Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 405: People are like their posthumous titles

Chapter 405: People are like their posthumous titles

After Liu Bei broke camp and retreated south, he used boats to march and retreated to Hefei in just a few days.

After the army arrived in Hefei, at Huo Jun's suggestion, Liu Bei ordered the entire army to be quarantined for forty-five days. Only those without symptoms could return home until the quarantine period expired. During the isolation period, Huo Jun was responsible for all military affairs.

Huo Jun took office and immediately based on the distribution of malaria outbreaks in previous camps, he assigned civil and military personnel with low risk of illness as his deputies, such as Huang Quan, Fazheng, Deng Fang and more than ten people to temporarily form the Epidemic Control Department.

With Huo Jun personally shouldering the heavy burden, Liu Bei and his ministers were isolated in the camp, while the rest camped along the Feishui River. The army of 60,000 to 70,000 people is divided into camps of one thousand men, and the distance between each camp is one mile. The captain is responsible for the specific matters of isolation in the camp.

Huo Jun divided each department into three levels: light, medium and severe based on the previous malaria outbreaks in each department and the distance between each battalion and the malaria outbreak. For camps marked as severe, a strict isolation system must be implemented internally to prevent the spread of malaria.

After each department set up camp on the spot according to the camp plan, Huo Jun issued a mosquito repellent order and strictly ordered his subordinates to implement it.

First, each camp is ordered to fill in the surrounding stagnant water to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes; second, the weeds around the camp are burned to prevent mosquitoes from living in them; third, cesspools are filled and excavated every day to prevent the cesspools from being used for too long , thereby breeding mosquitoes.

Three military orders were issued, and various ministries, under the supervision of the Epidemic Control Department, began vigorous mosquito repellent campaigns. After some operations, although not all mosquitoes were eliminated, a large number of mosquitoes were actually reduced.

In order to help each camp repel mosquitoes, Huo Jun strictly prohibited his men from exposing their bodies easily, and distributed the collected mugwort to the grassroots of each ministry to facilitate the mosquito repellent in Wushi Camp.

Or if there is yin, there is yang, and one thing descends from another. Mosquitoes are widely distributed in China, and mugwort, which can repel mosquitoes, is also widely distributed throughout China. At the same time, mugwort is also a plant with extremely strong reproductive capacity.

With the burning of mugwort to repel mosquitoes, the fragrance of mugwort fills every camp every night. Even if there are mosquitoes outside the tent that want to suck human blood, they are afraid that the fragrance will not let them in.

The high-ranking civil and military officials of the Southern Han Dynasty held money and power, and were treated much better than the lower-level soldiers. During the quarantine period, in addition to using mugwort to repel mosquitoes, the ancient and useful mosquito nets are also used to repel mosquitoes.

You may not believe it, but mosquito nets gradually disappeared in China in later generations. In ancient times, only the rich and powerful could enjoy them. It was not until the innovation of industrial textile technology and the popularization of cotton materials that mosquito nets were used by ordinary people.

Today's mosquito nets and ancient curtains are mostly made of silk.

Classes are different. For the rich and powerful, the role of mosquito nets is definitely not only to repel mosquitoes, but also to decorate the house and show wealth.

In the big tent, Huo Jun held his pen and seemed to be discussing something at length.

Huo Xiong walked into the tent and said, "Master, my wife ordered five curtains to be sent."


Huo Jun did not raise his head and said: "Give the Major General one curtain, and you and your left and right will use the other three."

"Thank you, Master!" Huo Xiong said gratefully.

As personal bodyguards, Brother Huo Xiong has been with Huo Jun for more than ten years. Because he is honest and honest, he works hard and never retreats in the face of danger. Therefore, Huo Jun never treats the two of them badly, and he will give the Huo Xiong brothers a share of anything that is extra.

Huo Xiong saw the master of the family writing vigorously on the scarf, so he quietly retreated.

On the silk, Huo Jun wrote down his limited understanding of the plague (infectious disease), hoping to inspire future generations not to face the plague with an ignorant attitude, but to be able to clearly understand the way the plague spreads, so as to Save more people from the plague.

Due to Huo Jun's limited knowledge base, the "Epidemic Control Classic" is far less rich in text than the Art of War, with only 2,000 to 3,000 words per article.

It is only discussed in detail in the book that different types of plagues have different transmission media. Even so, Huo Jun, with his limited knowledge base, took typhoid fever as an example, emphasized the spread of air and saliva, and introduced the use of masks for protection.

As the writing came to an end, the attendant rushed into the tent, panting heavily, and said, "The governor is not good!"

"What's the matter, so panicked?" Huo Jun asked with a frown.

The attendant looked sad and said, "Vice Governor Lu died of illness in the tent!"


Huo Jun looked dazed, and his right hand couldn't help but let go. The pen covered in ink fell to the ground, and the ink stained the sand.

Even if he knew in advance that Lu Su would leave, he still had to hear the bad news now. Huo Jun couldn't help but feel sad, and felt empty in his heart, as if he had lost something.

"How sad it is that Zijing died of illness!" Huo Jun lamented.

With his mind disturbed, Huo Jun no longer had the intention to write the "Epidemic Control Sutra", so he put the pen on the desk and stood up from the couch.

"How is the king doing now?" Huo Jun asked.

"When the king heard the bad news, his heart was full of sorrow. He wanted to bury Governor Lu generously and give him a posthumous title!" The attendant replied, "Now I invite the Governor to come and discuss important matters!"


Huo Jun managed to regain his composure and went out to find Liu Bei. Although Liu Bei was isolated, he was not far from Huo Jun. It took him just a cup of tea to reach Liu Bei's tent.

In the tent, Liu Bei was holding Lu Su's suicide note, pacing back and forth, sighing sadly.

When Huo Jun entered the account, Liu Bei and his surroundings lamented: "Zijing and Gu have known each other for many years, and Fu Gu lives in the south of the Yangtze River. Now that he died of malaria, Gu Gu is filled with sorrow!"

"Your Majesty!"

Seeing Huo Jun enter the tent and salute, Liu Bei stepped forward, held Huo Jun's hand, and asked: "Zhongmiao gave an order that all those who die from the epidemic must be cremated. Now I want to bury Zijing in a dignified manner. Is it okay?"

Huo Jun hesitated for a while and then said: "Malaria is a serious disease. Burning it with fierce fire can dissipate the evil spirits in the body. Now the king wants to bury Zijing, but I am afraid it will violate the government order!"

During the Qin and Han Dynasties in China, most of the Central Plains nobles respected burial, while only the Qiang and Rong barbarians adopted cremation. It was not until the introduction of Buddhism that cremation was gradually accepted by the Han people. Even so, most dignitaries will be buried.

Liu Bei looked slightly dissatisfied and said: "Zijing is no better than ordinary people, how can he be destroyed with fire?"

"That's it!"

Seeing Liu Bei's expression, Huo Jun had no intention of insisting, and said: "Zijing is a minister of the country, so he can be buried with a rich burial. However, to avoid the spread of malaria, he should be protected with mugwort to repel mosquitoes. He should be put into a coffin for the time being and buried at a good time."


Liu Bei looked more cheerful and said: "Zijing has made great contributions to the country and wants to be awarded a posthumous title. I wonder if you can give me some advice?"

Fazheng pondered for a while and said: "The Governor of Lu is always a man of great integrity and willing to do good deeds. He assisted the king in conquering the south, went south to recruit the barbarians in Jiaoling, and went north to rule the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers. During this period, he made many achievements and was very famous. With Zheng's view, maybe he can 'Su' is the posthumous title."

"Su Zhi, Gang De Kejiu, was polite, respectful in appearance and respectful in heart. Governor Lu took his name as Su and his character name as Zijing. His conduct was magnanimous and calm, and he could be said to be just like his name. Today, the king takes 'Su' as his posthumous title." The title and posthumous title echo each other, and few virtuous ministers in ancient times have received this honor!"

Although Lu Su is not a good old man in the novel, he is a forthright person, and everyone who comes in contact with Lu Su has a good impression of him. Zong Fa Zheng, a person who is so scornful and determined to retaliate, also has a lot of respect for Lu Su.


Liu Bei muttered a few words and said melancholy: "Zijing, I live up to my name. Now I take Su as my posthumous title, and I will give you a good posthumous title."

"I made Lu Su the Marquis of Su, the Governor of Yuzhou and the General of Zhendong; I worshiped his son Lu Shu as the Cavalry Commander, and granted him the title of 300 households in the city."

Lu Su's son, Lu Shu, was only two years old and ignorant at that age. He was awarded the title of Captain of Cavalry and enjoyed the privilege of feeding 300 households in the city, all because of the kindness of his father Lu Su. From now on, as long as Lu Shu does not act recklessly, anyone with military and political abilities will have a good future.

After all, Lu Su was the first minister in the Southern Han Dynasty to receive a posthumous title, so his status was not low in any case. Moreover, Huo Jun has a close relationship with Lu Su and will also take care of Lu Shu.

After a pause, Liu Bei added: "Come to Wuhan immediately and ask Wang Can to write a eulogy for Zijing."


Then, Liu Bei turned his attention to Huo Jun and asked: "After Zijing, who can be the deputy governor?"

Because Huo Jun was in Wuhan all year round, Jianghuai had a chief and deputy governor. The chief governor was Huo Jun, and the deputy governor was Lu Su. While Huo Jun was away, Lu Su was in charge of Jianghuai as deputy governor.

Liu Bei chose Lu Su to be the deputy governor of Jianghuai, and there were many political tricks in it.

Jianghuai has long been the base of Huo Jun's generals. It is easy for people who have never been related to Jianghuai to sit in Jianghuai, which will inevitably lead to disputes.

Lu Su was recommended by Huo Jun to Liu Bei, and he was a native of Jianghuai, so he was naturally close to Huo Jun's generals. Moreover, Lu Su was loyal to Liu Bei, and Lu Su was in charge of Jianghuai, which was conducive to Liu Bei's centralization of power.

Now that Lu Su, who has a complicated status, has died of illness, the deputy governor of Jianghuai cannot be empty for a long time, and another person needs to be chosen to succeed him.


Huo Jun looked troubled and said, "Your Majesty, I wonder if there is someone to recommend Zijing?"

"Zijing recommends Jiang Ji, the governor of Jiujiang, to succeed him!" Liu Bei said directly.

Huo Jun pondered for a while, then postponed and said: "Your Majesty, I am a general man with limited talents and limited knowledge. I am afraid that I will not be qualified for the job!"


(End of this chapter)

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