Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 575 Prejudgment of your prediction

Chapter 575 Prejudgment of your prediction
Regarding the imperial discussion on the division of the north and the south, under the rhetorical debate between Huo Jun and Zhuge Liang, everyone had no objection on the surface.

In fact, it can be seen from this incident that Liu Bei is not from the Central Plains, so he likes to use Central Plains scholars as high-ranking officials. But because the roots and hometown of these scholars from the Central Plains were not in the south, the scholars from the Central Plains who were exiled to the south were keen or eager for the Northern Expedition, hoping to establish achievements and restore their homeland.

For example, in the Sun Wu regime, even though the monarch Sun Quan was from Wu County, he still liked to use Huaisi people who had fled to Jiangdong in certain key positions. In the middle and late stages of the Wu Kingdom, Zhuge Jin, Lu Dai, and Bu Zhi were all granted military power by Sun Quan, regardless of whether they had the ability to lead troops.

Take Zhuge Jin for example, the fundamental reason why he was able to become the general was not how outstanding his strategy was, but that he was more active in the attitude towards the Northern Expedition than most of the civil and military officials from Jiangdong.

Of course, not all civil and military officials in Jiangdong had a negative attitude towards the Northern Expedition. Many outstanding generals agreed with the Northern Expedition under certain circumstances, and this required Sun Quan to lead those generals and screen those who were interested in the Northern Expedition.

Although the situations of Sun Wu and Southern Han were generally different, they had many similarities. For example, Liu Bei's Northern Expedition not only impressed people with his achievements, but also united and mobilized everyone, and selected aspiring generals.

However, with the death of the founder Liu Bei, Huo and Ge could not replace Liu Bei's role due to their short time. This also led to the lack of a backbone in the Southern Han Dynasty, or the lack of leaders to drive their pursuit of goals. .

The lack of a backbone has also led to divergent civil and military ideas between North Korea and China, as well as confusion about goals. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that under the proposal of dividing the north and the south, there were different voices, some seeking peace, some being conservative, or some advocating for war.

How could Huo and Ge not know this state of people being distracted and confused about their goals? Especially Huo Jun, who has been leading troops in battles for a long time and has already felt it.

After the court meeting, before Huo and Ge could take any action, Liu Chan asked Huo Yi to stop them and invite them to the side hall. When the two arrived at the hall, Liu Chan was already waiting in the side hall in advance.

Without waiting for Huo and Ge to salute, Liu Chan personally welcomed them to the bed to discuss matters.

Liu Chan was overjoyed and said, "I'll help my two fathers write the pen to calm everyone's distracting thoughts."

When a leader with high charisma dies and there are civil unrest, many people will have random thoughts and scare themselves, thinking that Cao Wei, who occupies the Central Plains, is very powerful. After all, the Central Plains during the Han Dynasty represented both orthodoxy and national strength.

Liu Chan was very modest and said: "In the past, when the late Emperor was still alive, all the ministers were very determined in the Northern Expedition. Now that Cao Pi has sent envoys to divide the rule between the north and the south, I have heard from you that I have the intention of favoring peace in the south. If it weren't for my two fathers, Clearly distinguish the pros and cons, and explain the pros and cons clearly, I am afraid many people will agree with Mr. Zhang."

Huo Jun pondered for a while and said: "Jun is good at discussing military affairs, but short at governing classics. I want to write a long article to address the officials in the capital and the public, so that everyone can understand the situation and explain the strategies for restoring the Han Dynasty."

After saying that, Huo Jun looked at Zhuge Liang and said with a smile: "Xiang Ge has a long history of Confucian classics. He can talk about the past and present. He can use the past to describe the present and calm the hearts of the officials. With the help of civil and military forces, it is expected that no one will talk about the division of the north and the south in the future. We all work together to restore the Central Plains."

In this case, it is necessary to use political propaganda to let the literati have a deep understanding of the situation and tell them that the Han Dynasty Zhenger Ba Jing has the ability to return the old capital.

"I would like to listen to Father Zhong's teachings!" Liu Chan asked for advice.

"Father Zhong, father-in-law!"

"Zhang Gong's strategy may have merits, but Han thieves are not at odds with each other. I, a big man, cannot do it, and I cannot do it. I have thought deeply about the cause and effect, and I believe that this trend cannot last forever, and it is better to correct it."

"Literati rarely know the military. They don't know the current situation. They only know that the leader is mourned and the border is in chaos, so they worry more and make less plans. If you want to make the literati feel at ease, you need to speak clearly about the righteousness, and then tell the situation based on the situation. Let the literati know The current situation, and then the way to restore the Han Dynasty will be revealed, and people will be at peace."

Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. The literati of the Southern Han Dynasty were exposed to war, but they did not understand it in depth. If you don't know about war and don't understand the geography of mountains and rivers, you don't understand the major events of the world.

"I and Kong Ming were about to settle this matter, but unexpectedly, Your Majesty was smart enough to notice."

Huo Jun smiled and said: "In the past, when the late emperor was still alive, all the ministers were convinced of the late emperor and that's why they served him. The late emperor's middle road collapsed, the western lands were in turmoil, and people were frightened. Now there are people from the north who say that they have to stop the troops and make peace with the border. How can we not do it?" joy?"

Zhuge Liang stroked his fan and nodded, and said with a smile: "Liang Zheng has this thought. Cao Cao is like Xiang Yu. He could not follow his virtue. Although he was in China, he was defeated in the end. Although the north and south today are different from those of Emperor Gaozu, there are similarities. Cao Pi was not a wise king, he was lustful and abused the people, but Rong Liang was very sensible in his writing."

"Don't dare!"

Huo Jun helped Liu Chan up and said humbly: "Since I have received the imperial edict from the late emperor, this is my duty."

"Today Xian Yufu is in Beijing, but I don't know how to treat him, whether to kill him or make him return to the north?" Liu Chan asked. Zhuge Liang stroked his fan and thought, and said: "Your Majesty, Xian Yufu is an envoy to the north. It is useless to kill him now. Just send him back to the north. As for how to respond, let's wait and see what the great commander will see. Liang will enter Bashu from the west in a few days."

"Your Majesty, Xian Yufu has followed Cao Pi's order to go south and make an agreement with our country to divide the world. Now it is better to follow Cao Pi's wishes, prepare troops to wait for him, calm down, and then watch what he does!" Huo Jun said with a smile.

Cao Pi wanted to play a trick, and Huo Jun didn't mind playing with him to see if the medicine he sold in his gourd was what he thought.

"Who is the envoy?" Liu Chan asked.

"No need to send people!"

Huo Jun touched his moustache and said with a smile: "If your majesty is willing, you can return to the north without permission to ease Cao Pi's worries. If what is expected is true, Cao Pi is already thinking of launching an army and will probably march south to Jianghuai!"

"I'm just defeated at the ban, why don't you give up?"

Liu Chan didn't care and said, "But I don't know how Father Zhong knew that Cao Pi wanted to conquer Jianghuai south?"

After Liu Bei's death, Yu Jin's status in the Southern Han Dynasty declined significantly. Liu Chan, Huo Jun or Zhuge Liang had no good impressions of Jin. The strategic intelligence that he should extract from Nan Han has been completely extracted.

As for expecting Yu Jin to lead the army in battle for the Han Dynasty, don't be ridiculous. After Yu Jin was surrendered, his spirit and spirit were lost. He suffered all kinds of injustices from the Han Dynasty but remained unmoved.

Nowadays, they are just rice bugs in the Han Dynasty. They are useless except for wasting food and serving as mascots. It is better to send him back to Cao Wei and let Cao Pi deal with him.


Huo Jun laughed a few times and explained: "Cao Pi sent Xian Yufu as an envoy. Now in the court, Xian Yufu speaks modestly. He just wants the people in our court to agree to the division of the north and the south, without seeking his own benefit."

After saying that, Huo Jun paused and said: "Now that the late emperor has passed away from illness, I have dispersed people's hearts. If Cao Pi wants to send troops to Longyou, our country will not be able to send out many troops to support him in a short period of time, and most of Longyou will be taken by him. Therefore, Cao Pi wants to send troops to Longyou. There is no need to talk to our country, Cao Pi can also take Longyou."

"Now that I have informed you that I have the intention to take Longyou, my army will not be able to send troops to help. Isn't this a cover-up and a cover-up? So from my point of view, Cao Pi has no intention of advancing westward, and his intention is to attack our country."

"Hanzhong is closed, the mountains and rivers are heavy, and there is Longyou above, Cao Pi will not go there. Jianghan is called Jianghuai, and the two cities of Xiangfan and Xiangfan stand across the water, making it difficult to take it lightly. Compared with Jianghan, Jianghuai is not a natural chasm that can be crossed by horses. It is conducive to the use of force by the army, and Cao Pi has already sent his superiors to build a navy, so it is expected that Cao Pi will be prepared to conquer the Yangtze River and Huaihe River."

"Then what should we do?"

Liu Chan was a little worried and said: "Even if Cao Pi is marching to the south and Zhong Fu is in charge of it, who can be entrusted with the affairs of the court?"

"Not urgent!"

Huo Jun looked calm and said: "The situation is not yet clear, and what I said may be biased. I have ordered Zhongli Xu Sheng, Huaiyin Quancong, Xiapi Huo Youzhi; Hannan Liao Hua, Xiangyang Lu Meng and other border generals to be ready."

"For example, when Cao Pi was marching south, the generals would go ahead and hold the position, while Lu Xun would lead his troops and horses to support him. I would observe the situation and then move. It is not advisable to lead a large army in a hurry to secure the border, for fear of wasting food and supplies."

Although Huo Jun predicted that Cao Pi would march south, he did not dare to guarantee that Cao Pi would march south from the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, let alone whether Cao Pi would retreat in fear of difficulties.

If, like Sun Quan, he withdraws his troops after suffering some losses, he will lead his army to the border and rush to Loneliness. He kept Lu Xun in Wuhan just to prepare for Lu Xun to be the vanguard.


(End of this chapter)

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