Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 15 Thank You

Chapter 15 Thank You
Fu Yunlai knew that it was not her turn to make the decision, so she said, "Second sister-in-law, I'm going out soon. Today I'm inviting Lin Lan to eat out to thank her for helping her find a job."

"This is what it should be!" Xu Chunhua nodded in agreement, but she basically didn't have a private house, so she asked with some worry: "Have you ever asked my mother... I also ask for money and tickets when going out to eat."

"Mom already gave it to me when she went out." Fu Yunlai deliberately didn't mention the money.

After all, her salary in the factory has not yet been handed over to her mother.

Today, after counting the things she had obtained this month, Fu Yunlai actually had some thoughts in her mind.

But how to do it specifically requires careful planning.

After all, in this era, when things are exchanged privately, if you are not careful, you can cause serious problems that will affect the whole family!
Originally, Fu Yunlai planned to come back this afternoon and find a chance to test his family's attitude before going to the factory.

but now……

Fuyun came to look at her second sister-in-law who was already helping her plan what to treat Lin Lan to lunch today.

Guessing what she heard, would the second sister-in-law mention it to her family?

And what is the attitude of the second sister-in-law herself?

Although I was thinking about this matter in my heart, I did not forget the business of today when the good fortune came.

After Xu Chunhua left, Fu Yunlai began to plan what he would prepare for his friends later.

There is no problem in giving fabrics to friends. Half of the Fuji family works in textile factories.

Fujia still has some inventory of defective fabrics in textile factories.

It's just that when there are many relatives in the family, and it's popular to use cloth as a top when dealing with people, there won't be much left.

However, the Fuyunlai sisters had enough clothes to wear since they were young.

Even her maternal cousin's cousin had picked up the sisters' old clothes more than once.

But Fu Yunlai didn't take it from her system backpack. When receiving the task, Fu Yunlai saw the most cloth.

These fabrics are naturally better than the defective fabrics returned from the factory.

But it’s just because it’s so good that I can’t take it out when good luck comes.

Who told her to have a good relationship with Lin Lan? The two of them knew each other as half daughters in each other's homes.

Whatever Lin Lan got from Fu Yunlai, she would never hide it from the rest of the Fu family.

It's just food and drink. If you don't think of it, you won't mention it.

But the fabric... will definitely be made into clothes!

The chance of exposure is great!

Fu Yunlai moved the sewing basket on the box to find fabrics suitable for her sisters. Fu's mother got most and put them directly in the big wooden box in the sisters' room.

After searching carefully, I finally found a piece with less obvious flaws, which was most suitable for making small floral fabrics for skirts. After looking at the size, I closed the big box with satisfaction.

But other than fabrics, you can let go of things when good luck comes.

Just like milk candies, she got a total of 301 various milk candies from the system.

According to the calculation that there are about a hundred grains in a pound, it is still two and a half pounds.

She spread all her fingers and grabbed two big handfuls, but it was less than one-sixth of the total toffee.

In addition, there were also rare crispy candies. Fuyun came to pick up the same ones and took out thirty pieces.

If we say that milk candies are often unavailable because of their high price and small quantity.It’s not just that all kinds of crispy candies are unavailable because they are expensive and available in small quantities.And because this thing... you have to ask for candy tickets or snack tickets!
In this era, money is hard to make, but this ticket is even more rare!
Anyway, for a long time, Fu Yunlai thought that the only candies in this era were milk candies, fruit cereals and rock sugar.

In addition, Fu Yunlai is also planning to pick up a box of canned lunch meat.

However, when he opened the system backpack, Fu Yunlai realized belatedly that the cans only occupied five spaces, which was not an easy task, but a big trouble!

Putting out a whole grid of seventeen canned meats, it was only when Lucky arrived that he realized that these were just canned meats, and there were so many varieties.

There are several other kinds. Not to mention now, I have never heard of good luck in previous lives.

Steamed pork, canned oxtail soup, canned salsa, and even canned foie gras...

I'm sure if I'm lucky enough, not many people will know about it in this day and age.

Fortunately, canned luncheon meat is relatively common. Of the seventeen canned meats, ten of them are luncheon meat.

Even though there were several brands, Fu Yunlai didn't understand the difference, so she directly picked up a bottle of Merlin brand luncheon meat that she was more familiar with.

Once you take these things, they are actually enough.

However, after Fu Yunlai carefully put them into her all-purpose backpack, she saw that there was still room, so she took out 20 more quail eggs.

Nowadays, in most places, there is no concept of raising quail. With their small appearance, the excuse of using bird eggs is enough.

After packing everything, Fu Yunlai went out with his bulging backpack.

But she didn't know if it was an illusion. When Fu Yunlai left Er Jin, she couldn't help but look back. She always felt as if the second sister-in-law's eyes had been on her since she left the house.

At home, Xu Chunhua watched her sister-in-law go out with complicated eyes.

I carried a full bag when I came back yesterday, and I carried a full bag when I went out today.

Even though Xu Chunhua knew that her sister-in-law was not the kind of person who spent money carelessly, and she knew she should spend today's money, she still felt unspeakably sad.

Because she has no job and because Manjiang has four mouths to feed alone.

Xu Chunhua didn't know how long it had been since she stuffed her bag so full before going out!

Even when she went back to her parents' home and her mother-in-law asked her to carry two or three kilograms of grain, she felt distressed and panicked.

If...she had a job, would things be different?

As soon as this thought came to mind, Xu Chunhua despised herself from the bottom of her heart.

Xu Chunhua knew that her parents-in-law still had some money, but that money had nothing to do with the young couple.

She recalled that when she and Man Jiang just got married, their parents-in-law treated them just like their elder brothers and sisters-in-law, allowing them to save the rest of their money except for the living expenses of five yuan per person per month.

This five yuan is not used for pocket money, but all the supplies in the family's supply book come from this money.

I have never heard of such open-minded parents-in-law, not to mention her family, her classmates, and her neighbors.

Even when her first child was a daughter, her husband's family didn't say anything.

Xu Chunhua is always satisfied!
I have never been moved by some of my sister-in-law’s words, but this time...

Lin Lan's family was in the courtyard of the soap factory, not far from the textile factory, otherwise the two would not have become classmates.

Her family also found her job early, and she started working two months before Fu Yunlai.

Moreover, half of the entire Lin family are employees of the soap factory.

(End of this chapter)

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