Chapter 42
The first to benefit from the stronger southeasterly wind was the Jiangdong Fleet.They were upwind, while Jiangxia ships were downwind.Under the current situation, Jiangxia's fleet enjoys the advantage of water flow, while Jiangdong's fleet enjoys the advantage of wind.

With the blessing of the wind, the range of the bows and arrows on Jiangdong's ships was farther than the range of the bows and arrows on Jiangxia's ships.In game terms, due to the influence of wind, the range of the bows and arrows of Jiangdong soldiers is +5%, and the bow and arrow range of Jiangxia soldiers is -5%. With each increase and decrease, there is an additional 10% range difference.

The Jiangdong generals who discovered the change in wind force had also made adjustments. Huang Gai, who was at the front, ordered the ships to keep a distance from the Jiangxia fleet and use crossbows.

Ling Cao, who had always liked to be a pioneer, also gave up the bloody boarding battle. Instead, with the blessing of the wind, he ordered his troops to use crossbows to attack the Jiangxia fleet from a distance.

Jiangdong's arrows flew out of the ship like locusts, pierced the sky, and shot at Jiangxia's ship.Although most of the ding-ding-dong-dong shots hit the hull of the ship and were useless, some of them hit the Jiangxia soldiers on the deck, and nearly a hundred sailors were injured in an instant.

Most of the bows and arrows from the Jiangxia ships landed on the turbulent Yangtze River, and even a few that could reach the Jiangdong ships could only reach the edge.

Such an abnormal situation also made Jiangxia ships realize that something was wrong, and they gave up long-range operations.Under the command of Chen Li and Yu Shi, the Jiangxia Navy tried to initiate a boarding battle with the Soochow Navy.

At the same time, Xu Kun's flagship also arrived at the front, approaching the front line of the battle. As a general, Xu Kun went deep into the front line, which greatly inspired the Jiangdong Navy who was fighting the Jiangxia Navy.

On the stern, Xu Kun put his hands on the wall of the ship, looked at the battle ahead, and shouted: "Jiangxia's formation is in chaos and it is difficult to attack from a distance, so it has no choice but to launch a boarding battle. Now let Huang Gai not fight with him, and let his formation be chaotic." , and then encircle and annihilate the enemy invaders."


The flag bearer stood on a high place and waved the order flag, telling Huang Gai and Ling Cao not to fight with the Jiangxia army, but to keep their distance and use bows and arrows to pull them.

The lookout on Huang Gai's ship, who was always paying attention to the flagship's movements, shouted: "Far Bow, don't engage in battle."

"it is good!"

Huang Gai, who was about to confront the enemy ship head-on, gave up his idea and ordered his troops to retreat. He used the bows and arrows on the ship to use the wind advantage to consume the Jiangxia navy, trying to let the Jiangxia navy penetrate deep into the ship array.

Chen Li, who was familiar with water warfare, saw Xu Kun's thoughts and shouted: "Chen Li and Yu Shi are strictly ordered not to go deep into the enemy's formation and to withdraw one after another."

But it’s already deep inside, so how can it be easily withdrawn?

Two quarters (half an hour) had passed from the time Chen Ju discovered something was wrong ahead to the time the military order was issued ordering the two men to retreat, not to mention how long it took Chen Li and Yu Shi to receive the military order.

At this time, Yu Shi had already led nearly half of his subordinates to rush in. Only Chen Li and his subordinates were wandering around, looking like they wanted to but didn't dare to do so.

When Yu Shi received the military order to retreat, his movement was immediately noticed by Huang Gai and Ling Cao.The two of them did not wait for Xu Kun's order and directly led the crowd to pounce on him.

Ling Cao led the boat forward again, holding a bow and arrow, staring closely at the remaining fighting boat.Unexpectedly, Huang Gai had already taken a look at Yu Shi and accelerated the boat's speed to the maximum.

Yu Shi noticed something was wrong and shouted: "Turn around and retreat quickly!"

It is not so easy for a ship to turn in the Yangtze River. Wu Ship was already approaching his fighting ship.In an instant, the situation changed again. Yu Shi's troops, who had been chasing and trying to engage in a boarding battle, were avoiding the Wu army's boarding battle.

In this way, the ships of both sides continued to approach. When approaching the range of the longbow, Wu Jun's ship first launched a projectile at Yu Shi's troops, killing and injuring the Jiangxia navy.

Yu Shi held the shield and carefully avoided the flying arrows, calling on his men to speed up and escape from the Wu army's ships.

However, he was afraid of whatever he was worried about. His figure had long been stared at by Huang Gai.

Huang Gai, seventy steps away, was at the high point of the fighting boat, drawing the bow full of the moon. Even if his body fluctuated with the waves of the Yangtze River, he still held it steady.Feeling the change in wind direction and the ups and downs of the boat, with a whoosh, a sharp arrow shot through the air and hit Yu Shi's back.

I felt a huge pain in my back for the rest of my life, my vision went dark, I lost consciousness, and fell to the ground with a plop.


Seeing Yu Shi fall to the ground, the soldiers on the ship shouted in grief.

After the death of the general, the morale of the army suddenly dropped, and the people's hearts were divided.After a while, Huang Gai led his troops to board the ship and captured Yu Shi's flagship.


Ling Cao cursed, feeling deeply unhappy that Huang Gai had taken away his battle merits. He drew his long sword and shouted: "Speed ​​up and break into the enemy's formation." "No!"

Following Ling Cao's instructions, the light boat rushed into Jiangxia's boat formation.

Just as Yu Shi died, the battleships under his command were either boarded by Ling Cao's men or surrendered by Huang Gai's men.Only Chen Li was too timid to go deep, so he safely withdrew from the front and passed the news about Yu Shi to Chen Ju.

In fact, without his warning, Chen himself could see Ling Cao's troops approaching him.

Chen Jiu clung to the ship wall, sighed and said: "Report the intelligence to the Chinese army, saying that the front has been defeated, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to defeat the Jiangdong Navy. Now I request the withdrawal of the troops."


After Chen Ji's instructions, he led the front troops to slowly withdraw without waiting for Huang Zu's reply.Just kidding, when Huang Zu sends the news, he will be bitten by Jiangdong Navy and unable to escape.

Seeing Jiangxia's front retreating, Xu Kun, who had been paying attention to the battlefield situation on the front, loudly ordered: "The enemy's ship formation is in chaos, the flagship is on top, order the front to pursue."

The attendant reminded: "General, the flagship is too close to the battle line. If the enemy surprises you, it may give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it. It is better to be careful."

Xu Kun showed displeasure and said loudly: "When my grandson rebelled and defeated Huang Zu, he took the lead and encouraged the soldiers. If the flagship is too far away today and cannot be dispatched, the opportunity will be missed. In today's battle, Jiangxia will be defeated."


At present, on the Yangtze River, Ling Cao advanced with a small boat to seize the battle glory; Xu Kun thought that Huang Zu was weak and could be bullied, so he advanced with his flagship and urged the front to pursue.


Huang Zu, who was standing on the three-story ship, squinted at the battle situation in the distance and felt uneasy.

After a while, the scout boarded the building in a small boat and reported: "General, Lieutenant Zhang was beheaded by the enemy's vanguard. Governor Chen was defeated by the Jiangdong navy and has led his troops to retreat."

"Little Sun Quan!"

Huang Zu patted the ship wall angrily, then turned his eyes and saw the retreating figure of his own front ship.Then Huang Zu's anger disappeared, replaced by panic.It seems that he has returned to the scene where he defeated Sun Ce a few years ago. If he does not withdraw now, he may make the same mistakes as the battle of Xisai Mountain.

After a second thought, Huang Zu calmed down and ordered: "Send the order for all the troops to retreat, and order Governor Su to lead the troops to the rear."

Huang Zu had been fighting for so many years and was also proficient in water warfare. He decisively ordered his men to withdraw their troops and carried out the act of cutting off the wrists of strong men.


The signal to retreat to the rear was instantly transmitted to the entire fleet through the command flag.

"Finally withdrawn!"

Huang She, who was on the stern, seemed to have put down some heavy burden and said relaxedly.

However, Huo Jun became more and more worried. He seemed not satisfied with the results and must do something!

After pondering for a while, Huo Jun, who was standing high up and observing the battlefield situation, seemed to have thought of something. He went down the wooden ladder to the deck and said in a deep voice: "Major General, this place is not conducive to the defense of the rear of Governor Su. Governor Su should lead the troops to withdraw." By setting up defenses around Tianxingzhou, the wind will be enough to force the Jiangdong Navy back."

Although the Yangtze River flows from west to east into the sea, the river course in the Xiakou (Wuhan) section of the Yangtze River is actually extremely winding, sometimes going southeast and sometimes northeast.

Previously, the army started from Xiakou and headed northeast, and then made a big turn at Tianxingzhou, changing from northeast to southeast.

With the blessing of the strong southeast wind, Jiangxia's army was actually fighting against the wind on the river after Tianxingzhou.Retreat to the river before Tianxingzhou. The northeast-trending river will form a right angle with the southeast wind. If a suitable area can be seized, the Jiangxia army will seize the upper wind and use the range advantage to push back the Jiangdong navy.

Of course, that's not all. If the Jiangdong Navy is given the opportunity, they can also take a piece of meat from them.

(End of this chapter)

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