Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 534: Governor of 6 counties

Chapter 534: Governor of Six Counties
As time goes by and it enters deep winter, Zhang Wu is about to enter his fourth year.

Liu Bei returned to Wuhan and was awarded the civil and military reward for serving in the Northern Expedition; Huo Jun moved from Huaiyin to Guangling City to take charge of the Jianghuai River.

In the main hall of the Governor's Mansion, Huo Jun sat on the couch, Fei Guan sat on the second seat, and Liu Zhong and Jiang Ji sat beside him.

On several tables are black lacquer boxes inlaid with gold carvings, which contain seals, ribbons, seals, and other items.

Fei Guan bowed his hands and saluted, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty heard that Huodu conquered the two counties of Xiapi and Donghai and expanded the territory to thousands of miles. He was greatly appreciated. Your Majesty said that Xiapi and Donghai are the western boundary of Qi. In the past, Han Xin took the calendar to establish the foundation. , Geng Yanpo wished A Yi good fortune. His Majesty hopes that the governor will follow the path of rejuvenation of the Han Dynasty and establish the Han Dynasty. "

Although Liu Bang and Liu Xiu started in different places, they were quite similar in the process of bringing peace to the world. For example, Liu Bang surrounded and killed Xiang Yu, which had a lot to do with Han Xin; the reason why Liu Xiu quickly pacified the world had an important relationship with Geng Yan and Qing Xu.

Now Liu Bei ordered Fei Guan to send an envoy to Jianghuai to convey these words to Huo Jun, which actually expressed his best wishes. I hope Huo Jun can follow the example of Han Xin and Geng Yan and help the Southern Han Dynasty rebuild the world.

Huo Jun did not dare to be vague, so he raised his hand to the west and said, "Jun will take Han and Geng as the pioneers to secure the entire territory for our great Han Dynasty."

"The Governor has great ambitions!"

Fei Guan opened the lacquer box on the case table and said: "Guan has been ordered by His Majesty to grant a false ax to punish the commander-in-chief of the festival. The governor is specially ordered to control the troops and horses of the three states of Qing, Xu, and Henan, and to increase food for two thousand towns. Hu, transferred to Jiangling County Marquis."

Huo Jun accepted the seal with his hand and said, "Thank you for your grace. Jun will do his best to repay the great man with all his loyalty."

Fei Guan nodded slightly and said: "Report to Governor Huo, according to your majesty's order, I will grant Deputy Governor Pang a holiday, move in to protect the army general, and lead the governor of Yuzhou; pay homage to Jiang Changshi and lead the military division, and stay in his original post; General Xu General Shengjia Dangkou led the governor of Pi; General Huo Du, who conquered the south, paid homage to the governor of Donghai..."

Fei Guan pondered for a while and said: "For the governor, because Lu Baliang (the governor of Baliang) was moved to the former general, Huang Hujun Yueba took over as the right general, Wen Jianghan was moved to the left general, and Mi Nanzhong was appointed as the rear general. In addition to the four directions In addition to the generals, Lieutenant Liu, with the post of General of Zhenxi, suppresses Shang Yu; General Lu Ziming of Zhenbei..."

The person who washes the prince's horses is the prince's attendant. Whenever the prince leaves the palace, he must ride a horse as a guide; if the prince leaves others behind, he will be in charge of the East Palace Guards and will enter and leave the East Palace with the prince. Obviously, Liu Bei enthroned Huo Jun's second son to ensure that the Huo family's wealth would not decline.

Huo Jun accepted the seal and asked, "Apart from me, do the generals have any other commendations?"

For example, in the Jianghan Military Region, Lu Meng was stationed in Xiangyang as the general of Zhenbei and was under the command of the central government. At the beginning of the war, Xiangyang and Hannan counties were controlled by Wenpin, the governor of Jianghan. Baliang Military Region is similar to Jianghan Military Region. Nanzhong is called the Military District, but it is actually ruled by Ji Sui, so it’s okay not to mention it.

Huo Jun stood up again, cupped his hands and said, "Please Fei Jun come all the way to issue your Majesty's edict to the generals."

The two sat down again, and Huo Jun asked: "This year's Northern Expedition, our army has made many gains. I live in the Jianghuai River and hear about it every time, and I am not very happy. But I wonder what the positions of the generals who have made great contributions are now occupied?"

"Don't dare!" Fei Guan returned to pay homage to Huo Jun.

The vast territory east of the Dabie Mountains and north of the Yangtze River includes six counties, including Lujiang, Jiujiang, Huainan, Guangling, Xiapi, and Donghai, all under the jurisdiction of the Jianghuai Dudufu.

This time Liu Bei awarded the Jianghuai generals, there was no major adjustment, only a small-scale adjustment and promotion of the generals' official positions. Among them, the reward for Huo Jun was adjusted from the Marquis of Zhijiang to the Marquis of Jiangling. Huo Fan was also granted the title of Prince Xi Ma, and Huo Yi was granted the title of Prince Sheren.

Liu Bei came back from Jianghan and received Huo Jun's commendation for the generals. He specially asked Fei Guan to make a trip on his behalf to Jianghuai to confer the generals and convey his edict to Huo Jun. Ma Lianggui is a servant, and he does not go to places easily.

After a long period of war, the Southern Han Dynasty gradually formed a combat system in which four generals oversee large areas, and four towns and generals oversee small theaters.

Only the Jianghuai Military Region, due to its location far away from the center, adjacent to the Wei border, and factors such as Huo Jun, had the widest area under its jurisdiction, the largest number of soldiers and horses under its control, and its power was highly concentrated.

Baliang and Nanzhong Second Military Region in Yizhou, Jianghan Military Region in Jingzhou, and Jianghuai Military Region in Xuyang. According to the severity of the military region's responsibilities, the territories under its jurisdiction vary from state to county. Moreover, Liu Bei will also arrange for different generals to leave the town and give them different official positions.

The prefects of these six counties are Gao Xiang, the prefect of Lujiang, Liu Ji, the prefect of Guangling, Jiang Ji, the prefect of Jiujiang, Xu Sheng, the prefect of Xiapi, Huo Du, the prefect of Donghai, and Quan Cong, the prefect of Huainan.

After a pause, Fei Guan said: "As for the court, due to the death of Lord Ling, the ministerial order is vacant. Your Majesty originally wanted to choose Xu Jiangzhou as the ministerial order. Later, after being recommended by the prime minister, Sun Jun Changxu succeeded him, and Pushe Liu Junzichu (Liu Ba) took charge of the chancellery with him."

Because Zhuge Liang was the prime minister, the Shangshu Order in the Southern Han Dynasty had little power. The reason why Fa Zheng has so much authority is that in addition to serving as minister, he actually also leads the general of the guard army. The generals who protect the army are similar to the generals who lead the army. They are only inferior to the generals who lead the army, but they all help Liu Bei in charge of the Chinese army.

Now that Fazheng passed away, Liu Bei divided Fazheng's power into three parts. Sun Shao and Liu Ba were in charge of the Shangshutai, and Pang Tong was appointed as the general of the army.

Pang Tong was appointed as the general of the guard army. He had to return to Wuhan to serve. Instead, Liu Bei responded to Huo Jun's deployment of troops to benefit the Huaihe River. He transferred 5,000 Chinese troops under the command of Tai Shiheng, and ordered them to be under Pang Tong's account to obey orders; he was entrusted with the task of crossing the sea. General Lang led five thousand soldiers and horses to advance Huaidong.

Huo Jun has a rough understanding of the recent changes in the imperial court, and he has a general idea. When choosing important people, Liu Bei still followed the old custom, and the Northerners and Chu people shared the secrets.

Touching his mustache, Huo Jun asked: "May I ask Mr. Fei, how is your Majesty's fate?"

Fei Shi said: "Now Ma Chao has surrendered to our country, and the military governor has sent troops to the old land of Peng and Song Dynasties. Your Majesty is afraid that Cao Pi has the intention to conquer injustice, so he specially ordered Huo Du to guard the border to prevent bandits from raiding the south."

"The governor ordered the Huai people to return to their old land. The ministers had different opinions. They thought that Huaibei was on the front line. If the border towns were lost, the people would be plundered by thieves, so they thought that the Huai people could not be allowed to return to their old land. However, the Prime Minister thinks it is feasible and is discussing it with the princes."


Huo Jun nodded slightly and said: "Please return to the capital and tell your majesty that the Jianghuai River is now peaceful. The generals have not looked at the holy face for more than ten years and stretched their necks to look at your majesty. I only hope that in your spare time, your majesty will take you eastward to the Jianghuai River. I went to the river with the soldiers from the three states to greet the Holy Emperor."

After saying that, Huo Jun added: "Jun has ordered the sergeants to repair and take care of the Queen's Zixiang house."

Fei Guan understood what Huo Jun meant, raised his hands and said, "Don't worry, Governor Huo. Guan will report the truth to your Majesty."


Huo Jun chatted with Fei Guan for a while, and Fei Guan asked to leave because of fatigue. Huo Jun, on the other hand, invited Fei Guan to a banquet tonight in the name of Jie Feng.

After Fei Guan retreated, Jiang Ji stepped forward and said: "Captain, there are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in Jianghuai, and the governor is always in charge. The thieves do not have more than 100,000 people, which is not enough to march south to Xiapi and Zhongli. Your Majesty is worried that the thieves will attack now. I thought that the rebels were not in Huai, but should be in Jianghan or Longyou."

"Although Shang Yu is located among mountains and ravines, Wancheng is not in the hands of our army. It is close to Guanzhong and Hongnong. If the thieves attack light soldiers and attack them with multiple attacks, Shang Yu will definitely lose. Ji thought the governor Your Majesty, I will ask you to move the merchants to Jianghan."

Huo Jun frowned slightly, suddenly thinking of Shangyu's geographical environment. It is close to Guanzhong and Sili, but too far from the Jianghan Military Region of the Southern Han Dynasty, especially the Nanyang Basin is still in the hands of Cao Wei. Now that the elixir level has dropped, it is very easy for Cao Wei, who has suffered many losses, to take advantage of Shang Yu.

"Fortunately, Zitong reminded me, Jun Jian forgot about this!"

Huo Jun picked up the pen on the pen holder and said: "In winter, the river dries up and freezes, making it difficult for boats to transport. If the thieves send troops to attack them, they will be beyond the reach of the army to help them. Now let your majesty order Liu Feng to move to merchants. Go to Jianghan with the common people, so as not to lose the people and be benefited by the thieves."

Although the Southern Han Dynasty succeeded in the Northern Expedition many times, it does not mean that Cao Wei has no counterattack. Don’t you see that every time the river water drops and there is a risk of drying up, the armies of the Southern Han and Northern Expeditions must retreat. The Northern Wei Dynasty's southern expeditions often took place in autumn and winter, when the rivers froze and dried up.

Liu Bei wanted to keep Liu Feng in Shangyu and run Shangluo County for the next Northern Expedition. If this strategic layout can be achieved, the effect will be very good. But don't forget that Cao Wei is not a dead man, and he will not sit back and watch Liu Feng become powerful in the land of Shang Yu.

While Huo Jun was writing the memorial, Jiang Ji said: "Fei Jun has traveled a long way to Guangling, and he is exhausted and hard-working. In order to benefit you, the governor should order someone to get some Jianghuai specialties to reward Fei Jun."


Huo Jun held a pen and wrote, saying: "Zitong can handle this matter. I must let Fei Jun enjoy himself tonight!"

"Ji, go and take care of it now!"

Huo Jun's official title: general of hussars, records affairs of the minister, false festival axe (can punish the commander who holds the festival), Xuzhou Mu, governor of the six counties of Jianghuai, control of the military of Henan, Xu and Qingzhou, Marquis of Jiangling County.

(End of this chapter)

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