Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 493 Di Bu Na

Chapter 493 Di Bu Na

August, Luoyang.

Surrounded by senior officials of Cao Wei, Cao Pi ascended the throne in Luoyang and succeeded to the throne as emperor.

After Cao Pi ascended the throne, he made Zhen the queen and Guo the noble concubine. In order to celebrate Cao Pi's accession to the throne, Shanyang Gong Liu Xie followed the example of Emperor E and Nv Ying and brought his two daughters into the palace.

Immediately afterwards, Shangshu servant shot Chen Qun to formulate the law of nine-rank officials and went to the central government. In order to win over the nobles, Cao Pi took advantage of the situation and issued an edict to agree. He issued an edict to the world to establish Zhongzheng in the county, so as to equalize the superior and inferior talents.

Although the Nine-Rank Official Personnel Law was created by Chen Qun, its fundamental idea came from Cao Cao's official selection policy based on grade in the middle and late periods of his rule.

Cao Cao's selection of talents was divided into two stages. In the early stage, due to the lack of talents and the fact that Yuan Shao was in Hebei, Cao Cao ordered to seek talents many times and did not distinguish superiors based on their moral character to attract the loyalty of scholars from all over the world.

Especially after welcoming the Han Emperor Liu Xie, Cao Cao received the blessing of the Han Emperor, and scholars from the Central Plains flocked to Cao Cao. Since this was a period of expansion of power, there were sufficient official positions, so there was no suggestion that the nobles were deliberately suppressed.

After defeating Yuan Shao, Cao Cao occupied the four states of Ji and You and entered the middle and late stages. In order to attract scholars from Hebei, Cao Cao ordered the promotion of the policy of selecting scholars based on their merit, that is, the county governor also held the function of recommending talents to Cao Cao.

In terms of operational procedures, there is not much difference between this talent selection system and the promotion of filial piety and integrity promoted in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Only the assessment of talents was changed from Shangshutai to Cao Cao's tyrant.

However, Cao Cao made changes to the content of selecting and assessing talents by referring to the Eastern Han Dynasty's folk selection methods and the shortcomings of the filial piety and integrity system. The "Reference Statement" of the Eastern Han Dynasty will be changed to "Pinxiang Lun".

In the palace in Luoyang, Cao Pi wore a black and yellow crown robe with gold dragon patterns embroidered on it, gradually taking on the majesty of a king.

Today, Cao Pi is eager to implement the Nine-Rank Officials Law, not because he is unaware of the shortcomings of the system, but because he knows that his qualifications and prestige are not as good as Cao Cao's. In order to hold power and stabilize local counties, he needs to implement policies to gain the support of the grassroots for him. Support and enhance the affinity between local nobles and the central government.

Cao Wei's theory of rural affairs is a commentary on the Party that emphasizes the importance of rural examinations while underestimating the imperial examination. The county governor classified talents of different grades based on the comments of the villagers and recommended talents to the central government.

Therefore, the nine-rank official law implemented by Cao Wei was actually just a patch on the filial piety and integrity system, rather than a major replacement. Therefore, the disadvantages and effects produced are almost the same as those of the filial piety and integrity system.

While browsing the letters written by governors from various places, Cao Pi looked very natural.

However, something unexpected happened. Due to illness, Ma Chao was late and missed Cao Pi's grand ceremony. He even had to postpone the banquet, which made Ma Chao very panic.

"Ma Mengqi?"

Under this selection system, if the prefect is virtuous, most of the recommended talents will be virtuous. And because the right to speak was at the local grassroots level, over time, it was gradually controlled by local gentry.

The right to speak in selecting talents is controlled by the central government. When the imperial power declines, it is easy to form a long-lasting powerful family.

As for the nine-level Zhongzheng system implemented by Cao Cao and his son, why could it give rise to the powerful families in the Wei and Jin Dynasties?

As mentioned above, the implementation of the Nine-Rank Officials Act actually strengthened the voice of local gentry.

At that time, the world was at peace, and the county governors who took office needed to rely on the gentry to govern the people and collect taxes from the local people. In particular, Cao Cao wanted to appease the local area, so most of the county governors were appointed by celebrities and local sages.

The reference statements of the Eastern Han Dynasty gave a detailed description of people's moral talents, emphasizing virtue and devaluing talents.

The attendants rushed into the palace and reported: "Your Majesty, former general Ma Chao is waiting outside the palace!"

Therefore, Ma Chao, who was gradually becoming rebellious, did not dare not go to Luoyang to attend Cao Pi's succession ceremony.

Externally, the clan controlled the military power, while internally, the gentry selected their own talents. Coupled with the remaining kindness left by Cao Cao and the prestige of Cao Pi for many years. Even if Cao Cao died of illness, the impact on Cao Wei would not be that big.

Historically, after Cao Rui's death, Sima Yi realized that the local big families had too much say, which was not conducive to the selection of talents and tended to weaken the authority of the central government. In order to transfer the power of selecting talents to the central government, the state Zhongzheng was established.

This is why Huo Jun and Lu Su often say that if they surrender to Cao Cao, given their status, they can only hold official positions as Cao officials in the county. If they are lucky and can survive the qualifications, they can become officials in prefectures and counties. It is almost impossible to expect to become a central member and be on par with the great clans of the Central Plains.

This is related to the Nine-Rank Zhongzheng System 2.0 launched by Sima Yi.

In the early days, Cao Shuang advocated the old strategy and rejected Sima Yi's policy. However, after the Luoshui Incident, Sima Yi took over the power of the court. Due to his personal thoughts, he continued to implement the Nine-Rank Zhongzheng System 2.0.

Cao Pi narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression showing displeasure.

"The former general said he fell ill on the way and had to stay in Chang'an for a few days to rest. Therefore, he was unable to make it to the ceremony of His Majesty's succession." The attendant said truthfully.

Cao Pi raised his eyebrows slightly and said calmly: "Since we arrived in Luoyang late, let Ma Chao wait outside the palace for a while!"


Sima Yi at the table bent down and held his hands in his hands, saying: "Your Majesty, Ma Chao became ill on the way and had to stay. It is understandable. Now that your Majesty has succeeded to the throne, you should win the hearts of the people and not make Ma Chao resentful."

Sima Yi worked in Jingzhou for less than two years. Because of his deep relationship with Cao Pi, Sima Yi was transferred back to the court to serve as a servant, with restricted access and unfettered access.

Cao Pi put down the memorial and said: "In the past, Ma Chao and Zang Ba divided their control over the east and west, and the military and administration were controlled by themselves. They didn't know the center or the emperor. Now that the late emperor has passed away, the soldiers and horses in Qingzhou are noisy, and Ma Chao is late for the audience. If he doesn't accept his soldiers and horses, what's the point? Can you say that the country is unified?"

After Cao Cao's death, Lu Qian, the governor of Taishan County, sent a message to Qingxu, saying that there were military households fleeing in Qingxu territory, or there was a commotion among the troops stationed there.

Cao Pi had no one at his side, so he ordered Lu Qian to be the envoy to thoroughly investigate the Qingxu military household's escape, and ordered Zang Ba not to leave the station without permission.

Now that Ma Chao was late for the ceremony due to illness, Cao Pi had already planned to strip the two of them of their military power and make them stay in Luoyang as high-ranking officials. Of course, Cao Pi did not dare to act like this for the time being. He could only express his thoughts to his close friends.

Sima Yi frowned slightly and said, "Your Majesty, do you have any detailed strategy?"

Cao Pi smiled and said: "I want to seize the military power of Zang and Ma in the name of the Western Expedition and the Southern Expedition, and then treat them with honor and respect. How can they dare to do anything under the large army? All they have to do is surrender to me. also!"

Sima Yi stroked his beard and said: "Although Ma Chao has outstanding military skills, he has many mistakes. In the past, he was forced by the situation to surrender to the late emperor. Now that the late emperor has passed away, Yi is afraid that Ma Chao will gradually become uneasy. Since your majesty wants to reduce his military power, it is better to Please comfort me with words of comfort to show Your Majesty’s kindness.”

"When the government is in peace, your majesty can conquer Hanzhong and order Ma Chao to Guanzhong. Then he will reduce his military power and grant him an honorary official position."

Cao Pi thought for a while and said: "Ma Chao's wife and children are all in Yecheng. He may have rebellious thoughts, but he should not be rebellious. What Zhongda said is the best policy, and I must accept it."

"Come here, call the former general Ma Chao into the palace." "No!"

After a while, Ma Chaotiao put down his sword and entered the palace to pay homage to Cao Pi with an uneasy mood.

Seeing Cao Pi on the steps, Ma Chao knelt down and saluted, saying: "The former general Chao pays homage to your majesty. May your majesty enjoy eternal blessings and may you benefit the world."

Cao Pi looked at Ma Chao in the palace, a look of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes, and he said seriously: "In the past, Yu gathered the princes at Tushan, and because the wind came later, they massacred them. Today, everyone is celebrating, why did you arrive in Luoyang so late? You can't participate. I can't go to the banquet even if I have a wedding ceremony, so why is this?"

As soon as these words came out, Ma Chao's expression changed drastically. He glanced at the attendants who were staring at him, mostly with fear in his heart.

Although Ma Chao is a Kansai warrior, it does not mean that Ma Chao is not a person who is not familiar with poetry and calligraphy. On the contrary, he is familiar with "Spring and Autumn".

Xi Yu met with the princes at Kuaiji Mountain, but Fangfeng was delayed in rescuing the people. In the end, he arrived late at Kuaiji Mountain and was punished and executed by Yu.

Yu mastered the customs and customs of China's nine states by controlling floods, and gradually became the overlord of the world. At that time, Yu often went to Kuaiji Mountain to check the household registrations of the princes, and all the princes went there.

Although the Fangfeng clan was the main hero during Yu's flood control period, he was also a prince. Therefore, Yu sentenced Fangfeng to death because he was late. In fact, he was emphasizing his authority and making the princes respect and obey him.

Now that Cao Pi was asking Ma Chao about this, he was actually threatening Ma Chao in a different direction and asking if Ma Chao had any different intentions.

These words not only frightened Ma Chao, but also Sima Yi's expression changed.

Sima Yi didn't expect that Cao Pi had promised him not to scare Ma Chao, but now he showed off his power when he saw Ma Chao for the first time.

Fortunately, Ma Chao had some knowledge and calmed down. He said in a humble tone: "Your Majesty, I heard that Yu was on patrol in the south and killed his ministers. Because his moral character gradually declined, he began to use his actions to intimidate the princes. Now I meet you. Born in the time of Zhou Xing, knowing the virtues of King Wen and hearing the power of King Wu, I expected to be able to avoid Fangfeng's execution."

"Ha ha"

Hearing this, Cao Pi raised his head and smiled. He was very satisfied with Ma Chao's answer. It seems that this is the only way to declare that he is Ma Chao's monarch, and Ma Chao does not dare to rebel.

"You will be exempted from this courtesy!"

Cao Pi supported Ma Chao out of thin air and praised: "You are from Guanxi. I didn't expect to have such knowledge. It is really impressive."

Hearing these words of obvious regional discrimination, Ma Chao felt disgusted in his heart, but he did not dare to refute, and said respectfully: "When I am in charge of the army, I dare not forget the classics, and study them frequently when I go out."


Cao Pi smiled and said: "Your Majesty Xialu defeated Zhang Fei and captured more than 10,000 people. This is the strategy of a general. I know the scriptures now, so I must have the ability of a prime minister."

"Thank you for your compliment, Your Majesty!"

Ma Chao raised his hands and said: "Since I have been in charge of the military capital, I have often defeated the enemy with my troops to repay the kindness of the late emperor. Unfortunately, the late emperor passed away unfortunately, and I was very sad when I heard about it. Fortunately, your majesty has succeeded to the throne. I am willing to do my best to be loyal and live up to your majesty's trust." .”

Cao Pi nodded slightly and asked deliberately: "I am fully aware of your loyalty. However, the water thieves rebelled in the south, and I intend to attack Shu. Now that you have been ruling the southwest for a long time, do you have any good advice for me?"

Ma Chao pondered for a while and then said: "Your Majesty, Hanzhong is a barrier for Bashu. Your Majesty wants to conquer Shu, so you must first attack Hanzhong. The mountains in the area are so steep that they are like hell. It is difficult to get in and out, and it is difficult to attack quickly. Lu Xunqian, the former governor of Hanzhong, moved In charge of the military affairs of Bashu, the current person in charge is He Qi. He Qi is a veteran general with comprehensive talents. He is well-prepared for deficiencies in attack."

"In my opinion, Your Majesty wants to attack Bashu in order to order a large army to attack Hanzhong and lead the people of Bashu to the north. At that time, Bashu is empty and unprepared, so I would like to lead the elite infantry and cavalry to attack the Baishui Trail, plunder the Bashu city first, and block the water thieves' troops and horses. March westward, then attack and send troops northward, attack Hanzhong from both sides, and help your majesty to support Bashu."

In order to win Cao Pi's trust, Ma Chao presented his plans for Bashu over the years.

The Southern Han Dynasty's rule in Bashu cannot be said to be very stable. In Ma Chao's vision, if he could dominate the northwest. Then they would pretend to attack Hanzhong to attract the attention of Shu soldiers, and actually sneak into Bashu through the white water channel.

Based on his many years of observation, once he is allowed to enter Bashu, there will be no one in Bashu who will fight to the death. As long as he takes Jiangzhou in advance and blocks the Yangtze River's westward march, Bashu will be his. At that time, Hanzhong was alone outside the territory, so it could be easily conquered by him.

If, as Ma Chao thought, Cao Pi heard about Shu's strategy, regardless of its feasibility, his interest would be greatly increased.

"The people of Long said that you have the ability to trust and spread the word. Now I see it, and it turns out that it is true!"

Cao Pi smiled and said: "Now the affairs in the southwest are in your hands. Once the center is stable, I will lead the army to Guanzhong, and you will lead a strong force south to Bashu."


Ma Chao looked excited, raised his hands and said: "Your Majesty, I am a surrendered general, far away from the border, and I am often worried that outsiders will alienate me from your Majesty. I will return to Wudu in the near future. From now on, when your Majesty writes letters, can you record them in the letters? If there is no sign on the back of the letter, it is not the letter of the minister, nor is it the edict of His Majesty."

After saying that, Ma Chao kowtowed several times and said sincerely: "I am grateful to the late emperor for knowing me, and all my family members live in Ye, so I can only be loyal to Your Majesty. However, Lu Xun has many evil plans. I am afraid that Lu Xun will pretend to surrender, so Therefore, I sent it to Guanzhong to make His Majesty suspicious. If Your Majesty is suspicious, then it will fall into Lu Xun's treacherous plan!"

Nowadays, Ma Chao is becoming more and more sophisticated. He knows that he has been in contact with Lu Xun for a long time and has too many tricks in Lu Xun's hands. If Lu Xun forced him to rebel, he would inevitably forge a letter of surrender, but he would not be able to speak clearly at that time.

If there is a mark on the back of the letter, stating the plot that Lu Xun may use in advance will not only prevent Lu Xun from forcing him to rebel. He can also be prepared for Cao Wei to prevent anyone from trapping him.

Cao Pi pondered for a while and then said with a smile: "What you said is very good. Now you and I, my king and my ministers, can use three points as a signal. If you believe without three points, it is not the trust of you and our kings and ministers. Lu Xun is treacherous, and I must be on guard. Please rest assured." .”

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Ma Chao kowtowed in thanks.

After Ma Chao left the palace, Sima Yi frowned slightly and said: "Ma Chao's words are very deceptive, and what he said today is not pertinent. And now he is asking your majesty for a mark. It shows that he is acting very treacherously, and your majesty must not be credulous." "

"Don't worry Zhongda!"

Cao Pi was full of confidence and said: "Ma Chao went to Luoyang to visit me, which shows that he has no intention of treason. If we want to capture and kill him, just a few people can do it. If we don't kill him now, I will use my kindness and trust to temporarily pacify Ma Chao." To prevent his old troops from rebelling. When the time comes and I approach the pass, Ma Chao will surely surrender with his troops."

As he said that, Cao Pi looked at Sima Yi and said: "The Duke of Yanling has the military power, so he should be well prepared for the expedition to Liaodong. You are your servant, so I will be vigilant about this matter. If Liaodong is conquered, you do not need to inform me. You will send an imperial edict and announce it to the army." Duke Yanling returns to Beijing to avoid any changes."

Hearing Cao Pi's words, Ma Chao had no rebellion for the time being, so Sima Yi could not say anything more, so he could only respond.

(End of this chapter)

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