Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 448 Discussing Military Affairs on the Sun

Chapter 448 Discussing Military Affairs on the Sun

May, Wuhan.

In summer, there are lotus leaves on the lake, and fish are playing in the pavilion lake.

Liu Bei, Huo Jun, Fazheng and other monarchs and ministers were drinking together at the pavilion in the lake. Most of their words were about military affairs.

"I heard that Jiaoling is very hot and the sun is shining brightly. Now that I see Zhongmiao, it seems that the rumors are true." Liu Bei said with a smile.

Huo Jun smiled helplessly. When he went to Panyu this time, his skin was tanned due to the hot sun in Jiaoling!

Fazheng stroked his beard and said: "I just heard someone say that Jiaoling is so hot that there is no snow in winter and leaves do not fall in autumn. In autumn in Wuhan, Panyu is in the middle of summer; in the deep winter of Wuhan, Panyu is in autumn. The world is vast, It covers thousands of miles and has ever-changing climate, which is the mystery of time and geography.”

Liu Bei was quite enlightened and said: "I was born in Youyan, traveled through the Central Plains, and then came to Wu and Chu. The climate in Guanjialing today is just like the rumors. I have a question, why does it get hotter the further south I go?"

Huo Jun smiled and asked, "May I ask, Your Majesty, when lighting a fire to keep warm in winter, should it be warmer if it is closer to the stove or farther away from the stove?"

"At that time, the closer you were to the fire, the better you could stay warm. This three-year-old child knew it all." Liu Bei laughed and said, "Zhongmiao didn't mean to say that the sun is closer to the south and farther to the north. Therefore, the farther south you go, the hotter the climate becomes."

"Of course!"

Huo Jun endured his temper and said: "Zhuo County is located in the north of Wuhan, so Zhuo County is colder than Wuhan. Longbian is located in the south of Panyu, so Jiaozhi is hot in the South China Sea. Therefore, in terms of the Han Dynasty, the sun is close to the south and the sun is far to the north. This is the principle that cannot be changed in the world."

Fazheng shook his head in disbelief and said, "Although Zhongmiao's words are reasonable, Zheng cannot agree with them. If Zhongmiao's words are as good as what he said, wouldn't we be above Miaomiao?"

When later generations talk about the mountainous areas in the southwest, it is often said that only by reforming the land and returning it to the local people can centralization be established. However, as for how soil is made, few people have pursued it deeply.

He has even prepared to use the relationship between the sun and the earth as the outline in the first draft of the book of war to discuss in detail the impact of climate and four seasons on the use of troops, and try his best to influence the rulers of the past dynasties from the perspective of military strategists.

The native people are called chieftains. The chieftain system started in the Yuan Dynasty. They were favored by Yunnan and Guizhou, and the chiefs of each tribe were recorded in the old records. Therefore, they are considered to be native officials with long-term governance, such as the Cen family of Tianzhou, the Zhao family of Longzhou, the Yang family of Bozhou, and the An family of Guizhou.

After a pause, Liu Bei changed the subject and asked: "Zhongmiao has been going south to Jiaozhou for a long time, and now Jiaozhou has just arrived. I want to deepen the rule. Can you give me some advice?"

Fa Zheng had doubts in his heart and retorted: "Could it be that the sun is like a stove, lighting up the fire makes it dawn, and turning off the fire makes it night? The reason why there are four seasons is that adding more firewood means midsummer and less firewood means cold winter. Zhongmiao's words may not be convincing! "

This kind of social structure and the internal governance system of the barbarians are not organized, let alone the return of the Han family.

The topic was interrupted by Liu Bei, but Huo Jun didn't take it seriously. A temporary argument about winning or losing is of no use. It is better to use his identity in the future to publicize the relationship between Japan and Earth.

"Since it gets hotter and hotter as you go south, I wonder why the sky is divided into day and night, and the year is divided into four seasons?"

Although Huo Jun's words were logically self-consistent, the content was beyond the understanding of Fazheng and Liu Bei. If Huo Jun hadn't been famous for his erudition, they might have treated Huo Jun as a lunatic.

For example, during the Han Dynasty, most of the barbarians in Nanzhong and Jiaoling were still in the backward barbaric period. In their family relationships, they only knew their mothers but not their fathers, and they adopted a living style of living in caves.

After calming down his mind, Huo Jun said: "Jiaozhou is rough and peaceful, and it will be difficult for Your Majesty to control it deeply. Jun and Governor Lu once said that although Shixie was defeated, there are many traitors in Jiaozhou. If Your Majesty wants to control Jiaoling deeply, he must first pacify the rebels and then control them. Select virtuous officials to serve in counties and counties."

Seeing that there were signs of deepening friction between the two, Liu Bei interrupted and said: "The four seasons, the language of day and night, have been discussed by various families since ancient times. Zhongmiao's words are meticulous and can be said by the whole family!"

Regardless of the birth experience of the chieftain, when looking at the Han Dynasty, there were very few people in the Han Dynasty who could be canonized as chieftains.

Huo Jun was not impatient. He raised the two teacups in front of him, put them together with his mouth, and said: "The sun is like Jun's left eye. When you look at the upper tea cup, you will move away from the lower tea cup; when you look at the lower tea cup, you will move away from the upper tea cup. The big man may be on top of the upper lamp. If he looks at the lower lamp, he will look less at the upper lamp, and vice versa."

"As for the difference between day and night, it is better to think of the tea cup spinning. When you look at the front side, it is day, and the back side is night. Therefore, there are four seasons in the north and south, and day and night in the east and west. This is why the sun rises in the east and sets in the west!"

Before Huo Jun left Jiaozhou, he met Lu Dai and pointed out the dissatisfaction of Jiaoling counties. Because Shi Xie had exclusively ruled Jiaozhou for decades, the barbarians only knew Shi Xie but not the Han family. Lu Dai was determined to severely crack down on the four rebel barbarians and establish the prestige of the Han family in Jiaozhou. If the prestige of the Han family can be established, it will be much easier for Han officials to manage Jiaozhou counties.

Hearing this, Huo Jun felt helpless. Could it be that he told Fa Zheng that people live on the earth and are attracted to the earth due to gravity. Then extending to the sun as the center, the earth revolves around the sun, and the moon cannot shine. It can only shine because the moon blocks the sun.

"In midsummer, the sun shines on the upper lamp, so the weather in Han Dynasty is hot; in the middle of winter, the sun turns to the lower lamp, so the climate in Han Dynasty is very cold. This is how the four seasons come about."

As the scholar family was collectively moved to Wuhan, the Southern Han Dynasty did not establish a stable rule in Jiaozhou. There were riots in various counties and counties in Jiaoling, either from pirates attacking the people or from barbarian unrest.

"Therefore, Jun Piao thought that your majesty should appoint the governor Lu to punish the thieves, subdue the remnants of the traitors and barbarians in Jiaoling, organize the people into households, and bring peace to the counties and districts. Since the barbarian rulers in Jiaoling know your majesty's power, it is time to rule in Jiaoling! "

Therefore, the real core of the current governance of Jiaoling and Nanzhong is to maintain the authority of the Han family, protect the local Han people, and try to integrate the familiar barbarians into households and integrate the people into the Han population. And spread advanced technology to backward areas, and then use Han culture and customs to wash the ground.

"If we follow Zhong Miao's words, Jiaozhou should not be the same as the other states in the interior. He should be granted the title of Dinggong General and be allowed to raise troops to fight against thieves."

Liu Bei stroked his beard and chanted, "Come here, I have issued an edict to confer Lu Dai as General Zhaoxin, and allow him to send troops and horses to Jiaozhou to attack the traitors from all over Jiaoling County."


Different from the system of state and county chiefs leading troops in the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Southern Han Dynasty rejected the system of state governors leading troops due to the Eastern Han Dynasty and Liu Bei's own prestige issues.

For example, Pan Jun and Xu Shu did not have the power to lead the army, but only had the power to supervise the army. Whenever there is a rebellion in Yizhou, the prefect of the county can lead troops to quell the rebellion; if there is a rebellion in several counties, the governor of Jiangzhou, Zhang Fei, will lead the army to quell the rebellion, or the relevant generals will be assigned to quell the rebellion. The newly appointed governors of Yang and Jing Prefectures, like Pan Jun and Xu Shu, only had the power to govern the entire prefecture, but did not have the power to lead troops in combat. Their authority is closely related to the strength of the Wuhan center, and it is difficult to form a separatist force.

Now, due to the different situation in Jiaozhou, Liu Bei needs to specifically grant Lu Dai the rank of general, so that he can lead the army to fight against the thieves.

As he spoke, Wang Can hurried over, holding a letter in his hand, and said: "Your Majesty, a letter from Lord Guan."

"What's the matter?"

Liu Bei stopped talking and laughing and asked, "How is the war in Xiangfan going now?"

Wang Can first saluted Liu Bei and presented him with a letter in silk, saying: "Your Majesty, the Lord has said that due to the rise of the Han River in the rainy season, Yu Jin has moved his camp ten miles north of Fancheng to a high place to avoid the water. The Lord wants to observe the changes in the water conditions. , and then choose a specific strategy to fight the enemy."

Liu Bei looked through the letters written by Guan Yu with a thoughtful look on his face.

After browsing for a while, Liu Bei handed the letter to Huo Jun and Fazheng and asked: "I want to send troops to Cao Cao in June and July to help Yunchang's northern expedition to Xiangfan. I don't know what you think, do you have any advice?"

When Liu Bei was young, although he was fond of dogs and horses and had fine clothes, he was not a man who was greedy for pleasure. Two years had passed since the last Northern Expedition to Shouchun. Liu Bei, who felt that he was getting older, could no longer resist the idea of ​​sending troops north. Especially since the Xiangfan battlefield was progressing smoothly, he saw the hope of the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains.

A few days after proclaiming himself emperor, Liu Bei convened everyone to discuss the Northern Expedition and sent an envoy to Xiangfan to inquire about the situation and prepare for the Northern Expedition.

Huo Jun returned to Wuhan for the first time. He did not know the details of the Xiangfan battlefield and did not dare to say anything, so he remained silent.

Fazheng put down the letter and said: "Your Majesty, Cao Ren was defeated at Zhushui, and Guan Junhou came to besiege Xiangfan. Cao Cao sent Yu Jin to help, hoping to break our army and restore Xiangyang. However, after a long battle, the outcome of the two sides is indifferent, so it can be said that Cao Ren and Yu Jin are out of wit and weak in strength, it is difficult for them to defeat Guan Junhou!"

"In my opinion, Cao Cao will definitely wait for the Han River to descend, raise his troops and march south to relieve the siege of Xiangfan. This summer and autumn, there will be abundant rains, and the Han River will rise sharply, so it is a good time to use troops. Your Majesty will lead the troops to attack, and we will surely It can help. However, where to send the troops still needs to be discussed in depth!"

Liu Bei pondered for a while and asked: "Now Yun Chang seems to have a strategy to defeat the thieves. He wants to raise troops to attack Xiangfan. Is it possible?"

Fazheng shook his head and said: "The land of Xiangfan is narrow, and the city walls are naturally dangerous and difficult to break through easily. Guan Junhou successfully deployed his troops, retreated from Jin, blocked the Han River, and besieged Xiangyang. Now that your Majesty has raised troops to help, Cao Cao will definitely go south. It’s time for Xiangfan to change again!”

"Cao Cao also sent his troops out of Yiyang and into Sui County. The army's flanks were in danger, and Wuhan was under a military front. It was hard to say it was a wise move."

After saying that, Fazheng paused for a while and said: "In view of justice, Your Majesty, it is better to send troops to Jiangxia, break through the three passes, leave the Dabie Mountains, approach the Huaihe River, and attack Runan personally, in order to contain Cao Cao's army. When Xiangfan changes, Your Majesty, if you turn to the west, you can ensure that you can descend to Xiangfan."

It has been said before that the route to the south and north is to send troops to Xiangfan and Shouchun. In fact, there is also a route to send troops to the north in the direction due north of Wuhan, that is, from the three passes of Yiyang to the north, to attack the two of Yiyang and Runan. county.

This road is located between Shouchun and Xiangfan, and it is a place where you can echo left and right. Liu Bei sent troops from Jiangxia to the Northern Expedition, which could lead to the battlefield in the Central Plains, thereby containing Cao Cao's troops and reducing the pressure on Guan Yu.

Moreover, Guan Yu's troops were undergoing changes and needed support from soldiers and horses. The army under Liu Bei's command can easily move westward to support him, which is extremely convenient.

Fazheng sketched a blueprint for Liu Bei and said: "When Xiangfan is conquered, Your Majesty will farm and accumulate grains. Watch the enemy's changes and think about advancing. At the top, you can leave Wancheng and build a powerful army in Luo. In the middle, you can encroach on Nanyang and expand the territory. At the bottom, You can stick to the key points and have a long-term hope of progress.”

"The troops marched out of Yiyang?"

Liu Bei stroked his black and white beard and asked, "Does Zhong Miao have any insight?"

Huo Jun frowned and thought, and said: "There have been a lot of rains this year, and it seems like the river is rising. The Han River has been invading the people all year round, and many cities in Jingxiang have built dams. Cao Ren is brave but has no plan, and few have far-sightedness; he has no control over the restrictions. If you have a little strategy, you don't know the mountains and rivers. General Guan is so sharp that he will surely be able to take advantage of the situation and plan to win."

"Since Xiangfan is beneficial to our army, it is not appropriate for more rebellions to occur. Your Majesty, why not follow the advice of the king of law and send troops to Yiyang, either to contain or support, or to advance in Runan, all of which are safe strategies .”

Huo Jun didn't know whether the Seventh Army would be flooded here.

However, no matter whether the flooding of the Seventh Army will happen or not, it is meaningless to let Liu Bei's troops leave Xiangfan now. Not to mention whether Cao Cao would implement the strategy of besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao, it would not be a wise move just to attract Cao Cao's army to the Xiangfan battlefield and invest hundreds of thousands of troops from both sides.

After all, Cao Cao was not an ordinary general, and he might have some flaws as a king, but even Li Shimin recognized his tactical ability as a general. Extraordinary generals are comparable, especially their ability to counterattack under heavy pressure.

During World War II in Guandu and Bailangshan, despite the harsh battlefield situation, Cao Cao still relied on his excellent tactical ability to defeat Yuan Shao and behead Tadun.

Now that the Southern Han Dynasty maintains its advantage in Xiangfan, why not let Guan Yu continue to maintain its advantage and open another battlefield, thereby containing Cao Cao's army and preventing him from supporting Xiangfan.

Liu Bei sipped his tea, nodded, and said, "Zhongmiao and Xiaozhi's words are indeed insightful. Let me think about it for a few days before setting a time to send out troops."

With the suggestions of Huo Jun and Fazheng, Liu Bei basically made up his mind to expedition north from Jiangxia. But Liu Bei still needed to communicate with Zhuge Liang and ask him for his opinion on sending troops.

After a pause, Liu Bei ordered: "Come, order Yi and Liangzhou to prepare for war and send troops to the Northern Expedition at any time."


(End of this chapter)

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