Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 656: The Second Generation of Han

Chapter 656: The Second Han Dynasty
My real name is Zhang Fan, but you can call me Yin Fan or Yin She, or Zhuge Fan. Because my father worked for Cao Gong, I became a close follower of Cao since I was young. With the grace of Emperor Wu, I studied with the princes from a young age and specialized in studying law.

When I grew up, I wanted to serve the late emperor. But because of my status, I was chosen as a school official, codenamed Hidden Snake, responsible for spying on the actions of the ministers for the Wei Dynasty to see if there were any actions that would betray the Wei Dynasty or commit illegal acts.

When Your Majesty ascended the throne, you wanted to send assassins to infiltrate Southern Han. I was young and frivolous, and I wanted to repay the favor of the Wei Dynasty, so I volunteered to be an assassin.

At that time, more than ten people were selected at the same time. After screening and examination, Viper and I were selected for the final list. In the end, because I took the initiative to ask for the appointment, and because I was good at speaking and proficient in the law, I was valued by His Majesty and was entrusted with an important task.

When I learned that I was chosen as a spy, I was excited but also a little sad. I was excited to serve the Wei Dynasty, but sad to leave my hometown.

Before I set off, His Majesty summoned me and had a conversation with me. Seeing that I was well versed in laws, he felt that I was being wasted and that my talent for governing the country was being wasted on Southern Han.

When I heard Your Majesty's praise, I felt my blood boiling. Emperor Wuwu took in my parents and allowed me to study with the other princes. How could I, Zhang Fan, have such knowledge?

Before we parted, His Majesty told me earnestly that after I go south, I must alienate the relationship between Huo Jun, Zhuge Liang, and Liu Chan. Whether Wei can prosper depends on me alone.

I was deeply responsible, so I swore with my life that I would rather die in Wuhan than cause unrest in the political arena of Southern Han. Your Majesty saw that I had such an ambition, so he awarded me an official title and hoped that I would return to the north safely as soon as possible.

When I went south to Wuhan, I wanted to sneak into the Southern Han Dynasty under the name of hiding in the barbarians, and gain Zhuge Liang's appreciation as a returned righteous person. But considering the previous and the next, with the advice and help of the organization, I obtained the information of the big boss Langya Zhuge.

In order to quickly enter the central circle of Wuhan and cause internal political struggles in Southern Han, I decided to use the pseudonym Zhuge Fan, use the war at the end of the Han Dynasty as an excuse, flee to Qingzhou Linzi as a cover, and establish a relationship with the Zhuge family of Langya.

After I entered Southern Han, I was warmly received in Jianghuai because of my identity as a Guiyi person. Then I entered Wuhan and went to look for Zhuge Dan under the name of a Zhuge clan member.

I hated Zhuge Dan, who led his troops to betray the Wei Dynasty. But after talking to him, I had to admit that Zhuge Dan was generous and generous, and treated guests with kindness and courtesy. It was because of Zhuge Dan's help that I was able to get to know many ministers.

With Zhuge Dan's recommendation, I not only made it in Wuhan, but also submitted a memorial to the emperor for advice and met Zhuge Liang, who appreciated my opinion and transferred me to the Ministry of Justice.

Zhuge Liang is highly respected by everyone, and it is not just a reputation. He not only personally handles everything, but also acts prudently, emphasizes laws and rules, and rarely talks about theories. If I had not dared to submit a memorial to express my views and rely on my own outstanding talents, Zhuge Liang's name alone would not be enough to be appointed to the Ministry of Justice.

There have been many personnel changes in the six ministries, and because I am good at socializing, I have been attending banquets frequently. For example, Zhuge Ke was promoted from an internal official to the governor of Jiangxia, and he invited his friends to a banquet. Because I was on good terms with him, I was invited.

At the banquet, people drank and chatted, recited poems and discussed state affairs.

"Congratulations to Yuan Xun on his transfer to the position of governor of Jiangxia. In the future, he will be able to succeed Ge Yizhou and govern the Han people and a territory of thousands of miles!" Zhuge Dan toasted and congratulated him.

Zhuge Ke sighed slightly and said, "Next year, the whole country will march north. A real man cannot hold a sword and lead the army on the battlefield. Instead, I have to govern Jiangxia, shepherd the people on behalf of the emperor, and work hard on paperwork. Don't you feel like I've wasted my time?"

As the inner court assistants and the ministers-general gradually grew older, the second generations headed by Guan Xing and Zhuge Ke gradually left Liu Chan's service.

Because his father Guan Yu had been stationed in Jianghan for a long time, and Zhuge Liang admired Guan Xing's talent, he appointed Guan Xing as the front military supervisor, responsible for military discipline, and he would go on an expedition with Zhuge Liang soon.

Zhuge Ke wanted to take advantage of his achievements in conquering Shanyue and become a general to follow Zhuge Liang in the Northern Expedition. However, Zhuge Liang thought that Zhuge Ke was too careless to accept the position of a general, so he appointed Zhuge Ke as the governor of Jiangxia.

"You are the nephew of Prime Minister Ge, but you cannot change Prime Minister Ge's orders?" Zhuge Fan asked.

Zhuge Ke shook his head helplessly and said, "Bo Fan has just arrived in the Han Dynasty and does not know the difference between the Han and Wei dynasties. In the Wei dynasty, perhaps he could be promoted to an official position because of his marriage. But it is different in our Han Dynasty. Since the reigns of the two monarchs Ge and Huo, no one can be promoted without talent and virtue."

"Mr. Huo appointed his nephew Huo Youzhi as a general, and many people criticized him at the time. But the battle of Xia Pi was enough to prove Huo Youzhi's ability. My third uncle was not talented but was known for his virtue, so my second uncle never recommended him for the position for fear of criticism. If it weren't for the late emperor's edict, my third uncle would probably still be farming and guarding his business."

Officials and positions need to be viewed separately. Officials are those who receive salaries and have ranks, while positions are specific functions that require corresponding officials to be responsible for the duties.

After becoming the prime minister, Zhuge Liang was afraid of being criticized for appointing people based on personal connections, so he suppressed Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Jun. It was not until Liu Bei could no longer stand it and intervened that Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Jun were promoted.

But even so, Zhuge Jin only became the governor of Yizhou and was never allowed to enter the central government; Zhuge Jun was directly granted a minor official position and was not responsible for the corresponding affairs.

Especially after the Wenshan County memorial case, Zhuge Liang introduced corresponding laws after taking power, and strictly examined the county officials who were appointed to local positions to prevent the recurrence of previous incidents.

Thanks to Zhuge Liang's example, the politics of the Southern Han Dynasty was clear and orderly. Even if someone wanted to help, they did not dare to interfere too much.

Zhuge Ke was appointed as the prefect of Jiangxia, which was something that had been confirmed by both Zhuge Liang and Huo Jun. Even if Zhuge Ke wanted to use his family connections, he could not do it.

Zhuge Fan heard the words and had a better understanding of the political atmosphere in the Southern Han Dynasty. Compared with Cao Wei, the political atmosphere in the Southern Han Dynasty was more clear. Although the second generation also formed associations, the second generation of the Southern Han Dynasty did not have the same extravagant style as the second generation of the Wei Dynasty.

The vanity style is not to take learning as the basis, but to make friends as the main occupation. Relying on the official positions of their fathers, they form cliques and groups, praise each other, punish and kill those who slander others, and use the praise of the clique as a reward.

Especially in recent years, Cao Wei has entered a period of decline. Those frivolous party members often gather to criticize the state affairs. They criticize everything the state implements, and they praise what the state does not promote. After that, they integrate resources and use the power of their fathers to form cliques for personal gain, and win over lower-level scholars and officials for their own use, such as Xiahou Xuan, Sima Shi, Deng Yang, Sun Mi, He Yan and other high-ranking officials of the second generation.

After Cao Rui ascended the throne, he hated these vanity party members very much and ordered the school officials to investigate what these vanity party members did, so Zhuge Fan had a deep understanding of them. Even Zhuge Dan was one of them, but Zhuge Dan had never seen him.

"Yuanxun is very anxious!"

Compared to the crowd who were standing up for Zhuge Ke, Huo Yi advised him instead: "My brother Fan joined the army when he was young. My father ordered him to cultivate the land and then transport grain. After serving for many years, he was able to lead troops to pacify the enemy. After that, he made great achievements and was ordered to pacify the Shanyue people in the deep sea."

"You helped to pacify the Shanyue at a young age, which is a great achievement. Now that Lord Ge has entrusted you with the administration of Jiangxia, there must be someone else who can take on the responsibility. You should not underestimate yourself!"

Zhuge Ke was really smart and talented. Zhuge Liang thought highly of Zhuge Ke and appointed him as the governor of Jiangxia, which was also a plan to train him.

"Of course!"

Guan Xing said with a smile: "Man Chong of Runan is a powerful enemy of our country. If the army marches north to the Central Plains, Man Chong will surely be a threat. Jiangxia is close to Runan, so why would Yuan Xun say that there is no opportunity to gallop on the battlefield?"

Although Guan Xing did not like Zhuge Ke very much, the two of them did not fall out after all. Instead, with the help of Liu Chan and Huo Yi, their relationship eased slightly.

Hearing this, Zhuge Ke's expression improved slightly, and he said with a smile: "I hope that as An Guo said, I can lead the Jiangxia troops to go to war, establish meritorious service, and be granted a title of nobility."

Huo Yi joked, "You two have your own appointments, but I am living in the palace. If you two become rich and powerful in the future, don't forget Yi!"

"Boxian is talking nonsense again!"

Zhuge Ke laughed and scolded: "With the Duke of Jiangling's help, you must have other appointments!"

Huo Yi took a sip of wine and said helplessly: "Serving His Majesty is also an important responsibility."

Although Liu Chan was the emperor of the Han Dynasty, he did not have much power. It was difficult to achieve success by serving Liu Chan. Moreover, there were no major events on weekdays, and the attendants were mostly bored. Therefore, Huo Yi saw that Guan and Ge had their own appointments, and it would be a lie to say that he was not envious.

Zhuge Fan watched the top second-generation Hans chatting, and couldn't help comparing them with the second-generation Weis. Both were favored sons of the emperor, enjoying the political resources of their fathers. But because of the differences in their fathers, they also took different paths.

In Wuhan, because the fathers set an example and promoted people based on their talents and virtues, a large number of incompetent second-generations were only granted official positions, or returned home to study, or engaged in simple jobs.

Only the second generation with outstanding talents would be granted official positions and take on corresponding tasks. Unlike the second generation of Wei, these second generation elites were not like those who formed cliques for personal gain, but were eager to make achievements and strive to inherit their father's aspirations and restore the Central Plains.

It makes Zhuge Fan laugh. The second generation of Han wanted to make achievements and live up to their fathers' reputation. But the second generation of Wei was obsessed with vanity, forming cliques for personal gain, and eager to extract political benefits.

Although Zhuge Fan was loyal to the Wei Dynasty at that time, he had to admit that the decline of Wei was not only due to its military failure, but also to its political corruption.

Looking at the Southern Han Dynasty from top to bottom, even though its governors, generals, and chancellors had close ties with Huo and Ge, Huo and Ge did not abuse their power. Instead, they set an example and tried their best to keep the political arena clean!

In fact, the reason why there was such a difference in the customs between the Han and Wei dynasties, apart from the moral character of the leaders, was also related to the senior officials in the core circle of the Southern Han Dynasty. These senior officials were not from aristocratic families, but from marginal gentry and powerful people in Wu and Chu.

Because of their short history, the noble families and powerful people in the Southern Han Dynasty had not yet been infected with the bad habits of the aristocratic families in the Central Plains. In order to ensure the political status of their own families, they often formed cliques for personal gain, cultivated cliques among old officials, and seized political benefits.

Sipping his wine, Zhuge Fan pondered over how to cause chaos in the political arena of Southern Han.

Zhuge Ke kindly asked, "Bo Fan, has the appointment been issued yet?"


Zhuge Fan came back to his senses and said with a smile, "According to Minister Wang of the Ministry of Personnel, there is another vacancy, so I will have to wait for a while."

Wang Xiang was following Huo Jun's orders to investigate Zhuge Fan carefully. He found that he seemed to be a spy for Cao Wei, so he asked him to wait for a few more days on the pretext that there was another vacant official position.


Zhuge Ke toasted everyone and said with a smile: "I hope to return to the capital in the future. You and I will have a great future together!"

"I wish you great achievements!" everyone replied.

(End of this chapter)

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