Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 471: Shiren and Shiyuan, can’t tell the difference

Chapter 471: Shiren and Shiyuan, can’t tell the difference

Winter dusk is particularly bleak, the sunset is blood red, and the crescent moon is about to appear.

In the Han army's stronghold, the Han army officers and soldiers who had withdrawn their troops and returned to the camp returned to their respective posts in order. Many of the people there were whispering and talking about why the military order to attack the city was canceled today.

As the crowd returned to their accounts and walked around, the young soldier asked out of curiosity: "Sir, why did you give up attacking the city today?"


Scar looked sideways at the pawn and said, "Are you anxious to reincarnate and seek death?"

The soldier said angrily: "I'm just curious. Not long after I left the camp today, I collected my troops and returned to the camp."

"I heard Zhang San say this!"

The sharp-mouthed and monkey-cheeked soldier came over and whispered: "I heard from Zhang San that the governor went out to lead the troops to attack the city, but unexpectedly he was killed by a stray arrow, so he urgently ordered all the troops to return to camp."


Seeing that everyone did not return to their tents and gathered outside, Ran Sheng came over and said in a deep voice: "Please disperse quickly."

"Is the Commander-in-Chief Zhongliuya dead?"

"Tuen Chief!"

Fei Yi hissed and sighed. Fancheng had not yet been captured, but General Shiren was unexpectedly killed in battle. This is not a good thing!
While everyone was in pain and regretting, Pang Tong arrived late. As soon as he entered the tent, he saw Shiren lying on the couch, unconscious.

Scarface was not afraid, he leaned close to Ran Sheng with a smile and told the whole story.

Among the senior generals in the army who have "Shi" in their names, apart from General Shiren, they are Commander-in-Chief Pang Shiyuan.

As if seeing tigers and wolves, everyone dispersed like birds and beasts and returned to their respective tents.

In addition to Lu, the governor's exclusive white horse, most people thought that the one who died in the middle of nowhere was the governor Pang Shiyuan.

"What's the gathering for?"


Scarface kept smiling and said, "Thank you, Junhou, for the warning!"

Ran Sheng frowned after listening, and then scolded: "Regardless of whether it is true or false, we must not let them talk nonsense now. If the superiors pursue it, you and I will be punished."

In the big tent, Shiren's cold corpse was lying on the wooden bed. His face, which had been pierced by a crossbow, was covered by a gauze scarf, and his close relatives were crying and wailing there.

Pang Tong cried out in sorrow and said: "Oh my lord, it is unfortunate that you have passed away! Wouldn't it hurt people to cut short the old world? My heart is sad and I sigh with emotion. When Diaojun was young, he followed your majesty; he conquered the south and the north, and made outstanding achievements. If you hang your weak crown, you will be able to travel thousands of miles; if the water of Anhui breaks through the cao, you will be heroic; if you hang your strength, you will be far away from Yidu..."

As soon as this news came out, everyone was shocked.


Ran Sheng sighed worriedly, he was at a higher level and knew more things than ordinary soldiers. When the body was brought back by the cavalry, its left and right people cried out in grief. His colleagues were not too far away, so they couldn't hear the specific words, they could only hear the word "Shi".

The soldier with a sharp mouth and a monkey face hurriedly explained: "Shi Chang, the governor often rides a white horse out into battle. The horse has black spots on its rump, which is well known to everyone. Today in front of the battle, Zhang San saw with his own eyes that the person riding this horse was shot by arrows from the city. When he was shot, the attendants on the left and right wailed and cried bitterly. It was already reported in the camp. If the commander doesn't believe it, you can ask others."

Scarface looked solemn and said: "Zhang San has nothing to say. Do you believe whatever he says?"

Lu, who was riding on Shiren, mistook Shiren for Shiyuan!
This kind of misunderstanding is not because ordinary soldiers are easily deceived, it can only be said that they know even less inside information. Rumors always happen like this, three people become tigers, and everyone's words make gold.

As he spoke, Ran Sheng looked around, lowered his voice, and reminded: "Whether this is true or not, we will find out in a few days. Don't ruin your life and future by talking nonsense."

Pang Tonggai is also known as Feng Chu. He comes from the Pang family in Xiangyang and has a profound family background. Today I am mourning a scholar, and I have no intention of writing a memorial. I can write a condolence message of more than 200 words on the spot.

Of course, it is not difficult to write a memorial. Most of them are based on the life story of the deceased and then beautified and described in words. The only story that Shiren can praise in his life is that he followed Huo Jun and defeated Xiahou with water, and he only followed Guan Yu to defeat the Seventh Army.

Pang Tong sighed sadly and said to his left and right: "When General Junyi went out to battle, his beloved horse died suddenly. Now it seems that this is an ominous sign, so I originally wanted to go out into battle on behalf of Mr. Shi, but Mr. Shi is fierce..."

After talking about it, Pang Tong sighed.

It is purely a joke to say that Pang Tong intended to kill Shiren. There is no history of betraying the master and surrendering to the enemy. Shiren has a relatively good reputation in the military due to his seniority. He was killed by an arrow today, which was really a big blow to the Han army.

Seeing how sad Pang Tong was, Fei Yi stretched out his hand to hold Pang Tong's shoulder and whispered: "Captain, there is an urgent matter in the army today. Rumors are spreading. It should be dealt with as soon as possible."


Pang Tong was stunned for a moment, then led Fei Yi out of the tent and asked, "What are the rumors Wen Wei said about?"

Fei Yi calmed down and said: "Captain Lu loves horses, and the military officers know his appearance well. The general rode out on the governor's white horse, and his unfortunate death from an arrow was seen by everyone. There are rumors in the army today. , it is reported that the governor was killed by an arrow."

After a pause, Fei Yi said: "Today's war is urgent. If the morale of the army is turbulent because of this, we may not be able to get down to Fancheng. In Yi's opinion, the governor should refute the rumors and inspect various ministries to correct the morale of the army. During this period, if there are any rumors, Dispose according to military law!"

Hearing this, Pang Tong's face changed slightly at first, then he thought of something, his face calmed down, he stroked his beard and thought deeply.

At this time, Huo Du had come out of the tent where Shiren's body was parked and said: "Shiyuan, what Fei Canjun said makes sense. Because of Lu, the current army mistakenly recognized Junyi as Shiyuan. Jun's character is Shiyuan." , has a similar name to Shiren, there are many misinformation in the military, this news needs to be corrected as soon as possible!"

While thinking, Pang Tong suddenly laughed. Such abnormal behavior aroused doubts among Huo and Fei.

"Captain, why are you laughing?" Fei Yi asked in confusion.

"I have wanted to break Fancheng for a long time!"

Pang Tong stroked his beard and smiled lightly, and said: "What happened now is a gift from God!" Huo and Fei looked shocked. How could the death of General Shiren be beneficial to the war? It was because they were too low-level, or Pang Tong Talk nonsense.


Seeing the difference in their expressions, Pang Tonggai knew that his words were misunderstood.

He first apologized to Shiren's body and then led the two of them to the big tent to discuss the matter.

Fei Yi sat on the top chair and asked, "What is the profound meaning of what the governor just said?"

Pang Tong unloaded his sword on the case and said with a smile: "Sun Tzu said: 'The first is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the army, and then the third is to attack the city.' Our army besieging Fancheng is a strategy for the next. And I When the army arrived, I originally wanted to lure Cao Ren out of the city and overwhelm his army in one fell swoop. However, Cao Ren defended the city, so this plan was difficult to achieve!"

"There are rumors in the army today that someone was killed by an arrow, which is intended to disturb the morale of our army. You two said that if Cao Ren knows that I have died of illness, the morale of the army will be weakened, and the camp will be poorly prepared, what will happen next?"

When Huo Jun and Jiang Ji were discussing the war, they said that they wanted to defeat Fancheng quickly. The fastest way was to lure Cao Ren out of the city, find an opportunity to win, and then go down to the city.

Huo Jun, who was thousands of miles away, knew how to break the city. How could Pang Tong, who was responsible for the main attack on Fancheng, not know?
As for why he attacked Fancheng during this period, it was just that Pang Tong had no idea how to do it!
The news that General Shiren died in battle was mistakenly reported as Pang Tong's death, which made Pang Tong's eyes light up. Why not take advantage of the situation and make Cao Ren think that he really died by a stray arrow. So he used a trick to lure Cao Ren out of the city and then defeated him.

Huo Du thought for a while and said: "If Cao Ren knew that the deputy governor was dead, he might take advantage of the unpreparedness of our army to send elite soldiers out of the city to defeat me."

As he said that, Huo Du smiled and said: "The thieves came out of the city to attack me. Shi Yuan took the opportunity to ambush them. How can I break Fancheng?"

"Brother Bo Chong knows what I mean!" Pang Tong said with a smile.

Fei Yi's eyes were bright and he said: "If the governor's plan can be successful, Xiangfan can easily do it!"

Before he finished speaking, the attendants rushed into the tent and presented a letter to Pang Tong, saying: "This is a letter from Governor Huo of Jianghuai."


Pang Tong opened the letter and browsed it. When he saw the content of the letter, he couldn't help but smile.

Huo Du was curious and asked, "Shiyuan, what did Zhongmiao say in the letter?"

Pang Tong handed the letter to Huo Du and said with a smile: "Huo Du was worried that Xiangfan would be difficult to conquer, so he sent a special person to deliver the letter. The words in his letter are the same as what I have seen!"

Pang Tong moved his chair in front of Huo and Fei and whispered: "Brother Bo Chong, Fei Canjun, you two can act like this..."


Not to mention that Pang Tong wanted to use rumors to set up a trap. Cao Ren and Zhu Zhi in Fan City already felt that the Han army was abnormal after the Han army gave up the siege in a hurry.

Cao Ren put his hands behind his back and walked around the hall, feeling very excited.

At that time, he ordered his men to shoot Pang Tong. In fact, he wanted to kill Pang Tong rather than make a mistake, so he asked his men to gather powerful crossbows to shoot Pang Tong.

At that time, when he saw 'Pang Tong' falling to the ground, he felt a little happy in his heart. Then when he saw the cavalry on the left and right carrying corpses back to the army, and the Han army's formation burst out in grief and pain, he knew that he had shot a big fish, probably Pang Tong, but he couldn't be 100% sure.

In the evening, Cao Ren took advantage of the darkness to send out scouts to investigate the details and see who the general who had been hit by the arrow was.

Pacing, Cao Ren felt very excited.

If he shot Pang Tong to death and delayed the Han army's siege of Fancheng until Cao Cao's army broke through the Xinye defense line, there would probably be no problem.

It was even uncertain that he could take advantage of Pang Tong's death to make a comeback and defeat the besieging Han army.



When Cao Ren saw Niu Jin running into the hall with small steps, he hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Is the person who was hit by the arrow Pang Tong, the thief commander?"

"It's Pang Tong!"

Niu Jin held Cao Ren's hand, laughed and said, "The person the general shot was indeed Pang Tong!"

"Now that Pang Tong is dead, the rebel army is in chaos, and the tents have been hung up in mourning!"

"What a death!"

Cao Ren pumped his fists in excitement and laughed and said, "Pang Tong is dead and the rebel army is in chaos. I will definitely take advantage of it."

"Wait a minute!"

Zhu Zhi was calm and asked, "Can the scout see Pang Tong's body?"

Niu Jin shook his head and said, "It was difficult for the scouts to penetrate deep into the Han army camp, so they couldn't see Pang Tong's body. They could only detect it from the outside."

"Is there something unusual about Jun Li?" Cao Ren asked.

Zhu Zhi stroked his beard and paced, and said: "I just feel a little hasty. I will send more scouts out of the city tonight to patrol the west, north and south gates of the bandits to observe their movements and arrangements. Tomorrow, the general and I will observe the enemy camp again. Make arrangements to see if the bandit army is prepared."

"it is good!"

Cao Ren, who was afraid of suffering a loss, hurriedly ordered: "Follow your will."


(End of this chapter)

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