Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 438 Defeating the Enemy’s Power

Chapter 438 Defeating the Enemy’s Power

On the open river beach in Fannan, several miles away from the Han army's camp, I saw Wei soldiers holding shovels and hoes, carrying out civil engineering work under the command of the general, hoping to build a long fort to block the Han army in Fannan.

In order to prevent Fan Nan's Han army from attacking, Yu Jin deployed antlers outside the long base and sent sergeants with armor to patrol in case Shi Ren and Zhao Lei suddenly came out and destroyed the long base. At the same time, he also posted scouts outside the Yuliangzhou camp to closely monitor Guan Yu's movements.

Yu Jin and Yan Xing walked side by side, inspecting the construction of the long base and discussing the details of the deployment.

Yan Xing looked at the direction of the Han camp from time to time and asked: "The general built the long fort as a countermeasure against the enemy, which put Guan Yu in a dilemma. However, I don't know how the general can say that Guan Yu will definitely lead the army into battle?"


Yu Jin put his hands behind his waist and said with a smile: "Although Guan Yu is both wise and brave, he is a famous general in the world. But he has a selfish temperament and often looks down on other generals. Today's strategy of turning the guest into the master may seem clever, but it cannot escape Guan Yu's eyes. If you want to crack this strategy, Only send troops to fight and destroy the long fortress."

"So based on Guan Yu's temperament, since he knows my strategy, how can he sit back and wait for death? He will definitely attack with troops and horses, preventing our army from building a long fortress."

Then, Yu Jin stroked his short beard and said with a smile: "If Guan Yu can't leave the camp and just sit back and watch our army build up the base, we can also prevent the bandit army from attacking Fancheng. When Fancheng is surrounded, we will look for opportunities to push back the water thieves. By then, Jingxiang will Anye!"

Because of Gai or his old rival, Yu Jin knew very well Guan Yu's personality and military style, which meant advancing without retreating and daring to face difficulties. How could he give up the battle now because he has more troops? He must lead his troops into battle to break his own long fortress.


Yan Xing clamped his horse's belly between his legs, galloped along the perimeter of the formation, drew his bow and arrow, and aimed at the soldiers behind the formation from a distance of dozens of steps. The arrows shot out of the air and hit the soldiers migrating the chariot head-on.

As he spoke, the scout was seen galloping his horse and whipping his whip, reining in his horse and stopping in front of Jin. He raised his hands and said, "General, Guan Yu personally led five thousand elite troops out of Yuliangzhou and headed straight for Fannan."


Yu Jin pounded his fists excitedly and said: "Yan Ming has arranged it before. You lead the elite infantry and cavalry to fight. I will lead the sergeants to hold down the formation and beware of Fan Nan's bandit army."


The Wei army was well-organized, with swords, shields, spears, bows and crossbows and other long and short weapons. The sergeants either hold their shields flat and gather them to form a wall; or they hold their spears at an angle and form a forest of spears, marching forward to the sound of drums in the formation.

Guan Yu had been managing troops and practicing martial arts in Nanjun for many years, and he devoted all his energy to the Northern Expedition to Xiangfan. Considering the formidable cavalry of the Northern Wei Dynasty, they had already arranged sergeants to form car formations specifically to restrain the cavalry.

Yan Xing held the reins and rode his horse in the lead. There were two thousand Wei cavalry with him. The horses were trampling on the river beach, and the sound of their hooves was like thunder, shaking the entire battlefield.

Huo Qubing redefined cavalry tactics for China. They used rapid maneuvers, long-distance attacks, detours and depth, interspersed encirclements, and directly defeated the Huns in the same way as the Huns.


Yuliangzhou is not far from Fannan. Guan Yu went out to destroy the fortress. He naturally moved his vehicles around the outside, with his infantry in the middle and his cavalry cruising behind. Once encountering a siege, the chariots were fixed on the spot, the infantry fought on the spot, and the cavalry gathered together.

Ordinary people say that the Han Dynasty defeated the Xiongnu with the help of Wei and Huo, but how could they be so powerful if they had so few guards and Huo!

Yan Xing led the war horse, easily got on the horse, held the long spear, and shouted: "Blow the drums and send out the troops!"

The reason why Wei and Huo are strong is not only their own military abilities, but also their strong tactics.

"Guan Yu really sent troops!"

The chariot formation started from Wei Qing and attacked the Xiongnu in the north. During the Great War in Mobei, Wei Qing penetrated thousands of miles into the grasslands and was surrounded by the Xiongnu Chanyu Yizhixie. Wei Qing used his chariots as a camp to fight against the Xiongnu, and finally defeated Yizhixie. He captured tens of thousands of people during the battle.

Wei Qing was better than Huo Qubing. He revolutionized China's coordinated fighting method of walking and riding. After more than 2,000 years, even in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the riding formation still did not decline. Therefore, if you want to attack the cavalry with foot, it cannot be done without a chariot formation.

Today, the Han army marched in surrounded by the "Guan" banner and beating drums. Because they kept the queue in order, they mostly marched slowly. The cavalry led by Yan Xing moved quickly, and in a few breaths, they reached the front of the Han army's chariot formation.

The Han army's infantry and cavalry were equally extraordinary, not to mention the rigorous lineup. The Han army placed their chariots outside, with spears and crossbowmen arrayed in the middle. The three teams of chariots, infantry and cavalry were under the command of Guan Yu, and the sergeants marched in an orderly manner. .

In an instant, the drums were beating like thunder and flags were flying. The Wei army's infantry and cavalry, which had been waiting in formation, followed the order and filed out of the Changbai camp.

Seeing the Wei cavalry rushing in like a tide, the sound of military drums rang out in the Han army formation, and the chariots gathered around them. The general called on the Han army crossbowmen in the formation to step forward and shoot arrows.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air, and hundreds of arrows flew out from the cavalry, either hitting the chariot or hitting the muddy ground. There were many arrows that crossed the chariot and hit the Han soldiers, causing the sergeants to wail.


After the Wei cavalry rushed to shoot first, the Han soldiers in the chariot formation counterattacked with foot bows and heavy crossbows. Under the waving of the Han army's flag, the Han army's arrows flew out one after another. The arrows pierced the sky. The dense arrows, with a whistling sound, rushed towards Wei Qi like locusts.

But he saw Wei Qi, who was running fast one second, fell to the ground the next second. The arrow clusters broke through the armor, blood spattered, dust flew up, the war horses neighed, the cavalry wailed, and the men and horses fell to the ground. Such a scene frightened the Wei soldiers to halt their horses and did not dare to enter the range of the crossbow.

Looking at Yan Xing holding the reins, his expression was solemn. Chariot formations are designed to defeat cavalry and pawns, and he probably knows that. Now Guan Yu used a chariot formation to meet the enemy, but it was difficult for him to take advantage of his cavalry.

"Come here, I ordered someone to tell the former general that Guan Yu is advancing in a chariot formation. Our cavalry is difficult to use and we need to attack him with infantry."


After the scouts ran away, Wei cavalry was afraid of the advantage of the chariot formation, and the Han army was ready to attack. Therefore, they only used bows and crossbows to harass them and did not dare to go deep into the chariot formation.

Just when Wei Qi did not dare to advance, Guan Yu was very bold and headed directly towards the stopped car formation. Wei's cavalry, which had stopped outside the shooting range, gradually dispersed, not daring to block the cavalry commanded by Guan Yu.

In the current situation, the Han family's chariots and cavalry are marching inside, and the Wei family's cavalry and soldiers are accompanying them outside.

Yan Xing sent the news of Guan Yu's attack in chariot formation to Yu Jin, who was leading his army to suppress the formation. His expression was very mysterious. The words "car formation" and "water thief" reminded him of the last general with whom he used a car formation to duel.

It was none other than Huo Jun, who stood up against the water, became famous in one battle, and intimidated the world.

Haozhou, the guard of the army, saw Yu Jin's wandering expression and reminded him: "General, Guan Yu is advancing in a chariot formation, and it is difficult for our cavalry to attack. General Yan is now asking for infantry support to besiege Guan Yu's troops."

Yu Jin came back to his senses and said in a deep voice: "Guan Yu sent out five thousand elite troops to fight. They used chariots as a screen, with bows, crossbows, spears, and cavalry inside. If you lightly attack the soldiers now, if you are frustrated by the chariot formation, , if all the water thieves attack together, our army will be defeated!"

Yu Jin tried to force Guan Yu to leave the camp and fight by using the strategy of turning against the guests. Guan Yu, as he wished, even led his troops into battle himself. However, Guan Yu was unprepared. He took advantage of the special characteristics of the chariot formation to fight against Yu Jin.

If Yu Jin bullies him because he has few soldiers, he will lead a large army to attack him. Then Guan Yu will use the chariot formation to teach Yu Jin again, telling him not to rush into the chariot formation when he sees it.

At this time, the situation was just as Yu Jin said, his troops and horses were frustrated by the chariot formation. Lü Meng, Shiren and the Yuliangzhou Han army will not miss this opportunity, and they will definitely be defeated by the ban.

More than ten years ago, due to Xia Houyuan's impetuous advance, Huo Jun suppressed his troops and beat him with two to three thousand troops. He learned a lot from the experience, and returned home to reflect on the war and get advice from Cao Cao. Yu Jin already has a mature method of dealing with car formations, and he will definitely not go as Guan Yu wants now. Haozhou looked troubled and said, "May I ask General, if we don't use infantry to surround Guan Yu, which method should we use to break the chariot formation?"

Yu Jin pondered for a while and said: "The chariot formation is surrounded by chariots, and its disadvantage lies in the chariots. Chariots can be used in plains and riverbanks, but it is difficult to use them in ravines, mountains, forests, and hills. Now Guan Yu uses chariot formations When we advance, we should ask the sergeants to dig gullies to block the movement of the water thieves and their chariot array."

Since the chariot formation is composed of chariots, it must have the advantages and disadvantages of chariots. How can it only have advantages and no disadvantages?

Chariots emerged in the Spring and Autumn Period, but due to the rise of infantry phalanxes, the role of chariots gradually declined. Moreover, the rise of cavalry during the same period further squeezed the living space of chariots. On the battlefield, tanks have gradually become little more than logistical tools, unable to take on major responsibilities.

The tank tactics revolutionized by Wei Qing actually picked up the characteristics of the tank for on-site defense and could be used as a means of transportation.

Therefore, the vehicle formation still has the disadvantages of the chariot, that is, instead of fighting on flat ground, moving the battlefield to mountains, jungles or creating artificial obstacles can change the direction of the vehicle formation and destroy the use of the vehicle formation. Therefore, Yu Jin's strategy of digging ravines was able to prevent Guan Yu from marching in a chariot formation.

That is to say, there was an order from Yu Jin to dig ravines to stop Guan Yu from advancing. The sergeants building the long base abandoned their current tasks and headed eastward under the leadership of the general. They wanted to dig ravines on Guan Yu's must pass and retreat route, trying to surround Guan Yu from the east and west.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Jin ordered Haozhou to sit in Changba and monitor Fan Nan's Han army. He personally led his soldiers to raid the formation and fight against Guan Yu's troops.

After a while, the Wei army's digging of ravines and the news of Yu Jin's personal visit to the battlefield were known to the scouts on the boat on the Han River, and they informed Guan Yu.

"Father, according to the scouts, the soldiers were ordered to dig ravines on the east and west sides in order to hinder our army's advance and retreat. How should we deal with it now?" Guan Ping said.

Hearing this, Guan Yu's expression darkened slightly and he said: "Yu Jin can recognize the intention of marching for his father, and he can break the essence of the chariot formation. He has strategies that should not be underestimated."

Guan Yu thought about it while holding the gun, and said: "You are aware of my strategy in the forbidden area and mobilize the Changbai sergeants to march eastward. Now you can let Shiren and Zhao Lei lead their troops to fight in order to attack the Changbao sergeants."

Guan Ping looked a little worried and said: "Father, I am sending soldiers eastward in the ban, but there are many soldiers in Fancheng and Changbao, so it may be difficult to achieve results!"

Guan Yu stroked his beard and smiled lightly, and said: "As my father, I have my own arrangements. Go quickly and order the scouts to inform Generals Shiren and Zhao Lei."


That is to say, under Guan Yu's order, the Han army's chariot formation seemed to be afraid that its own retreat would be cut off, so it retreated from the original route. Yu Jin and Yan Xing followed closely with their cavalry. During this period, both sides continued to shoot at each other with bows and crossbows, interfering with each other's actions.

After conveying military information through waterways, Fannan Camp received Guan Yu's military order. Shiren and Zhao Lei each led their troops to attack the long base fortifications. Haozhou, who was in charge of the long base, led the Wei soldiers to attack and took the initiative to respond to the soldiers and Zhao.

Now the situation in Fan Nan is in a confrontation. Yu Jin and Yan Xing are staring at Guan Yu, while Hao Zhou leads his army to meet Jiang Ren. Both sides have their own means, but due to various reasons, neither has gained an advantage.

However, when the two parties were entangled, Lu Meng led his army across the Han River from Hannan, landed from the west, and attacked the Wei army in Changba.

At this time, Chang Lei's Wei army was constantly being mobilized by Yu Jin, and Shi Ren attracted Hao Zhou's attention, so Chang Lei was already empty.


Lü Meng was riding on a war horse, holding a Han sword in his hand. He spurred his horse and shouted, "Surge into the enemy camp and destroy the long fortress."

Lü Meng was a follow-up recruit for Guan Yu, and he stationed a large number of troops outside Xiangyang. Now that he wants to go out to fight and destroy the long base, how can Guan Yu forget Lu Meng? Today, Guan Yu thought he would destroy the long base, but considering the changes in the situation, he had no choice but to let Lu Meng take action. He would draw the firepower of most of the enemy invaders.

As for Shiren, he has been exposed to the Forbidden Eye for a long time and is destined to be unable to fulfill the role of Qi Jun.


The Han army used bows and crossbows to clear the way, with light armor behind them. When the few Wei soldiers who stayed behind saw this, most of them were defeated and fled, and they did not dare to stop them. The Han army broke into the long fort like a broken bamboo. Everything that could catch fire around the long fort was ignited by torches.

Due to the dry winter, the wood used to build the long fort was burned by the fire, and thick smoke billowed up.

On the south floor of Fancheng, Cao Ren saw that the long fortress was breached and shouted: "Niu Jin, speed up the cavalry to get out of the city and attack the water thieves who entered the fortress."


Niu Jin replied with a rough voice.

In Cao Cao's arrangement, Cao Ren defended the city and went to battle in Jin. Seeing that the long base was under attack, Cao Ren didn't care so much, and immediately asked Niu Jin to lead his cavalry out of the city and repel Lu Meng who broke into the long base.

When the gate opened, Niu Jin took the lead and led 300 cavalrymen straight to the long base.

At this time, Lu Meng and his sergeants destroyed the long fortress, killed as many Wei soldiers as possible, and burned supplies and wood.

The attendant came on horseback and shouted: "General, the thieves have killed Niu Jin from Fan City, and they have many cavalry. Our army's peripheral cavalry cannot stop them and have been scattered!"

Lu Meng looked east and asked, "Has Yan Xing returned to his army?"

"I'm back!"

The attendant looked nervous and said: "The smoke and dust billowing in the east should look like cavalry galloping."


Lu Meng looked at the long base surrounded by thick smoke and scattered mounds of earth. Today's goal had been achieved, and he had no desire to succeed, so he called the soldiers to evacuate.

As the golden sound sounded, more than a thousand elite infantry gradually gathered around Lu Meng and moved closer to the shore to evacuate.

However, just as the sergeants from various ministries hurriedly boarded the ship, the guards around Lu Meng suddenly screamed in surprise.

"The enemy is coming!"

Lu Meng looked up and saw General Niu Jin riding towards him to attack him.

Looking at Lu Meng who was about to board the ship and evacuate, Niu Jin pointed at the 'Lu' flag and shouted angrily: "Shoot arrows, shoot at the water pirate flag!"

More than a dozen arrows flew through the air.

The bodyguard stepped forward and raised his large shield to cover Lu Meng. Most of the arrows either missed or were blocked by the shields. However, one shot came too fast. When the guard raised his shield, the cold arrow passed over the shield and hit Lu Meng's left arm. The arrow cluster penetrated the armor and penetrated deeply into his arm muscles. Yin Hong The blood overflowed.


Lu Meng held his left arm and groaned in pain!

(End of this chapter)

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