Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 225 This Extraordinary Year

Fu Gaoyuan asked about all the details of the exchange of health pills before leaving with satisfaction.

As soon as he left, Fu Gaoming directly told Fu Yunlai the specific situation.

It didn't matter if luck came her way, she actually didn't care much about who she gave it to in exchange for it.

Just ...

"Dad, did you tell your uncle that you won't meet during the exchange?"

Fu Gaoming had already prepared for this. He said directly: "I will ask your uncle to notify me directly when he is ready. I will discuss it with him before making arrangements."

"Come on, I'm going to get the medicinal ingredients first when the time comes."

"Then find a way to move to the forest by the river, and then you can inform people."

"The forest by the river?" Fu Yunlai hesitated: "Didn't Mom say that when we went there several times before, we found traces of other people going there?"

"Yes, there is indeed..." Fu Gaoming nodded and explained the situation he had recently collected: "The other party seems to be avoiding us intentionally, so he basically won't go to the places we often go."

"Is that so?" Fu Yunlai still wasn't completely reassured.

Judging from the traces, the other party is indeed deliberately avoiding it, but it cannot be completely guaranteed.

When Fuyunlai exchanged health pills with "One Day Huan", it was not that anyone actually moved the medicinal materials, but a live version of the disappearance...

What if the other party accidentally sees something like this?

After thinking about it, Fu Yunlai said: "Dad, how about we choose the same place every time we exchange with uncle and the others?"

At least there she could go alone in the evening.

As for the forest by the river, her family would definitely be worried if she was left alone there too late.

Moreover, she herself was not at ease.

Especially if there might be others.

Fu Gaoming thought for a moment and said, "Then when your uncle gets news, I'll go check the situation first and then make sure!"

This cautious approach made Fu Yunlai even more satisfied. She nodded happily and left the matter to Fu Gaoming with confidence.

However, before there was time to wait for the news from Uncle Fu, another sad news for the whole country came.

When Fu Yunlai heard this, she couldn't help but stop what she was doing. Although she was not as shocked as the people around her, she was once again so shocked that she couldn't believe it.

Then she shed tears after being convinced, but she had deeper worries.

After this incident, in just two or three months, for many people, the sky will collapse.

Although people who come from later generations like Fuyunlai know that the real world will not really collapse because of his departure.

But that person's existence, that person's spirit, and their impact on the entire country are truly unparalleled.

And she...

For a moment, Fu Yunlai fell into an indescribable emotion.

She seems to think she can change something, and she seems to think she should change something...

Such emotions continued until at the end of the month another even more sad and unbelievable news came: Tangshan earthquake!

Fuyunlai was stunned when he heard the news.

How come Fu Yunlai has never heard of the name of this earthquake?

After all, in the later generations of her life, there was another even more shocking earthquake disaster. At that time, this incident was mentioned repeatedly and compared.

But why didn't she remember the specific year and time?

For a while, the good fortune was really coming and it was hard to slow down.

Even the original entanglement has been put aside long ago. That was hundreds of thousands of casualties!

Although she doesn't know, what can she do if she remembers it accurately!

What will she do again!

However, Fu Yunlai just felt that she really... missed too crucial information.

What happened this time was so tragic that no one noticed the strange blessing.

Even other people in the Fujian family were not aware of the unusual emotion of good fortune because they were sad for the people who suffered from the misfortune of fate.

Until the news came from Uncle Fu's house. The Fuji family finally managed to cheer up and do what they had agreed to do.

However, what Fu Yunlai didn't expect was that Uncle Fu was so determined that he directly exchanged enough health pills for the whole family in one go.

Moreover, the real value of the medicinal materials they gave was not just the exchange for those health pills.

Of course, after Uncle Fu's family really started to feel the effects of the health pills, they thought that what they gave them was really not good enough.

However, the only ones who knew what the real medicine was and what it was related to the Fu family were Uncle Fu and Grandpa Fu.

When Uncle Fu notified Fu Gaoming, he also brought a secret health soup prepared by a real Chinese doctor.

He hoped to ask 'Yi Huan' to help verify the effect of this health-preserving soup and determine whether the medicinal properties would conflict with the health-preserving pills.

After verification by ‘One Day Happy’, compared with the health pill, the effect is really different.

For the first time, he even began to face up to the differences in medical skills between the two worlds.

That was also the first time that 'One Day's Joy' reminded Fuyunlai to use the medicines given to her with caution.

Fu Yunlai also confirmed that the medicinal materials would not affect the efficacy of the health pills.

So, from that day on, I heard that Uncle Fu’s house had a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine, and it lingered for a long time.

Not to mention the rest of the Fu family, even if Fu Yun comes, when he goes home for the holidays, he can hear acquaintances nearby asking about the health of Grandpa Fu and Grandma Fu.

Thinking of what she heard from her parents, in order to make this scene more realistic, Grandpa Fu and Grandma Fu took turns getting sick again and again.

This is really...

Even when good luck comes, I have to sigh, how pitiful the hearts of parents in the world are!

As time passed, those miserable days slowly faded away, and the spirit of good luck also recovered a little.

Especially with the arrival of September, Fu Yunlai felt that his mind was getting more and more tense.

At one point, she was even so nervous that whenever someone nearby mentioned any relevant surname, place, or event, she could instantly focus.

After all, Fu Yunlai really can't remember the exact time for these historical events.

The only way I can roughly know this time is because I heard an old man talking about ancient times at home, and the time difference between hearing the death of these two celebrities was no more than three months.

Time passed day by day, and the arrival of the day that Fu Yunlai was most worried about came with the announcement from the big loudspeaker in the factory.

At that moment, Fortune seemed to see a silent painting.

It is no exaggeration to say that everyone around him stopped at that moment.

And when the painting became animated again, some people immediately started crying, and some even screamed in disbelief.

All kinds of sadness from the heart make it hard to believe that good luck is coming.

Although she grew up in this era, she was not born in this era. Even the education and ideological cultivation she received were more influenced by later generations.

Therefore, she knew that this would be a sad thing for the whole country.

But I didn't expect that it would reach this level.

Even... almost everyone's emotions and reactions automatically burst out after hearing the news.

Especially since we have experienced the same sadness and even greater natural disasters before.

But the people may also be sad or regretful.

But there is still a big difference from everything in front of me.

Just like the sorrow of the whole country, maybe... it is also divided into levels and situations.

And this time, it is estimated that... it will be the grandest and most intense.

There were still people crying around, recalling the suffering of being rescued. Fu Yunlai's mood was also affected, and he couldn't help but gradually became sad, until the factory specially organized a memorial service.

Fu Yunlai was sitting on the bus returning home from vacation, and he could still feel the particularly depressed atmosphere.

Occasionally when someone mentions this, they can't help but shed tears.

Fu Yunlai was deeply aware of the great impact of this incident, but when she arrived at the courtyard, she realized that she had really underestimated the impact of this incident. (End of chapter)

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