Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 464 Falling short of success

Chapter 464 Falling short of success

October, Xinye.

Since Guan Yu showed up at the top of the city yesterday, there was no provocation from Wei troops today, which made Guan Yu's ears quiet for a long time.

Getting up early in the morning, Guan Yu, with the help of a doctor, replaced the herbs on his chest, and then re-bandaged it with a linen towel.

The doctor offered a decoction to clear away the heat and said: "Your Majesty, you should take a lot of rest. Because you worked hard in armor yesterday, the wound is cracked and bleeding. If this happens often, the wound will be difficult to heal."

After saying that, the doctor hesitated for a while and said: "Your Majesty is already very old. He is not young and vigorous. He should cultivate himself carefully and long-term in order to restore his own vitality."

Guan Yu is now sixty years old, not a young man in his twenties or thirties. Years of battles left a lot of wounds from knives and swords. In the past, one could survive with youth, but now it takes a lot of time to heal from injuries sustained by arrows.


When the doctor said that he was old, Guan Yu didn't take it personally and just responded softly.

After taking the soup, Guan Yu drank it all in one gulp and said, "Thank you doctor!"

Seeing that Guan Yu didn't react much, the doctor lowered his head and silently packed the medicine bag. Too much talk leads to mistakes, but he knows this.

Guan Yu spread out the scarf and looked at the contents. But I saw that 'Xu Huang' wrote in the letter: "My brother is a general, commanding the people of Jing and Han. He first defeated Cao Ren at Zhushui, and then captured him in Fancheng. Huang considered him a formidable enemy, so he fought with the heart of Huo Hu. "

Guan Yu paced with his hands behind his back and said, "Let the envoy enter the city and meet with all the generals. I want to see what Gong Ming wants to do."

"In the past, people in the Wei Dynasty often said that they were not afraid of the Guan Niang in the east of the river, but they were afraid of the Huohu in the Jianghuai River. Seeing it today, Huang Shen thinks so!"

After Guan Ping left, Guan Yu pointed to the bowl containing the decoction, greeted the people around him, and said, "I ordered people to hide everything related to medicine in the hall so that no thieves can see it."

As he spoke, Guan Yu smelled the smell of his own body and found that the smell of herbs was strong. In order to cover up the smell of herbs, he shouted: "Bring me some wine!"

"What's in the box?"

"Today, Huang led his troops to the south and wanted to fight with my brother again. Unexpectedly, my brother was afraid of the large number of our soldiers and stayed in the new field. Huang was fortunate to know that my brother was the general, and he was the same as Huo Hu, and he was second in rank. But when he saw it, Huang I feel that the hussar general is not enough to worship Huo Hu."

"Wait a minute!"

Under the huge force, cracks appeared in the case. If the quality of the case is poor, Guan Yu may directly shoot it down.

Guan Yu didn't have Sima Yi's forbearance skills. Guan Yu was extremely angry and overturned the paint box. The pink women's clothing fell to the ground and was seen by everyone.

Everyone in the hall was hesitant when facing Guan Yu's attack. After all, everyone was prevented from fighting yesterday. Now, because of the letter and women's clothing, he went to war angrily, and everyone has not yet recovered.

"In order to break my brother's military strength, Huang Gou carried out a trick, using Wancheng as bait, maybe he thought it would not work. Unexpectedly, my brother fell into the trap, and Huang was lucky enough to defeat him. I am very lucky. At that time, Meilin met my brother, and Huang deceived him in the name of reminiscing about the past. Brother, unexpectedly, brother fell into the trap again, Akira is deeply sorry."


After saying this, Zong Jin handed the silk to his bodyguard and asked him to pass it on to Guan Yu.

Liao Hua stopped Guan Yu and urged him: "Junhou, the reason why Xu Huang sent women's clothes to you is because you are clinging to the new field, making it difficult for the enemy to advance, so you are humiliating you. Now when you go to war, you will do what Xu Huang intended. also!"

When Liao Hua, Tai Shiheng, Liu Zan, Zhao Lei and other civil and military officials were in place, Guan Yufang announced that the envoys had entered the hall.

Liao Hua picked up the note, glanced at it, and suddenly felt something bad.

Guan Ping stood in the hall with his sword in his hand and said, "If my father doesn't want to see you, I will order him to be driven away!"


When he saw "Don't be afraid of Guan Niang in the east of Hedong, but afraid of Huo Hu in Jianghuai", Guan Yu's mentality suddenly became unbearable. With a "snap", he slapped his big hand directly on the table.

"Xu Gongming sent an envoy?"

Guan Yu knelt down on the couch and asked, "Xu Gongming sent an envoy here. What's the matter?"

"Xu Huang dare to insult me?"

Guan Yu clenched his fists and used the last bit of reason to control himself to speak.

While browsing the letter, Guan Yu's expression became more and more sullen, and he wanted to twist his scarf into a ball, but because of the crowd in the hall, Guan Yu suppressed his anger and continued to read.

Zong Jin wiped the sweat from his forehead and nervously lifted the lid of the box, revealing a pink women's dress. And there is a strip on the women's clothes that says "Guan Niang's Clothes".

Guan Ping and the doctor walked past each other and stepped into the hall. He raised his hands and said, "Father, the bandits came and said that they were ordered by Xu Gongming. I was very happy to hear that my father was in good health, so I ordered people to send gifts in memory of my father." "


Guan Ping wanted to ask, but was interrupted by Guan Yu.

Guan Yu loosened his frown and said, "Xu Gongming has sent an envoy. Could it be that he is here to write a letter inviting a fight?"

Zong Jin bowed his hands to Guan Yu and saluted, and said: "The general on the right is very happy to hear that the general is fine. I have specially appointed Jin as the envoy and sent him a letter and a gift box."

Guan Yu stretched out his body slightly and felt the tingling sensation in his chest, which made him frown again.

The envoy Zong Jin led an attendant and walked into the hall under the watchful eyes of the Han army generals on both sides.

At such a noise, Zong Jin and the civil and military officials in the hall were frightened.


"No!" Guan Ping stepped back.

After a while, Guan Yu sat on the couch, sprinkled wine on himself, thinking to cover up the smell of herbs, and poured himself a bottle of wine.

Guan Yu stood up from the couch with a stern look on his face. His Danfeng eyes widened, almost on fire, and his murderous intent shot up into the sky like flames, making Zong Jin look panicked.

Guan Yu was so angry that he ignored his painful wounds and shouted: "Call your troops and horses, I will fight Xu Huang to the death!"

"I don't know!"

In fact, Sima Yi only sent women's clothes. Guan Yu was concerned about the overall situation and might not be able to endure this humiliation. However, the fatal thing is that the letter not only ridiculed Guan Yu as inferior to Huo Jun, but also derogated Guan Yu as "Guan Niang" and called Huo Jun "Huo Hu".

This letter almost pinched Guan Yu, and the gift of women's clothing added fuel to the fire and completely detonated Guan Yu.

Taishi Heng reacted and advised like Liao Hua: "When you receive your orders, you should put important things first. Now you lead the army out of the city and fight against the strong army with a small number of soldiers. It is not wise to say it. Please be patient for the time being, and Xiangfan The city is broken, General Ziming leads his army north, and it won't be too late to fight Xu Huang again."

Guan Yu pushed Liao Hua and Tai Shi Heng away and said angrily: "Liu Zan and Zhao Lei will follow me to the battle."

"Nuo!" Zhao Lei and Liu Zan were Guan Yu's staunch confidants and would execute his military orders without question.

Guan Ping ordered his attendants to control Zong Jin and asked coldly: "Father, does this person want to sacrifice the flag?"

Guan Yu stroked his beard and sneered, saying: "Killing this rat will stain the swords of our army. Let him go out of the city and let him watch our army defeat the enemy."


After receiving Guan Yu's military orders, all the generals ran around one after another, either to persuade Guan Yu not to go to war, or to order troops based on Guan Yu's military orders.

After a while, Guan Yu endured the pain in his chest, put on his heavy armor, and with the help of Guan Ping, mounted the stirrup and saddle, and rode his horse slowly, hoping to lead his troops out of the city to fight.

Liao Hua still did not give up. He held Guan Yu's saddle with his hand and said: "The princes must not forget Xiangfan. They use few soldiers to attack many troops. In ancient times, few can win. Now if the princes raise their troops out of anger, they may lose more and win less." .”

Guan Yu opened Liao Hua's hand and said angrily: "Thieves like Xu Huang and little Cao Zhen have nothing to fear! In the past, I traveled across the Central Plains, beheading Yan Liang and defeating Wen Chou. I fought with a small force against a strong army. What do I have to fear now?"

"Today is different from the past!"

Liao Hua spoke earnestly and advised: "In the past, the king was in his prime, with unparalleled power, and had the power of a bear and a tiger. This year, he is sixty years old, how can he lead his troops into battle? Moreover, the king is a great general, how can he do what a young general can do."

"Am I not as good as Huang Zhong?"

Guan Yu galloped forward, ignoring Liao Hua's advice.

"How can Huang Zhong be as good as a king?" Liao Hua said, wanting to cry but without tears.

Two armored men came from the left and right, offering Guan Yu's usual weapons such as the Huanshou Dao, horse spears, bows and arrows.

Guan Yu reached out to hold the horse, but suddenly felt that the horse was extremely heavy. He could hardly lift it with one hand. He wanted to move, but found that the muscles on his chest felt like they were being torn apart.


Guan Yu held the horse's shaft firmly with his arms and held the reins with his left hand, trying to ride the horse again. But he suddenly felt a sharp stabbing pain in his chest, making his head feel heavy.


The horse fell to the ground. Guan Yu clutched his chest, unable to straighten his back, and almost fell over on the horse's back.

"Your Majesty!"

Seeing Guan Yu's body shaking, Liao Hua hurriedly stepped forward to help him.


Guan Yu groaned in pain, fell off his horse, and lay directly in Liao Hua's arms. Blood was already spilling out of his clothes on his chest, and his armor was stained red by the bright red blood.

This scene frightened everyone. Liu Zan, Zhao Lei and others dismounted one after another, and Guan Ping rolled up to Guan Yu.


"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

Everyone gathered around Guan Yu and shouted, fearing that something big would happen to Guan Yu.

Guan Yu woke up from Liao Hua's arms, opened his eyes slightly, and stared at the crowd.

It was the pain that brought Guan Yu back to his senses, his anger gradually disappeared, and Duoneng realized Xu Huang's intentions. Guan Yu gasped and said weakly: "Stick to Xinye and don't go out to fight."


When everyone saw that Guan Yu was still awake and able to answer questions, they took a long breath and let go of their worries.

Liao Hua and Guan Ping supported Guan Yu together and said: "Young general, now you have to help the prince to the couch. No matter how you shout and curse outside the city, you are not allowed to go out of the battle or disturb the prince. Governor Pang will be arriving soon. We can wait for him to make a decision. Use troops."

"it is good!"

Guan Ping looked anxious and said: "Let's follow Yuan Jian's wishes!"

"Call the doctor quickly!"


Not to mention that Guan Yu wanted to go out to fight, but he was unable to leave the city due to an arrow injury.

Outside the city, Sima Yi and Cao Zhen heard about Guan Yu's condition from Zong Jin, and they felt both regret and joy.

The regret is that luring Guan Yu to fight failed and the plan to conquer Xinye failed; the joy is that Guan Yu, as a general of the Southern Han Dynasty, was so seriously injured that he seemed to be about to die soon. The previous judgment of Guan Yu's injury was often confused.

Cao Zhen stroked his short beard and said regretfully: "Zhongda proposed a strategy to stimulate the generals, and Guan Yu had already fallen into the trap. Unexpectedly, Guan Yu fell off his horse, causing our army's strategy to fail. It is a fate!"

Sima Yi looked melancholy and said: "Guan Yu is injured by an arrow now, and I'm afraid he won't be able to fight. If the plan fails, I'm afraid the thieves will defend Xinye, which will be detrimental to our army!"

Guan Yu fell ill, and the Han army in Xinye had no master, so it was inevitable that they would hold on without fighting. The strategy of provoking the enemy may be successful, but it may not be successful. Sima Yi didn't know whether to be happy or worried!


Cao Zhen smiled and said: "Guan Yu is sick and lying on the bed, and may die soon. However, if he dies in Xinye, Xiangfan will have no generals, and this general will be of great benefit to me!"


Sima Yi nodded slightly and asked: "Guan Yu is seriously ill and it is difficult for him to control the new fields. Although it is difficult for our army to move into the new fields now, it will be beneficial to General Zuo's use of troops. Now we can divide our troops to benefit General Zuo and let him advance from the west to see if he can Cross to Hannan and first relieve the siege of Xiangyang."

Guan Yu was injured by an arrow and lay ill on the bed. The Xinye Han army was leaderless and could not threaten Cao's army. Now that Cao's army has a large number of troops, it would be a good idea to divide the troops to reinforce Zhang He and open up a second battlefield.

Cao Zhen stroked his beard and thought, and said: "What Zhongda said makes sense. Now we can send the knights south to report Guan Yu's serious illness and shoot arrows into Fancheng to calm Cao's cavalry."


Sima Yi applauded and laughed, and said: "Although it is difficult to break through Xinye now, your Majesty has sent troops to march westward. At that time, Guan Yu was ill and the bandit army was leaderless. The soldiers surrounded Xinye and went to Fancheng. The army could not only relieve the siege of Xiangfan, but also divert the water. Most of the thieves were surrounded and annihilated in northern Han Dynasty."


(End of this chapter)

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