Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 12 Counting the Harvest

Chapter 12 Counting the Harvest
The fifth task is to pick up the heel of a shoe twice and you can get a pound of grain. This is naturally Fu Yunlai's favorite task and he also thinks it is the most cost-effective task.

Even because of it, the doubts about tasks three and four were not taken to heart.

Fu Yunlai has received rewards for the first few tasks and knows what they are. Fu Yunlai can also infer the last three tasks based on the number of processes she has learned, but she has not seen the specific rewards she received.

Task 1 should be to make the back lining of the shoe. It can be knitted in three times*[-]. Considering the difficulty of making the back lining of the shoe, Fu Yunlai thinks it is quite suitable.

She learned this not too late, but she didn't do much. According to the number of tasks she just submitted, there were only 21.

Task [-] should be about hemming. This is more difficult when you first learn it, but it is actually more moderate after you get started.

The main problem is that there are few hemming machines, and slow novices are generally not allowed to do it.

Next to that machine, there are large baskets of materials piled up all year round. Some of the processes that should have been completed in advance were almost reversed because they were too busy here.

The opportunities that Fu Yunlai was able to get started were basically due to her voluntary overtime work.

It just depends on luck!
The next task eight is buttoning, which is also machine-operated. Although there is only one machine, the operation is very fast, and it is basically done by experienced apprentices.

Good fortune came only because it came for a short period of time and there was no chance to get started before.

But because he can get on the sewing machine too quickly, he is quite ostracized not only by apprentices, but also by experienced sewing machines.

However, she always just immersed herself in her work and was never affected by these people's attitudes.

For this reason, Zuo Cuifang was not only extremely satisfied, but was also greatly influenced by Fu Yunlai's attitude.

So much so that this month, many people were waiting to see the joke between the novice master and apprentice, and they could only watch as the two became more and more calm and skilled.

When I first started using this buttoning machine, not only did I get scolded several times, but I couldn't even touch the edges.

Later, when someone discovered that she was using these machines, Zuo Cuifang could teach her less and let her use less sewing machines.

It can even give other apprentices some opportunities to get in front of Zuo Cuifang, and then they start to intentionally give good luck opportunities.

In this regard, I am naturally very happy about the good fortune.

Even Zuo Cuifang didn't know what she was thinking, but she also promoted it intentionally or unintentionally.

And these three new processes respectively correspond to the fact that after completing three times of back lining, you can get wool*1, and ten times of hemming are actually rewarded with meat*1?

Fu Yunlai stared at this one with wide eyes.

She just paid attention to the number of completed tasks, but she didn't really see any specific rewards.

After hastily looking at the last ten completed eggs*1, Fu Yunlai immediately opened the system backpack eagerly.

In the backpack, more than half of the 99 slots were used up, and Fu Yunlai was a little confused.

After all, in her understanding, one grid can add up to 99999.

These are the only tasks she has received so far. Shouldn't each task occupy one space to obtain rewards?

But why can it directly occupy dozens of spaces?

Fu Yunlai stretched out his fingers and counted them one by one carefully.

First came the rag, which now only occupies two spaces.

Fu Yunlai hesitated for a moment and did not put the large and small cloths of different colors and materials piled around her body into her backpack for the time being.

She had a hunch that maybe once the fabrics were put in, more slots in her backpack would be occupied.

Fu Yunlai's eyes fell on the next compartment in the backpack, which naturally contained candies.

If you look closely, you can see that it actually occupies a full 6 grids.Fu Yunlai looked at the number of stacked grids one by one, but in the end he did not take them all out to check.

Just looking at the surface, it is still easier to see their general classification than cloth.

If there are no surprises, there should be one space for various fruit candies, one space for toffee, and one space for sorghum and mussel candies, various halva candies, chocolates, and rock candies.

Among them, the fruit candy grid has accumulated to 789 pieces.

Luck comes to think about it. When I saw that 99999 could be stacked, I thought it was a lot. Now it seems that for some things, it is actually just like that.

Among them, the one with the smallest quantity is no surprise, chocolate. It should have been obtained only in two missions, and there were only 20 pieces in total.

Fu Yunlai's mood was a bit complicated. After all, she didn't know that hundreds of candies occupied one grid, and 20 candies also occupied one grid, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Or did she actually complete the task and get chocolate to make her happy?
The amount of other candies varied, so Fu Yunlai glanced at them and didn't look at them any more.

Naturally, the next ones were the various cans that particularly interested her. She was slightly relieved to see the canned goods that only occupied four spaces.

Fu Yunlai made a rough observation and found that it should only be divided into several categories: meat, fruit, (fish) seafood, and (beans) rice. She also thought it was quite reasonable.

Even though I wanted to take some out and look at them now, I was lucky enough to have other things I was thinking about.

Continuing to look down, Fu Yunlai, the food that is most valued in this era, also has the largest number of tasks completed.

But after she finished counting the occupied squares, Fu Yunlai really didn't know what to say?

say what?
She said she hadn't discovered yet that there were twenty kinds of grains that could be used as staple food?
This is only the first month of her mission, and she may discover more later.

There are so many types. We will take a closer look at Fuyunlai’s decisive decision later.

Next is wool, which only occupies three grids, including blended, pure wool, and chemical fiber.

Among the 21 tasks submitted, there was only one ball of pure wool?
Still pure white!

The largest number of remaining chemical fibers was fifteen, but at a glance, Fu Yunlai found that there was a big difference in the color of the yarn, the size of the yarn ball, and the thickness of the yarn.

But in reality, this thing is actually quite difficult to buy!
Even among their five brothers and sisters, none of them can even get a sweater together now.

Even the juniors took apart the old sweaters at home and knitted them again.

Of course...they are all chemical fiber yarn!
In department stores, even blended wool is rare to see. Occasionally, if you catch a wind and rush there, there will be nothing but crowds of people.

As for pure wool... I have only seen it worn by one of my classmates so far!I haven’t even heard of the arrival!
After seeing the yarn, Fu Yunlai actually felt quite nervous.

Next, it’s an even rarer good thing in this era!


In a place like Nanshi, where the supply has always been relatively sufficient, one citizen can only supply 8 taels of meat a month.

8 taels of meat, people in this era, even children and old people, can eat so much in one meal.

But these 8 taels have to be eaten carefully for a whole month!

This is not the most unacceptable thing. The most unacceptable thing is... a citizen only has one pound of oil supply per month.

Compared with the necessity of meat, oil is definitely more essential!
But how can one pound of oil feed one person for a month?

Therefore, in this era, fat pork that can produce oil has become the favorite of the general public.

(End of this chapter)

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