Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 206 Doesn’t this count as a break for me?

Chapter 206 Doesn’t this count as a break for me?

When Fu Yunlai finished washing his clothes and returned to the dormitory, most of the people in the dormitory were already lying on the bed.

There are a few social experts who are still in other dormitories at this time.

On a day like today, it's actually a good thing to have invitations from other dormitories.

After all, it’s rare to come back for the Chinese New Year, and everyone basically brings something with them. It’s only once a year, and they all see each other in the same factory every day, which can be regarded as a New Year’s greeting to each other!

But such excitement has nothing to do with luck.

The bedtime bell has not yet rang, so Fu Yunlai habitually began to toss in her scarf, which she had taken apart, knitted, and taken apart again.

This thing doesn't require too much energy, especially since she is now more or less a semi-experienced hand. She can't even weave a pattern with her eyes closed, but just looking at it every now and then is enough.

Therefore, Fu Yunlai placed a book beside him and read while working.

Cheng Sufang had been lying on the bed early. She was really speechless when she saw this scene. She couldn't help but ask: "Xiaofu... today is only the second day of the Lunar New Year, can't you take a rest?"

"Doesn't this count as rest?" Fu Yunlai asked subconsciously.

Only when she saw the speechless expression on Cheng Sufang's face did she realize. She should I say it?

Even after living in this era for more than ten years, some habits still cannot be changed.

No, to be precise, after she compromised with reality, she felt that she had changed.

But after entering the factory and obtaining the system, I unknowingly picked it up again.

Just like now, she doesn't like having her hands idle!

She could still sit still even if she found a random page of a scrap newspaper and read it to pass the time.

The family thinks she can sink!

In fact, it is a habit developed in the previous life.

At that time, not only did everyone have a mobile phone, but as long as they had access to the Internet, everyone could live there.

Even almost everyone is the same. Even when taking a walk or running, they will listen to music with headphones on.

When eating, queuing, or walking, the phone is always in hand.

There is even a joke on the Internet... Without the mobile phone, even squatting on the toilet is not smooth.

This is indeed an exaggeration, but people at that time used their fragmented time very thoroughly.

Although most people do it for entertainment, many people do take advantage of such opportunities to learn.

And in this era where there is no entertainment at all, Fu Yunlai really feels that like now, he basically doesn't have to think about anything and is just resting.

Not only was she knitting sweaters now, she was also very familiar with the things she read in books. She glanced at them, which was a familiar process.

There is no compulsion to recite or write down.

Wouldn't it be nice to just take a look?

How is this different from using it to kill time?

Maybe the expression on Fu Yunlai's face was a little too natural, and Cheng Sufang didn't know how to refute it for a moment.

What does she think of rest?

Lying down to sleep?

She can't fall asleep even when she's lying down!

Go to other dormitories to visit dormitories?

It doesn’t seem to be necessary!

Or go out to visit supply and marketing cooperatives or department stores?

It seems like it’s a waste of time even if you don’t have enough money and tickets!

So, there seems to be no problem if you use it to work or read during your break?

Wait, something seems wrong!

Cheng Sufang looked at Fu Yunlai suspiciously, feeling that she was being led astray by this person?

Fu Yunlai really regarded her current work as leisure, so even knitting sweaters was done subconsciously with her hands. Sensing Cheng Sufang's gaze, she immediately looked up and asked with some confusion: "What's wrong?"

Cheng Sufang twitched the corner of her mouth and didn't want to talk anymore.

She was afraid that if she kept talking, she would have to take out the soles of her shoes to prick her.

She doesn't want to live such a tiring life during this New Year's Eve!

Thinking of this, Cheng Sufang also woke up.

Just now... she actually had the idea of ​​agreeing with the idea of ​​good fortune. It must be because she has been too busy during the New Year these past few days and her mind is not clear yet!

When the bell to remind her to go to bed rang, Fu Yunlai was nearly halfway knitting the scarf in her hand. She worked for a while longer, estimated the time to put her things away, and then went downstairs to use the toilet.

She worked in a leisurely manner throughout the process. Cheng Sufang saw her tidying up Ansheng's bed, noticed her eyes and even smiled at her, and then turned off the lights.

To be honest, at this moment, Cheng Sufang admired Luck.

I'm even more impressed than Fu Yunlai, who has only been in the factory for a month and can be taught by a master!

After all, after so long, many people in their group also knew that Zuo Cuifang was already familiar with Fu Yunlai.

Therefore, it is not that surprising that she is the first one to take care of her after being able to take on a disciple.

Who can teach this craft that can make people eat?

If possible, she would naturally be more willing to teach someone she is already familiar with.

But being able to plan your own time so well cannot be helped by external forces.

As well as her spirit, from the time she entered the factory to now, Cheng Sufang has basically watched her fortune come.

She didn't seem to feel anything about being ostracized in the dormitory, and she didn't seem to feel anything about being talked about in the factory.

It was as if these gossips had nothing to do with her as long as they were not discussed in front of her.

And she didn't care if no one took the initiative to make friends with her. Her daily life seemed to be fully arranged. Maybe without so-called friends to disturb her, she would live more comfortably.

And if someone really approaches her, she won't refuse.

But she doesn't seem to be keen on useless communication.

It's like now, in the dormitory, the two of them are the most familiar.

But apart from occasionally going to the canteen, doing laundry, going to the toilet together, and even working together in the dormitory, there are no other interactions!

While they were still chatting at noon, she had already packed up and was ready to rest.

Only occasionally when the supply and marketing cooperative in the factory area has rare supplies, will we join everyone.

In the evening, except for going to the master's house, he basically didn't go anywhere else.

During the holidays, some colleagues would make appointments to watch movies or go to department stores, but she would go home honestly every time.

Someone in the dormitory said that this was because she was still young and her family kept a close eye on her.

But Cheng Sufang felt that it was because she also valued her family.

So I think this rare vacation should be spent with my family!

Although, Cheng Sufang also felt that considering Fu Yunlai's age, it seemed inappropriate for her to have such an idea!

But thinking about it on the other hand, is it because you are still young that you can't live without your family?

Fu Yunlai didn't know what Cheng Sufang was thinking. She closed her eyes and didn't sleep. Instead, she opened the system and directly found the transaction window of 'One Day's Joy'.

Recently, due to the lack of trading of medicinal materials, she has not been in touch with 'One Day's Love' for quite some time.

And the time at 'One Day's Joy' is also different from her time...

With this in mind, Fu Yunlai kept trading the contents of his backpack.

(End of this chapter)

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