Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 50 Soldiers and Horses

Chapter 50 Soldiers and Horses
"Old Huang Zu, you are going too far!"

Gan Ning kicked the tables in the tent and cursed: "In the past, I deducted military funds, but now my military exploits have been wiped out. If I don't avenge this, how can I be willing to give up?"

Gan Ning held the knife alone and walked back and forth in the tent with an angry look. Su Fei was frightened and frightened. He pulled Gan Ning to sit down, fearing that Gan Ning would not think about it and would kill Huang Zu with the knife.

"Xing Ba, please sit down. Regarding military merits, Fei will ask General Huang to recommend Xing Ba to see if he can act accordingly." Su Fei said.

In fact, Su Fei was also in trouble. Gan Ning was his good friend and Huang Zu was his superior. He could only persuade Gan Ning to calm down.

Gan Ning was sitting at the table with a gloomy look on his face and his face was red. It was obvious that he was still angry.

Su Fei winked at Huo Jun and said, "I will go and see General Huang to see if I can succeed in recommending Xingba."

Huo Jun understood what Su Fei meant. After he left, he poured a cup of tea for Gan Ning and said, "Xingba, if Huang Zu can't show his merits for Xingba now, when Jun goes to Xiangyang to report his work to Liu Jingzhou, he should do it for him." Xing Ba knows clearly. Moreover, the eldest son and General Zuo are about to march into Jiangdong. Xing Ba will make great achievements, so don't be anxious now!"

"Ning accepts Zhong Miao's kindness. However, Ning is just filled with resentment and can't vent it for a while," Gan Ning said.

Gan Ning was depressed. At this time, he was like a laborer who was owed wages for half a year in later generations. He was impatient and angry, but there was no feasible solution.

"There's no rush. Let's wait and see if Brother Yunlong can persuade General Huang to change his mind." Huo Jun said soothingly.

Gan Ning's talents will be of great use when he goes to Jiangdong.Therefore, Huo Jun was afraid that Gan Ning would defect to Jiangdong in anger, so he could only try his best to appease Gan Ning.

After a while, Su Fei returned to the camp with a depressed expression.

"Xingba!" Su Fei shook his head and said, "I have recommended Xingba several times, but the princes have not been able to use it. Maybe it depends on Liu Jingzhou's wishes."

"Nothing, thank you, Brother Yunlong." Gan Ning twitched the corners of his lips and forced a smile, "Isn't there Zhong Miao?"

Huo Jun poured another cup of tea for Gan Ning and said comfortingly: "Jun's trip to Xiangyang will take a few days or a month. Even if Liu Jingzhou cannot be used, I will find a good leader for Xingba and prevent Xing. He buries his talents."

Huo Jun already had a complete plan in mind. As the general of Jingzhou, if Gan Ning still couldn't get Liu Biao's attention, he would look for Liu Bei.Let Liu Bei declare Gan Ning as Zhonglang General, and then negotiate with Huang Zu through Liu Qi to turn Gan Ning into Liu Bei's subordinate.

Gan Ning looked at Huo Jun gratefully, raised his tea and said, "I would rather use tea instead of wine to thank Zhongmiao for his kindness."

Huo Jun and Su Fei persuaded Gan Ning a few more words. After Gan Ning's anger dissipated, they returned to the camp to rest.

The next day, Huo Jun, who was ordered to take up his post in the north, had a hasty meal, packed his luggage, and prepared to board the ship to Xiangyang.When Huo Jun arrived at the shore, Gan Ning, Huo Du, Gao Xiang and others were also there waiting to say goodbye.

"The merits of the war will be paid off soon." Gan Ning said sheepishly.

"Xingba can just wait for news in Jiangxia!" Huo Jun warned: "Don't be anxious, Xingba, wait until Jun comes back."


After chatting with Gan Ning, Huo Jun exchanged a few words with Huo Du and Gao Xiang, and said: "When Jun goes north, the military affairs in the camp will be decided by Huo Bie's department. The two of you will discuss the military training and do not let the sergeants go unused. If you are short of military resources, you can ask the Major General..."


Gao Xiang is worthy of being a future general of the Shu Han Dynasty. Since he integrated into the army, he has been fair in dealing with things and his training level has been constantly improving, making up for Huo Du's lack of ability in other aspects.This allowed Huo Jun to leave Jiangxia with peace of mind and go north to Xiangyang to report on his duties.

After a while, Huo Jun boarded the boat sent by Huang She, sailing against the Han River and following the southeast wind.Jiangxia is located in the southeast of Xiangyang. It is thousands of miles away, but it is very fast by water.


In Xiangyang City, there were also whispers and discussions in the assembly hall at this time.Liu Biao on the couch also frowned and looked unhappy.

After a long while, Liu Biao finally spoke and said: "Xuande thinks that Cao Cao ordered Xiahou Dun's army to Xiping, and he has the intention to attack Jingzhou southward?" Liu Bei, who was sitting on the second seat, looked magnanimous and showed no signs of panic, and said: "Your Majesty, we will not go down to Hebei. Cao Cao An will send his army to the south. And this Xiahou Dun is not good at military strategy. If Cao Cao has the intention of plotting against our Jingzhou, An Neng will send Xiahou Dun south!"

Liu Biao stroked his beard and thought about the truth behind Liu Bei's words.

Seeing this, Cai Mao stood up and held up his hands, saying: "For your information, Duke Ming, Cao Cao is domineering in the Central Plains and should not be underestimated. Mao is afraid that the eldest son will lead the army south, and Nanyang does not have enough troops. Cao Cao will see the opportunity and go south to attack Fancheng. Mao thinks it is better to save the province. And send the sergeants south to send troops to teach Jiangdong a lesson."

Liu Bei glanced at Cai Mao, with disgust in his eyes.There are not many people who can make Liu Bei so disgusted. Cai Mao is already on par with Lu Bu. In the past few months, Cai Mao has been holding back, preventing Liu Qi from sending troops with him.

When news of Sun Quan's invasion of Jiangxia came, Liu Biao recalled what Huo Jun said before leaving and urged him more. Only then did Cai Mao slowly express that he could send troops.

However, just as the time for dispatching troops was approaching, news came that Xiahou Dun was leading his army to Xiping, which caused some disturbances in Xiangyang City, making Liu Biao, who had already made up his mind, worry about the problems in the north.

Liu Bei spoke again: "Your Majesty, although there are disputes between Yuan and Yuan, Cao Cao cannot rush to Hebei. If we don't send troops to Jiangdong at this time and wait for Cao Cao to unify Hebei, we will have the Sun family in the east and the Cao family in the north of Jingzhou. What should I do?”

These are still commonplace words, but Liu Bei had to say them again to clarify the necessity of conquering Jiangdong.

The taciturn Kuai Yue said: "As Xuande Gong said, Jiangdong cannot be conquered. However, Cao Cao is in the north and Nanyang cannot be defended, so there must be a choice. In view of Yue, it is better to let the eldest son lead some soldiers to conquer Jiangdong first. , after all, Liu Yuzhou, Huang Taishou, Liu Pianjiang and other subordinates also have many troops."

"When the situation in the Central Plains is clear and Nanyang is stable, I will send you troops to support the eldest son."

Kuai Yue had served Liu Biao for so many years, how could he not know Liu Biao's thoughts?His suggestion was prepared for people like Liu Biao who like to be conciliatory and have both sides.If they really wait for Liu Qi to lead his troops south to Jiangdong, they will have the final say whether to send troops to support him or not.

Liu Biao's eyebrows relaxed. He was already interested in Kuai Yue's suggestion and asked: "In my opinion, how many soldiers and horses are needed to guard Nanyang, and how many soldiers and horses can be mobilized to go south to Jiangdong."

Kuai Yue pondered for a while and said: "I would like to report to Duke Ming. Judging from the troops and horses under Cao Cao's command, the number of soldiers guarding Nanyang must not be less than [-]. Now that Liu Yuzhou is going south to Jiangdong, it is necessary to add [-] troops and horses, making a total of [-]. the crowd."

"To conquer Jiangdong, Liu Yuzhou has five thousand troops, Huang Taishou has ten thousand troops, and General Liu Pian has five thousand troops. Now there are twenty thousand soldiers in total. Therefore, Yue thought that he could send five or six thousand elite soldiers to accompany the eldest son. The number of troops going out is about 5000.”

Hearing this, Liu Qi showed displeasure and said: "Master Kuai, why are there [-] soldiers and horses? Huang Taishou needs to guard Jiangxia, and the number of soldiers and horses he sends is no more than [-] or [-]; Pandi has [-] soldiers, not counting those left behind." In Changsha, there are only three or four thousand. Father, Qi thinks that he should lead the army to conquer Jiangdong and should not be less than [-]."

"Twenty thousand people?"


Liu Qi knew that it was impossible to lead an army of [-] to Jiangdong, but he also knew that if he did not ask for it, he would get even fewer soldiers and horses.Just like bargaining for food, these soldiers must try their best to get it.

Cai Mao sneered and said: "The eldest son will lead an army of [-] to conquer Jiangdong. I am afraid that Cao Mengde will laugh so much that he will send an army south to conquer Jingzhou the next day."

Liu Biao frowned again and said: "Twenty thousand troops are too many and need to be reduced by one or two."

"Ming Gong~"

When Kuai Yue opened his mouth, Liu Bei caught him and interrupted him, saying: "Your Majesty, now that Sun Quan has won in Jiangxia, Huo Canjun will go to Xiangyang to report on his duties. It would be better to wait for Huo Canjun to arrive in Xiangyang and ask your Majesty how many troops and horses he needs to mobilize. It’s just appropriate.”

Huo Jun has a great reputation in Xiangyang. Not only did he perform well in Xiangyang before, but more importantly, he successfully predicted Sun Quan's strategic move to invade Jiangxia.At the same time, he also proposed to have meritorious service and defeat the Jiangdong Navy.For a time, his reputation in Xiangyang was very good, and he was no longer a small character who needed to be praised by his friends in the past.

Liu Biao nodded slightly and said, "What Xuande said is not unreasonable. Let's wait until Zhongmiao returns to Xiangyang to report on his duties, and then we can discuss the number of troops to send!"


ps: I code from morning to night, this is already my limit.I only hate that I am handicapped and cannot be a tentacle monster.

 It’s the third update. Please vote and follow up.
(End of this chapter)

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