Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 543 Unity in Struggle

Chapter 543 Unity in Struggle
Since that day's conversation, how to solve the problem of nobles concealing their household registration has gradually become a worry on Liu Bei's mind. During his stay in Jiangzuo, Liu Bei, in addition to inspecting local counties, occasionally thought about solutions.

The solution to the hidden household registration plan of the Wu and Chu clan must not be the same as that of the gentry clan in Sichuan. Whether it was the period of Liu Zhang and his son, or the period of Liu Bei's rule, the gentry in Shu had almost no say, and there were very few generals serving in the army.

Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang could publicize Shu Brocade in central Shu, and even search for hidden populations to extract money and grain to replenish the Northern Expedition armies. But they cannot deal with Wu Chuhao's powerful family unscrupulously, because the cornerstone of Southern Han's rule comes from them.

After Liu Bei pondered for a few days, he found a free time to discuss the matter with Huo Jun, a man he trusted.

Although Huo Jun seemed to be from a wealthy family, he actually agreed with Liu Bei's policy of searching the population because of his political status and his freedom from vulgar taste.

Huo Jun knows very well that the success of a war never depends only on the commanding ability of the generals, but also on the organizational ability of the country behind him.

Even though the Southern Han Dynasty was doing well and promoted the rice and wheat farming system, which filled the treasury of the Southern Han Dynasty, the Wu and Chu gentry were actually the beneficiaries.

The Wuchu gentry had advantages in information dissemination, and they were among the first to adopt the rice and wheat farming system. Therefore, under the concealment of household registration, the money and food of the nobles increased sharply and they gradually became prosperous.

If we don't search the population now and allow the Wu and Chu clan to embezzle the registered population, we may make the same mistake as Sun Wu in the long run. Even if the Southern Han Dynasty could unify the Central Plains, it would probably be a short-lived dynasty and it would be very easy to fall into internal strife.

Although the Southern Han Dynasty does not belong to Huo Jun, as one of its builders and one of its beneficiaries, Huo Jun does not want to see it slide into the abyss with his own eyes.

Liu Bei sat on the couch and said worriedly: "Kong Ming wants to enrich the treasury, so I ordered Cheng Ming to carry out the extermination method in Shu and retrieve the hidden population. If I want to push this method to Wu and Chu now, I am afraid that there will be too many officials and soldiers. If you are dissatisfied, I wonder if Zhong Miao has a different opinion?"

"Breaking the law is related to the lifeline of the country and must be done. Even if the big clan rebels, Your Majesty must not hesitate. He should send troops to quell the rebellion and punish the thieves severely." Huo Jun stated his thoughts directly at the beginning.

"The reason why Your Majesty is worried is not because of the big clan, but because of the big clan of generals and soldiers. He is afraid that they will rebel against the Han because of the population search. I wonder what Jun said?" Huo Jun asked.

"Of course!"

Liu Bei sat and hugged his knees and said: "In the past, the reason why I was able to defeat Wu and Yue, and the Wu people voted for me instead of Sun Quan, was not because I had other abilities. It was because I gathered all the tribes together, worshiped them as generals, and led the troops. Today If it is not handled properly, it may cause big changes!”

Huo Jun pondered for a long time and said: "The officials and soldiers of Wu and Chu have different origins. Your Majesty cannot generalize them. For example, there are many Huai people and Chu people under Jun's command. And among the Chu people, there are some big families and some poor families. Even among the big families, there are also some. There are those with few hidden households and those with many hidden households, which cannot be summed up in one word.”

"Your Majesty is worried that the big clan leading the army will rebel, so it is better to treat them with lenient treatment. If the civil servants or the big clan are not used by your Majesty, your majesty can treat them strictly. If there is rebellion, you can send generals to put it down. In this way, although There is turmoil, but the search strategy can be extended in all directions.”

One-size-fits-all is a political disadvantage. No matter which dynasty's politics, it is about pulling one faction to fight another faction, and then pulling another faction to fight another faction. That is, unite and fight; unite again and fight again.

Liu Bang was able to quickly bring peace to the world, not only because of the reasons at that time, but also because he mastered the secret book of unity and struggle.

Xiang Yu's military strength was at its peak, and Liu Bang was defeated head-on. He adopted a situation of reemploying Han Xin, Peng Yue, and Yingbu, and granting rewards to princes and kings.

After defeating Xiang Yu, Liu Bang used his heroes and relatives with the same surname to deal with the princes and kings with different surnames.

In order to bring peace to the world, Kanto was guarded by princes and kings with the same surname, while Kansai and some areas used military meritorious officers to govern the grassroots.

Therefore, in adopting the policy of retrieving the population, Liu Bei can completely adopt the policy of unity and struggle. In troubled times, the country's military and armed forces were stable, and sporadic rebellions by nobles could not affect the overall situation.

After all, few nobles who can survive in troubled times are fools. They know very well that they have no swords and cannot compete with the army. The officials who hold this article will have some scruples because of their status. They will only complain a few times and dare not object openly.

Therefore, if those in power are courageous and survive the period of public opinion, they will basically be able to see the sunny days ahead. If the policies are appropriate and implemented quickly, there will be nothing to fear.

Liu Bei stroked his beard and asked in confusion: "What is a lenient law and what is a strict law?"

Huo Jun thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, those who serve the Han Dynasty as soldiers are exempted from taxes and corvee; those who do not join the army and pay taxes are exempted from corvee. Or those who are native to the northern states are exempted from the corvee. Check." "Those who join the army without any affiliation but hide their household registration will have all their servants and servants listed, and they will be treated as such. Taxation and corvee are indispensable, from the princes to the powerful. If there is any violation, strict laws will be enforced.”

Hearing this, Liu Bei looked thoughtful and said, "I also think about Zhong Miao's words. But I'm afraid that the officials will deceive the superiors and conceal the truth, and they will violate it."

"In this way, the method of examination should be implemented, and the governor of the state should supervise the governors of the counties. If the governors of each county are lazy in administration or violate the rules, they should be punished together to correct the atmosphere."

Huo Jun cupped his hands towards Liu Bei and said: "Your Majesty, with the Prime Minister's ability in governing and working together, within a year or two, the hidden household registrations will inevitably be revealed. And since this policy was proposed by the Prime Minister, it is better for Your Majesty to choose an opportunity to ask about it."

"Kong Ming~"

Liu Bei nodded slightly, showing a look of understanding, and said: "Since Kong Ming wants to implement this strategy, he must have gained something in his heart. Now I will write what Zhong Miao said and write to Kong Ming to see if Kong Ming has any different opinions!"


The monarch and his ministers chatted for a few more words, and the attendant came into the hall to report and said: "Your Majesty, the two princes of the Mi family have completed their ancestor worship. Now they are asking for an audience outside the mansion!"


After a while, Mi Zhu and Mi Fang walked into the hall and saluted Liu Bei.

Liu Bei supported him out of thin air and said with a smile: "Zizhong and Zifang are returning to their hometown to worship their ancestors. Why do they think so?"

Mi Zhu, with gray hair on his temples, sighed and said: "After more than twenty years away from home, Zixiang has become desolate. The villagers are scattered and it is difficult to see friends. Thanks to His Majesty's blessing, fortunately, the ancestral grave is still there, and Zhu can lead his tribe to sacrifice it. I thought I would always be in Chu land. , Unexpectedly, when I return home, I will thank Your Majesty."

"No need to be polite!"

Liu Bei was very moved and said: "In the past, I was living in the East China Sea, but fortunately I was supported by your family. Even though I was defeated and exiled, I always stayed with you. Now that the two kings have returned home to worship their ancestors, it is enough to comfort the two kings from the pain of traveling around to serve."

After a pause, Liu Bei asked: "When the two princes went north to the East China Sea, was there peace in Huaidong?"

Mi Zhu was very enlightened and said with a smile: "When Huo Du visits the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, how can Huaidong be uneasy? Zhu has ordered Quanzi Miwei to lead some tribesmen to return to Huaihe River to buy property!"

As he spoke, Mi Zhu's tone increased, and he raised his hands and said, "Fortunately, your Majesty has been kind to you for many years, and the Mi family has been able to revitalize. Nowadays, there are few people in Huaidong, and Zhu is willing to donate his spirit and strengthen his family to 4,000 people to fight with Jianghuai, whether as soldiers or for the people, all by your Majesty and Huo Huai." Supervisor arranges.”

Compared to Mi Zhu's high level of consciousness, Mi Fang felt a sense of physical pain. He couldn't understand why his brother would be so generous. This was the wealth he had accumulated for many years, and he gave it away in one go.

"There are tens of millions of Han people today, why do we need four thousand people?"

Hearing this, Liu Bei couldn't help but stand up and sighed: "Zizhong donated his people to the Han Dynasty, which makes me ashamed!"

"It's just Zhu's suggestion. I hope your majesty will accept it!" Mi Zhu bowed his hands and said.

"Zizhong is so righteous!"

"Mr. Mi is noble!"

(End of this chapter)

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