Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 211 Other educated youths in the courtyard

Chapter 211 Other educated youths in the courtyard

After his emotions calmed down, Fu Yunlai looked at the affairs of the Chen Guixi sisters.

She said she had received a letter from her sister.

She actually strongly disapproved of Chen Guixiang's choice.

But regarding the matter of going to the countryside, she had to admit that her previous thoughts were too simple.

Educated youths like them, who have lived in the city since childhood, know nothing about farm work. It is not easy to adapt to the rural land, let alone what to do.

After the early period of going to the countryside, without the settlement allowance and food provided by the higher authorities, there are really very few educated youths who can truly adapt and support themselves.

More people are living a life of hunger and hardship.

Therefore, because of the hardships of going to the countryside, there are countless educated youths who try their best to return to the city.

It can really only be regarded as an accident like her, who can barely support herself because of the opportunity to trade with Fortune.

As for her younger sister, the two sisters' bodies, which have been owed to them since childhood, really don't know how long they can last under the heavy farm work in the countryside.

And the result of not being able to hold on...

Chen Guixi didn't write it in the letter, but Fu Yunlai also knew that after all, there were countless cases of such things, not only in the family area of ​​​​the entire fabric factory, but also in their yard.

The reason why the Zhu family is unwilling to let Zhu Zhenzhen go to the countryside despite all this trouble is that in addition to the extremely strong will of the Zhu Zhenzhen family themselves, there are also lessons learned from the past.

There are a total of 11 families living in this large courtyard of the Fujia family.

Over the years, Fu Manhe and Chen Guixi are not the only young people who have gone to the countryside.

Some of them are still barely surviving in the countryside.

After finally coming back to visit relatives, not to mention their own family, even the other families in the yard felt sour in their hearts.

And some people choose a more extreme way.

The last back room to enter will block the road from the yard. Of course, there is a reason to dislike the trouble - but after all, after walking for so many years, do you suddenly dislike the trouble?

It's not just because the two educated youths who went to the countryside came back.

Among them, the Su family were three brothers, and they were also the first people in the entire courtyard to respond to the call to go to the countryside.

Although the educated youth from the Liu family next to them arrived late, they didn't know whether they were lucky or unfortunate to go to the same place.

This may also be the result of their original operation, but no one knows whether they regret it.

Fu Yunlai only knew that in the spring of the year her sister graduated from junior high school, all the educated youth from their two families who had gone to the countryside were brought back.

The man's legs were completely broken, and now he can only lie down on the bed, relying on his family to take care of him.

The crazy!

Liu Xiumei has never let the Fu Yunlai sisters have access to these things.

But one day not long after they came back, Fu Yunlai and his sister were working at home. From the window at the back of their main room, they saw the neighbor who was clearly less than twenty years old, but looked like a woman in her thirties. elder sister.

She was holding something in her arms, her eyes were staring at her all the time, and she was mumbling to herself, sometimes smiling, sometimes miserable, sometimes cautious, just wandering aimlessly in the yard.

But soon, the grandmother from the neighbor's sister's house found out. Seeing her tearfully pulling the child back, both Fu Yunlai sisters fell silent.

Therefore, with Fu Manman's temperament of caring about her younger siblings, when Fu's mother insisted on giving up her job, she still accepted it.

Fu Yunlai always remembered how her sister was tossing and turning uneasily that day and even in the following nights.

Therefore, whether it was Chen Guixi or Fu Yunlai, when they were ready to go to the countryside, they collected places to go to the countryside one after another.

Although Fuyunlai's intention at that time was not my grandfather's village, it was still a village not far from Nanshi.

She had made up her mind to sign up as soon as the school launched it. At that time, she could think of some way and still hope to choose her own place. Even in order to figure out where the Educated Youth Office will probably send the educated youth this year, many of them contributed money and efforts.

As for the place where Chen Guixi went to the countryside, it can be said that Fu Yunlai quietly conveyed the news to her.

After all, whether it is money or effort, Chen Guixi will definitely not get support from her family.

I think back then, everyone in the Fu family was worried about this matter.

No way, no matter where they signed up, none of the educated youth last year were sent in the direction of Liujiawan!

Chen Guixi's original plan was also to let her establish a foothold in the village first and wait for the arrival of her younger sister.

For this reason, she was even prepared. If her place was not available among the places to go to the countryside in Nanshi, she had also inquired about several backup places.

But she didn't expect that her sister's thoughts were completely different from hers.

Unexpectedly, after going to the countryside, Chen Guixi realized that life in the countryside was so hard.

You can see the loss in Chen Guixi's words.

But regarding Chen Guixiang's choice, neither Fuyunlai nor Chen Guixi, who doesn't even have a family leave, can do anything about it.

However, Chen Guixi hoped that she would not have to send anything to her again for the kelp she had sent back several times recently.

She wanted Fu Yun to help exchange some things for her sister.

She knew that given her parents' temperament, if they did not try their best to get benefits from this marriage, their planning during this period would be in vain.

Regardless of the reason for getting married, a woman's dowry will be her confidence in her new family.

Faced with such a request, Fuyunlai will naturally not refuse.

However, she could not completely agree with this statement.

At any time, the confidence brought by relying on external things is not long-lasting.

Moreover, how to give something and what thing to give, according to Fu Yunlai's ideas, you have to figure out the character of the other person and his family.

However, luck has no control over this matter.

After all, the entire letter from my friend did not include any words from the man.

Fu Yunlai didn't know whether Chen Guixiang was hiding something from her sister, or whether the two sisters had reached a consensus.

She was not even sure whether she would mention this in her next letter.

For this reason, the next reply was quite laborious, and I didn’t decide what to write until I returned home for the holidays.

Liu Xiumei took a sip of the honey water brought back by her youngest daughter last week, and continued: "The Chen family has made an agreement with the other party's family that they will get engaged as soon as Guixiang graduates from junior high school."

"Engagement?" Fu Yunlai was a little surprised.

After all, now, except for some people who are far apart from each other, most people have already skipped this process.

Liu Xiumei smiled strangely, but did not tell her two daughters directly. She just said: "Isn't Guixiang's child still young? She can't get married now!"

The legal age for marriage exists, but many people in remote rural areas may not abide by it until ten or twenty years later.

But for people living in cities, most people will still comply.

However, the term "engagement" may not mean the relationship of marriage.

There are some things that Liu Xiumei still doesn't want her two daughters to understand so deeply.

As for what happens in the future, they have grown up and have to learn to understand it by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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