Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 727: Capital Establishment

Chapter 727: Capital Establishment
The Han Dynasty had established its capital in Wuhan for about 20 years, so it would not be so fast to relocate the entire city. And considering that Chang'an and Luoyang were close to the front line, Liu Chan only moved the Secretariat and the Censorate to Luoyang, temporarily using it as the capital.

Why do you say temporarily?

Because there are many different opinions on the location of the capital of the Han Dynasty, which can be roughly divided into two factions: those supporting Luoyang and those supporting Chang'an.

The majority of officials supported Luoyang, as it was the old capital of the Han Dynasty and Chang'an was in decline, so they hoped to make Luoyang the capital.

Those who supported Chang'an were a minority of officials. They pointed out the shortcomings of Luoyang and stressed that the Western Han Dynasty was able to prosper the country by governing Chang'an.

The debate over the capital took place not only in Luoyang City, but also among the troops migrating north.

Because choosing the capital was a matter of great importance, neither Zhuge Liang nor Liu Chan had made a clear decision, but instead planned to go to Luoyang to discuss the details.

In November, the imperial carriage set out from Wuhan and, after more than a month's journey, finally arrived in Luoyang City.

In the depths of winter, the wind was cold, the flags were unfurled, and the music was resounding.

Huo Jun and Zhuge Liang led hundreds of civil and military officers from the Northern Expedition out of the south gate of Luoyang to welcome Liu Chan and his entourage. Among them were Pang Tong, Quan Cong, Huo Du and others, as well as Lu Xun, Huang Quan and other senior generals from Yizhou and Yongzhou who came from Chang'an.

When Liu Chan's carriage arrived, Huo Jun led the crowd to step forward, bowed and kowtowed, paying homage to the emperor Liu Chan who had come from afar.

Faced with old ministers and generals, Liu Chan, who had little prestige, did not dare to be arrogant and personally got off the car to greet everyone.

Liu Chan held Huo Jun's arms and said with concern: "You led the Han army on a long expedition, conquered Qi and Lu, conquered Han and Liang, recovered Guanlong, and recovered the two capitals. You traveled thousands of miles and made outstanding contributions. I am ashamed of your achievements."

As he spoke, Liu Chan bowed to everyone present and said in a deep voice: "I have no words to express my gratitude. Thank you all for your hard work!"

"Don't dare!"

"I have served the Han Dynasty, and I dare not say that I am tired."

"I will be as loyal as I can!"

Many people were flattered by Liu Chan's gratitude and returned the greetings to him.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Zhuge Liang stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, I have ordered a banquet to be prepared in the Luoyang Palace. Your Majesty may rest in the palace now."


Liu Chan extended his hand to invite Huo Jun to get on the carriage, and said: "Zhongfu is going on a long expedition to the Central Plains, and I am very concerned about it. I hope Zhongfu will get on the carriage and go with me to the palace."

Seeing Liu Chan's sincere invitation, Huo Jun did not refuse and got in the car to go with him.

The carriage moved forward slowly, and the emperor and his ministers were speechless.

Sensing the gloomy atmosphere, Liu Chan could not stand the silence and took the initiative to say: "Zhongfu led the army to the north and quickly conquered the states of Henan. However, only Hebei has not been conquered, and the bandits are colluding with the Xianbei. I wonder what strategy Zhongfu has?"

Huo Jun looked calm and said, "The river is not a natural barrier. If you want to destroy Wei, you can divide your troops into three routes. Let the troops from Guanxi go to the east of the river, the troops from Qi and Lu go to the coast, and the troops from the Central Plains go to Henei. Our army has more soldiers and the enemy has fewer. Our army is elite and the enemy is weak. We can recruit county officials along the way to surrender, and the world will be at peace!"

"What about the Xianbei?"

Huo Jun disagreed and said, "The Xianbei live in the south of the desert and may cause chaos, but now they have entered Hebei, so there is no need to be afraid."

Liu Chan put his hand on the carriage railing and tried to persuade him to stay, saying: "Hebei is not at peace now, the Xianbei are in the north, I am not very talented and learned, I hope you can help me."

Huo Jun turned his head and glanced at Zhuge Liang in the vice carriage, and said, "In terms of commanding the army and pacifying the world, Kong Ming may not be as good as me. But in terms of governing the country and bringing peace to the world, I am not as good as Kong Ming. Now that I have been in the military for half a lifetime, I have many hidden diseases and no longer have the energy to govern the country. From now on, Kong Ming should assist Your Majesty."

Liu Chan said frankly: "I have never doubted Zhongfu. Why should Zhongfu follow Xiao He's example of defiling himself?"

Someone told Liu Chan that Huo Jun forced Xiahou Hui into marriage, and Liu Chan rebuked the man. Later, when Liu Chan understood the reason for Huo Jun's actions, he felt a little depressed.

Although he wanted to take power, it did not mean that he wanted to force out the meritorious officials. After all, with his current prestige, if Huo Jun and Zhuge Liang left, the old ministers and generals in the country would most likely sideline him.

Huo Jun's expression changed slightly, and he said, "I am a vulgar man who loves money and beauty. Now I am in Luoyang, and I heard that Xiahou Shi is beautiful, so I asked someone to force her to marry me, not to follow Xiao He's example."

Liu Chan was doubtful and asked, "Can Prime Minister Ge be my deputy? Why can't Zhongfu assist me?"

Huo Jun hesitated for a while and said, "I am not as good as Kong Ming in governing the country. Today, the world is at peace, and Kong Ming is in power, which is of great benefit to the people of the world. If there are any difficult issues in the future, Your Majesty can send someone to summon me, and I will speak up and contribute to the discussion and do my best."

Seeing Huo Jun's firm attitude, Liu Chan no longer insisted. After all, as Huo Jun said, it was indeed a good thing for the Han Dynasty to give up the position of Prime Minister to Zhuge Liang.

In the military, Huo Jun's semi-retirement has suppressed those veteran generals with military merits invisibly, and he can occasionally offer suggestions.

Politically, Zhuge Liang's position as Prime Minister was conducive to formulating a series of policies and laws for the Han Dynasty and reforming the current shortcomings of the Han Dynasty.

While the emperor and his ministers were chatting, the imperial carriage had already arrived at Luoyang Palace.

Luoyang Palace was burned down twice during the late Han Dynasty. The first time was when Yuan Shao and Cao Cao killed the Ten Attendants and burned down the palace during the process; the second time was when Dong Zhuo moved west to Chang'an and burned down the Luoyang Palace.

After Cao Cao proclaimed himself emperor in Luoyang, he spent a lot of time renovating it; Cao Pi also ordered people to renovate it when he came to power in the early days. Although the palace has not been restored to its heyday in the Eastern Han Dynasty, it is large enough for the Han Dynasty to use today.

The banquet was held in Yang'an Hall, Liu Chan sat on the couch, and the generals were on both sides of the hall. Under Zhuge Liang's arrangement, the banquet began.

At the banquet, Huo Jun saw the sick Zhang Fei. Compared with two years ago, Zhang Fei was thinner and had gray hair. His son Zhang Shao served him on both sides. "Ahem!"

Zhang Fei took the initiative to bow to Huo Jun and said, "Zhong Miao's military strategy is outstanding. Now that we can recover the old capital, it is all thanks to you!"

"How is Yide's health?"

Huo Jun bowed in return and asked with concern.


It was because Zhang Fei's hearing was not working well, so Zhang Shao put his voice close to his ear and repeated Huo Jun's words loudly.


Zhang Fei shook his head and said, "My ears are not good at hearing what others say. They need to speak loudly so that I can hear clearly. Also, because I drank too much in my early years, my health is not good. I am often plagued by diseases, and my legs and feet are not convenient."

Seeing Zhang Fei in such an old state, Huo Jun was a little sad and said, "Yide should take good care of himself. The world will be peaceful soon, and he may be able to return to his hometown."

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

After Zhang Shao repeated it, Zhang Fei clapped his thigh happily and shouted "good".

Because Zhang Fei was severely hard of hearing and not in good health, he had to go through Zhang Shao to talk to him. Therefore, Huo Jun did not chat with him much, but asked Zhang Shao to serve Zhang Fei well.

In addition to Zhang Fei, Huo Jun also met and chatted with Zhao Yun.

After two years of military service, Zhao Yun suffered from the fatigue of the war and his mental state was not as good as before. Fortunately, the two capitals were recovered, Zhao Yun was in a good mood, and he talked with Huo Jun about the Northern Expedition to Hebei.

As an old minister, Zhao Yun experienced the turbulent times at the end of the Han Dynasty, as well as Liu Bei's rise to power, the confrontation between Cao and Liu, and the Northern Expedition. Judging from his qualifications, he is one of the oldest ministers among the old ministers.

Now that Zhao Yun has restored the old capital of the Han Dynasty, the world will soon be unified, and the people will gradually live in peace, Zhao Yun's great wish has been fulfilled. With the basic fulfillment of the great wish, Zhao Yun has a small wish, which is to return to his hometown in Changshan to live and pay tribute to the graves of his father and brother.

Judging from the physical conditions of Zhang and Zhao, it will be no problem for Zhao Yun to fulfill his wish, but it is unknown how long Zhang Fei can hold on.

Compared to the old Zhao and Zhang, the 47-year-old Lu Xun was full of vigor and vigor, talking with the generals in the palace and being respected by everyone. However, even so, when Lu Xun saw Huo Jun, he still toasted with a bottle of wine and took the initiative to greet him.

"The reason why the Han Dynasty can rise today is all due to Lord Huo's power in conquering the Chinese people. If you hadn't taken over Henan, how could Xun have taken over Guanzhong?" Lu Xun said respectfully.

Lu Xun was able to resolve the Guanzhong counties within two months, not only because of his military talent, but also because of the dramatic changes in the war in Guandong, and Zhuge Liang's division of troops to take Chang'an and poke Cao Zhen in the ass. Otherwise, Lu Xun would most likely be repelled by Cao Zhen and return empty-handed.

Although the process was so difficult, judging from the results, Lu Xun did conquer the Guanzhong counties and recover Chang'an.

Huo Jun looked calm and said with a smile: "Bo Yan is good at recognizing the military situation and can find opportunities to defeat the enemy. Now Guanxi is safe, which is really your credit!"

Then Huo Jun asked, "How is the progress in persuading Guo Huai to surrender?"

Lu Xun hesitated for a moment and said, "Reporting to Lord Huo, I have ordered Guo Huai's friend Lu Zhi to go on a diplomatic mission to Hexi. Judging from the progress, if it goes well, they will surrender to the Han Dynasty before the end of the year."


"Wait for good news!"


Lu Xun hesitated for a moment and asked, "Mr. Huo, Henan is now at peace and the two capitals have been recovered, but no decree has been issued to specify which capital should be used?"

"What's Boyan's opinion?" Huo Jun asked.

"I dare not speak nonsense, I just want to tell Mr. Huo what I have seen and heard in Guanzhong!"

Lu Xun sorted out his thoughts and said, "During the chaotic period of the Former Han Dynasty, the Red Eyebrows broke through the pass, the Western Capital was destroyed, and the people fled. The Central Han Dynasty restored it and moved the Qiang people into the pass to make up the population, and mixed with the Chinese. After a few years, the tribe multiplied and fled back, causing chaos in Guanlong."

"The Han Dynasty and the Qiang fought, spending billions of money every year, leaving Guanlong half-white. When Guo and Li rebelled in Guanzhong, Guanzhong was devastated, the people were sparse, and the Rong and Di were strong. Later, Cao Cao moved the people of Wudu into Guanzhong, intending to weaken us and strengthen Guanzhong, but the Qiang and Di gathered together and now they will become a threat!"

"Xun observed that there were more than one million people in Guanlong. Han people were few, and Qiang and Hu people accounted for half. Ancient people said that those who are not of our race must have different hearts. The customs of Qiang and Hu are not the same as those of Hua. If there were more Han people and fewer Rong people, perhaps they could be educated. Now that Han and Rong people account for half, how can they be educated?"

Lu Xun said seriously: "Pardon my bold words, if we don't find a way to rule the country, in a few decades, the Qiang and Hu will not change their old customs, and the Han and Hu will invade each other. The disaster in the future will be no less than the Qiang rebellion, or even worse, endangering the Central Plains. I hope Mr. Huo will understand the harm!"

In the early days of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liu Xiu moved the Qiang people inland due to the lack of population in Guanzhong. After that, the Eastern Han Dynasty successively moved tribes such as the Xiongnu, Di, and Wuhuan. For example, the Qiang and Di people were distributed in the Guanlong area, the Xiongnu people were distributed in northern Shaanxi and Hetao, and a small number of Wuhuan were settled in the border areas.

The Eastern Han Dynasty failed to properly manage this large-scale migration, and instead, due to incorrect management, it provoked the Qiang Rebellion. The Qiang people launched a rebellion in Guanzhong, which in turn affected the Southern Xiongnu, who also launched several rebellions in northern Shaanxi and Hetao.

Although the rebellions were gradually resolved by the Eastern Han Dynasty, the decrease in the Han population instead exacerbated the Huization of the Guanlong region.

"I already know what Bo Yan meant!"

(End of this chapter)

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