Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 561 Asking a Girl to Be a Wife

Chapter 561 Asking a Girl to Be a Wife
Although Huo Jun refused, Liu Bei was not angry. After that, they switch to other topics, or talk about past events, or interesting things about their children.

When the meal was approaching, Liu Bei forced Huo Jun to stay in the palace and eat with him. But during the meal, Liu Bei's gastrointestinal symptoms recurred, and he had to go to the toilet again.

Liu Bei and Huo Jun had already gone to the toilet twice in less than two or three hours after meeting each other, which showed how worried Huo Jun was.

In ancient times, there were no testing instruments of later generations, so gastrointestinal diseases were difficult to diagnose, and gastrointestinal diseases made it very difficult for traditional Chinese medicine to prescribe medicine.

Most of the prescriptions prescribed by traditional Chinese medicine are mainly to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. After drinking, you often go to the toilet to expel toxic substances. Today, Liu Bei goes to the toilet frequently. Drinking Chinese medicine may irritate his stomach even more.

"Has your Majesty taken the decoction?" Huo Jun asked.

The attendant shook his head and said: "After your majesty took the decoction before, Taicang's pain occurred frequently. After he stopped drinking the decoction, it was relieved. When Dr. Du heard about it, he changed the prescription again. When your majesty resumed drinking it, the pain was similar to before. Your majesty said Don’t want to drink too much.”

Huo Jun put down his chopsticks and had no intention of eating. He sighed deeply, feeling helpless because of the backward medical technology.

After a long time, Liu Bei's face turned pale, and he sat back down with the help of his attendants.

Liu Bei drank a few sips of warm water, gradually gained strength, and ordered: "Let the doctor Du Du enter the palace!"

Looking at Du Du's leaving figure, Huo Jun sighed helplessly, then boarded the carriage and returned to the house.

After saying that, Du Du informed: "Du Du needs to return to the pharmacy to prepare medicine for His Majesty. Now I will leave first. If the Governor has something to do, just send someone to inform him."

"Your Majesty, how are you now?" Huo Jun asked with concern.

After a while, as the carriage slowly arrived in front of the house, Huo Jun calmed down and went home.

Since Liu Qi fell ill in the early years, Huo Jun has had a lot of dealings with Du Du and knows Du Du's true level. And Du Du also knew Huo Jun. Although he knew that he had a deep relationship with Liu Bei, there were some things that Du Du really didn't dare to say casually.

When Du Du saw Huo Jun coming towards him, he immediately saluted and greeted him.

Liu Bei was a little embarrassed and didn't want to speak, so he winked at the attendant.

At present, medical skills are lagging behind, and Du Du is the taller among the short ones. If Du Du is not allowed to treat Liu Bei, I am afraid that others will not be able to do it either.

Seeing that Huo Jun learned the whole story, Liu Bei was a little embarrassed and said, "Zhong Miao might as well step aside for the time being and return to the palace tomorrow."

Du Du hesitated for a moment, then raised his hands and said, "Without His Majesty's order, I dare not mention His Majesty's condition to the Governor."

The attendant understood Liu Bei's intention, leaned close to Huo Jun's ear and said: "Your Majesty bleeds when going to the toilet. This has never happened before."

Huo Jun waited outside the palace for a long time, and finally waited for Du Du who came out of the palace carrying the medicine bag.




If there is blood, it will be blood.

Huo Jun frowned and said, "I know about your majesty's blood, but I don't know what the doctor's diagnosis is? Could it be that Dr. Du has no prescription?"

"Meet Huo Du!"

Although Huo Jun was ordered to leave the palace, he did not dare to leave the palace because he was worried about Liu Bei's illness. Instead, he waited outside the door for Du Du to leave the palace.

Seeing that Huo Jun had solved Liu Bei's condition, Du Du pondered for a while and said truthfully: "The symptoms of bleeding are mostly caused by evil gas entering the body, or evil fire arising from within. Your Majesty's diseases are mostly different, so we can only try to prescribe the prescription as much as possible. Can it cure His Majesty’s condition?”

Huo Jun did not exchange greetings and asked: "How is your Majesty's condition?"

"Husband, do you want to eat?" Liu Lanzhi immediately greeted him and asked.

"Get some meat and wine!"

Huo Jun handed the cloak to Liu Lanzhi and said.


Under the service of the maid, Huo Jun soaked a towel in warm water and wiped his face. Cleaned up.

While wiping his face, he listened to the attendant's report.

"Master of the house, the right general and the leading general want to see the governor outside the house!"

"Gongheng, Zilong?"

Huo Jun thought for a moment about the purpose of their visit, and said, "Let the two gentlemen wait in the main hall, and tell the kitchen to serve more wine and food, in case there are guests arriving."


Wiping the dust off his face, Huo Jun cleaned himself up a little, then stepped forward to greet Huang and Zhao.

"Huo Du!" "Gongheng, Zilong!"

Huo Jun greeted the two of them with a smile and said, "You two gentlemen and I haven't seen each other for a long time. I feel very lucky to be able to visit you now."

While talking, Huo Jun saw the two of them carrying many gifts and said with a smile, "Could it be that you two want to bribe me?"

"That's not the case!"

Zhao Yunjie took care of himself and hurriedly explained: "I'm here just because I want to be a good friend of the Huo and Huang families!"

"How good are the two families?"

Huo Jun seemed to understand something and looked at Huang Quan with a smile on his face.

Huang Quan met Huo Jun's gaze, a little embarrassed, but still smiled and said: "Huo Du's eldest daughter, Shu, is famous. Quan is visiting shamelessly to welcome her eldest son."

As a matchmaker, Zhao Yun calmed down the atmosphere and said, "I'm here with a gift. Why don't you, Zhong Miao, drive people away?"

"The eldest daughter has a nickname, so she may not live up to fair expectations."

Huo Jun smiled and invited the two of them to take a seat and said, "You two gentlemen, please sit down for now. The food and drinks will come later."

Seeing that Huo Jun didn't want to talk, Huang Quan couldn't sit still and winked at Zhao Yun continuously, asking him to help him speak.

Zhao Yun's head hurts. It's okay to let him go into battle to kill the enemy, but it's really uncomfortable to let him be the matchmaker now. If he hadn't been unable to withstand the pursuit of Huang Quan and his son, and was optimistic about Huang Chong, how would he have ended up in this situation.


Zhao Yun asked, knowing the truth, and said awkwardly: "I heard that Zhongmiao's eldest daughter has reached the age of hairpin, but I don't know if there is a marriage arrangement?"

"Not yet!"

Zhao Yun smiled and said: "Chong, the eldest son of Gongheng, is about the same age as the king and daughter. He has a good appearance, is well-read in classics, has learned the art of war, is quite talented, and has the legacy of Gongheng. If he is tempered, he will definitely become a weapon."

"I wonder if Huang Chong has seen my daughter?"

Huo Jun thought for a while and asked, "Why do you want me to be your wife now?"

As a father, Huang Quan said: "Huo Du, Quanzi has a very good relationship with General Zilong's two sons, and they often interact with each other. And the girl in General Zilong's family is..."

Listening to Huang Quan's story, Huo Jun knew the whole story.

Huang Chong had a good relationship with Zhao Tong, while Huo Jie had a good relationship with Zhao Yun's daughter. Although Huo Jie did not have in-depth contact with Huang Chong, the two had a few connections due to their relationship with the Zhao family.

After Huang Chong saw Huo Jie's appearance and learned about his talent, he was deeply attracted to her and would not marry anyone other than Huo Jie.

Huang Chong, who had been tortured by unrequited love for a long time, finally told Huang Quan that he hoped to marry Huo Jie for him. Huang Quan was deeply in love with his son, made preparations for him, and even begged Zhao Yun.

Listening to Huang Quan's words, Huo Jun had doubts.

Seeing that Huo Jun didn't speak, Zhao Yun said directly: "If Zhongmiao doesn't care about the difference between the two families, Yun is willing to be a matchmaker and help the two families get married. However, if he is unwilling or has other unspeakable matters, Yun does not dare to force it. It’s Huang Chongwufu.”

"The difference between lintels?"

Huo Jun hesitated and did not reply immediately.

Huang Quan bowed his hands and said, "Quan is a quick man and does not know the etiquette of Chu. I hope you will forgive me if I blame you. Although Zichong does not have an official title yet, with his talents, it is easy to make contributions in the future."

Huo Jun smiled and said: "My Huo family is only powerful in Zhijiang. In terms of the reputation of my ancestors, how can I compare with the Huang family in Bajun? The reason why I am suspicious now is not because of this matter."

Huo Jun's surname Huo Bie looks the same as Huo Qubing and Huo Guang, but in terms of blood relationship, there is no trace of it.

According to the ancestors of the three generations, the Huo family was a small and powerful one. Such things as high-ranking county officials and filial piety were not associated with the Huo family. If the world hadn't been in chaos and wars broke out, how could the Huo family have come forward?

The Huang family of Bajun, whose surname is Huang Quan, goes back several generations and produced at least two thousand officials. Over the past dynasties, the Huang family had many people seeking official positions, and they were a wealthy family in Ba County.

"Please elaborate, Huo Du!"

"If Huang Chongshi has the legacy of Gongheng, how could Jun not want to!"

Huo Jun pondered for a while and said directly: "I just don't know what Huang Chong looks like now, nor what his temperament and talents are? And whether my daughter is willing?"

"If Huang Chong is impatient, won't my daughter be punished?"

Huo Jun pays more attention to his daughter's happy future than his son. If a son doesn't like his wife, he can still take a concubine. And if her daughter is unhappy in her marriage, how can she marry someone else?
He couldn't decide his daughter's happiness through a few words. How could he make an easy decision now because of Huang and Zhao?
"Huo Du's words about his love for his daughter made Quan feel the same. Even if Quan Zi has good character and education, if he cannot love his wife, he is not a good match."

Huang Quan bowed his hands and said, "Now that Quan is brave enough, can he ask Huo Du to find an opportunity to meet Huang Chong and test his character as well as his talent and learning? How about that?"


(End of this chapter)

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