Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 424 Letter Please Surrender

Chapter 424 Letter Please Surrender

Nanhai County, Yufan.

Yufan, the city of Guangzhou in later generations, was already full of spring compared to the Wuhan area because it was located at the southern end.

Lining the seaport and close to paddy fields, Yufan has the advantages of agriculture and business. Because of the favorable geographical resources, Gai took control of Nanhai County in a hurry. He attacked the bandits who rebelled by cutting off the mountains, renovated the Yufan city wall, and organized the people into households.

In the past few years, under Bu Zhi's politics, Yupan gradually restored its former prosperity and became a rare wealthy place in the Jiaoling area.

Today, due to the expedition against the four counties of Jiaoling, Han generals Huo Fan and Chen Shi, who were ordered by Liu Bei, arrived in Yufan by boat one after another.

In the governor's office of Guangzhou, I saw a huge map of Jiaoling hanging in the state capital. The mountains and rivers of each county were clearly visible.

Bu Zhao wears a Han sword on his waist and paces in front of the map, as if he is worried about something.

While Bu Zhi was thinking, Huo Fan walked into the hall, raised his hands and said, "The Minister of Peaceful Affairs will pay homage to the envoy."

After Huo Fan presented "Huainan Treatise", he was praised and praised by Liu Bei. After Zhengdan, Huo Jun fulfilled his promise and asked Huo Fan to lead his troops south to participate in quelling the Jiaozhou rebellion.


Seeing the arrival of his nephew, Bu Zhao's serious face showed a gentle smile and said: "This is not a business day, so you and I can treat each other as uncle and nephew."

Although Huo Fan's nephew was not born to his sister, because of Huo Fan's identity and the abilities he displayed, Bu Zhi had to treat him closely.



Bu Zhi hugged Huo Fan's arm affectionately and asked, "How is your father doing in his recent years? Although the incident of King Huainan has passed, it seems that the storm has not resolved."

Huo Fan kept Huo Jun's advice in mind and said: "The king's favor remains undiminished. When traveling south, I asked you to tell your uncle not to worry too much."

"Is that so?"

Bu Zhao asked thoughtfully, "But Wuhan has other plans?"

Huo Fan thought about it for a while and said: "Guan Junhou wants to send troops to attack Xiangfan in the north. Many people in Wuhan City are planning for this. Now I propose a plan to pretend to capture Jiaoling, but actually capture Xiangfan, in order to confuse Cao Cao. However, even though this is the case, we cannot give up the idea of ​​surrendering. Ling is in a state of anxiety."

Bu Zhao stroked his beard and said: "The king has sent a letter, and the letter actually explains this matter. However, it is really difficult to control the use of troops in this way."

"Shi Xie's administration of Jiaoling won the hearts of the Han barbarians and became a state's annexation. If the troops are not deployed quickly and the city is defended, hundreds of barbarians in Jiaoling will respond. Even if the general personally conquers it, it will be difficult!"

According to Huo Jun's suggestion, in order to confuse Cao Cao and show that the Southern Han Dynasty's strategy was turning to Jiaoling, the battle against Jiaoling should not be too fast.

But Jiaoling itself is not easy to fight. If we fight slowly and let Shi Xie sit in power and gather all the troops to cause chaos, it will be funny. In addition, if Xiangfan is not defeated and the chaos in Jiaoling is difficult to quell, Liu Bei will be completely blocked at both ends.

Huo Fan pondered for a while and said: "My uncle wanted to cut off Shi Xie's wings before and then pacify him. I wonder what he is thinking about pacifying the thief now?"

Bu Zhao pointed to the two counties of Yulin and Hepu on the map and said: "Shi Xie took his brothers as his wings and took control of the two counties of Yu Lin and Hepu. He took control of Jiaozhi but it was not smooth. My strategy of leveling Jiaozhou is to take advantage of Shi Xie If you are not prepared, let Lu Dinggong go to Yulin, and I will lead the soldiers to occupy Hepu."

"The two counties were wiped out, Shi Xie's wings were clipped, and the only land he owned was Jiaozhi and Jiuzhen counties. However, Jiaozhi and Jiuzhen counties are blocked by mountains and forests, the roads are steep, and miasma is everywhere. If they cannot be conquered for a long time, turmoil will occur. , so I am worried about this!"

In terms of organizational structure, there are three counties of Jiaozhi, Jiuzhen and Rinan at the southern end of Jiaozhou. However, due to the invasion of barbarians, Rinan was no longer owned by Jiaozhou. Therefore, Shi Xie had two counties: Jiaozhi and Jiuzhen.

Looking at the huge map, Huo Fan gradually had thoughts and said: "My uncle's policy of equalizing peace is the best policy. However, Fan thought that if Yulin and Hepu were lost, Shi Xie would only be able to survive. It could be easily achieved, but it would never be a problem for my uncle." .”


Bu Zhao showed curiosity and said, "What's Shi Zai's plan?"

Huo Fan straightened his chest and back, showed a confident look, pointed at the map and said: "Although Shixie has a rebellious intention today, it is hard to predict that I will march south. My uncle can divide his troops with Lu Jiaozhou to capture Yulin and Hepu counties. , broken Shixie’s wings.”

"When Shi Xie heard that our army was arriving, he would send his soldiers north to either support the two counties or block our army in a dangerous position. When his uncle and Lu Jiaozhou were confronting Shi Xie, Fan led his army to dive into the sea and float on the sea by boat. And by moving quickly, he concealed his unpreparedness, crossed the dangers of the mountains, and defeated Jiaozhi."

"Ji Fan echoed his uncle's outward appearance. Jiaozhi capsized, and the rebel army was frightened. Shi Xie surrendered with only his flesh exposed. According to this correct and correct use of troops, the king's intention can be achieved. If he is quick, his division will be destroyed, and if he is slow, his strength will be wasted."


Bu Zhao applauded and said with a smile: "As Shi Zai said, the true army lures the enemy, and the strange army sneaks out of the sea to attack Jiaozhi. This is a good strategy. There are few naval forces in Jiaoling, and they are not enough to defeat our army. The army is contained in the north. , attacking with surprise troops will definitely disturb the minds of the thieves. After sending envoys to comfort them, Shi Xie will definitely surrender."

After saying that, Bu Zhao showed curiosity and said with a smile: "Did your father teach you Shi Zai's strategy?"

Hearing this, Huo Fan reacted immediately and said dissatisfiedly: "Your Excellency is far away in Wuhan, how do you know about Jiaoling? Today's surprise attack strategy was thought by Fan alone. If my uncle doesn't believe it, he can write to ask Your Excellency."

Huo Fan led the troops alone and offered strategies to defeat the enemy, not only because he wanted to prove his ability, but he did not want to be praised. He had to get Huo Jun's guidance to come up with the strategy to surprise Jiaozhi.

Bu Zha patted Huo Fan on the shoulder and said with a smile: "It's because the tiger father has no dogs, it's my uncle's fault!"

"Today Pingjiao Ridge should use the policy of Shi Zai."


After many discussions between Bu Zhi and Lu Dai, De Fa handed over detailed strategies.

In March, Bu Zhi presented an edict to Shi Xie, telling Liu Bei to declare him the governor of Yangzhou, and ordered him to set off for Yangzhou immediately.

Shi Xie was unwilling to do so, citing his old age and inconvenient legs and feet as an excuse to politely decline to be the governor of Yangzhou. Now he is the governor of Jiaozhi, which is enough!

Bu Zhi was furious and reprimanded Shi Xie's envoy, saying that Shi Xie's disobedience to the king's order was treason.

The next day, before Shishi could react, Bu Zhi personally led Chen Shi, Dai Liang and other Han generals to attack Hepu County in an attempt to capture Shi Yi, the prefect of Hepu.

Bu Zhao led his troops to arrive in person. The soldiers were unprepared and had no time to gather the soldiers, so they had to surrender to Bu Zhao. At the same time, Lu Dai sent troops from Cangwu, defeated the defenders of Yulin County, and occupied Yulin County.

As Hepu and Yulin counties were brought under Liu Bei's rule, Shi Xie, who was in charge of Jiaozhi, reacted and relied on his prestige to send Han Yi troops northward in an attempt to resist Bu Zhi's attack. In April, Bu Zhao and Lu Dai joined forces in Anguang County. Before fighting the rebels, they sent a "letter for help" to Wuhan, saying that the Jiaoling rebellion was unsafe and that the army needed to be mobilized south. Afterwards, the Bu Zhi and Lu Dai armies went south to Linchen and confronted the rebel Shi Xie army.

A war broke out at Jiaoling. According to the previous plan, Liu Feng and Meng Da led thousands of elite troops into the three eastern counties.

Liu Feng issued Liu Bei's edict to the Shen brothers, ordering them to enter Chu as officials. Each had an official position, either as a capital official or as a county guard. Later, Liu Feng was appointed as the prefect of Shangyong, Meng Da was appointed as the prefect of Fangling, and Wenbu, the former prefect of Fangling, was appointed as the prefect of Xicheng.

Among the Shen brothers, the elder brother Shen Dan chose to accept the emperor's order because his family had been moved to Wuhan long ago, and seeing that his official position had been promoted.

His younger brother Shen Yi was dissatisfied and reluctant, so he persuaded his elder brother Shen Dan to rebel. However, Shen Dan was unwilling to rebel and advised Shen Yi to accept the emperor's order.

Shen Yi was naturally unwilling and led his tribe to rebel. He wrote to Cao Ren in an attempt to drive Liu and Meng out of Dongsan County. Liu Feng ordered Meng Da to lead his army to attack Shen Yi.

The two armies fought, and Mengda was defeated. Shen Yi led the remaining troops to defeat the general and fled south to Cao Ren.

On the battlefield, Mengda's troops won a great victory. The sergeants were there to clean the battlefield, and the military drummers celebrated Mengda's military exploits with drums.

The chief clerk bowed his hands to Meng Da and said with a smile: "Congratulations, general, on your great victory over the rebel Shen Yi."


The generals and commanders under Mengda's tent were chatting and I was congratulating Mengda for putting down the rebellion.

Listening to everyone's compliments, Meng Da couldn't close his mouth and said with a smile: "Today's great breach of the Shen ceremony should be attributed to the efforts of all the kings, not to me alone. General Da will report the battle truthfully and dare not be partial."

"Thank you, General!"

Among the crowd and the atmosphere, at some point, the sound of horse hooves sounded in the distance. It turned out that Liu Feng led more than a hundred cavalry.

Meng Da and his generals' expressions darkened. Ever since they started traveling together, Liu Feng had been looking for trouble every now and then. Although everyone was dissatisfied with Liu Feng, they were more tolerant because of his status as Liu Bei's son.

"Shut up!"

The war horse came galloping, Liu Feng took the reins and stopped the horse in front of everyone.

Meng Da stepped forward, forced out a smile, and asked: "Young master has come from afar to report his first defeat to Shen Yi."

Liu Feng raised his neck slightly, with a very arrogant expression on his face, and asked, "Where is Shen Yi today?"

"We were defeated by our army and fled to Xiangyang with the remaining soldiers," Meng Da said.

Liu Feng looked at the drummer not far away, his face was unhappy, and he asked: "We haven't won a general yet, how dare we let the drummer praise his achievements? Isn't the general ashamed?"


Meng Da looked dissatisfied, but since Liu Feng was the commander-in-chief, he did not dare to say anything more.

"Somebody come!"

Liu Feng pointed at the musicians with a whip and said: "Send the drummers to the camp, and even the drummers!"


More than a dozen cavalrymen galloped towards the drummers, forcing them to stop playing and taking them to the camp. The drummer didn't have Mengda's military order and didn't know what to do. He fell into chaos and kept shouting.


Seeing this, he bowed to Liu Feng and saluted, and said: "Advocacy is a reward from the king. Now I want to seize the general's advocacy. I'm afraid it's rude!"

Liu Feng's face suddenly darkened and he scolded: "Who are you, dare to teach me how to behave?"

After saying that, Liu Feng looked at Meng Da and asked: "I want to celebrate the soldiers. I wonder if the general has any objections?"

Meng Da's face was very ugly, but he seemed to be afraid of Liu Feng's identity. He suppressed his anger and said, "Young master, if you need to encourage me, just take it."

"it is good!"

Liu Feng raised his head and smiled, looking very satisfied with Meng Da's expression of humiliation but not daring to object.

"Thank you so much, General Meng, for your encouragement!"

After speaking, Liu Feng rode away, leaving Meng Da and the generals behind.


But he bowed his face and said not angry, "Young master seizes the general for no reason to advocate, and now he humiliates the general. How can the general bear it now? He should report to the king and impeach the master."

Everyone's eyes gathered, and Meng Da seemed to feel ridiculed by his subordinates.

Mengda was ashamed and annoyed, and said: "Young Master is the son of the king, and he has an important responsibility. He is the governor of three counties. I was originally a subordinate general, but now because of my advocacy, I have a rift with you, and I have also impeached the king. I should have done it many times." Something is wrong!”

Hearing this, everyone sighed.

Meng Da is a surrendered general, and so are they. Reporting to Liu Bei because of his propaganda aroused Liu Feng's hatred and ruined his own career. It was definitely not worth it.

Although he said this, Mengda was so angry that it was hard to get out. After brewing for several days, Meng Da sent a letter to Xiangyang expressing his willingness to surrender to Cao Ren.

(End of this chapter)

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