Chapter 80
Early the next morning, the news of Sun Ben's overnight withdrawal not only reached Taishi Ci's ears, but also reached the Jingzhou Army camp.

"My lord, Sun Ben withdrew his troops overnight!" Xu Shu broke into the camp and said happily.


Liu Bei, who was wiping his face, did not recover at first. After he came to his senses, he said, "Come out with me and take a look!"

With that said, Liu Bei put the towel in his hand on his shoulders and trotted out.

At the same time, Liu Qi in the tent next door was even more exaggerated. He was wearing an undershirt and a hastily robe. He ran out barefoot. When he saw Liu Bei, he shouted happily: "Uncle, Sun Ben has withdrawn. Tai Shi Ci is left, which will greatly benefit our army!"

The anxiety of the war in the past few days really made Liu Qi's head hurt. He was worried more than once that if the war went unfavorably, his purpose of rising to the top through military exploits would probably be in vain, and it might even help Liu Cong's reputation.

"Bo Wei, great things are about to happen." Liu Bei held Liu Qi's arm and laughed and said: "Sun Ben withdraws his troops, and Tai Shici is isolated and helpless. We can divide and attack him. Yuzhang can do it!"

Liu Qi was under pressure, how could Liu Bei not be under pressure, but as a leader he needed to stabilize his emotions.Now that Huo Jun's alienation plan was successful, Sun Ben and Tai Shi Ci parted ways, which made him completely relieved. Just as he said, attack them separately, and Yuzhang can be taken.

Excited as he was, Liu Bei still remembered the man who caused the enemy to collapse among themselves while talking and laughing.

"Zhong Miao!"

Liu Bei and Liu Qi jointly greeted Huo Jun who came down from the watchtower. Under Liu Bei's expectant eyes, Huo Jun finally said what he had been waiting for for a long time.

Huo Jun stood tall and straight, and under the gaze of everyone, he said clearly: "General, you can attack!"

"it is good!"

Although the autumn morning in Yuzhang was cold, it could not cool down Liu Bei's fiery heart. He clutched the towel around his neck and said in a deep voice: "Call the generals to listen to the order!"


In the open space of this camp, Liu Bei faced the assembled generals and said: "Now that Sun Ben has withdrawn his troops, Taishi Ci has only ten thousand men, so it is time to use his troops. However, although Taishi Ci has few soldiers, His tribe is powerful, so be careful."

"Please command the general!"

Liu Qi handed over the command of the battle to Liu Bei. At that moment, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Su Fei and others had already responded and obeyed Liu Bei's dispatch.

"If the preparations are correct and Sun Ben withdraws now, Ziyi will definitely make a desperate effort to break our army's formation. Now I have to wait for Liu Pianjiang to lead his infantry to fight Taishi Ci head-on. When he is tired, his wings will If De leads his cavalry to break through the formation from both wings, his troops will be defeated!"

Liu Bei laid out the pre-war plan and said: "Jiaoqiu City is located in the south and is the only way to Danyang County. After Ziyi's defeat, he had no choice but to go south. Xingba rushed here with 2000 troops. Let’s see if Taishi Ci can be captured when he flees to this place.”

Liu Bei has been fighting in the Central Plains for decades, and he can easily handle battles involving tens of thousands of people, with few opponents.Now with the situation of more and less, he is full of confidence. Failure is not allowed. If he fails, he doesn't have to mess around.And during these days, he had already had a thorough understanding of the surrounding mountains and terrain.

With that said, Liu Bei pulled out the sword from his waist and said in a deep voice: "The rest of the generals will prepare to go out to fight against Taishi Ci."

"No!" Everyone responded.

When the three drums sounded, Liu Pan took the lead to leave the camp as the front, and Huang Zhong as his deputy also followed with his own troops and horses.Thousands of Jingzhou soldiers filed out of the camp. Their formation was vast and their spears held high were like dense forests. As they advanced, huge waves rolled forward.

When they were setting up their formation, hundreds of cavalrymen slowly came up to protect them on the left and right sides of the formation to prevent the impact of enemy cavalry. The knights on the horses were all wearing leather armor and iron pockets.Through the smoke and dust, a general's flag can be vaguely seen.

It can be said that Liu Bei went out with all his strength and placed the turning point of the war on the cavalry commanded by Zhang Fei.

How could Taishi Ci not know about such a huge movement among the soldiers and horses in Jingzhou?In fact, he received the news of Sun Ben's retreat earlier than Liu Bei. Faced with Sun Ben's sudden retreat without keeping his promise, Taishi Ci did not remain vigilant at all.When he woke up from his sleep, Sun Ben's soldiers had already retreated, and only the torches of Sun Ben's army were visible.Listening to the loud sound of military drums in the Jingzhou camp, Taishi Ci's stern face was expressionless as he stroked the cold bow body.For Tai Shici, this unique touch can gradually restore his emotions.

The resentment in his heart has long since dissipated, and the current hope is that only by defeating Liu Bei can the corrupt situation be saved.

"send troops!"


As the soldiers from both sides formed their formations in the wilderness, Liu Bei and Huo Jun also had a panoramic view of Tai Shici's formation.

I have to admit that Taishi Ci's army had strict military discipline, and thousands of soldiers were mobilized and assembled with almost no chaos.Among them, the Chinese army was the most elite. When the flag was waved, the soldiers followed closely.If you look carefully, you can see that these soldiers are wearing armor, their crossbows are ready to fire, and their spearmen are walking like a forest wall.This is Taishi Ci's well-trained elite teacher.

When the people gathered around Liu Bei saw this scene, everyone's face showed a bit of solemnity.

Liu Bei raised his whip and pointed at the military formation, and sighed: "Tai Shi Ci has trained his troops well. If Sun Ben helps us, our army will be really in trouble. Fortunately, Zhong Miao envoy asked Sun Ben to withdraw his troops, otherwise it is difficult to know whether the two armies will win or lose!"

Everyone nodded slightly and agreed with Liu Bei's words.At the same time, everyone also turned their admiring eyes to Huo Jun. The turning point in the war today really depends on Huo Jun's alienation strategy.

In today's battle, Huo Jun and his men were incorporated into the Chinese Army and awaited Liu Bei's dispatch.And he will also follow Liu Bei to observe the war situation.

Liu Bei gently swung the reins, rode his horse forward a few steps, raised his finger and pointed at the queue opposite, and said: "Tai Shici has two generals under his command, namely Chen Tai and Gao Sheng, each leading the left and right armies. Jin Ziyi announced The formation was just as Bei expected. The Chinese army broke the formation and resisted on the left and right sides. The victory or defeat today lies with Zhongye, Yun Chang and Yide."

Taishi Ci wanted to win in the military formation, but he actually didn't have many choices.With the cavalry in a weak position, it was decided that he could not make a fuss on both wings and could only choose the central army to break through.Let Chen Tai and Goldman Sachs cooperate with your own central army to protect the flanks.

It was expected that Liu Bei, who was so arranged by Taishi Ci, was accustomed to using cavalry in battle, so he naturally placed his hope of victory on the cavalry on both wings.Letting Liu Pan resist Taishi Ci's fierce attack head-on was because Liu Pan and Huang Zhong had been fighting Taishi Ci's army for a long time. They were familiar with each other and were old rivals, so they would not overturn on the battlefield.

As expected of Liu Bei, who had been fighting in the Central Plains for more than ten years, he restrained Tai Shici in his formation in the early stages of the war.

At some point, the clouds in the sky blocked the sunlight, and the people standing felt a little less burning.

"Order, beat the drums!" Liu Bei ordered.




Following Liu Bei's order, the Jingzhou Army began to beat drums in the formation. More than a dozen strong men, with their bare arms, waved drumsticks to beat the drum heads.Thunderous drum beats resounded across the wilderness, signaling everyone's march.

Amidst the sound of drums, Liu Pan, who was in charge of the front army, Guan Yu, who was in charge of the left wing, Wenpin, who was in charge of the right wing, and Zhang Fei, who was in charge of the cavalry, raised their military flags one after another and rolled forward.

The cavalry commanded by Zhang Fei dispersed to the two wings and peered at Taishi Ci's military formation; the infantry in the military formation laid their spears flat on the ground and began to move forward.

At this time, Taishi Ci's queue also began to move forward.

In a short while, the sergeants on both sides were moving forward and approaching quickly.As they approached the place where the arrow was shot, the sound of arrows swooshing through the wind filled the air.The arrows drew arcs in the sky, and then densely fell into the opponent's array.

The soldiers in the front row began to shout loudly. This kind of shouting was not to intimidate the enemy, but more to encourage themselves.Amidst the shouts of death and the stimulation of adrenaline, everyone forgot their fear.In Huo Jun's eyes, the two armies collided, and the soldiers started a bloody fight.

(End of this chapter)

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