Chapter 98
"Why did Gong Jin say this?" Sun Quan asked, raising his eyebrows slightly.

Zhou Yu pointed to the letter in his hand and said: "Under Qi Cun's command, Huo Jun is not a fool. He is good at using troops and has well-organized arrangements. He defeated our army several times. Don't you know that if you stick to an isolated city and people's hearts are unpredictable, how can you reuse local soldiers, let alone I asked Zhou Ju to serve as the commander of the village and inspect the northern city."

Sun Quan was slightly displeased and said: "Our army has besieged the city for two months, resulting in isolation from the inside and outside, and a shortage of manpower. In order to win over the local soldiers, Huo Jun appointed Zhou Ju as the commander of the village. What's so weird about it? Not to mention the post of commander, he only has jurisdiction over There are 50 soldiers and they have to be in important positions, how can it be impossible?"

After a pause, Sun Quan said meaningfully: "Don't Gongjin think that he can win by attacking Chaisang instead. His troops are far superior to Pengze, and Huang Zu personally leads it. We have been attacking Pengze for a long time, and now maybe we can win." Take the opportunity."

The results of the two-month battle against Peng Zecheng consumed Sun Quan's little trust in Zhou Yu.

There is no way, since Zhou Yu entered Jiangdong, he has had few military exploits.The official title of Jianwei Zhonglang General was due to his relationship with Sun Ce; the reason why he was granted the title of Zhonglang General was that he led the army into Wu County and supported Sun Quan's succession.If it were Zhou Yu after the Battle of Chibi, his right to speak would definitely be different from what it is now.

At present, Pengze City is giving Sun Quan a headache. Now that he has seen the letter of surrender and there is hope of breaking the city, why doesn't he want to try it?Not only did Sun Quan want to try, but the generals who were trapped by the war also responded.

"My subordinates can ask the soldiers to bring the Zhou Mansion and listen to his words to see if Zhou Ju is there. And set a date for Zhou Ju's return. If this is true, Zhang is willing to be the vanguard and the first to enter the city for the army to explore the enemy's situation. "Pan Zhang said.


"Subordinate~" Zhou Yu shouted again.

Sun Quan stretched out his hand to signal Zhou Yu to calm down and said: "Speak from the east and call people here to see what the Zhou government says."



The next day, ten Jiangdong sergeants brought Na Zhoufu to the camp to be questioned by Sun Quan, Zhang Hong and others.

Zhou Fu nodded and bowed, as if a traitor in later generations was seeing the Taijun's appearance, and said flatteringly: "I pay my respects to you generals. I don't know if I have something important to ask you to join the army."

Zhang Hong coughed, covering up his disgust, and said, "I wonder if Mr. Zhou is like Zhou Ju?"

Zhou Fu's face turned pale, and he repeatedly raised his hands and said: "Sir, Zhou Ju is my nephew. A few months ago, Zhao Yun led troops to the door and forcibly recruited strong men. The government was worried about the lives of the clan members and had no choice but to let the clan's children join the army. The government has no intention of fighting against the heavenly soldiers. , if the general is short of food, I am willing to donate another hundred stones of food and grass, hoping to spare my life."

Seeing how nervous the Zhou family was, Zhang Hong comforted him and said, "I call Lord Zhou here today not because I want to ask questions about him, but because I want to ask Zhou Ju about him."

"Zhou Ju?"

Zhou Mansion pondered for a while and said: "Boguang's family is poor, but he is quite brave and has a good reputation among his people. However, he is greedy for money and lust, and often uses the name of my Zhou family to do evil things outside. When Zhao Yun recruited strong men, he let him I took the gangsters from my clan to join the army, so as not to ruin the name of my Zhou family."

"Are Zhou Ju's parents still alive?" Zhang Hong asked.

"Boguang lost his mother when he was young, and his father joined the army with Liu Yang and Liu Yao. He has not returned yet, and he is probably dead in the battle. He only has his stepmother at home, and his relationship with her is pretty good." Zhou Fu said: "I don't know Mr. Ask Bo Guang what happened?"

Zhang Hong didn't say anything, and Zhou Yu asked, "Is Zhou Ju a person who can repeat himself?"

Zhou Fu shook his head and said: "Bo Guang is a fierce and evil person, and he often gets into quarrels with others. Other than that, I don't know anything about him."

After saying that, Zhou Mansion was curious and wanted to find out something, but was kicked out by Sun Quan.

"How?" Sun Quan asked.

Zhang Hong smiled bitterly and said: "My subordinate, Zhou Ju seems to be like that repetitive person, but I don't know whether his surrender is true or not!" Zhou Yu frowned and said: "My subordinate, both his parents are dead and he is alone. I'm afraid That Zhou Ju pretended to surrender!"

Zhou Tai was unhappy and said: "If you are afraid of this or that, why fight? It would be a pity if you don't seize the opportunity presented to you today."

Zhou Yu said helplessly: "However, Huo Jun is not an ordinary person. He is very meticulous in commanding and deploying his troops. How could he try it so easily? He might endanger his men's lives."

Zhou Tai said angrily: "Huo Jun is not a god, how can he predict everything."

Sun Quan lowered his hands and said, "Gong Jin is just worried and has no other intentions. I think that since our army has besieged Pengze City, the people in the city have become disorganized, and it is not impossible for Zhou Ju to surrender. It's better to give it a try now. It would be a good thing if it works."

Zhou Yu sighed and said: "The city of Pengze is small, and Zhou Ju has surrendered at the gate. His subordinates cannot enter lightly, for fear of losing ground when advancing or retreating. They are divided into three teams, two teams will meet outside the city, and one team can enter the city."

Perhaps it was the famous general's instinctive perception, but he always felt that Huo Jun was not so easy to deal with.The more reasonable and logical it is, the more suspicious it makes Zhou Yu feel.

"it is good!"

Sun Quan nodded slightly and said, "I have made an appointment with Zhou Ju. Without further delay, he will start an uprising at the ugly hour of tomorrow night (2-4). He will raise five open flames on the city as a signal. I don't know who dares to enter the city first!"

Pan Zhang stood up, cupped his hands and said, "I would like to inform my subordinates that I will lead my troops into the city. I can lead my elite troops to wait outside. After Zhang enters the city, he will light a fire as a signal."

Sun Quan was overjoyed and said: "Zhun Wengui is the vanguard, and Gu is waiting for the signal outside the city. Tomorrow night, four thousand elite soldiers and horses will follow Gu to move to the north gate. This battle will definitely break Pengze City."


Zhou Mansion returned to the clan and quickly asked the clansmen to take refuge in the mountains.

The tribesmen asked in confusion: "It's not that the Sun family is unwilling to investigate Zhou Boguang's aid to Jingzhou, why did we go to the mountain to take refuge?"

"If Bo Guang is a small soldier and has nothing to do, then Bo Guang is involved in the battle between the two armies. Although we don't know the outcome, if the Sun family is defeated, I am afraid that Sun Quan will be angry with my clan. It is better to avoid the war for the time being." Zhou Fu said.



At night the next day, with the crescent moon in the sky like a hook, Pan Zhang led his troops to lurk outside the city, holding coins in their mouths and wrapping their armor with cloth, walking through the silent and uninhabited woods. The only sounds were the breathing of the people and the roar of the insects. A crisp chirping sound is audible.

Pan Zhang was wearing armor and holding a spear in his hand. He walked through the bushes and stopped two miles outside the city.Looking up at the moon and estimating the time, I felt quite anxious.

After waiting quietly for a long time, Pan Zhang seemed to vaguely see the North City Gate opening with his excellent eyesight.When his men were about to charge, Pan Zhang stopped them. It was not until he saw five open fires burning on the tower that Pan Zhang was relieved.

Jumping to his feet, Pan Zhang took off his robe, raised his spear high, and shouted: "Enter the city!"

Following Pan Zhang's order, the trumpet sounded.

I saw the light of fire in the dark night outside the city from three to five o'clock, to thirty to fifty o'clock, and then to hundreds of o'clock.Nearly a thousand soldiers from the headquarters held high torches, followed the "Pan" flag and rushed to the opened north gate, swarming in.

Just as Pan Zhang led his troops into Pengze City, hundreds of figures stood up from the top of the silent Pengze City Wall.

(End of this chapter)

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