Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 641 Chapter 644 The Han envoy is too strong

Chapter 641 Chapter 644 The Han envoy is too strong

Although Deng Zhi had an upright temperament and did not socialize with scholars, he could still be regarded as a cultural person. Now is not the time when the situation is critical, he would not have given Kebineng face when he first arrived at Kebineng's court, and imitated Banchao in killing Wei's envoy Yan Zhi.

That night, thinking about meeting Ke Bineng tomorrow, Deng Zhi was busy washing his hair and taking a bath, for fear of losing face to the Han people.

After Yan Zhi was sent away to rest by Ke Bineng, although he sent people to find out the news about the envoys from the Southern Han Dynasty arriving at the royal court, and he already understood why Ke Bineng changed his mind, Yan Zhi did not have the courage.

In addition, Xianbei was under strict guard, so Yan Zhi simply did not want to learn from Ban Chao, but thought about how to scare Deng Zhi away tomorrow and achieve the mission assigned by Cao Rui.

The next day, the summer sky lit up even earlier.

On the fertile grassland of Chilechuan, the morning glow is dazzling, the summer wind is blowing, the grass is long and the cattle and sheep are in groups. Men ride horses, whip and herd cattle, while women work in the fields.

Farming has never been the exclusive domain of agricultural peoples, and nomadic people can also farm. Why do nomads tirelessly go south to compete with the Central Plains dynasties in the Hexi Corridor and Hetao areas? Not only are the pastures fertile, but Hexi and Hetao support farming.

Why it was difficult for the Western Han Dynasty to attack the Huns in the north? Not only was it the first time that the farming people faced off against the systematic nomadic peoples, but also because the Huns were half pastoralists and half cultivators.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's northern expedition to the Xiongnu would never weaken the Xiongnu unless he cut off the Hexi and Hetao areas. It left the Hexi and Hetao areas for later dynasties, which was enough to have far-reaching influence.

For example, in the case of the Eastern Han Dynasty, although the Northern Xiongnu became powerful for a while due to their intervention in the Western Regions, they lacked the Hetao and Hexi and due to the lack of natural resources, they would never be the opponents of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

It may be occupied by the Xianbei people now, but it will definitely return to the Han Dynasty in the future!
Deng Zhi adjusted his crown, wore powerful clothes, wore a Han sword, held the talisman, and walked to the royal tent with head held high.

In the large tent of the royal court, the adults from the surrounding areas of Xianbei came upon orders, led by Kebineng's relatives and confidants, who were sitting on the left and right sides of the tent. They were all tall and tall, wearing knives, and looked particularly murderous.

Among them, Yan Zhi sat beside Ke Bineng. Although he had been summoned to enter the tent, he generally knew that if he did not suppress Deng Zhi face to face, he might not be able to convince Ke Bineng immediately. Therefore, Yan Zhi did not talk nonsense, but communicated with everyone calmly.

Outside the king's tent, elite Xianbei warriors lined up with swords and spears in hand. Thanks to Kebi's ability to practice military training with Chinese methods, the Xianbei warriors had a solemn military discipline and fierce faces, staring closely at the thin figure at the crossing.

Deng Zhi walked with restraint, and faced the intimidating eyes of the Xianbei warriors without changing his expression. He even studied the quality of the Huanshou knife in the hands of the Xianbei warriors with great interest.


Feeling offended by Deng Zhi, the Xianbei warrior narrowed his eyes and tried to widen his eyes, growling low in his throat, trying to scare Deng Zhi away.

Seeing this, Deng Zhi bowed to the man, then laughed a few times and entered the room with heroic steps. The people lined up on the left and right all looked sideways, not daring to underestimate the boldness behind the thin figure.

Ke Bineng sat high in the tent. Seeing that the Han envoy was so brave, he couldn't help but admire Deng Zhi. This group of Xianbei warriors had followed him across the grasslands for many years, and they were almost unmatched elites. It was really rare that someone could maintain their appearance unchanged, and even enter the army with great heroism.

When Deng Zhi entered the tent, he could see Kebineng sitting on a high chair. He was not very tall, but he had a long beard and beard, and he was very burly. A closer look at the appearance shows that it is similar to that of later Mongolians, with squinted eyes, high cheekbones, a round face, and yellow hair color.

Deng Zhi was not afraid of the "tiger and wolf" eyes on the left and right, and walked straight to Ke Bineng, bowed to him and said: "Deng Zhi, the general of the Han Dynasty, has paid a special visit to King Xianbei by order of the Emperor of the Han Dynasty."

The translator faithfully translated Deng Zhi's words into Xianbei without daring to deviate. The translator was a Southern Huns translator hired with a large sum of money when Deng Zhi arrived in Beidi County.

Although they are the Southern Huns, they are not much different from the Han people after two hundred years of sinicization. However, due to the Qiang and Hu environment, the trend of Hu transformation gradually occurred.

Ke Bineng secretly glanced at Yan Zhi and said, "I have never interacted with the Han Dynasty, but I don't know what the important purpose of the Han envoy is here."

Deng Zhi stood up straight and said: "Zhi, by the order of the emperor, appointed the king as the chanyu of Xianbei, and then made an oath to make the two families happy."


Kebineng wanted to provoke a dispute and deliberately asked: "Now Wei sent Jun Yan to confer the order of the Emperor of Wei to come and canonize me as the Shanyu of Xianbei. And Jun Deng claimed to have the order of the Emperor of Han to come and canonize me as Zhenyu. Chan Yu. Now that the Central Plains is in a state of chaos, who is the true emperor of China?"

Yan Zhi's eyelids twitched, never thinking that Ke Bi would dare to ask this.

While the translator was translating for Deng Zhi, Yan Zhi's face straightened slightly, and he said in a solemn voice: "Thank you Shanyu, we, the Wei Dynasty, are located in the middle of the world. The north and south of the river are all Wei territories. We have millions of soldiers, and there are also Wu. It was used by Huan and the Xiongnu; with the current situation, the king of the Central Plains, Liu Chan is located in a remote land, how can he be called the emperor? "

The translator was of outstanding skill and hurriedly translated Yan Zhi's words into Yayan.

Why Yan Rou and Yan Zhi were able to get along on the grassland was first of all because the two brothers knew the Xianbei language and were familiar with Xianbei customs. In order to increase Deng Zhi's communication costs, Jin deliberately used Xianbei dialect to communicate with Ke Bineng.

In response to Ke Bineng's insinuations and Yan Zhi's words of suppression, how could Deng Zhi be intimidated by his courage?
But Deng Zhi looked stern and scolded Yan Zhi, saying, "I once heard that you and your brother were Han ministers and were greatly favored by Liu Youzhou. How come you are working for Wei thieves now?"

"The Han Dynasty was in decline, and Cao Cao was favored by the Han. He originally imitated the affairs of Yi and Huo, supported the emperor, and attacked the rebels. However, Cao Cao forgot the favor of the Han, insulted the divine weapon, and usurped the throne to seek the country. Our Lord serves as the leader of the two Han Dynasties. Is it possible for you to express your gratitude and raise an army in accordance with the fate of heaven?"

With that said, without waiting for the Xianbei warriors to react, Deng Zhi suddenly strode forward and pressed Yan Zhi, who was caught off guard, to the ground with one hand. Because the sword was removed, Deng Zhi pressed the copper upset on the talisman against Yan Zhi's neck.

Deng Zhi was riding on Yan Zhi, holding down Yan Zhi's Tianling Cap with one hand, and pressing a sharp copper needle against the artery in his neck with the other, scolding: "Traitor, if you fall into my hands now, your life will be over!"

Yan Zhi never expected that Deng Zhi would attack him. Unable to escape, he asked Ke Bineng for help and shouted: "Save me!"

Ke Bi, who was sitting on the chair, was frightened when he saw how tough the Han envoy Deng Zhi was. Then he realized and hurriedly said: "The Han envoy must not harm Yan Zhi's life!"

Deng Zhi didn't want to kill Yan Zhi on the spot in front of Ke Bineng, but thinking that he was new to Xianbei and couldn't compare with Yan Zhi, he fiercely inserted the copper head into Yan Zhi's aorta, and blood spurted out instantly. .

Yan Zhi opened his eyes wide, looked at Deng Zhi with incredible eyes, and then covered the wound on his neck. Ke Bineng and the Xianbei nobles around him were shocked when they saw that Deng Zhi had really taken action. This method was too harsh.

At this time, Xianbei warriors came and controlled Deng Zhi. And Yan Zhi was lying on the ground, clutching the wound on his neck.

Ke Bi Neng looked at the skinny Deng Zhi and his eyelids couldn't help but twitch a few times. The envoy of the Han Dynasty was too tough!

He was a good man of Han culture, and he occasionally heard the story of Ban Chao killing the Huns envoy at night from the Han Dynasty scholars, and there were different versions circulating. I thought it was the Han people's embellishment, or the flattery of the scholars, but I never thought that this kind of story would happen again, and it also happened to him.


Ke Bi Neng signaled to the left and right to carry Yan Zhi out for rescue to see if he could save a life. Then Kebi Neng looked at Deng Zhi, who was controlled by the Xianbei warriors, and still maintained a calm expression, feeling a little respectful.

"Chanyu, what should be done with this person?" the attendant asked.

Ke Bineng looked cold and asked in jerky Chinese: "I treat you with courtesy, how can you bully me like this? Do you think that I am humble and have no one?"

Listening to Ke Bineng's Chinese, Deng Zhi was slightly startled and had some understanding of Ke Bineng's intentions.

After sorting out his thoughts, Deng Zhi said in a deep voice: "The Chanyu started in the early days and has been fighting for many years. Do you know why it has not been possible to unify the grassland? First there were Budugen and Suli, and now there is a fierce battle between the Shanyu and Putou in the west?"


Deng Zhi glanced at the people in Xianbei who were watching eagerly, and said with a sneer: "Because there are Yan Zhi, Qianzhao and others in Wei, they support the heroes to fight for hegemony in order to prevent the grassland from being unified. Seeing that Shanyu is powerful, he successively united with Bu Dugen, Su Li attacked the Shan Yu, so after the two thieves were defeated, they surrendered to the Wei people instead of surrendering to the Shan Yu. "

"The reason why Wei can unite the heroes is because of those who are familiar with the customs of the Hu, such as Yan Zhi. I am killing Yan Zhi now, not because of the Han, but to eliminate harm from Shan Yu. Moreover, Xianbei united with the Han to If there is no future trouble, Yan Zhi will also die!"

Listening to Deng Zhi's confusing logical analysis, Ke Bi Neng frowned, but considering Yan Zhijin's life and the possibility of cooperating with Nan Han.

Kebi Neng walked down the steps and waved to signal the warriors to release their control over Deng Zhi.

Deng Zhi took out his handkerchief and wiped the blood-stained copper tassel on the talisman, then bowed to Kebineng and confessed.

Kebi Neng looked at Deng Zhi's actions and couldn't help but feel a chill on his neck. If Deng Zhi had attacked him at that time, he would probably have died. He needs to pay more attention to safety in the future to prevent others from following what Deng Zhi did.

Deng Zhi felt Ke Bineng's gaze and took the initiative to hand the talisman to the translator, signaling that he would not be reckless again!
Ke Bi Neng sat back on his chair and asked: "I have wanted to unite with the Han Dynasty for many years, but the road is long and I can't go south. Fortunately, the Han envoys came all the way. Apart from granting Shanyu, I don't know what the emperor can do. Are there any other edicts?”

"Zhi came here not only for Han, but also for Xianbei!"

Deng Zhi bowed his hand to Ke Bineng and said: "Chanyu raised his army at a young age, conquered various tribes, and achieved great success. However, it has been difficult to unify Monan so far, mostly because of Wei's obstruction. When Wei is prosperous, even if it does not attack Xianbei, In order to prevent peace in the northern border, Chang Hui united with the bandits to prevent the Shanyu from unifying Monan."

"Therefore, this is Shanyu's plan. If Wei cannot be destroyed first or Wei is destroyed, it may be difficult for the Shanyu to unify the three Xianbei tribes."

As he spoke, Deng Zhi's tone increased and he said: "Although I, the Han Dynasty, occupy the southern territory, I send troops from Xinye, which is less than a thousand miles away from Luoyang. The current situation in the Central Plains is that Han is strong and Wei is weak. The emperor wants to destroy Wei, so he appoints Zhi to go north and fight with Luoyang." The Chanyus unite and conquer the Central Plains together!"

"The reason why Wei is currently uniting with Shanyu is not because Shanyu is trustworthy, but because he wants to temporarily stabilize the northern border. And as Zhizhi expected, in order to prevent Shanyu from unifying Monan, Wei will secretly support Putou, or I will The other department.”

Ke Bi Neng stroked his beard and fully recognized Deng Zhi's words. Since Wei's repeated defeats by the Southern Han Dynasty, Cao Wei often had to send Heshuo's troops south due to concerns about the war in Henan. This eased his pressure in Monan and allowed him to rapidly expand his power in recent years.

To be honest, Kebi Neng didn't care who he joined forces with. He only cared that no one would interfere with his efforts to unify Monan. Today's alliance with the Han will not only help him solve Putou, but also help him go south to plunder Cao Wei.

Going south to plunder Hebei would not only allow him to obtain craftsmen and Han people, but also obtain grain and grass. With the blessing of Han land, it would be easy to strengthen Xianbei.

On the contrary, if he unites with Cao Wei, he is afraid that it will not be much different from the current situation. Cao Wei will use tricks when he needs to. In order to prevent Cao Wei from growing, he will also take the strategic measure of embargoing horses.

Ke Bi Neng was very happy and said: "Da Sima's reputation is so powerful throughout the country, how dare I not be willing to join forces with Da Sima to use troops now. I am really lucky that the emperor is willing to grant me the position of Shan Yu!"

Seeing that Ke Bi Neng was so cheerful, Deng Zhi struck while the iron was hot and said, "Tomorrow is a good day. Why not confer the title on Shanyu tomorrow and then agree on a date for the deployment of troops."


Ke Bineng immediately agreed, and then asked with a smile: "The courage of the king is extraordinary, I wonder how many such kings there are in the Han Dynasty?"

Deng Zhi smiled modestly and said: "Zhi is no more than a Confucian scholar in the Han Dynasty. Those who compare to Zhi in the country are like horses galloping in the past."

"Confucian scholar?"

Ke Bineng was a little doubtful and asked: "Deng Jun calls himself a general, and An Neng calls himself a Confucian scholar?"

Deng Zhi smiled slightly and explained: "Zhi initially served as the prefect to manage the people. Later, he was appreciated by the emperor and transferred to an important position to manage the affairs of the guests. Because of his mission to Xianbei, Zhi Fang was awarded the title of general. He has not yet commanded the army. , How dare you call yourself a general?"

Hearing this, Ke Bineng smiled on the surface, but in his heart he couldn't help but be afraid of Nan Han!

ps: The third update is late, there are two more updates today!
(End of this chapter)

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