Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 539: Hidden clumsiness and mutual understanding

Chapter 539: Hidden clumsiness and mutual understanding
The relationship between Zhuge Liang and Liu Chan is not a simple relationship between monarch and minister, because Liu Chan was fostered in Zhuge Liang's home for a period of time when he was young. In addition, Zhuge Liang had no children, so he treated Liu Chan as his own son.

And as Liu Chan grew up, Liu Chan received Zhuge Liang's education all year round. Over time, the two developed a deep and unusual relationship. Named Junchen, they share the same love as father and son.

In this relationship, Liu Feng also had the appearance of an ignorant king. Therefore, in the early years, Zhuge Liang pushed Liu Chan to become the crown prince, and at the same time he was full of fear of Liu Feng who threatened Liu Chan's status.

Although Liu Feng's crime was not punishable by death, it can only be said that Zhuge Liang was too worried that Liu Feng would affect Liu Chan's rule. Therefore, as in history, he went out of his way to persuade Liu Bei to get rid of him.

During this half month, Liu Bei pondered his conversation with Zhuge Liang in the palace.

Zhuge Liang said that Liu Feng had a fierce temperament and would be difficult to be controlled by Liu Chan after the Yi Dynasty. Liu Bei deeply believed this.

But when he wanted to issue an edict to kill Liu Feng, Liu Bei often thought of Liu Feng's past with him and couldn't bear to let go.

After considering for half a month, Liu Bei finally made a decision when he was about to patrol the Yangtze River and Huaihe River eastward. On the grounds that Liu Feng was defeated and did not obey the edict, he would remove all official positions, demote Liu Feng to Tinghou, and move to Nanchang, Yuzhang. Without an edict, he would not be allowed to leave. County, order the county to supervise it.

Letting Liu Feng lose his political career not only satisfied Zhuge Liang's desire to deal with Liu Feng, but also fulfilled his father-son relationship with Liu Feng.

Zhuge Liang heard Liu Bei's edict and had no objection. The reason why he hoped to execute Liu Feng was because he was really worried that Liu Bei still wanted to use Liu Feng. Although Liu Feng was not executed today, the future troubles were solved. Whether Liu Feng will be hired in the future will all depend on Liu Chan's attitude.

Liu Bei had a family dinner with Liu Feng's wife and children, hugged his grandson Liu Lin in person, and bid farewell to Liu Feng with tears in his eyes. After Liu Feng left the palace, Liu Bei ordered Ma Liang to deliver the edict on his behalf and prohibited Liu Feng from entering the palace.

When Liu Feng heard the edict, he burst into tears and returned to the palace to see Liu Bei, but was blocked by the imperial guards. Liu Feng could only bring his wife and children and kowtow three times outside the palace gate. Later, under the supervision of officials, the family moved to Nanchang, Yuzhang.

After Liu Feng was dealt with, Liu Bei left Prince Liu Chan to supervise the country and was assisted by Prime Minister Zhuge Liang. Under the escort of Chen Dao, Liu Bei took Empress Mi and the Mi brothers to patrol Xuzhou County eastward.

Huo Jun received news of Liu Bei's eastward tour and summoned the civil and military forces of Jianghuai to prepare to welcome the Holy Emperor.

Huo Jun sat on the couch and warned everyone, saying: "Your Majesty and the Queen are coming to Jianghuai today. All the kings must strictly abide by the law, work diligently in government affairs, and must not violate discipline or be lazy in government. No matter whether they are caught by your Majesty or me, they will be exempted." Officials punish crimes.”

"No!" Everyone responded in unison.

After concentrating on the precautions, Huo Jun left a few close friends to inquire about the reception.

"My lord, Your Majesty and the Queen are visiting the official residence. What are your preparations now?" Huo Jun asked.

"Reporting to the Governor, Your Majesty has sent officials to warn that when the Jianghuai River is just beginning to flourish, no corvee work will be sent to repair the palace. We can just choose to build a house and renovate it."

Liu Zhong bowed and reported, saying: "Zhong chose a large courtyard in Jiangdu to renovate. Now the reconstruction of the house is complete, only the landscape, desks, screens and other furnishings are left."

Huo Jun warned: "Nothing is trivial in the house, so don't treat it lightly!"

"No!" Liu Zhong replied.

Then, Huo Jun looked at the trusted generals in the hall and asked in a warm voice: "When Your Majesty enters Huaihe, who in the army should be dispatched?"

The generals looked at each other and didn't understand why Huo Jun asked.

Ding Feng boldly said: "The Commander-in-Chief is the commander-in-chief of the army. We should act like Zhou Yafu of Xiliu Camp and obey the Commander-in-Chief's orders. Without the Commander-in-Chief's orders, we will not obey them."

Xu Sheng hesitated for a few moments and then said: "When your Majesty arrives in Jianghuai, he should take your Majesty's orders first, and then ask the governor what he wants!"

"No, you should listen to the governor's orders."

"No, you must follow His Majesty's orders."

"Be brave, don't you forget the military law in the army?"

Listening to the discussions among the generals in the hall, Huo Jun and Jiang Ji looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Seeing the current scene, Huo Jun couldn't help but think of Lan Yu. At that time, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang could not retreat the generals by shouting, but only Lan Yu could make Buqu retreat, which really aroused Zhu Yuanzhang's fear.

Is Zhou Yafu's Xiliu Camp really a strict military discipline?
Wouldn't he know that Emperor Wen of Han was coming to the army?
It was simply that Zhou Yafu was dissatisfied with Emperor Wen of Han because of Zhou Bo and wanted to give him power.

Huo Jun stood up according to the case and scolded the generals, saying: "This is not war time. Your Majesty is visiting the Jianghuai River. All military affairs are your Majesty's responsibility. If Your Majesty wants to ask questions, you should report them one by one without any mistakes." "promise!"

The noisy room suddenly fell silent. Ding Fenggai knew that he had said the wrong thing and hurriedly lowered his head to answer.

Looking at the people who were retreating, Huo Jun took a few sips of the tea on the table and said to Jiang Ji: "The generals are so vulgar and they are dangerously trapping me in injustice."

Inviting Liu Bei to Jianghuai is not just to let the generals meet Liu Bei and enhance the relationship between Liu Bei and Jianghuai. If he plays the trick of Xiliuying, no matter how open-minded Liu Bei is, it will still leave a knot in his heart.

Jiang Ji stroked his beard and smiled, and said: "The Commander-in-Chief has great achievements, so he should be cautious in everything. Today's instructions to the generals may seem like a small matter, but if they are not handled properly, Your Majesty will be displeased."

"There are some words that I cannot say more. Zitong had personal relationships with many of the generals, and a certain contemporary of mine secretly spoke to the generals," Huo Jun warned.

Jiang Ji held up his hands and asked: "The Governor has exchanged letters with people in Jianghuai. Should I inform His Majesty?"

After pondering for a while, Huo Jun said: "I have been with your Majesty for many years, and there is no need to be respectful in everything. Even if I don't say anything about this, your Majesty also knows the purpose of my letter."


Do things when you should do things, and hide your clumsiness when you should. If the emperor and his ministers did not have the confidence to know each other, the Southern Han Dynasty would not be established.

Not to mention that Huo Jun was busy with the work before Liu Bei arrived. Today Liu Bei set off from the capital and took a boat down the river. He would soon reach the border of Lujiang River.

That day, Liu Bei stood on the bow of the boat, clasping his hands behind his waist and looking at the flowing water of the Yangtze River.

Yang Yi, the minister, stepped forward, raised his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I heard from the words on the left and right that it is related to Huo Du, I don't know whether to say it or not!"

Liu Bei glanced at Yang Yi and said: "Rumors and rumors are made out of nothing, so you don't need to talk about them."

Yang Yi was reminded by Liu Bei and reported truthfully: "Your Majesty, I heard that Huo Du not only sent people across the river to recruit refugees, but also secretly communicated with the high-ranking officials of Huaisi in the DPRK. Huo Du has strong troops with his body and staff, and now he has recruited many people. It is an act of popular support. I have always been in danger for the Han Dynasty, and now I am willing to offer advice to your Majesty to avoid this disaster."

Liu Bei frowned slightly and quietly watched what Yang Yi had planned.

Seeing that Liu Bei was silent, Yang Yi held up his hands and said: "In the past, Emperor Gaozu ordered Han Xin to pacify Hebei. However, he was afraid that Han Xin would cultivate cronies and become king on his own, so he entered the Korean camp three times and captured his troops. Now, why don't your majesty follow the example of Emperor Gaozu and borrow the east During the patrol, we captured Huo Du's troops and horses and assigned him to guard the border against the enemy."

Liu Bei's face darkened and he said: "If a mortal wants to rebel, he should be cautious about his words and deeds, lest outsiders know about it. How can he be like Huo Du, who wrote letters to all the officials in Huaisi? Today, Huo Du writes letters to all the officials. , It is for the Huaisi people to return home, and there is no other intention. How can we avoid it because of rumors? "

Liu Bei heard Yang Yi's words from many ministers. But after the incident involving the King of Huainan, Liu Bei had already firmly believed in Huo Jun. How could he be swayed by a trivial matter?

As for taking away Huo Jun's troops and horses, Liu Bei had no such plan. Although he is said to have the legacy of Emperor Gaozu, it does not mean that he is like Liu Bang in everything.

If you take away Huo Jun's troops and horses now, what will Huo Jun think, and what will the generals who rely on the Southern Han Dynasty think?
Especially now that the North and the South are in a confrontation, not to mention that the guards cannot be changed at will, even the soldiers and horses guarding the border dare not move without authorization.

After a pause, Liu Bei scolded Yang Yi and said: "Without Huo Du, there would be no Jianghuai today. You are an internal minister and don't care about the work of foreign generals. How can you easily make remarks and deviate from the heart of the king and his ministers?"

Yang Yi showed a look of shame, raised her hands and said, "I am only worried about your majesty. I have not considered everything thoroughly. I hope your majesty will punish you!"

"There is no need for punishment!"

Liu Bei softened his tone and said: "You are the minister and the official of the minister's desk. You must not listen to rumors in the future."


Liu Bei had already known about Huo Jun's letters to attract Huaisi people to return home from the Huaisi scholars. Now Liu Bei does not participate and takes the lead in helping Huo Jun recruit Huai people to return home. This is simply because of his own status.
His previous edict was to allow the Huai people to return home, without force or passivity. If Liu Bei suggested that the Huai people return home, what he said would be conveyed through his subordinates, and the original meaning could easily be changed by his subordinates.

After all, once forced relocation is involved, the edict to return home will change, and the impact will be very great.

Of course, Liu Bei is not unhelpful. Liu Bei is planning to let the Mi family separate and return to Huai through this ancestor worship. As a relative, if Mi takes the lead in returning home, the outside world can understand Liu Bei's intention through this incident.

Those Huaisi people who are hesitating will follow Mi's footsteps and return home. Among them, Liu Bei only communicated his thoughts to the outside world through the Mi family, but did not say anything to let people return to Huaihe. This way, forced relocation could be avoided.

(End of this chapter)

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