Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 553 Reconciliation Gap

Chapter 553 Reconciliation Gap
In the fifth year of Zhangwu, spring.

The winter cold is gradually dissipating, and the early spring is here. The spring rain is continuous, like cow hair, falling and falling.

Huo Jun put down the letter from Wuhan, stood up silently, and sighed slightly. The letter was written by Mi Zhu in mourning for Mi Fang.

After Mi Fang returned to Nanzhong, she broke her leg while riding a horse. She asked Shangshu to return to the capital, and Liu Bei agreed to do so. Not long after returning to Wuhan, Mi Fang died of illness at home within a few days due to travel and deterioration of her condition.

Mi Fang died of illness, and Mi Zhu held a funeral for her. The death of his uncle caused a sensation in Wuhan. Not only Zhuge Liang and Liu Chan attended the funeral, but also Liu Bei and Empress Mi paid tribute to him. Among them, because Huo Jun was in town, the foot trainer attended the funeral on Huo Jun's behalf.

After the funeral, after the discussion of the ministers, for some reason, Mi Fang was posthumously named Marquis of Wei.

Wei can be used as a place name or a posthumous title.

Among those with a posthumous title of 'Wei', those with a strong power will move swiftly, and they will move swiftly with authority; those with a strong power will be polite, but will not violate the etiquette despite their power. All in all, Wei is neither a good posthumous title nor a bad posthumous title. His posthumous title belongs to the middle to upper level, which can be regarded as an explanation for Mi Fang's life, and also an explanation for Liu Bei.

With his hands behind his waist and looking at the drizzle outside the window sill, Huo Jun couldn't help but shake his head and lamented the fickleness of fate.

With his participation in this plane, the direction of history has changed greatly. Mi Fang, who originally betrayed his master and surrendered to the enemy, worked hard for the Han Dynasty all his life, and was able to receive a posthumous title after his death. Lu Xun, who despised Liu Bei as "Lao Ge", never wanted to become "Lao Ge"'s son-in-law.

Of course, there is also Sun Quan, King of Wu in the Wei Dynasty. He was king and emperor in Jiangzuo. Now he has become a minister in Cao Wei and is a highly valued minister by Cao Pi.

Either Jiang Ji, who had served Cao Wei for three dynasties, was captured by him and became his deputy; or Wang Can, who should have died early, now became the secretary-general of the Han court, and both the minister and minister were under his orders. And he left a large number of poems in the world.

Not to mention Liu Bei, he said to himself that he had three great achievements: the first was Jiangdong, the second was the defeat of Cao Cao, and the third was the defeat of the Shu Han.

The name Shuhan appeared early in the Han Dynasty, mostly referring to the Bashu area and the Han River Basin. In the original version, because Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor in Bashu, he often referred to the country as Shuhan.

Today, Liu Bei praises his achievements in defeating the Shu-Han, which means that he not only recovered the Bashu area, but also recovered six or seven counties and cities in the upper and lower reaches of the Han River, such as Wudu, Hanzhong, Shangyong, Hannan, Xiangyang, etc. county.

That’s what it says, and it’s also the same logic. But no matter what, Liu Bei's destruction of Shu Han was a bit uncomfortable in Huo Jun's ears.

Huo Junyou sighed. Anyway, the death of his friend Mi Fang made him feel a little uncomfortable.


Huo Jun suddenly thought back and remembered that Liu Bei was old now, but he didn't know what his physical condition was.

While thinking about it, Huo Xiong with a silver thread knocked on the door and reported: "Captain, the second young master is waiting outside the house with a letter from His Majesty."

"Let the second young master enter the hall!"

Because Deng Fan changed his surname to Huo and married Liu Bei's daughter, with Bu Lianshi's understanding, Huo Fan Zheng'er became the eldest son and Huo Yi was demoted to the second son.

However, the names chosen by Huo Jun for them have not changed. Huo Fan is still called Shizai, Huo Yi is called Boxian, the third son Huo Chang is called Zhongxian, and the fourth son Huo Fu is called Jixian.

In selecting characters, Huo Jun directly followed Ma's method and assigned character sizes according to the elder and younger brothers, so as not to remember too many names and call the wrong name.

After a while, Huo Yi, neatly dressed, walked into the hall and bowed: "My lord, my lord!"

"I haven't seen you for many months. Have you grown taller again?"

Looking at Huo Yi who was almost as equal as him, Huo Jun smiled and said: "In a few years, I will surpass him as a father!"

"Grow taller!"

Huo Yi straightened his body, consciously or unconsciously comparing himself with his father.

"sit down!"

Huo Jun pointed to the seat and said: "Your Majesty has ordered you to keep the letter and travel eastward. Is it because of something important?"

Huo Yi sat on the table, took out the letter and presented it to him, saying: "This matter is a national matter, but it is also a private matter. It is inconvenient for Your Majesty to come forward, and the Prime Minister has some scruples, so he asked Yi to come to Guangling with the letter, in order to let you take action. reconcile."

"Tell me slowly?" Huo Jun opened the letter and asked Huo Yi to continue.

"His Majesty ordered the four prefectures of Jiang, Liang, Jing, and Yang to implement the law and conduct extensive inspections of the hidden population."

Huo Yi collected his thoughts and said: "My uncle governed Yangzhou and searched for the gentry from Wu and Kuaiji counties. When the Lu family was found among them, the slaves refused to let the officials enter the house. The officials forced their way into the house and separated hundreds of people into secluded households without records. Hu, my uncle impeached the former general for this."

"When the former general heard about this, Shangshu asked for his own defense, saying that the hundreds of households were not hidden households because they were the family members of Zhan Nobu. According to the regulations, Zhan Nobu and his family members did not do corvee service or pay taxes. But my uncle thought that the former general If what he said is untrue, I beg your Majesty to punish the former general."

Listening to Huo Yi's story, Huo Jun probably understood what happened. Due to the nature of hundreds of households being hidden, Bu Zhao impeached Lu Xun, and Lu Xun went to court to defend himself. The two sides went back and forth, and although they exchanged messages sparsely, they were still discussing matters and the situation was under control.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ji saw that Bu Zhi was impeaching Lu Xun. In order to fight back, he exposed the evidence that Bu Zhi's old officials had taken bribes from Mi Fang. This was used to impeach Bu Zhi for his bad moral conduct and laxity in his subordinates, and he should be removed from office.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, the ministers had many virtues. Once their virtues were questioned, there was a risk of social death, that is, the official career was cut off.

Seeing that Lu Ji did not follow martial ethics, Bu Zhi became angry and wrote several letters to impeach the Lu family for annexing the land, which was suspected of bullying the people.

As the situation developed, Lu and Bu accused each other, and the conflict escalated. Mi Fang, who was on the verge of death at the time, was also involved. This made Liu Bei unable to hold back, so he hated Lu Ji. .

In order to calm down the matter, Zhuge Liang came forward to solve the problem of Lu Xun and Bu Zhi. After Zhuge Liang's judgment, the hundreds of hidden houses discovered by the Lu family were actually the families of those who lost their families in the war, and the place they lost in the war was in Guanzhong.

As for Bu Zhi's old officials collecting bribes, Zhuge Liang dealt with them according to law and judged Bu Zhi had nothing to do with them. Liu Bei, on the other hand, was not strict with his subordinates by using a stallion, and was punished with a salary.

Although the incident was solved by Zhuge Liang, because of Lu Ji's interference, the Bu and Lu families were completely enmity. For this, Bu Zhi was charged with the moral crime of lax control, but the Lu family was safe and sound.

Bu Zhi knew very well that Huo Jun could not be involved in this matter, so he did not tell Huo Jun. If Huo Yi hadn't come here with the letter, Huo Jun, who was far away on the border, would have never known that there would be a conflict between Bu and Lu.

Now that Bu and Lu have a grudge, it is difficult for Zhuge Liang, as a law enforcement officer, to step in and mediate the issues between the two families. In order to mediate the issues between the two families, Liu Bei not only asked Zhuge Jin to write a letter to persuade him, but also planned to ask Huo Jun to write a letter to alleviate the dissatisfaction between the two parties.

After fully understanding what happened before and after, Huo Jun shook his head helplessly. This kind of thing is really difficult to reconcile, and it might easily damage his relationship with Bu Zhi.

After pondering for a long time, Huo Jun had an idea.

Holding the pen and soaking it with ink, Huo Jun held the pen and wrote.

In the letter, Huo Jun tried his best to soothe Bu Zhao's mood, and said that Lu Ji's involvement of Mi Fang would inevitably arouse Mi's disgust, and it is unknown what will happen in the future. Finally, Bu Zhao was reminded that there are too many people staring at his position, so don't bring joy and anger into work, as it will easily lead to verbal abuse.

Immediately afterwards, Huo Jun wrote a letter to Lu Xun, explaining to him that Bu Zhi was doing things for the public and had no personal emotions. He hoped that Lu Xun could understand and analyze the pros and cons for him. I hope he can put the overall situation first and write a letter to ease the relationship with Bu Zhi.

Even though Huo Jun was only a few years older than Lu Xun, in terms of seniority and official position, Lu Xun was far inferior to Huo Jun. Especially in his early years, Huo Jun commanded Lu Xun in battles and recommended him to become Liu Bei's son-in-law. Reasonably, Huo Jun had something to say, and Lu Xun had to listen.

Finally, Huo Jun wrote a letter to Liu Bei and attached the specific contents of the two letters.

"My lord, Your Majesty asked me to leave the letter to you and let my son take a trip," Huo Yi said.


Huo Jun raised his eyebrows and instantly understood what Liu Bei meant. It must be said that Liu Bei had thought carefully.


Putting the pen down on the case, Huo Jun handed the three letters to Huo Yi and said, "Three letters, one each from your majesty, uncle, and former general."

"No!" Huo Yi carefully put away the three letters.

Seeing his son doing things in an orderly manner, Huo Jun was very pleased and said: "Have a rest in Guangling for a night, and then send the letter. After returning home, take care of your brothers and sisters. And you are married, so you should have a good relationship with the prince. Don't do it. A child's anger."

"Son, remember this!"

(End of this chapter)

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