Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 627 Plan

Chapter 627 Plan
Huo Jun postponed Lu Xun's plan to stab Ma Chao in the back for the sake of safety. But Lu Xun did not give up. In order to achieve his goal, he hoped to intercede with Huo Jun through Liu Chan.

Liu Chan couldn't come forward, so he could only entrust the matter to Zhuge Liang and let Zhuge Liang come forward to intercede. The reason why Zhuge Liang helped Lu Xun was mainly because of Lu Xun's identity.

Lu Xun was the product of the combination of Liu Bei and the Jiangdong scholars. His identity was not only a general of one party, but also a symbol of the Han Dynasty uniting the scholars of Jiangdong Wu County and representing the strength of the Han Dynasty in the military. Perhaps Lu Xun lacked the ability to issue decrees, but it did not mean that Lu Xun lacked influence.

In order to facilitate the Northern Expedition, Zhuge Liang chose to help Lu Xun and intercede with Huo Jun. Let’s see if Huo and Lu can reach an agreement without affecting the overall situation.

Now that Liu Chan and Zhuge Liang had expressed their opinions, Huo Jun chose to give Lu Xun a chance. Without affecting the overall situation, if Lu Xun can both destroy Ma Chao and contain the Kansai troops for Kanto, Huo Jun will adopt Lu Xun's plan.

Not to mention Lu Xun's plan to stab Ma Chao in the back in order to meet Huo Jun's needs. Within three days after the celebration banquet, after careful consideration by Huo and Ge, and Liu Chan's approval, Huang Quan was finally appointed as the governor of Hanzhong.

At the same time, considering Lu Meng's physical condition, he was dismissed from the post of governor of Xiangyang and ordered to return to the capital to recuperate, and then Zhu Huan was appointed governor of Xiangyang. Huo Jun discussed with everyone, and in order to commend Lu Meng for his meritorious service and to accumulate old achievements, he was granted the title of Marquis of Fancheng.

The reason why he was granted the title of County Marquis in advance was mainly because of Lü Meng's serious illness and to compensate Lü Meng for his past achievements. When Liu Bei ascended the throne, in order to ensure the gold content of the county princes, only a handful of county princes were granted the title. However, with Liu Chan's accession to the throne, the proliferation of provincial princes, and the number of county princes, Lü Meng's military achievements must be re-evaluated.

Of course, it has something to do with the confusion of the title succession system in the Southern Han Dynasty. When Liu Bei pursued Guan Yu as Duke of Hanshou County and his eldest son Guan Ping succeeded him as Duke of Hanshou County, there were many voices in the court who objected.

Taking into account various factors, Guan Ping was demoted to one rank and granted the title of Marquis of Hanshou County. However, in order to compensate the Guan family, Liu Bei additionally granted Guan Xing the title of Duxiang Marquis.

At present, in order to avoid disputes, the title of Marquis of Lümeng County was granted in advance.

But don't worry, considering Guan Ping's status, it is only a matter of time before he inherits the dukedom of Hanshou County again. If the old capital is restored and the Han family returns to the world, there will inevitably be a large-scale adjustment of titles.

On that day, Huo Jun was at the chancellery, reviewing military reports from Ningzhou.

After Zhuge Liang left Nanzhong, the remaining forces in Nanzhong rebelled. As the military and political leader, Li Hui led his troops to conquer the rebellion many times. Today, another group of barbarians have been pacified, and their leaders have been sent to Wuhan. Thousands of tribesmen have been thrown into the Dian Lake and organized into households.

In fact, Zhuge Liang expected that the remaining forces in Nanzhong would rebel. In order to support the military, Zhuge Liang levied cattle, war horses, gold, silver, and rhinoceros skins as taxes from the Congsu and Pu tribes.

When some Sou and Pu tribes were unwilling to hand it over, armed conflicts broke out with the local government. Once Han people or court officials are killed, it will be classified as rebellion, and Li Hui will go to conquer it.

Huo Jun briefly replied to the memorial and asked Li Hui to pay more attention to Yuesi County.

In the past, due to the high appointment of the king of Yi in Yuechu County, no county chief dared to take office. Now that Gaoding has been killed and the biggest threat to Yueqi has disappeared, it is now necessary to consider restoring Yueqi counties instead of remote control.

"Reporting to Grand Sima, Lu Qiaoqi is outside asking for an audience!" the attendants reported.

Huo Jun seemed to have thought of something, put down the pen in his hand, and said: "Please invite Lu Piao to come into the hall!"


After a while, Lu Xun came in wearing Confucian clothes, holding a scarf in his hand.

Seeing Huo Jun, Lu Xun bowed his hands and said, "Xun, please pay homage to Da Sima!"

"No need to be polite!"

Huo Jun invited Lu Xun to take a seat and said with a smile: "I heard that Boyan has been staying at home recently, concentrating on writing strategies. Come to the Chancellor's desk now, do you have a plan that has both ends?"

"I was not able to understand the deep meaning of the Grand Marshal in the past, and I feel deeply ashamed!"

Lu Xun lowered his posture and said: "I have been thinking about it for many days, and Xun gradually came up with a clumsy plan. Now I dare to ask the great Sima Zhengzhi!"

With that said, Lu Xun offered the scarf in his hand.

Huo Jun reached out to take the scarf and asked, "Can I please speak carefully?"

"No!" Lu Xun took out the map, spread it out on Huo Jun's desk, and said: "Jiangling Gong, Ma Chao gathered powerful Qiang and Han soldiers for his own use. Their soldiers seem to be numerous, but the elite ones are few, and the advantageous ones fight hard. If it’s not good, it will break up.”

"If we want to capture Longyou now, it is better to lure the horses beyond Hexi first. Our army will take the opportunity to leave Longnan, surrender to Ji County, and then sweep up and down the Wei River. Ma Chao will lead his troops back to help when he learns that Ji County has been lost. At that time, Ma Chao's army will be in turmoil. , led a heavy army to attack the bandit, routed his army and beheaded him."

Lu Xun drew on the map and said: "Once Ma Chao is defeated, because of Jiang Jiong and his son, the powerful forces on the right side of Longyi will naturally fall. If the Wei army takes the opportunity to invade, then the troops can be ordered to guard Jincheng in the north and Longshan in the east. Guarding the dangerous points is enough to repel the enemy's troops."

"Then why were the Wei soldiers in Guanxi contained?" Huo Jun asked.

"According to Da Sima, the Han River rises from Longyou, follows Wudu, passes through Hanzhong, and then passes through Xiangyang."

Lu Xun pointed to the Han River channel and said: "Longyou is short of food, so I want to use boats to carry the food into Long, and then use carts to transport it hundreds of miles. The soldiers in Longyou have plenty of food, so I should order the cavalry to Wushi to attack the soldiers in Hexi." horse."

"To contain Guanzhong, Xun wanted to send troops to Chencang, divert the grain from the Wei River to the west, and transport the supplies from the old road to the south to support the army. At that time, if Guo Huai wants to lead his troops south, he can attack the grain road and make it difficult for him to use troops. But the soldiers in Guanzhong are slow and slow. Use troops and try your best to contain Cao Zhen to ensure that Da Sima uses force!"

Staring at the map, Huo Jun asked: "Wudu Han has many mountains and rocks. In the past, Yu Xu built a river channel to carry grain and salt. It has not been built for a long time. I wonder if it can be navigable?"

The Han River not only flows through Hanzhong, but also flows through Wudu County. In the past, when Yu Xu, a famous minister of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was governing Wudu County, in order to obtain money and grain from Bashu, he dredged more than a hundred miles of rivers to quell the food shortage in the county.

Starting from Hanzhong, it is most difficult for soldiers and horses to take the Qinling Shu Road, while the Qishan Road is less difficult. Not only because the Qishan Road is not in the Qinling Mountains, but also because of the existence of the Han River.

Starting from Hanzhong, boats carried grain to Xiabian and Wudu. Next, after leaving Longnan, although there are no waterways, the road will be much smoother.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the river channel that Yu Xu dredged in the past can still be passed today!

Lu Xun was prepared and said: "Da Sima, although the Han River is blocked, it has been cleared long ago when delivering grain to Ma Chao. The grain shipped from Hanzhong to Longyou can be transported from Han River to Wudu, and then sent to Ji County.”

Hearing this, Huo Jun patted his head, smiled hoarsely, and said: "I almost forgot that our army has transported tens of thousands of stone grains and Ma Chao!"

After a pause, Huo Jun looked at the map and said: "Bo Yan wants to attack Longyou, but he must not be detected by Ma Chao. If he is detected by Ma Chao, the war will become anxious, and Longyou may be taken advantage of by Wei."

"Please rest assured, Da Sima!"

Lu Xun cupped his hands and said: "Now Jiang Jiong and his son are acting as internal agents. They first lure Ma Chao to the north to attack Hexi, and then take advantage of the empty space to move out of Longnan and take Ji County directly. Most of the people in Ji County are the families of Ma Chao's sergeants. If they can be properly appeased, they can disperse the troops. Ma Chao will be defeated by our army if he has no troops to use."

Huo Jun read Pan Luxun's plan carefully and saw that it was quite feasible, so he asked, "Does Boyan dare to issue a military order to quickly march to Longyou, and then contain Cao Zhen and Guo Huai for the Kwantung troops?"

"Why not!"

Lu Xun was very happy and said directly: "Xun is willing to issue a military order!"

"it is good!"

Huo Jun was overjoyed and handed the silk and pen to Lu Xun. Lu Xun was also unambiguous and wrote directly.

Seeing Lu Xun risking his life, Huo Jun's doubts gradually dissipated.

Since Lu Xun was confident of completing the task of quickly destroying Ma Chao and containing the Kansai troops, what else could Huo Jun not believe in?
But just in case, Huo Jun said: "After Boyan returns to Shu, he can prepare to destroy Ma Chao first. When Ma Chao is destroyed, Gu and Kongming will send troops to the Central Plains, and Boyan will send troops to contain the Kansai troops."

"how long?"

"We will attack Wei in about two years. Boyan will use his troops the year after next at the latest!" Huo Jun said.


(End of this chapter)

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