Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 483 Gaining Governorship

Chapter 483 Gaining Governorship
The sky is cloudy and the rain is pouring. This kind of rainfall can easily form puddles in low-lying areas in ordinary cities. However, in Wuhan New City, due to Zhuge Liang's design, the accumulated water was poured into the rivers and lakes along the drainage channels.

In front of the Chancellor's Desk, under Huo Xiong's umbrella, Huo Jun stepped off the horse stool and got out of the car.

"Master, be careful about the rain."

At the reminder of his attendants, Huo Jun crossed the small puddle and walked along the stone path to the outside of the official residence.

During the journey, Huo Xiong didn't speak as usual, but he hesitated, as if he had something to say.

Huo Jun looked at the raindrops outside the umbrella and suddenly asked: "It has been raining for several days now. Will it affect the spring wheat harvest?"

Huo Xiong held a big umbrella and said in a low voice: "According to Ahu, the wheat harvest will not be affected, but there will be problems with rice sowing due to too much rain."

"Let Ahu be more careful so as not to reduce production this year due to too much rain. If you have spare time, help the orphans, widows, wives and children in the army." Huo Jun said: "Pay more attention to whether there are people who are suffering, and report them if they are. with me."

Huo Jun is not short of money, and the income from the salt farm and restaurants is enough to ensure that Huo's family has enough food and clothing. The reason why he is asking this now is that he is actually worried that the people's harvest will not be good this year. Especially the families of soldiers who died as a result. Their families had lost their labor force and their agricultural output was limited. Now if production is reduced due to natural disasters, their lives may become even more difficult.


After following Huo Jun for nearly twenty years, Huo Xiong rarely asked for help. The last time I asked Huo Jun for help was to defend the bullied little widow a few years ago.

Seeing this, Huo Jun knew Huo Xiong's intention. Thinking of Huo Xiong's son, whom he had met several times before, he asked, "I remember that Qu Ji once studied with Zihua? How is his knowledge?"

Now that he was speaking out again about his eldest son Huo Quji's future, Huo Jun could understand it very well. Considering that Huo Xiong had been following him for many years, Huo Jun asked Huo Xiong to find Jiang Ji to take care of the heirs of his old army.

"Lord of Law!"

"Sun Pushe!"

Huo Jun thought for a while and said, "Prefect Jiang will be able to properly arrange his place according to his ability to cure diseases."

"Prime Minister!"

"Let Qu Ji rush to Jianghuai to find Governor Jiang and explain his intention."

Seeing Huo Jun enter the stage, Zhuge Liang, Fazheng, and Sun Shao stood up to greet him.

Zhuge Liang was dressed in brocade clothes, holding a fan and chatting and laughing with senior officials at the Shangshutai.

Huo Xiong nodded hurriedly and said excitedly: "Quji once served Mr. Zihua and accompanied him to the counties to encourage farmers. Now Mr. Zihua has returned home to recuperate due to illness, and Quji wants to become an official."

Huo Xiong nodded, with an honest smile on his face.

Seeing that he was about to arrive at the Chancellor's desk, Huo Xiong hesitated a few times and said, "Master, my eldest son has passed away and is ill-bred. He has a lot of literary talent. I wanted to find something for him to do, but~"

At this time, the door of the assembly hall was open, and the cool rain took away the heat inside the stage.

"Your Majesty governs Wuhan, guarding the heavy and controlling the light, with Jing and Yang as the wings, Han and Huai as the vanguard, looking towards the Central Plains. In the past, Xiangfan was in the hands of Cao Cao, and Wuhan was the gate of the country. He only relied on the two counties of Nanjun and Jiangxia . Now that Xiangfan has been captured, it is entirely controlled by the upper reaches of the Han River. Your Majesty still divides the county administration into three counties, thinking that he will only control the Chinese bandits."

"Tell Madam, you may be late going back today!"

The four people exchanged greetings, and the main seat was vacated for Liu Bei. The four people sat down according to their status.

"Thank you very much, Master!"

The white feather fan swayed slightly, Zhuge Liang sat on the table and said: "In recent days, some ministers may have told your majesty that since the Han Dynasty moved south and the emperor lived in Wuchang, Jing and Yang will be the capital's base, Wuyue will be the important town, and the lower reaches The troops and supplies are gathered here; Jingchu is dangerous, and the armor and supplies from the Yangtze River are gathered."

After walking into the government office, Huo Jun gave Huo Xiong instructions, then walked along the corridor of the government office through the main room and came to the assembly hall.


"Xiangfan is the old Jingchu state. It is connected to Yiliang in the west and is close to Guanlong; it is not far away from Luohe River in the north. It has fertile soil and good fields, steep square cities, and no stagnation in the waterway. If you advance, you can sweep Qin and Zhao, and if you retreat, you can sweep away Qin and Zhao. It can protect the upper class and shield the country."

"Today's situation is very different. Jingzhou and Yangzhou have millions of registered residents. They have a vast territory and many cities under their rule. For the establishment of the entire Southern Han Dynasty, it is possible to divide the Zhou Dynasty into Shaanxi and carry out the old move of dividing Yizhou into two. Jingzhou and Yangzhou are divided into two states. The states and counties thought they were new states.”

With that said, Zhuge Liang handed the transcript of the memorial to the three of them to browse, and said: "Your Majesty believes that this is true, and specially appointed Liang to discuss with the ministers and ministers to discuss the counties and counties of Xinzhou."

This memorial came from Zhang Yi, a native of Shu. After Liu Bei returned to the court after his victory, Shangshu Zhang Yi specially sent a memorial to Liu Bei, suggesting that Liu Bei split the two states of Jing and Yang.

The Han River was controlled by the Southern Han Dynasty, and the territory expanded hundreds of miles northward, leaving only the Nanyang Basin not in Liu Bei's hands. Under this situation, Wuhan no longer has any family troubles. Liu Bei naturally does not need to regard Jing and Yang as the foundation of the Southern Han Dynasty. Instead, he can change his role from military functions to political functions and govern Wu and Chu in a more detailed manner.

The territory of Wu and Chu was too large, with high mountains, rivers and lakes, and a large number of people. It was difficult to govern with only two states, not to mention the great power of the state governors. In terms of governance, it was particularly difficult. Therefore, for many reasons, Liu Bei adopted Zhang Yi's suggestion and asked Zhuge Liang to lead the ministers to discuss how to split the two states of Jing and Yang.

Sun Shao turned over the memorial and thought about it and said: "Prime Minister, it is better to imitate the land of Jianghuai and make several counties of Han and Mian as prefectures, and divide the six counties of Jiangbei, Nanjun, Yidu, Xiangyang, Jiangxia, Hannan and Zhangling into Hanzhou, and Jingxiang. It is still Jingzhou. So far, Han Mian exclusively controlled the Central Plains, passing through Heluo, and Jingzhou managed the Jingman people. Powers and responsibilities can be divided!" "Except for the rich Nanjun, the remaining counties of Hanzhou are weak, with a narrow territory, heavy power and few people. There may be some shortcomings in setting up Hanzhou in six counties.”

Fazheng pondered for a while and said: "However, if your majesty wants to control the important and ignore the light, it is not impossible to set the north of the Yangtze River as Hanzhou. Moreover, Yangzhou can also be divided into dangerous areas, and the counties of Yuzhang, Luling, Poyang and other counties in the western border can be made into one state."

"Add two more states?"

Zhuge Liang held his fan and meditated, seeming to have reservations about Fa and Sun's suggestions.

Fa Zheng put the memorial on the table and asked, "I wonder what the Prime Minister and Huo Du think?"

Zhuge Liang looked at Huo Jun and asked, "Huo Du is from Chu and joined the army in Wuyue. What do you think of Hanzhou and the two states?"

Huo Jun bent his knees and sat on the table and said: "The one in Yidu is the strategic point of Jingchu, and the Pingba is locked in the Jingba; the one in Xiangyang is in the upper reaches of the Han River, which is the country's barrier. You can reach Beijing along the river. Today, Yidu and Xiangfan are Han If there is a state in Jingchu, there will be no danger to defend it. In terms of the situation of the mountains and rivers, Hanzhou cannot be established. If it is established, there will be danger."

As the person in charge of the Jianghuai War Zone, Huo Jun is very clear that once Hanzhou is established, as time goes by, because it is located on the front line of the confrontation between the north and the south, military and political integration is inevitable. At that time, the military and political affairs of Hanzhou were concentrated in one person. If anyone had a different idea, he could send troops down the Han River to Wuhan.

The formation of the Jianghuai War Zone was a unique product of the development process of the Southern Han Dynasty. Liu Bei could allow military and political integration in Jianghuai, but it did not mean that he could not tolerate the formation of military and political integration in northern Han Dynasty.

For example, the rulers of the Han and Tang dynasties included Hedong and Hanoi under the jurisdiction of Sili. It was not because the two rivers were rich, but because the two rivers had geographical conditions that threatened the capital.

"As for the division of counties and cities in Yangzhou, it is better to combine Yuzhang, Luling, Poyang and other counties into new states. It is better to combine the old counties such as Hanchang and Changsha to form new states."

After saying that, Huo Jun paused and added: "Jun thinks that between Wu and Chu, we can take the four counties of Yuzhang, Luling, Poyang, and Jian'an from Yangzhou; cut off the three counties of Hanchang, Guiyang, and Changsha from Jingzhou, and combine them There are seven counties, which are planned to be divided into new states."

"Xinzhou is like a dagger piercing between Jingzhou and Yangzhou. The capital has powerful troops to intimidate Wu and Chu. Boats and warships traverse the rivers and lakes. This means that the three rivers lead to the five lakes, and Hunan and Jing are controlled to lead Ouyue. The capital orders the three rivers to lead Ouyue. The five lakes dare not disobey, and Jingman and Ou will obey the Han Dynasty with kindness."

The two most prosperous counties in Jingzhou are Nanjun and Changsha; the three richest counties in Yangzhou are Danyang, Wujun, and Yuzhang.

The new states established today cut off Changsha from Chu and Yuzhang from Wu respectively, which is like cutting off half an arm of Wu and Chu. The capital has the powerful capital of Wu and Chu. Whenever there is a change in two places, it can send troops to quell it.

Zhuge Liang frowned slightly. Huo Jun's idea coincided with his. Since the establishment of Xinzhou, it has maintained the central government's deterrent to the local areas. The establishment of Xinzhou can not only satisfy the promotion of officials, but also help the Southern Han Dynasty deepen local geography.

Fazheng proposed to split the two prefectures of Jing and Yang into four prefectures, which may have satisfied the officials, but in fact it was too fragmented, which was not conducive to the centralization of power in the capital and the development of administrative efficiency.

The Hanzhou proposed by Sun Shao was used to manage Heluo. It seemed to have ambitious goals, but as Huo Jun thought, as time went by, Hanzhong would inevitably integrate military and political affairs and form a centralized metropolitan area.

Nowadays, unless the clan becomes the governor of Hanzhou, no one can be qualified to be the governor of Hanzhou. However, Zhang Fei was incompetent and Guan Yu was ill, so there was no suitable candidate to take up the post.

Zhuge Liang gently shook his feather fan and said thoughtfully: "What Huo Du said about Xinzhou, Liang Shen believed it. From a military perspective, the capital can lead three rivers and lead five lakes, control Xiangjing and lead Ouyue; from a political perspective, There are many barbarians in Jian'an, Luling and other places. Now that we are in charge of the capital, we can encourage the barbarians to come out of the mountains, organize households and people, and expand the household registration."

"It is not impossible to divide Jingchu like this!"

Sun Shao thought for a while and said: "If you want to conquer Heluo, Han and Mi must join forces. Now that several counties of Han and Mi are left in Jingzhou, they may lose their strength and it will be difficult to conquer Heluo."

"Liang has gained something!"

Shaking his feather fan, Zhuge Liang expressed the plan in his mind and said: "The distance from Xiangyang to Nanjun and Jiangxia is more than a thousand miles, with rivers passing through it and roads connecting the rivers. It should be possible to expand and protect Nanjun, so that Nanjun, Jiangxia, and Xiangfan are integrated into one."

"The troops are dispatched to the central government, and the grain is sent out from the capital, imitating the old system of Jiangzhou and Hanzhong. The one who is the governor of Hanxiang is in charge of the military generals of Hanmian; the one who is the governor of Xiangyang has a special military and political committee."

Zhuge Liang planned to take advantage of Wuhan's geographical advantage of being adjacent to Hanmiang, hoping to bring Hanxiang's military into central jurisdiction, thus avoiding the integration of Hanmiang's military and political affairs. In order to maintain local vitality, the Governor of Xiangyang, like the Governor of Hanzhong, was allowed to be in charge of military affairs by himself.

However, the rights and responsibilities of the Han-Xiang governor were weaker than those of the Jiangzhou governor. When Xiangyang faced war, the Han-Xiang governor had to take on the responsibility of leading troops to the north, depriving the Nanjun governor of the previous right to govern Nanjun.

If Zhuge Liang's layout is followed, the Han-Xiang governor may seem to have a great reputation, but his power is weaker than that of the two major governors of Jianghuai and Jiangzhou, and he needs to act according to the instructions of the capital.

Fazheng stroked his beard and asked: "If we appoint him like this, it will be difficult for Guan Junhou to recover from his arrow wound. Who will be the two governors of Hanxiang and Xiangyang who will leave the town? And what should the new state be called? Who can be the governor of the state?" "

"Not urgent!"

Zhuge Liang smiled while stroking his fan, and said: "Your Majesty is meeting with General Zhang now, and he will go to the Chancellor's desk later. When your Majesty is lucky enough to do so, he will report to the governor of Yizeng Prefecture and select good generals and officials."


With that said, Zhuge Liang greeted everyone and said, "Let's discuss the arrangements for the counties in Xinzhou."


(End of this chapter)

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