Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 638 Sun Quan subdues Qi

Chapter 638 Sun Quan subdues Qi
March, Luoyang.

In the palace, Sun Zi held the silk and spoke to Cao Rui, saying: "Your Majesty, according to the detailed report of the southern land, the water thieves changed Moling to Jinling, then made Jinling the eastern capital, and granted Huo Jun the three prefectures of Yu, Xu, and Yang. According to the order of the minister, the Xingtai is located in Jinling. Looking at the arrangements in Jinling, there seems to be signs of sending troops to the Central Plains."

"It's not an accident!"

Cao Rui put down the history book in his hand and said: "Our country was defeated by the Jianghuai River, and many of its elite troops were lost. If the water thieves do not take advantage of the victory and advance, it will not be Huo Jun's fault. The counties of Xu, Qing, and Yanzhou should use their troops to fight hard. Soldiers, be more prepared for water thieves."

"Xu, Qing, and Yanzhou?"

Sun Zi was stunned and said, "Why do you think that thieves would send troops to Xuzhou?"

Cao Rui smiled and said nothing, signaling for Liu Ye to answer.

Liu Ye stroked his beard and said: "Among the four states in Henan, Yuzhou has many waterways, but there are many cities along the way that can be defended. The rivers are long. Our army can use light cavalry to rob the Wu and Ying rivers and cut off their food and grass. And Yuzhou is adjacent to it. Sili, relying on Xuchang, has no shortage of military supplies."

"On the other hand, Qingxu has fewer people and a vast territory. It is close to the seashore and is easily attacked. It is blocked from the Central Plains by Mount Tai. For example, if water thieves send troops to the north, they can store grain in Xiapi and use force to the left and right. The rivers in Sishui are fast, which is conducive to water thieves. Use boats to carry food."

"Looking at the above two, based on Huo Jun's military habits, he will go back to Surabaya and use force towards Xuzhou. Among Xuzhou, Pengcheng is the most important, and we need to worry about it now!"

Sun Zi frowned slightly and said, "Your Majesty, considering our current situation, although we have many soldiers, they are not well-trained. Moreover, Qing and Xu are isolated from the Central Plains, and the situation is favorable to the enemy but not to us."


Liu Ye was very confident and said: "Xiapi is located at the junction of Yi and Si, close to Pengcheng and Kaiyang. If the thieves want to use troops from Si River, they can only capture Pengcheng or Kaiyang first. If they attack Pengcheng, they can send Qingzhou The soldiers and horses attacked Pi, and then sent the light soldiers deep into Sikou to plunder the Han army's food and supplies. "

"Hearing that the road back was in danger and that they had lost food and grass, the Han army had no choice but to retreat with its troops to relieve the danger of the food road. Yan and Xu soldiers and horses took advantage of the situation and pursued them, and they should be able to gain something. Moreover, the east and west armies cooperated with each other, Using them together is like two dragons going out to sea to attack Huo Jun. When the thief advances, he retreats, and when the thief retreats, he pursues him. "

Liu Ye said with a smile: "If you repeat this, even if you can't defeat Huo Jun, you can still force the rebels back. When the water comes in winter, the enemy will be short of food and grass, and Huo Jun will be defeated without a fight!"

Regarding how to defend Xuzhou, Liu Ye suggested to Cao Rui to adopt a pincer offensive. Huo Jun would move out of the northeast, and Yanzhou would send troops to attack Xiapi, forcing the Han army to return to Xiapi, or plunder the grain road.

If the Han army divides its troops and marches towards Pengcheng and Langya, the defenders of the two cities will stand firm and wait for reinforcements, which will consume the Han army's food and grass. When the water level of the Surabaya River drops in autumn and winter, the Han army will be in a state of food shortage and withdraw.

"Zitong's words should be used as a strategy to defend against the enemy!"

Cao Rui got up from the couch and said in a deep voice: "Lu Qian, the governor of Xuzhou, is in charge of Pengcheng, and Sun Li, the prefect of Langya, is guarding Kaiyang. Wang Ling, the governor of Yanzhou, is behind Pengcheng, and Xiahou Shang, the governor of Qingzhou, is behind Kaiyang. The three states protect each other, and Hebei We can also divide our troops to support Xuzhou southward."

As he spoke, Cao Rui sighed slightly and said: "There is a difficult problem at the moment. General Chariot and Cavalry has been ill in recent months and has asked to return to the capital several times. I don't want to deny it, but General Chariot and Cavalry's condition is getting worse and he will not be able to return to the capital." He is not allowed to return to the capital. However, the chariot and cavalry general returns to the capital, but he does not know who can supervise Qilu!"

After Cao Pi's death, Xia Houshang was promoted, and then became the commander-in-chief of the nine counties of Qingzhou, responsible for the control and defense of the Shandong Peninsula. Even when necessary, Xiahou could still control Xu and Yanzhou and command the war against the Han.

However, things did not go as planned, so Cao Pi had Xiahou Shang's concubine strangled, although he apologized to Xiahou Shang before he died. However, Xiahou Shang could not let go of his beloved concubine. When he returned to Qingzhou, he missed his concubine so much that he fell into a trance and developed into a disease of worry.

In order to cure Xiahou Shang's lovesickness, Cao Rui selected five beauties for Xiahou Shang. But love cannot be replaced, and Xia Houshang still suffers from missing his concubine.

After hearing what happened, Cao Rui couldn't hold back. He complained a lot about Xia Houshang behind his back, saying that the man was so worried about a lowly maid.

Complaints are complaints, Xiahou Shang is seriously ill at the moment, and the land of Qilu needs reliable people to take charge. But with the decline of Cao Wei's generals, Cao Rui could not find a reliable general to replace Xiahou Shang.

"Your Majesty, I wonder if General Anxi is qualified?" Liu Fang asked.

General Anxi was none other than Xiahou Mao, the son of Xiahou Dun. Because he had a good relationship with Cao Pi and married Cao Pi's sister Princess Qinghe, after Cao Pi ascended the throne, Xia Houmao was promoted to General Anxi and was given a leave of absence to assist Cao Zhen in Guanzhong.

When Ma Chao separatized Longyou, the road between Liangzhou and Guanzhong was cut off. First Guo Huai was sent to Liangzhou, and then Xiahou Mao. But when Xiahou Mao reached halfway, he finally retreated to Guanzhong because he was afraid that Ma Chao and Qiang Hu would block his way.

After Cao Rui ascended the throne, Xia Houmao was recalled to Luoyang to serve as Shangshu, assisting Chen Qun and Sun Quan as directors.


Cao Rui shook his head and said: "Xiahou Mao is less good at military strategy than good at governing the people. If he is appointed as Qilu, it may be difficult to defend against the enemy. If Qilu fails, the Central Plains may not exist. We should choose people carefully to leave the town."

Cao Wei has many talents, but there are very few commanders who can take charge. If Sima Yi and Cao Zhen are transferred to Qilu, what should Guanzhong and Jingwan do?

Jingwan cannot make any mistakes. Once he makes any mistakes, he will be killed by Jianghan soldiers and horses to Xuchang. If you are brave enough, you can go to the surrounding areas of Luoyang by walking up Xiong'er Mountain.

The same is true for Guanzhong. If there is any loss, Guanxi will no longer be owned by Wei, and it is inevitable for Cao Wei to move the capital to Yecheng.

Liu Ye pondered for a while and said, "Your Majesty, I thought Sun Lingjun might be in charge of Qilu!"

Sun Lingjun is the nickname of Sun Quan. After the death of Cao Pi, Sun Quan was promoted to Minister Tuogu, and then promoted to Sikong under Chen Qun, and then to Shangshu Ling.

"Sun Lingjun?"

Cao Rui looked thoughtful and said: "Sun Lingjun is smart and can win people's hearts. With his coming out to control Qingzhou, he should be able to stabilize Qilu, but I don't know what Sun Lingjun wants?"

Because of Sun Ying, Sun Quan is a reusable person in Cao Rui's mind, otherwise Sun Quan would not be allowed to serve as Shangshu Ling. However, Sun Quan was in Cao Wei all year round. In addition to offering some strategies, he often handled political affairs for Cao Pi, leaving Cao Rui unable to figure out Sun Quan's background.

Liu Ye recommended: "Sun Jun may not have the ability to supervise strategy, but he can recognize the reality and the situation. With the help of generals, and by adhering to the policy of mutual protection among the three states, we should be able to repel the enemy."

"Where is Sun Lingjun?" Cao Rui asked. "At the Chancellery, Your Majesty can recruit him into the palace!" Liu Fang said.


Cao Rui nodded slightly and said, "Let's recruit Sun Lingjun into the palace!"


Following Cao Rui's instructions, the attendants went to the Chancellor's Stand and summoned Sun Quan to enter the palace.

After a while, Sun Quan, who was good at bow and horse, came to the palace and gave Cao Rui a great gift.

Cao Rui did not exchange too many greetings and asked directly: "The general of the chariot and cavalry is ill today and needs to return to the capital from Qingzhou to recuperate. At the moment, there is no one in Qilu to control. I wonder what your wishes are?"

Sun Quan had already communicated well with Liu Ye, and he raised his hands and said: "Your Majesty, Qilu is the wing of China, and it must not be neglected, so it cannot be appointed unless it is a general. The minister is not talented, and he claims to be ignorant of military affairs. He is willing to share the worries of the country and sit in Qingzhou. , and joined forces with the governors to contain the enemy."

Cao Rui was a little suspicious and asked: "When you arrive in Qingzhou, how will you defend Qi and how will you stop the enemy's Northern Expedition?"

Sun Quan pretended to be thoughtful and replied: "The danger of Qingzhou is at Muling Pass. I will guard Kaiyang with Sun Li. If the enemy is numerous and powerful, retreat the enemy by occupying Muling Pass. Then he appointed Wang Ling, the governor of Yanzhou, and Lu Qian, the governor of Xuzhou. After sending troops to rob the road, the bandit army was exhausted for a long time and had no choice but to withdraw. "

"If the enemy captures Pengcheng, Quan will lead his troops to plunder the East China Sea and harass the cities in Surabaya, causing the water thieves to be distracted by the lack of food routes. Then Wang Yanzhou will support Pengcheng, and the two armies will respond from the east and west, and they should be able to drive back the thieves."

Although Sun Quan's command ability was poor, his strategic ability was acceptable. In terms of strategic dialogue, Sun Quan is considered to be an outstanding one. With his proficiency in riding and bowing, Sun Quan can be said to be both civil and military.

After saying that, Sun Quan bowed to him with great ceremony in order to be able to go out to control Qilu, and said: "I used to be Emperor Wu and was stationed in Jiangdong. However, the two thieves Liu and Huo acted against nature, seized the territory of the former emperor, and imprisoned me in Xiangyang. I am now blessed by all the emperors. Promote and re-appoint me, and I will fight to the death with Huo Jun to protect the territory of Wei Dynasty!"


Thinking of the words of advice from his adoptive mother Sun Ying, Cao Rui helped Sun Quan up and said excitedly: "Other than Shejun, no one can succeed to General Chariot and Cavalry."

"I swear to repay His Majesty's kindness, and I will do my best and die!" Sun Quan said.


After chatting for a few words, Sun Quan did not forget official matters, presented a memorial, and said: "Your Majesty, Tian Yu has a memorial to send!"

"What's the matter?"

Sun Quan handed the memorial to Cao Rui and said: "In response to Zhao's suggestion, Huo Jun invaded the territory several times, and Ke Bineng was able to shake up Monan. In order to prevent the two thieves from the north and south from uniting, he either sent more troops to the border or sent envoys to make things easier."

He was not as capable as Guo Huai in Qianzhao, but due to various restrictions, he was never able to reach a high position. But Qianzhao still did his duty, making Cao Rui wary of Ke Bineng.

Cao Rui turned over the memorial and his expression became serious.

Liu Fang disagreed and said: "Monan and Wuhan are tens of thousands of miles apart. How can they jointly use troops because they are so far apart?"

"General Qian's current worries may be unfounded!"

"not necessarily!"

Cao Rui frowned slightly and said: "Huo Jun repeatedly invaded the Central Plains and always had the ambition to drink from the great river. Ke Bi can do evil in Heshuo and has the intention of greatly revitalizing Xianbei. Both of them want to destroy the Wei Dynasty. Now the two bandits from the north and the south are united. , is not impossible.”

Speaking, Cao Rui analyzed and said: "Since Longyou was occupied by Ma Chao, and then went down to Hehuang. He left Jincheng and went to the old county in the north, and Kebi can occupy Monan. Can't An contact him?"

"Even if there is a lie, we have to be on guard against it, lest the two bandits from the north and the south unite, and the country will be in dire straits!"

"What is your Majesty's intention?" Liu Fang asked.

"It is really impossible to station additional troops on the border."

Cao Rui paced and said, "Let's see if we can send an envoy to Xianbei, canonize the Xianbei Grand Chanyu, and say that Wei wants to do business with it, not limited to iron weapons."

"If you act like this, you may increase Xianbei's reputation!" Sun Zi said worriedly.

Stopping, Cao Rui said: "Strive to support Putou, Xianbei, Hexi, and Xianbei, Liaodong, so that they can fight with Kebineng as much as possible. The current focus is on the south. If the water thieves continue their northern expedition, the border will not be safe for a day. When China's population increases, , We have enough soldiers and armor, so why worry about the border dangers of Xianbei and water thieves!"

Sometimes it is not that the policy is inappropriate, but that it is forced by the situation to agree. Apart from appeasing Xianbei, Cao Rui had no other good ideas.

At present, the only way to stabilize Xianbei for a few years is to allow him to stop the Northern Expedition of the Southern Han Dynasty. After the country recovers its vitality, it can be said that it can block Xianbei in the north and conquer the Han Dynasty in the south.

"Your Majesty is wise!" everyone responded.

ps: I spent too much time looking for information today, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to update until midnight. Let me save half of the chapter draft tonight, and the third update will be out early tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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