Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 445: Spring comes out of dead trees

Chapter 445: Spring comes out of dead trees

Luoyang, Wei Palace.

Cao Cao and his cronies walked among the gardens, tasting the blooming flowers.

Pointing to the peony with a perfect and upright shape and bright petals like fire, Cao Cao praised it and said: "The peony is as beautiful as a noble person, the most beautiful among the flowers, and it is the only one among the flowers!"

The confidants pointed out the flower garden, and they were convinced that it was there.

Sun Quan followed closely behind him and said: "It's a pity that your Majesty did not arrive in Luoyang early. The flowers were in full bloom at that time, and the peonies were even more beautiful than today. Today, the peonies will wither and fall, and their petals will no longer be as beautiful as they used to be. If your majesty wants to appreciate the blooming peonies, you must Wait till next year! What a pity! What a pity!"

Cao Cao commissioned Sun Quan to build the Luoyang Palace, with frugality as the top priority.

Based on Cao Cao's request, Sun Quan integrated the palace materials from Chang'an and Xuchang based on the Luoyang Palace, saving everything and putting it together. The three cities were combined into one, and 50,000 people were sent to build it. It took ten months to finally repair the Luoyang Palace.

Although the newly built Luoyang Palace was not as prosperous as the Eastern Han Dynasty, it had some flavor, which made Cao Cao very satisfied.

Cao Cao looked at the petals falling on the ground, and couldn't help but think of his age, and sighed: "People don't live for a hundred years, and flowers don't bloom for a hundred days. God has a number, that's all."

Sun Quan smiled and said: "Your Majesty can still eat meat and rice, ride a horse and gallop, and is stronger than ordinary people. We should be amazed!"

For example, as Sun Quan said, most of his harem are beautiful concubines he took in his early years. Now they are getting old and their appearance is declining. It is better to follow Sun Quan's words and take young women as concubines and feel the heat of youth again. After thinking like this, Cao Cao suddenly felt angry.

"In that case, Your Majesty will accept the young concubines." Sun Quan said.

Cao Cao looked at Sun Quan with squinted eyes and asked, "What does Zhongmou mean?"

However, in order to maintain his demeanor, Cao Cao joked: "Zhong Mou can say this because he has some understanding."

Gai may have been mentally prepared. Cao Cao sneered a few times and said sarcastically: "If Duke Shan Yang is not dead, how can Liu Bei defy heaven and become emperor?"


Liu Bei has grown up, and Cao Cao can do nothing to Liu Bei. Now he can only make a few words to show his anger. Today is different from the past. Gaishi and Liu Bei suffered repeated setbacks in their fights, and Liu Bei had long been expected to become emperor. Cao Cao was already in a more relaxed mood.

The existence of Liu Xie is not a good thing for Liu Bei. Liu Bei respects Liu Xie as his king and considers himself a minister of the clan. If Liu Xie is not destroyed, Liu Bei cannot legitimately proclaim himself emperor. Therefore, Zhuge Liang could only let people spread rumors that Liu Xie had been killed, so that he could clear the immediate obstacles for Liu Bei and naturally proclaim himself emperor.

Cao Cao raised his head and smiled, his heart moved and his lower limbs slightly raised.

Sun Quan said in a serious tone: "I have often heard that dead trees are full of life when spring comes. This may be the case when people meet young people!"

Sun Quan smiled and didn't respond. You can't say more jokes like this. If you say it before, it will definitely make Cao Cao unhappy, so just stop it.

Cao Cao stroked his beard and paced back and forth and said with a smile: "Last year I was still able to draw a bow, but this year I am struggling to draw a bow. How can I say that I am not old?"

With that said, Cao Cao said to the ministers on his left and right: "Liu Bei has a reputation of being loyal and treacherous, but he is hypocritical and righteous. Such a villain lives in the land of Chu barbarians and pretends to be a false emperor. I will capture Liu Bei alive sooner or later!"


While the monarchs and ministers were enjoying the tour, they saw the Huangmen servant approaching. He cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I have come to report from Wuhan. It was rumored that the Duke of Shanyang died and Liu Bei mourned him. Following the legacy of Ji Han, he counterattacked in Wuhan. Heaven calls him a false emperor, grants rewards to everyone, appoints hundreds of officials, builds ancestral temples, and offers sacrifices to the kings of the Han Dynasty."


Looking up at the sky, Cao Cao felt melancholy in his heart.

When he was young, he made good friends with Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Bao Hong, Zhang Miao and others, and they jointly talked about prospering Han Dynasty and serving the country. However, the world was in chaos and heroes were vying for the throne. Due to various things, he, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Bao Hong, Zhang Miao and others either turned against each other or brought about their own destruction.

After decades, only he and Liu Bei survived to the end, and they successively proclaimed themselves emperors, embarking on a path that they had never thought of at the time. When I entered Luoyang in the past, I had the thought of serving my country; now when I enter Luoyang, I have become a dragon slayer!

"Your Majesty, do you want to issue a document to refute the pseudo-emperor Liu Bei?" Chen Qun asked, bowing.


Cao Cao came back to his senses and said: "I said more about Shan Yanggong's recent situation in the article, so that the world will know Liu Xuande's reputation as a loyal and treacherous person."

Cao Cao spared no effort in criticizing Liu Bei's reputation. In Cao Cao's view, Liu Bei was mostly hypocritical, otherwise he would not have betrayed him in the first place.



Cao Cao seemed to be remembering something and asked: "How is the war in Xiangfan today? Summer is coming soon, can we open the Xiangyang passage in Yujin?"

Sima Yi shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, at the beginning, Guan Yu trapped Xiangyang and besieged Fancheng. He stationed his army on Yuliangzhou and cut off the Xiangyang channel of the Han River by boat. Later, two generals, Yu and Yan, arrived at Fancheng and fought with Guan Yu. Several times, although we gradually gained the upper hand, we were unable to communicate with Xiangyang."

"Later Liu Bei sent Pang De to lead 10,000 infantry and cavalry to support Guan Yu, and two generals, Yu and Yan, fought with him. However, Guan Yu commanded his troops well and Pang De fought bravely. There was no clear winner between the two sides and the war was in a stalemate. So today At that time, Fancheng was unimpeded and Xiangyang’s waterway was cut off.”

Cao Cao frowned and said: "The water thieves have the advantage of boats and boats. They can enter by water and seal off Hannan. Can they cross the river from the upper reaches of the Han River now?"


Sima Yi explained: "Above the Han River are the two counties of Fangling and Nanxiang. The three counties of Shangyong and Fangling have been in Liu Bei's hands. Before this battle, Nanxiang was originally in my hands, but after the Battle of Zhushui, The prefect Fu Fang surrendered to Guan Yu. Guan Yu used Fu Fang to govern the prefectures and counties, restored him to his old official position, and recruited his old troops to surrender."

"Meng Da and Fu Fang came out of Gucheng and occupied several counties in northern Han Dynasty. They formed a plundering formation for Guan Yu in the lower reaches. In the current situation, most of the upper and upper reaches of the Han River were invaded by Guan Yu. Without Deng Sai's division, the upper reaches were occupied by thieves, so Xiangyang The waterway is cut off and cannot be connected to the outside world!"

For both the north and the south, if they want to conquer Xiangyang City, they need to control the Han River. Even if Guan Yu doesn't fight now, he can take Xiangyang in a short time.

Why were Cao Cao and Cao Ren interested in the three counties of Shangyong and Fangling before? In addition to taking the three counties to gain merit, there may be more than 100,000 people.

Another reason is that the three counties and nine counties are located in the upper reaches of Xiangyang. Once we can capture the three counties, we will not only protect Xiangfan from worry, but also threaten Hanzhong in the Southern Han Dynasty.

Once there is an opportunity to take advantage, Guanzhong, Longyou, and Shangyong all send troops and horses, and there is really no big problem in taking Hanzhong. Hanzhong serves as the barrier for Yi and Liang states in the southern Han Dynasty. If it is occupied by Cao Wei, it will cause internal unrest in the Bashu region.

Bashu is not Wu Chu. Although it is occupied by Liu Bei, its foundation is shallow. Any disturbance can cause big changes.

Cao Ren's troops entered Zhushui and not only sent away all the soldiers and horses of Jingzhou, but also presented them to the governor of Jingzhou and the governor of Nanxiang. This led to turmoil in Jingxiang, erosion in Nanxiang, and Hanshui being completely occupied by Guan Yu.

Cao Cao sent Yu Jin southward, hoping to repel Guan Yu, recapture Nanxiang County, and then open up the Han River. Unexpectedly, the two armies fought against each other for several months without success, and could only ensure that Fancheng was safe.

"Guan Yu is both wise and brave, and is a famous general among the Southern Bandits. He has been stationed in Jiangling for several years, and he has long wanted to devour Xiangyang. Now that he has got his idea, his troops have entered the Han River, and Liu Bei is there to support him. It will not be easy for his troops to retreat."

Cao Cao put his hands behind his waist and asked, "Does Wen He have a plan to resolve the crisis in Xiangyang?"

Jia Xu stroked his beard and thought deeply, and said: "I heard that there was two-year-old grain in Xiangyang City. I live in the north of Xiangyang City and can see Fan City. Therefore, if Fan City is not lost, Xiangyang will last for a long time. The rainy season is coming, and the Han River is rising. It is easy to disappear. The city will be of great benefit to the water thieves, but it will be detrimental to our army's long-term war."

"Therefore, in view of Xu, your majesty might as well order the general to retreat and camp instead of fighting Guan Yu. When the rainy season ends and the Han River falls, your majesty will personally lead the army to march south. He will first go to Nanxiang to lure the enemy to fight, or It can reopen the Han River and relieve the difficulties in Xiangyang."


Cao Cao nodded and said: "What Wen He said was a prudent view, and we should give in to Jin."

(End of this chapter)

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