Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 455: Signs of ZTE

Chapter 455: Signs of ZTE

In August, Guan Yu took advantage of the rising tide of the Han River and led his navy to advance, annihilating the seven armies, surrendering to Jin, beheading Yan Xing, causing turmoil in Jingxiang and shocking China.

Guan Yu sent soldiers to the capital. At that time, the whole city of Wuhan knew about the victory of the seven armies that had been flooded, and many military officials were very happy.

Wuhan, Hussar General's Mansion.

Huo Jun held his pen at his desk and wrote a draft of the military book.

Since going down to Jianghuai, Huo Jun often wanted to leave his name for later generations, so he wrote three volumes of military books, from macro to micro, from strategy to tactics, from the country to the army, and from the selection of generals to generals. The three volumes are connected to each other, but they can also be Each one is in a book.

After the first volume of "Military State" was completed in the early period, Huo Jun began to write the second volume of "Lunshu".

As the name of the second volume "On Skills" suggests, most of its contents are related to military tactics, rather than macro-level and military details.

For the surrender of China, the pinnacle of tactical military literature is "The Art of War" written by Sun Tzu. The words and thoughts of the other military books such as "Wu Zi", "Three Tao" and "Six Strategies" are not as exquisite and profound as "Sun Tzu's Art of War".

When Huo Jun wrote the second volume "On Art of War", he knew that he could not escape the influence of "The Art of War". In order to echo the macro-strategy, Huo Jun took a new approach and adopted the famous Thirty-Six Strategies of later generations, selected typical famous cases, and analyzed them in depth. Tactical details used.

The case of military strategists combines verbal analysis with rigorous logic. It discusses the background in the upper part and the situation of both sides in the lower part. It summarizes the essence of military strategy. It is like a mathematics book of later generations. Reading it makes people enlightened.

Just when Huo Jun was writing the book of war, Huo Yiji, who looked immature, walked into the palace and said: "Guan Junhou took advantage of the overflowing Han River to force surrender in a boat and captured 30,000 people from the Seventh Army. The sergeant advertised along the street , the soldiers in the city know a lot. Some people may say that this victory is comparable to the victory of Chrysostom, and it will be able to severely damage the Wei Cao thieves."

Huo Fan touched Huo Yi's head and said proudly: "His Majesty and the Prime Minister once said that without the victory of Chrysostom, there would be no great Han Dynasty. Although Guan Junhou is better than Jin and Cao Ren, but at most How can Xiangfan be as good as Jinkou?"

Facing Huo Yi's question, Huo Jun smiled and said nothing.

Wars are either won or drawn and lost. In terms of tactical methods, there is never a distinction between high and low.

When Huo Fan heard this, he curled his lips and said: "Although Guan Junhou flooded the seven armies, he only relied on the flooding of the Han River and could not defeat the enemy by his own strength. Now compare it to the Battle of Chrysostom, how can he do it?" Jiye?"

Therefore, Li Shimin said to himself that every time he looked at the enemy's formation, he had the talent to know its strength and weakness, so he could always use the weak as the strong and the strong as the weak.

When Huo Fan and Huo Yi were growing up, many people praised their father's military skills. Nowadays, Guan Yu has achieved results comparable to those of his father. Naturally, most of them do not want to believe it. They always want to find faults and emphasize that the results of the Seventh Flooded Army are not as good as the Battle of Chrysostom.

Huo Jun paused slightly, smiled slightly, and then wrote the rest of the content.

Huo Jun drew back his pen and said with an indifferent expression: "In the past Battle of Chrysostom, my father's fire defeated the enemy, and it was all thanks to the strong east wind. Now that the Lord of Guan has defeated the enemy, why can't he use the Han River to defeat the enemy?"

Huo Jun put away the bamboo slips on the case table and said with a smile: "Young man, if you don't know about soldiers, how can you know the difference between World War II in Fancheng and Chrysostom? In the future, if you study military management, you will be able to understand this confusion!"

Guan Yu flooded his seven armies, relying on the Han River to flood, so he surrendered to Yu Jin.

If you can study it in conjunction with "Sun Tzu's Art of War", you can find that all Sun's knowledge can be found in Huo's books; Huo's words are the essence of Sun's.

War is always about one side seizing one side's loopholes to defeat the other side. Today, Cao Ren does not understand the geography of the Han River, and Yu Jin trusts Cao Ren. How can we blame Guan Yu for not being clever in using the Han River to flood his army?

Huo Jun put down his writing brush and warned his two sons, saying: "In a small or large military battle, a defeat is a defeat, and a victory is a victory. There is no distinction between high and low means of victory. This is called 'soldiers, the place of life and death, the way of survival.'" Therefore, when you lead an army in battle, you need to go all out, with the priority of winning the enemy and defeating the enemy."

"Sir, a great victory in Fancheng!"

When the weak defeats the strong, or when both sides are evenly matched, the only way to win or defeat the enemy is to rely on the opponent's decision-making errors.

People often say that since ancient times, there is no one as capable as Li Shimin in the army. However, few people know that Li Shimin's tactics are to defend and counterattack, using strong defensive walls or various maneuvers to find loopholes in the enemy, so as to kill with one blow.

Huo Yi looked at Huo Jun with half-understanding eyes, and asked: "Then Lord Guan flooded seven armies, can he compare with your lord?"

No matter how brilliant your fight is, if the enemy doesn't make mistakes and doesn't defeat the opponent, it can't be said to be a victory.

"Why?" Huo Yi asked.

Cao Cao defeated Guandu and relied on Xu You to lead the way. He just defeated Yuan Shao.

Huo Yi scratched his head and had the same idea as his brother Huo Fan.

As the eldest son of himself and Bu Lianshi, Huo Yi studied with Liu Chan since he was a child. Thanks to his mother Bu Lianshi's good discipline and the guidance of good teachers such as Zhang Zhao and Yi Ji, Huo Yi achieved success in his studies. Among second-generation teenagers, he is neither outstanding nor bad, and belongs to the upper-middle range.

Although Huo Yi was not an extremely talented person, Huo Jun was not disappointed. Instead, he encouraged him to study and improve his own moral character. After all, with Huo Junjin's respect, Huo Yi's unique relationship with Liu Chan is enough to guarantee Huo Yi's future future. Being too smart and having bad moral character is not a good thing.

With that said, Huo Jun handed the written "Military State" to Huo Fan and said: "The battle of Jiaoling is a combination of good and strange. After the floating sea attack, this method is very exquisite. However, we must not be complacent. We need to study the military books carefully. Able to use troops to defend against powerful enemies."

"No!" Huo Fan respectfully took the book of war with a very excited look on his face.

While the father and son were talking, Huo Xiong stepped into the hall and said, "Master, Your Majesty sent an attendant to call the master into the palace to discuss military matters."


Huo Jun gave his sons a few words and then rode to the palace to meet Liu Bei.

In the palace, the meeting hall.

Liu Bei looked happy, and the smile on his lips could not be closed. The ministers on the left and right held their hands in celebration.

At the banquet, Huo Jun and his ministers were whispering to each other, smiling happily, and they were all happy about this great victory.

"Your Majesty proclaims himself emperor and revitalizes the Han Dynasty. Guan Junhou will receive help from the Han River to defeat the enemy. This is a sign of the resurgence of the Han Dynasty!" Zhang Zhao congratulated.


Mi Zhu clapped his hands and laughed, and said: "Emperor Shizu was able to defeat the enemy with a meteor and conquer the new mang. Now that your majesty has succeeded to the throne for the first time, he can defeat the enemy with the Han River. Isn't this a sign that the Han Dynasty will prosper and Cao Cao's thieves will be destroyed?"

"The prince is well versed in the art of war. He took advantage of the overflowing force of the Han River and flooded seven of the bandits' army. He killed the generals and surrendered the enemy. Xiangfan is in sight. This is a sign of the rise of the Han Dynasty and the death of the bandits. I congratulate your majesty!" Huan Jie cupped his hands and smiled. road.

Compared with Cao Wei's side, they emphasized that Yu Jin's defeat was not a fault of war, but a natural disaster, weakening the impact of the defeat.

The Southern Han Dynasty not only praised Guan Yu for his outstanding military use, but also used astronomical latitude and longitude to promote the legitimacy of Liu Bei's claim to the throne and strengthen the sanctity of the Han Dynasty's Zhongxing.

Liu Bei was smiling all over his face, enjoying the words of everyone around him.

Since Cao Cao usurped the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, there have been many rumors in the country, which made him very irritable. He became emperor this year, and with the surrender of Jiaoling and the great victory at Xiangfan, he felt very happy.

Especially now, everyone is comparing him to Guangwu Zhongxing. Although he knows that he is not as good as Liu Xiu, he still can't hide his joy.

Liu Bei stroked his sparse beard and said with a smile: "Although our army defeated the bandit army and captured Yu Jin and his seven soldiers, Cao Ren and Zhu Zhi still guarded Fan City, and the two cities of Xiangfan were still not captured by Yun Chang. And Cao Cao learned that If the Yu Jin army is defeated, reinforcements will be sent south, so we must not relax now!"

Fa Zheng took the opportunity to speak and said: "Your Majesty, all the seven armies in the forbidden area have been destroyed, and the Central Plains is in shock. Now Cao Ren is guarding Fancheng, and Guan Junhou's army is strong. Cao Cao will definitely go south to personally relieve the danger of Xiangfan. In the light of justice, Your Majesty should follow the plan of the past. , mobilize all the troops and horses to send troops to the Northern Expedition, contain Cao Cao's army, and help the Lord Guan to march to Fancheng."


Liu Bei nodded slightly and said, "I've had this intention for a long time!"

As he said this, Liu Bei saw Ge and Huo talking privately there and asked, "Xiangfan is in turmoil today, and I want to go north. I wonder if Lords Zhongmiao and Kongming have any advice?"

Zhuge Liang stroked his feather fan gently and said with a smile: "Both Liang and Huo Du thought that your majesty could raise troops for the northern expedition, but your majesty must not forget the situation in Xiangfan."

Liu Bei couldn't understand, so he asked: "The battle in Xiangfan is going smoothly now, and there is always Yunchang personally commanding the troops. Xiangfan should be worry-free. I wonder what you two mean?"

Huo Jun pondered for a while and explained: "Your Majesty's expedition to the north can contain Cao Cao's troops. But Cao Cao is sitting on China and has a vast territory, so he will definitely divert troops from all directions to go south in order to rescue Cao Ren."

"Autumn and winter are approaching today, and the Han River is falling. This is good for the enemy, but not good for us. The soldiers under Guan Junhou have been on an expedition for more than a year, and many of the soldiers are homesick. I am afraid that the soldiers will be exhausted and will be exhausted, and it will be difficult to defend the Chinese reinforcements. . In my opinion, Your Majesty can increase the number of troops and help General Guan to fend off the thieves, so that His Majesty can defeat Xiangfan as soon as possible."

Liu Bei stroked his beard and thought, and said: "What Zhong Miao said is not unreasonable. Considering the current situation, it is better to conquer Fancheng as soon as possible. However, the Northern Expedition is imminent. If we send troops to reinforce Xiangfan, we will have few troops!"

The Southern Han army numbered just over a hundred thousand, excluding the soldiers and horses of Bashu and the 40,000 troops of Xiangfan. Liu Bei sent more troops to reinforce Xiangfan, fearing that his own strength would be insufficient. If you don't have enough troops, it may be difficult to contain Cao Cao's main army.

Huo Jun thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty will send the Chinese army to the north. You can ask Vice Governor Pang to lead the Jianghuai troops to march westward and join forces with the king to leave Jiangxia."

Liu Bei scratched his beard and thought about it and said: "If it is mobilized in this way, Jianghuai can only maintain its words, but will not be able to expedition to the north. It is also necessary for you to return to Hefei to stabilize the situation in Jianghuai."

"I can use my false reputation to gather a few soldiers and pretend to be out of Hefei. I will be so powerful that I will make the Jianghuai troops dare not move lightly and attack for His Majesty." Huo Jun said.


(End of this chapter)

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