Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 564 List of Auxiliary Government

Chapter 564 List of Auxiliary Government
What happened at Huanghutai was communicated to Zhuge Liang from generation to generation under the instruction of Liu Bei, with Ma Liang as his envoy.

Zhuge Liang had just returned from Jingchu to rectify the official affairs. He heard what Ma Liang had passed down from generation to generation. Although he had expected it, he still sighed with sadness.

"Prime Minister, in addition to the above, Your Majesty has taken the chaos in the palaces of the Han Dynasty as a lesson and formulated the ancestral precepts, saying that after today, the ministers are not allowed to serve the Queen Mother, and the family members of the descendants are not allowed to serve as assistants to the government; their eunuchs are not allowed to be officials. All orders."

Ma Liang cupped his hands and said: "Besides, no title can be granted to the title of Marquis or above except for military merit, and the vassal king cannot hold military power. The above four orders are inscribed with gold and stone, and are hidden in Huanghu Pavilion. This edict is passed down to future generations. If there is any violation, the whole world will punish him. "

After Liu Bei met that day, he chatted with Wang Can for a long time. Finally, he took the two Han Dynasties as a lesson and added two orders of military merit and title of vassal king.

Listening to the ancestral precepts made by Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang said with emotion: "In the past, the Han Dynasty took Wang Mang's usurpation as a lesson. From the time of Emperor Guangwu to Emperor Xiaozhang, they restrained the eunuchs and strictly guarded against their relatives. However, when Emperor Xiaohe came, the emperor was young and the Dou family came. In the dynasty, Dou Xian became prosperous."

"Since then, the eunuchs have become powerful and the foreign relatives have been dictatorial, which has led to chaos. As a result, the Han Dynasty has declined. I hope that after our dynasty, we can follow the ancestral precepts established by your majesty and the two will no longer be in trouble."

Because of the lessons learned from the fall of the Western Han Dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty made innovations in many political systems.

Politically, the prime minister was abandoned and replaced by Situ; a chancery was set up to centralize power. Therefore, in the Eastern Han Dynasty, powerful ministers needed to record the minister's orders.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, officials were rewarded with money to prevent military groups from participating in too much politics. After the heroes retreated, scholars were used more to govern the world, and the imperial power was thus greatly concentrated.

In addition to politics and military affairs, the early Eastern Han emperors, as Zhuge Liang said, intentionally restricted the rights of their relatives and suppressed eunuchs. For example, in order to avoid suspicion, Emperor Ming did not paint Ma Yuan on the Yuntai because Ma Yuan's daughter was the queen.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the top leaders do not cause trouble and maintain a certain degree of stable governance, the country will survive for two to three hundred years, which is not a big problem. If there is an agricultural revolution, it is not impossible to say that the country will survive for 300 years.

Zhuge Liang sighed while stroking his fan, and said: "The affairs of the country are important now. Your Majesty wants Huo Du, and Huo Du wants it. It is not a bad idea to let Huo Du take charge, so why should I argue about it and ruin the national affairs?"

Zhuge Liang, as a top politician, can naturally realize this. As a latecomer, Huo Jun can also know this through historical lessons. Therefore, although I fully support the four ancestral precepts formulated by Liu Bei, I have no intention of refuting them.

"Is there anyone else?" Zhuge Liang asked thoughtfully.

Ma Liang pondered for a while and said: "Prime Minister, Your Majesty has recruited Lu Baliang to return to the capital for future arrangements."

Although Liu Chan is older than in history, he is still young. It is impossible for Liu Chan to manage the affairs of the Han Dynasty. In order to carry out the Northern Expedition and stabilize the Han Dynasty, Liu Bei must entrust state affairs to the ministers and let them assist Liu Chan.

Ma Liang hesitated a little. In view of his relationship with Zhuge Liang, he said in a low voice: "Although your Majesty already has a candidate to assist the government, he is hesitant to be in charge. There are many people who may be interested in becoming the prime minister. The prime minister should think about this. ”

For example, the trial production of the capital was abolished, a recruitment system was introduced, and the northern and southern imperial armies were established. Focus on peace, and reward Wuhuan and Xianbei with money, so as to avoid conquests and wars, which will waste the people and damage the money.

The countries in the Western Regions requested the rule of the Han Dynasty, but because Liu Xiu was unwilling to waste money and people, the countries in the Western Regions were occupied by the Northern Huns for a long time. Then Ban Chao took over the Western Regions, and the Protectorate was restored in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The lessons of the defeat of the Eastern Han Dynasty lie ahead. Zhuge Liang can only hope that the emperors after Ji Han will follow Liu Bei's edict, avoid repeating the mistakes of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and try to maintain stability in the government and the opposition.

Zhuge Liang generally understands Liu Bei's thoughts. Liu Bei has too few clans available today, so he doesn't need his son-in-law Lu Xun. He is afraid that he will have no clans to support him in important matters.

Due to the early death of Emperor Zhang, everything changed significantly. Emperor He of the Han Dynasty was young, and the Dou family came to rule the dynasty. In order to take charge of the government, the Dou family was allowed to rule the dynasty.

Liu Bei has gradually found a candidate for the current assistant minister. But specifically whether Huo Jun should be in charge or Zhuge Liang should be in charge, this made Liu Bei hesitate.

Emperor An of the Han Dynasty died early, and the Eastern Han Dynasty entered the period of a young emperor, undergoing repeated coups and seizures of power. Relatives, eunuchs, and scholars appeared in turn, and then entered the period of Emperors Huan and Ling.

The reason why Dou Xian attacked the Xiongnu in the north was because he beheaded Liu Chang. In order to avoid death and make atonement for his sins, he asked for orders to march north, so there was the Yan Ran Le Shi incident. Although they swept across the northern Xiongnu, they also left a vacuum of power in the grasslands, and Xianbei rose as a result.

As for Zhang Fei, given his age, even if he is entrusted with important matters, his main responsibility is only to stabilize the government.

In terms of military affairs, taking the example of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty who resorted to aggressive warfare, the Eastern Han Dynasty used troops cautiously.

Later, when Emperor Hanhe grew up, he relied on his cronies to work together to seize power and successfully killed the Dou family. After the Han Dynasty and the emperor's affairs, the exclusive power of foreign relatives began in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the eunuchs no longer suppressed them.

"Your Majesty's condition is getting worse now. I wonder if there are any other arrangements besides the instructions given by our ancestors?" Zhuge Liang asked.

Although it is often said that feudal dynasties perished due to land annexation, the only dynasties that perished due to land annexation except the Western Han Dynasty and Ming Dynasty. Dynasties such as the Jin, Sui, Tang, Song, and Qing dynasties perished either due to the invasion of foreign enemies or due to chaos at the top.

After saying that, Zhuge Liang warned Ma Liang, saying: "Ji Chang is a servant. Although he has an irreconcilable relationship with Liang, he must not abandon his official position for personal reasons. This important matter is entrusted to me. Unless ordered by your majesty, you must not say anything to the outside world, so as not to be known by evil people."


Ma Liang bowed respectfully.

"Where is your Majesty today?"

"Your Majesty is recuperating in Huanghutai today!" Ma Liang replied.

Zhuge Liang got up from the couch and said, "I am traveling with Ji Chang, and I will go to the palace to visit your Majesty."

"The Prime Minister has just returned from Changsha. Why don't you take a break today?" Ma Liang asked with concern.

"Your Majesty's condition is getting worse. I feel uneasy and I dare not rest!" Zhuge Liang said seriously.

After a while, Zhuge Liang and Ma Liang rushed to Huanghutai by car to see Liu Bei who was recuperating from illness.

In the pavilion, with Liu Bei's approval, Zhuge Liang had to meet Liu Bei.

Liu Bei is now thin and sitting on a couch with a blanket covering him. His spirit was worse than when he met Huo Jun, but he was still able to receive his subjects normally.

"Liang pays homage to your majesty. May I ask how your majesty is doing?" Zhuge Liang saluted and asked. "In your sixties, diseases are common!"

Liu Bei waved his hand, motioned for Zhuge Liang to sit down, and said: "Kong Ming must be very tired during his inspection of Jingzhou. There has been nothing major recently, so you should rest well and don't go out easily."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"I wonder if Kong Ming knows about the Huanghutai incident?" Liu Bei asked.

Zhuge Liang sat on the high chair and said: "Your Majesty, Lieutenant General Ma Shi has told Liang everything about what happened before and after. Liang believes that the four ancestral precepts should be used as an edict to secure the country and should be implemented."


Liu Bei looked at Ma Liang and ordered: "Ji Chang, I have an important matter to discuss with the Prime Minister, and I will lead my attendants to retreat."


After Ma Liang and everyone in the room retreated, Liu Bei said: "The instructions given by our ancestors are for long-term matters, not urgent matters today. I am deeply aware that my illness is getting worse and I don't know what will happen. The prince is young now, and the world is complicated, making it difficult to manage things. . After I leave, I will work hard for you, the Prime Minister."

"Your Majesty, please take good care of yourself and recover as soon as possible. How can you say such an unfortunate thing?" Zhuge Liang said.

"I have gone through hundreds of battles and suffered many major and minor wounds. I first contracted dysentery and then developed bleeding. After that, my body became weak and I suffered from frequent miscellaneous diseases. I had fever and fear of cold, and I was afraid that there was no hope of recovery."

Liu Bei sighed and said, "I am recruiting Boyan to come to the capital now to prevent a sudden outbreak of illness and damage to the country's affairs."

In the early stage, he suffered from gastrointestinal bloating and diarrhea, but Liu Bei did not feel that he was in trouble. Until he had blood in his stool, mixed with other diseases, and there was no hope of cure, Liu Bei could sense that his death was coming. In order to avoid sudden death, Liu Bei had to plan for his funeral in advance.

Liu Bei looked at Zhuge Liang and said: "For the sake of national affairs, I want Kong Ming, Zhongmiao, Yide, and Boyan to be in charge of the government. You will be in charge of the state affairs and manage the affairs of the country; Zhongmiao will lead the army to the northern expedition to the Central Plains; Boyan will go out of Bashu. , and assist Zhongmiao; Yi De assists Kong Ming, in order to stabilize the government and the people. I don’t know what you think?”

Zhuge Liang held his fan and chanted, "Forgive me for being brave, but General Yide is getting older, and he and your majesty are like brothers. If your majesty is unlucky, I am afraid of General Yide..."

Although Zhuge Liang didn't finish what he said, Liu Bei already knew what he meant. Zhuge Liang was worried about Zhang Fei's old age and his close friendship with Liu Bei. If Liu Bei dies of illness today, and Zhang Fei is hit hard, he is likely to die with him.

After a long silence, Liu Bei sighed slightly and said: "I haven't thought about what you said. However, apart from that, I want to recruit Yuan Zhi to the capital. He is about the same age as you, with a strict temperament, cautious and careful. If If I can return to the capital, I should be able to help you."

"But you are the prime minister and manage state affairs. I am afraid that Yuan Zhi's return to the capital may make it difficult for you to use your hands and feet, so I am hesitating about it!"

Why Liu Bei wanted Xu Shu to be the assistant minister had a lot to do with Xu Shu coming from Yingchuan. Xu Shu has no foundation and no party members, so he will not conflict with Zhuge Liang and Huo Jun.

But in order to avoid a fight with Zhuge Liang when Xu Shu was allowed to enter the capital, Liu Bei still had to ask for his opinion.

"Your Majesty!"

Zhuge Liang did not hesitate and said: "The land of Han is so vast that it cannot be managed by one person. I am rough and rough in governing, and often make mistakes that need to be corrected. Yuan Zhi has a strict temperament. When he and Liang were both generals, he would correct them if he heard of them. If you hear something wrong, give advice. This is called gathering people’s thoughts and spreading loyalty!”

"Now Your Majesty wants to make Yuan Zhi a minister. Liang can be less than that, and he can also concentrate on running for the country. Just like Zhongmiao left Jianghuai, Liang Bucai can leave Jianghan to sweep his wings and echo Boyan in Guanlong. I invite your Majesty Thanks to Yuan Zhi for great things!”

There are many talents nowadays, but Zhuge Liang still misses the days when he and Xu Shu served as directors. As Zhuge Liang said, he is responsible for too many things, and it is inevitable that there will be problems with the policies he implements.

Xu Shu was a rigorous person. Sometimes when he returned from work and learned that there were mistakes, he would visit Zhuge Liang late at night to point out the problems and suggest modifications. Even after revision, if there were problems with the decree, Xu Shu would go to the trouble to see Zhuge Liang and make revisions.

Later, due to the expansion of Liu Bei's territory, in order to manage the territory, Xu Shu had no choice but to let Xu Shu take charge of it alone. From the perspective of a director, Zhuge Liang very much hopes that Xu Shu will be appointed as the assistant minister.

After all, although Zhuge Liang is a workaholic, he is not a masochist. If someone trustworthy helps him, how can he refuse!


Liu Bei held Zhuge Liang's hand and warned, "Jinu and Kong Ming have a deep love. From now on, the prince should pay more attention to the prime minister's guidance."

"Your Majesty~"

"I am young and careless. I don't like reading and have only a rough knowledge. I travel around because of my short knowledge. After experiencing the affairs of the world, I deeply feel that I have nothing to learn and am useless. Although the prince is smart, his knowledge is shallow. From now on, you should teach the way to govern the country. However, The way of using power to harm the people must not be taught.”

Zhuge Liang knelt on the ground and said sadly: "May your majesty rest in peace. Liang will do his best to repay your majesty's kindness."

"Prime Minister, Prime Minister~"

Liu Bei helped Zhuge Liang up and said: "I am deeply worried now, but I don't know how to solve it."

"Your Majesty, please speak carefully!"

"Although Zhongmiao has a humble temperament, he can also put state affairs first. But he is really proud and often does not want to be inferior to others. If you compete with him in the future, you should give in to him more." Liu Bei said worriedly.

"Liang is not as good as Zhongmiao. If Zhongmiao wants to lead big things, Liang is willing to take second place." Zhuge Liang promised.

Liu Bei exhaled and said: "I am hesitant about taking charge of the government and have not spoken to Zhong Miao yet. Let me think about it for a few days and then I will accept your confidential words."

"I sincerely obey His Majesty's edict!"

(End of this chapter)

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