Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 450 The Han River surges

Chapter 450 The Han River surges

Since the Battle of Chrysostom, the situation in the world has gradually become clearer. It is no longer the beginning of chaos in the world, where there is no war, no land, no war. At present, because of the strong base of Cao Liu, he often chooses the opportunity to use troops after weighing the pros and cons.

Once a battle is decided, the two regimes often exert all their strength to fight, ending with one side voluntarily withdrawing its troops. From this point of view, although the frequency of wars is declining, it does not mean that the intensity of the wars is declining. On the contrary, due to the vast territory of both sides and the increase in the number of soldiers and civilians under their rule, the intensity of the wars is rising sharply.

Last year, under the collective planning of Huo Jun, Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Lu Xun and others, they successfully lured Cao Ren to use Jingxiang soldiers and horses to build water deep into the water, and Guan Yu set up troops at Mankou to break it.

This year, Cao Cao sent Yu Jinnan to assist Xiangfan, and Liu Bei sent Pang De to support Guan Yu. Grains and supplies that had been accumulated for many years were transported to the front line through waterways.

The two sides, with nearly 100,000 troops, started a confrontation with Fancheng as the center of gravity. Yu and Guan fought against each other for several months, but due to the arrival of the rainy season, they had to suspend the confrontation and enter a short rest period.

However, in this calm situation, the battlefield situation is undercurrent, and the outcome may be changed by a heavy rain.

The rain is continuous, unlike the lightning and thunder during heavy rains. The rain is accompanied by strong winds to form a torrential rain curtain.

On the Han River, Ran Sheng and his more than 20 sergeants took a boat out of the water village and went up the Han River. Due to the strong water and strong winds, the boat moved slowly.

Ran Sheng was standing on the bow of the boat wearing a raincoat and holding a spear. Due to the slanting rain, his face was already covered with water droplets, making it difficult to open his eyes and see far away.

Scar Chief muttered something in his mouth and complained: "It's raining and windy, and there are no soldiers, so why send people out of the camp to patrol? It's puzzling to ask us to go out to the camp to observe the changes in the water conditions." "

Hearing this, Ran Sheng came over and shouted.

Ran Sheng grabbed the cable and shouted: "Turn the ship around, we cannot sail against the Han River."

The Han River is surging, turbulent, and the water level is soaring. The wooden piles used to measure the water level have long been submerged by the Han River and can no longer be found. Moreover, due to the rising water level of the Han River, not only the water flow has become turbulent, but the waves are also beating against the dams on both sides, as if trying to escape the constraints of the dams.


Seeing this situation, Ran Sheng trembled all over and shouted: "Turn around quickly!"

Then, he heard a strange sound of thunder, which may have sounded like the rumble of muffled thunder.

After wiping his face, Ran Sheng wiped off the rainwater on his face and cursed: "Zhang Scar, don't be like my little wife. If you talk nonsense again, I will shut your mouth. Hurry up and find the water mark!"

Immediately afterwards, he heard Scar Chang shout in horror: "It's flooding!"



He looked up and saw that under the black clouds on the horizon, the Han River was like a wild horse running wild, rushing towards their ship with rumbling thunder.

After Ran Sheng's roar, the people on the deck became quiet, and everyone stretched out their heads to look for the ten-foot-long wooden stake that they had laid before.

The deck was slippery, and Ran Sheng staggered and almost fell. With the help of the cable, Ran Sheng stabilized his posture.

The sergeant beside him had a look of confusion on his face. Just when he opened his mouth to ask something, he noticed that the flow of the Han River suddenly became faster, and there were branches and branches flowing down the river.

Ran Sheng put his hands on the edge of the boat, bent down to look, and saw that the turbid Han River had become even turbid. The wooden stakes used to record the water level gradually became shorter in the waves of the Han River, and it seemed that the wooden stakes were about to be cut. submerged.

Amidst the sound of the Han River flowing, a sergeant with good eyesight pointed at the wooden pile inserted deep into the shore and shouted: "Found it!"

"how long!"

In just a few breaths, the turbulent and yellowish water of the Han River hit the hull of the boat, causing it to flip up and down, making it difficult to stand still.

The next moment, a larger current flowed down from the upstream. The waves overlapped each other, and the waves were higher than the waves. The water surged and the turbulent waves crashed onto the shore. The Han River instantly broke through the embankment and overflowed into the Xiangfan Plain.

"My clothes are soaked and there is no firewood to dry them. I'm afraid I'll have to sleep naked tonight."

"The scale on it can't be seen, it's probably over one foot!"

In the flooded water of Han River, Ran Sheng's boat was very small. Although it was bumping up and down in the white waves of Han River, almost turning over, it could float steadily on the waves and cut through the waves like an arrow.

At this time, the massive rise of the Han River had been known to the army stationed in Yuliangzhou.

Panting heavily, Guan Ping broke into Guan Yu's tent and shouted: "Father, the Han River has surged and has now submerged the surrounding embankments and flowed into the Xiangfan Plain tidal flats."

Guan Yu, who was browsing with a book, saw Guan Ping being so frivolous and was about to scold him, but when he heard the news from Hanzhong, he immediately got up from the couch and laughed endlessly.

Throwing down the slips, Guan Yu strode out of the tent!

At this moment, countless soldiers of the Southern Han Dynasty are looking at the surging Han River, either gasping in admiration or fearing the power of the water.

The rain was pouring down. Guan Yu pushed aside the attendants holding umbrellas and walked out quickly in the rain. Even though his long beard, which he cherished so much, got wet, he didn't care at all.

Climbing high and looking into the distance, looking at the sky, I saw that the vast sky and earth from the west to the north were all vaguely white. And on the horizon, the endless Han River seems to be water from the sky, flying down from the clouds, never ending.

"Your Majesty, the Han River has surged and rushed out of the river bank. Many low-lying areas have been flooded by the Han River. The current flow of water is greater than thousands of people expected, and it will definitely submerge Fancheng and its surroundings."

Lu Meng, wearing a raincoat, strode up and said with a smile: "Yu Jin stationed seven armies ten miles north of Fan. Now the Han River is overflowing, and Yu Jin is like a fish entering!" "Haha!"

Guan Yu looked up at the sky, laughed and said, "The sky is here to help me. Your Majesty has wanted to take Xiangfan for a long time!"

"Now that the Han River has surged, the seven armies of the Imperial Guard are in danger of escaping. Even if Cao Cao comes personally, it will be difficult to change the ownership of Xiangfan!"

Guan Yu could not tolerate being unhappy. After the great victory of Zhushui last year, Guan Yu entered Xiangfan and faced off against Yu Jin for half a year.

During this period, the two sides fought many times, and Guan Yu often doubted whether he could defeat Yu Jin. However, in the end, Guan Yu persisted and never gave up on finding a way to defeat Yu Jin.

Although he relies on heaven's help now, it is enough for him to break through the forbidden rules!

Taking advantage of the rising Han River to flood Fancheng, cutting off the connection between Yujin and Fancheng, the seven armies were defeated in one fell swoop. Of course, I learned that not only could I defeat Yu Jin, I might even be able to capture all of Cao Wei's elite seven armies. The elite of the seven armies, even though Cao Cao's family has a great cause, cannot turn a blind eye!

First, we can encircle Xiangfan with heavy troops and surrender the two cities; then we can advance by boat against the Qishui River and reach Xinye and Wancheng.

Cao Ren was defeated in Zhushui, and the seven armies were flooded in Fancheng. Although these two battles are not comparable to the Battle of Chrysostom, they are enough to make him famous all over the world. How can the world dare to criticize him for his military exploits?

There was a lot of rain, and the brocade robe Guan Yu wore was soaked by the rain, including the beard under his chin as if it had been washed. However, his tall body grew stronger in the rain, and his confidence from the inside out convinced everyone.

Generals Liuzan and Pangde arrived one after another and stood under Guan Yu, waiting for Guan Yu's military orders.

When Liao Hua saw that all the generals had arrived, he raised his hands and said, "Your Majesty, all the generals are here. Now I will ask your Majesty to give instructions on the strategy of using the army."


Guan Yu stroked his wet long beard and said: "Send the order, when the rain stops and the waves of the Han River subside, Shiren and Zhao Lei will lead the sergeants to stay in the camp. Pang De, Lu Meng, I, and I will lead the three sergeants. He entered the clear water by boat and besieged Jin and his seven armies."


Under Guan Yu's military orders, messengers ran around the Yuliangzhou military camp to deliver news of war preparations.

Yuliangzhou Han Village is no longer the village of old. In order to prevent the Han River from overflowing, it would affect the army's operations. Guan Yu moved the Zhouge water village to the back of Yuliangzhou. The Han River washed the river beaches and tidal flats in the west and could not affect the east water village at all.

Nowadays, due to the rising water level of the Han River, the lowland area to the west of Yuliangzhou has been covered by the Han River. Due to the unique geographical advantage of the water village to the east, no one in the boat or the sergeant was injured. Only the upper level has risen a bit, and it is easy to accumulate water due to flooding. Water, low lying land.

Compared with the joy of Guan Yu and Lu Meng, Cao Ren in Fancheng looked shocked.

Looking at the overflowing Han River, Cao Ren opened his mouth subconsciously. The floods were layer upon layer, and the waves were wave after wave. The Fannan River embankment that Guan Yu wanted to dig out no longer needed to be dug up. The flood was like a yellow wall of water, rushing out of the river. Embankment, rushing towards Fancheng.

Fannanjinkou and the old Han military camp were all swallowed up by the flood. On the water surface of the flood, there were traces of many animals. Their tiny figures struggled there, trying to get out of the flood. However, the water surged forward, and the animals could not escape the fate of drowning.

In an instant, the flood peak reached the foot of Fan City, or was blocked by the city, bypassed the city wall, and flowed toward Fanbei. Or along the gap between the gates of Fancheng, a large amount of Han River poured into Fancheng, and the water in the city suddenly rose sharply.

When the water retreated slightly, the next moment the water wave arrived, immersing Fancheng in the Han River. Several big trees floated on the river and hit the wall of Fan City along the river, creating a shallow crater.

"The flood is coming!"

On Fancheng, the soldiers of the Wei army ran and shouted, and they were helpless against the sudden surge of floods. They had been besieged by the Han army in Fancheng for a long time. Not only were they unable to escape, but they were also trapped in Fancheng by floods. How could they not be frightened and worried!

Zhu Zhi looked at the Han River, which was twice as high as the embankment, rushing over the embankment, submerging the city of Fancheng, and pouring into the Hanbei plain. His expression was filled with despair!

His temporary worries before finally came true.

Can Yu Jin survive the disaster?

Cao Ren's face turned pale. He felt that he had done something stupid. He hated himself at that time for not listening to the advice of Zhu Zhi and Yan Xing and letting the Seventh Army withdraw to Yancheng. If the Seventh Army were allowed to withdraw to Yancheng, nothing would happen today.

But the Han River surged this year, which was different from usual. How could he have expected it?

Cao Ren looked stiff, turned to look at Zhu Zhi, and asked at a loss: "Jun Li, what should we do now?"

Zhu Zhi looked desperate and said bitterly: "There are rare hills and slopes ten miles north of Fan. Now I only hope that the general can lead his soldiers to avoid high places. Maybe the Han River will not be able to submerge the hills, but it will not hinder the general and his seven armies!"


Cao Ren encouraged himself to cheer up and comforted himself by saying: "Wen Ze has been leading the army for thirty years, and he may have a strategy to protect the army!"

Looking at the soldier Cao Ren, Zhu Zhi wanted to cry but had no tears.

He followed Sun Jian in raising an army and had more than thirty years of experience in fighting. He had seen many brave generals like Cao Ren. A brave general can only control one side of the army and obey orders. If he sits on one side, bad things will happen.

Cao Cao appointed the soldier Cao Ren to guard Jingxiang, but he really forced Cao Ren to go there. If another general of the Cao family listens to the advice, with his assistance and care, he will be more cautious. Although he cannot be said to be aggressive in Nanjun, he will be more than enough to protect Jingxiang and the situation will not collapse like this.

Zhu Shui sent a wave of heads, and the governor Hu Xiu and the governor of Nanxiang Fu Fangda went in.

Now due to the issue of choosing a location for the camp, Yu Jin and his seven elite troops are probably going to be sent away!

Who else should I give it to next?

(End of this chapter)

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