Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 92 Step 928

Chapter 92 Chapter 92 Eighty Steps

Letting Zhao Yun lead a surprise formation of 800 cavalry was only one of the plans. The [-] infantry led by Huo Du were Huo Jun's real back-up force.

If Zhao Yun's two hundred cavalry failed to break the formation, he would lead his troops back to the city, and Huo Du's thousands of men would come to support him; if he succeeded in breaking the formation and disrupted the entire army, he would lead his elite troops to attack.

In Huo's creed as a general, don't think about victory, but think about defeat.I never set a fixed goal or limit my operations.

Can't 1000 people fight in a field battle with [-] people?

Of course, nothing in war is ever 100% certain.The essence of war is that the army fights, and the army is composed of people.The military can magnify people's strengths, but it can also magnify people's weaknesses.

As Huo Jun said, the core of offensive and defensive warfare is to rely on the city to engage in field battles with the enemy, observe the enemy's situation, and send troops to attack if you know the slightest flaw.

Jiangdong Army's initial formation will take time to stabilize overall.For example, Ling Tong and Song Qian went to repair antlers, and Jiang Qin supervised the left department and was responsible for responding; Huang Gai led his troops to form a formation outside the city to intimidate everyone in the city in order to make a forced landing in Pengze...

In Huo Jun's eyes, the various behaviors of Jiangdong soldiers and horses were just fleeting opportunities.

Today he sent Zhao Yun to attack and break the formation. The purpose was not to let Zhao Yun kill Sun Quan alone. After all, it would be difficult to kill him.Instead, he used Zhao Yun to rush into the formation, disturb Sun Quan and his army, and let Huang Gai lead the front troops to return for rescue.

The front of Jiangdong's army was facing the city. In order to save Sun Quan, Huang Gai had no choice but to lead his troops to surround Zhao Yun.And once this is moved, it will be a taboo for military strategists, exposing its fragile flanks in front of Pengze City.

If the two armies were in front of each other, Huang Gai would not dare to act at will.Now it was the time of siege. For Huang Gai, there were no enemies in his sight.The enemy was nestled in the city and did not dare to move, so he ordered his subordinates to do this.

However, Huang Gai was also a man who was good at fighting. In order to prevent any sergeants from actually coming out of the city, he ordered two 2000 troops to return for reinforcements.He led 2000 men to sit on guard, thinking that even if the enemy came out, he would be able to intercept them in time.

But he never thought that the enemy troops had been waiting behind the gate wall for a long time!

What is a guard wall?
Huo Jun pointed out the important core points at the beginning of his inspection of Peng Ze.

Pengze City lacks a urn, so the enemy can see the gates closing and know whether the army is dispatched.In order to make up for the lack of the characteristics of the Wengcheng and prevent the enemy from knowing that the gate is closed, it is necessary to build a gate wall.

After Qin Song failed to persuade him to surrender, he drove away.Huo Du followed Huo Jun's instructions and led 800 of his elite troops out of the city quickly, lurking behind the gate wall and obeying Huo Jun's instructions on Haoshan Mountain.

Today, the red flag is waving and the drums are beating loudly, which is their order to attack.

The moment the wooden wall collapsed, smoke and dust billowed up.

"Kill the thief!"

Under the shocked eyes of Jiangdong's soldiers, Huo Du, wearing leather armor and holding a sword and shield, rushed out in the smoke.Huo Yuan led the troops to step forward and charged closely behind.

Zhang Yi, who was in the front flanking phalanx, noticed the people coming out from behind the wooden wall and shouted at the top of his lungs: "The enemy is attacking, get in formation."

Zhang Yi followed Sun Ce in raising troops, conquered Liu Xun, and attacked the Ma bandits with Ling Tong.He was appointed as a school captain, led thousands of troops, and was supervised by Huang Gai.Now I was ordered to move to the left and outflank Zhao Yun's retreat. How could I have expected that Huo Du would suddenly rush out from behind the wooden wall.

With a distance of less than one mile, 800 people started to jog.Zhang Yi slapped the soldiers with the spear in his hand, ordering them to turn around and form a spear formation to guard against the enemy.However, from marching to turning, and then to formation, how can it be so fast?It was not until Huo Du led his troops that they were approaching the hundred-step mark, that Zhang Yi's troops managed to arrange their military formations and faced the enemy with spearmen. As for the crossbowmen, they had no time to mobilize.

When they marched 30 meters, Huo Du and his soldiers took out the short spears they carried on their backs, leaned forward, and threw hundreds of them out.


The short spear, carrying the sharp sound of wind, arced across the sky and was thrown fiercely towards the dense military formation.Such a close distance and such a dense throwing of short spears were enough to make all the Jiangdong soldiers in the front row look horrified.

In their frightened eyes, the sharp spear points penetrated their bodies, directly piercing the chests of each soldier. Blood gushed out like a fountain, and their internal organs were shattered. It was horrible to see.In an instant, screams broke out almost simultaneously.

Not only did Rome have short spears and javelins, but the Chinese nation, which is good at fighting, also had them.However, unlike Rome, soldiers in the Central Plains were equipped with different weapons according to different situations.Like a wolf, its shape is sluggish and difficult to move. It is suitable for use in narrow terrain or in defensive battles.The javelin is similar to it and is one of the ancient weapons.In the battle in the south, the javelin is indispensable and can be used in water battles or infantry battles; if it is switched to the battle in the north and fought against the nomads, the javelin is useless because the enemy's horse is fast, so it is abandoned.Of course, if the war horse rider uses a javelin, it is another matter.

The soldiers trained by Huo Jun naturally need to be proficient in these skills, otherwise how can they fight their way through this troubled world.

After throwing it, Huo Du shouted to the left and right to pay attention to the shield formation, then he exerted force and led his troops to sprint away.The distance of a hundred steps can be as fast as ten seconds or as slow as two or thirty seconds. Thousands of people are galloping to kill, their footsteps are like thunder, and the sound is shaking the sky.

These infantrymen who survived the short spear throwing were still thankful in their hearts, and looked at the shield soldiers charging towards them. They were already timid in their hearts, but they swallowed their saliva, listened to the scolding of the officers behind them, and barely stood up. Steady your legs.

"Kill the thief!"

Before they could adjust for a moment, within a few breaths, the shield array collided with them.The sword and shield hand held up a large shield and pressed forward, directly smashing through the formation that was hit by the rain of spears, and rushed into the phalanx formation with an overwhelming force.

Huo Du rushed into the formation and faced the spear thrust by the infantry. He blocked it with the shield in his hand and pressed the spear shaft. He stepped forward and slashed with his sword, leaving a wound with visible bones in front of Jiang Dongbing's chest. , blood splattered.The Jiangdong soldier was in so much pain that he gave up his spear and staggered back, but was killed by Huo Du with another knife.

Such martial arts attracted the enemy's attention. Before Huo Du could withdraw his Huanshou sword, another Jiangdong soldier stabbed Huo Du straight in the chest with a long spear.

Huo Du raised the shield in his hand from bottom to top, and the spear was lifted high.Huo Du drew his knife and went straight towards Wu's body. Jiangdong's soldiers abandoned their spears and ran away. Huo Du quickly caught up with him and stabbed him in the back, killing the enemy.

In the military formation, the role of spears is in head-on confrontation. The dense forest of spears is almost invincible.However, once a melee sword and shield soldier breaks into the formation from the side, the spear will be unable to take advantage of the spear due to its length and the narrowness of the battlefield, and will instead be broken by the sword and shield soldier.

Now Jiangdong's army turned to march. With its weak flanks and being hit by the rain of spears, it was difficult to take advantage of the dense concentration of spears. Instead, it was beaten back by the flexible sword and shield players.

As a large number of soldiers entered Zhang Yi's phalanx, they were first defeated at one point, and then from point to area, they directly broke through Jiangdong Army's phalanx.In the fierce close combat, Zhang Yi's troops were directly destroyed by thousands of men led by Huo Du.

The defeated soldiers first retreated within the military formation, followed by everyone else, and then turned into an escape.The soldiers in the entire military formation were gradually controlled by panic and could not hear Zhang Yi's instructions. They retreated faster and faster, and the team became more and more loose.

At this time, Zhao Yun, who had escaped, led his cavalry to pull back and attack for several miles. He cooperated with Huo Du's troops and rushed into Zhang Yi's troops.Under the double attack of infantry and cavalry, the loose formation instantly turned from chaos to rout.

Zhao Yun found Huo Du in the chaotic crowd according to the 'Huo' flag, and shouted: "The general led his troops to attack, which has caused chaos in the front of the enemy. The battle situation is chaotic today. I don't know what to think?"

Huo Du looked at Zhao Yun, who was covered in blood, with admiration in his heart, and said: "Du Du accepts Huo Jingbei's order and fully cooperates with the general. Just give the general's orders!"

"it is good!"

Zhao Yun pointed at the military formation next door holding the 'yellow' flag, and said: "In Huang Gai's 2000-man military formation, if the general has spare strength, he can lead his troops into the formation to see if he can break the formation for Yun. If he can After breaking the formation, Yun leads a hundred cavalry into Huang Gai's formation and may be able to kill Huang Gai."

"How about a tight phalanx?"

"It's very strict. It's hard for my cavalry to break through!"

"Can the general use a bow?"

"I will make use of the bow!"

Huo Du understood clearly in his heart and said: "There are too many troops in the front. Although some of them were restrained by the general before, they can only be reached in a moment, so we can't be reluctant to fight. Now the enemy is outnumbered and we are few. Du can break the formation for the general, but if the battle lasts for a long time, we The army will be surrounded. Du Ke leads his troops into the enemy formation and asks the general to kill Huang Gai with arrows."

"Okay!" Zhao Yun held the reins and said in a deep voice: "The general will kill him eighty steps beyond the general's flag. Yun shot three arrows, and if they succeeded or failed, he left. Today, Yun drives the defeated soldiers to plunder the formation for the general."


(End of this chapter)

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