-ranking officials are not ineligible for high-ranking positions.

Therefore, a closer look at Huo Jun's Central Supervision Army actually serves as the director of the archives office and administrative department.

Zhao Yun is responsible for the appointment of generals, and the heads of the three Cao and three supervisors have been assigned by Liu Bei. Huo Jun is also responsible for setting up the administrative process and then reporting it to Liu Bei.

When they arrived at the Hanchang Palace, Huo Jun arranged official affairs for everyone, and handed over the soldiers' files, administrative procedures and other chores to Huang Quan to sort out. Then Huo Jun began to fish around or write military books.

Compared with Huo Jun's relaxed fishing, Zhuge Liang was not so relaxed and was busy with political affairs with everyone.

"The number of household registrations in Hanchang is here!"

Zhang Song walked into the hall with his sleeves empty and said with a smile, "I wonder who counts the number of household registrations in Jingchu?"

Zhang Yi came with a bamboo slip and said, "I wonder what the number of household registrations in Hanchang is?"

Zhang Song laughed loudly and said proudly: "There are only a few counties, so why do we need to send copies in silk and silk? It's all in Song's heart." "This?"

Zhang Yi hesitated for a few moments, then said with a wry smile: "I know Zi Qiao has a photographic memory, but the Hanchang household registration number needs to be filed and approved by the military advisor. How can we act like child's play?"

Zhang Song looked unhappy and scolded: "How could you be in your current position without my recommendation? I am a servant of the minister and I am deeply favored by the king. How can I not know the importance of this matter?"

Zhang Yi, a native of Chengdu, Shu County, came from the same Zhang family as Zhang Song. Zhang Song's family is wealthy, while Zhang Yi's is relatively poor. The two are distantly related, sharing only the same surname.

However, even so, Zhang Song thought that he had promoted Zhang Yi, and it was Liu Bei who selected Shu veterans, and he often felt proud that he was superior to the people from the same state.

With that said, Zhang Song sat down at Zhang Yi's seat, picked up a writing brush, and wrote on the scarf the number of household registrations and the number of ninth-class households in Hanchang State, without any pause and in an extremely smooth manner.

"Jun Si, how is it?"

Zhang Song put down his brush and said proudly.

"Zi Qiao is so talented that I am ashamed of myself!"

Zhang Yi was naturally dissatisfied, but he did not dare to offend Zhang Song and just wanted to send him away.

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Song stood up and said proudly: "Photographic memory is something that a mortal can master."

With that said, Zhang Song stepped forward and went to find Zhuge Liang.

"military adviser!"

Zhang Song saw Zhuge Liang explaining things to the clerk in the corner of the corridor, so he took the initiative to join him.

Zhuge Liang saw Zhang Song coming and sent away the civil servants. Although he was dissatisfied, he still greeted him with a smile.

"Ziqiao, is there something you want to show off?" Zhuge Liang said with a smile.

"I have a little question to ask!"

Zhang Song walked to Zhuge Liang's side, but then he seemed to realize something and took a few steps back.

Obviously, Zhang Song's short height only reached Zhuge Liang's shoulders. If he was too close, Zhang Song would have to raise his head to talk to Zhuge Liang.

Zhang Song put aside the inferiority complex in his heart and said with a smile: "I wonder how the government-run Shu Brocade is progressing?"

Zhuge Liang stroked his feather fan gently and said, "Liang just ordered Xu Jun to take charge of this matter. It is expected that he is currently negotiating with Chengdu brocade merchants. I wonder what Zi Qiao asked?"

Zhang Song stroked his beard and said: "Shu Brocade is where the people of Chengdu have food and clothing. Now the government runs Shu Brocade. If it is not managed well, the people of Shu will suffer! And competing for profits with the people is not a long-term solution. The military adviser wants to replenish the treasury. Why not collect taxes from it and have an endless stream, which is not a good thing!"

Zhuge Liang smiled while stroking his fan, and said: "Because Shu brocade is where the people of Chengdu have food and clothing, if the production of Shu brocade can be increased and spread all over the world, wouldn't the people of Chengdu be rich?"

As he spoke, Zhuge Liang tapped Zhang Song's shoulder with his fan and said with a smile: "Liang still has business matters to attend to, so I'm afraid I won't be able to chat with Zi Qiao."

It is almost endless to argue with people like Zhang Song about Shu Brocade. Zhang Song's butt was tilted toward him, and Zhuge Liang tried to persuade him to no avail.

Of course, Zhuge Liang also knew that turning the Shu brocade industry in Zhang Song's hands into an official business would inevitably cause him to lose a lot of property.

But Zhuge Liang also knew that if Zhang Song could give up the Shu brocade industry and practice retreat in order to advance, he would definitely win Liu Bei's appreciation. It's a pity that Zhang Song is stubborn and insists on being entangled in the small profits in front of him.

"Military advisor, this is the number of household registrations in Hanchang Kingdom!" Zhang Yi handed over the silk and said.

Zhuge Liang took the towel, looked closely and found that the ink on the handwriting was still wet, and asked, "What's going on?"

Zhang Yi cupped his hands and said, "As a warning to the military advisor, Zhang Pushe came here empty-handed. He thought he had a photographic memory and copied the kingdom's household registration on the spot."

"Isn't that reasonable?"

Zhuge Liang's face darkened and he asked: "Jun Si is responsible for counting the number of household registrations in Jingchu. What Zhang Pushe did today is against the rules and regulations. How can you let him do this?"

Zhang Yi complained and said: "The military advisor does not know. Zhang Pushe is deeply favored by the king. He often recommends him to his subordinates. He considers himself to be superior to the scholars of Yizhou. How can he dare to say too much when he is a man of humble words?"

Zhang Yifei could not tolerate Zhang Song's bullying, so he reported the matter to Zhuge Liang. Based on his many days of observation of Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang will definitely help him solve this matter. He will not shirk responsibility like an ordinary person and dare not offend Zhang Song.

Zhuge Liang pondered for a long time and said: "Putting official duties first, I would trouble you to go and check with the minister to check the number of household registrations in Hanchang Kingdom."

"As for the matter of Zhang Pushe, you don't need to pay attention to it. I will take care of it myself. From now on, the rule of law will be the first priority in government management. Things that are not in accordance with the procedures will never be done."

With that said, Zhuge Liang gave some advice and said: "You tell the scholars in Yizhou that the king is not Liu Zhang, so there is no need to seek social attachments. The king and I know rewards and punishments for our merits and demerits."


Zhang Yi looked grateful and said, "Thank you so much, military advisor."

Looking at Zhang Yi's back, Zhuge Liang's face gradually turned cold.

Fa Zheng's character is clear about grudges and retribution. Although he was a vengeful person in Chengdu, which had a bad impact on the rule of law, after he was transferred to Hanchang Prefecture, he mostly worked hard and was of great use.

On the other hand, Zhang Song has a photographic memory, but he is proud of himself. If this continues, we don't know what kind of trouble it will cause. He must report it to his lord and resolve the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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