Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 227 Comfort from Grandma Fu

The next morning, Fu Yunlai and her sisters learned embroidery from Grandma Fu as usual.

But when they were taking a break, Grandma Fu stopped Fu Yunlai, who was stretching his body and preparing to go out to get some air and rest his eyes.

"Come on, try this. Your grandpa brought it with him when he came over a few days ago, but it's the freshest." Fu's grandma Zhang Fuyun came and poured a cup of fragrant tea.

Fu Yunlai smelled the familiar smell and couldn't help but smile: "Hey, grandma, isn't this the fragrance of jasmine?"

"It seems like you haven't planted it before! Did grandpa plant it this year? Why did you suddenly think of planting it?"

Mainly growing flowers and grass, which is quite luxurious for most farmers who are still busy filling their stomachs.

Even if there is a little open space in the yard, I would still like to sprinkle some green onions and the like everywhere.

"Not even your little grandpa, I don't know where I got two plants, so I couldn't wait to give one to your grandpa." Grandma Fu said while shaking her head, what a pair of brothers!

"Your grandfather probably thought that you little girls would like it, so he found a suitable place to plant it on the nearby hillside."

"No, since they started blooming, your cousin Mingzhu went to pick them back and put some in the room to smell the fragrance. Your grandpa picked up the rest and divided them among the three of you sisters."

The sisters Fu Yunlai nodded in understanding, and they just said, if they use the land in the yard to grow this thing...

Not to mention whether their grandpa can really make it, even if he does it, the gossips all over the village will say that his ears are burning!

Smelling the fragrance in the teapot, the two sisters did not drink the tea first, but took turns smelling it first.

Grandma Defu couldn't help but smile and narrow her eyes at that charming little look.

No wonder the old man in his family wanted to keep that jasmine tree because of his temper. Their little sweet granddaughters really liked it very much!

"Your grandpa and your little grandpa are very restless right now! They always seem to find some weird things to do every day!" Grandma Fu started nagging as if unintentionally: "I don't even think about it. What age are you?"

"Come on, this health pill you got in exchange is really good!"

"Although I am still old, my body is indeed relaxed!" Grandma Fu said, smiling and touching the white hair on her head, the wrinkles on her face, and even though she was relaxed , I still don’t have the flexible legs I had when I was young.

Fu Yunlai didn't react at first, but when her eyes fell on her grandmother one by one following her movements, she suddenly realized.

It turned out that grandma was telling her in this way that the effect of health pills was not as powerful as imagined.

It's like if they take it, it just makes their old bodies live a little easier in the last stage of their lives.

In fact, it still cannot stop the traces left by time and the pace of time.

It is estimated that Grandma Fu has been seeing Uncle Fu coming over in the past few days.

If you are afraid of good luck, you may also have thoughts in your heart!

Although I had already felt a lot relieved through the "One Day of Joy" yesterday, the old man's kindness still made Fu Yunlai quite heartwarming.

However, before the three of them could continue talking, faint cries came from outside, and Fu Yunlai subconsciously stood up.

But Fumanman quickly grabbed her and said, "If you still want your ears, just wait for now!"

Although I don't know why the good fortune is coming, I still listen to the advice.

Especially after watching her sister get up quickly and close the windows and doors.

After a while, Fuyunlai finally understood the meaning.

In the second courtyard outside the house, someone was making a piercing sound, crying and slapping the sky, telling her the misery of her life and her helpless fate in the future...

As Fu Yunlai listened, he felt that the voice seemed a bit familiar, so he asked hesitantly: "Does this voice sound like... Grandma of the Mu family?"

Fu Manman glanced at her sister with some surprise. She really didn't expect that her sister could recognize Grandma Mu's family based on her voice.

This is not to say that Fu Yunlai doesn't care about the neighbors in the yard, but that in their large courtyard, there are always a few that have a relatively low sense of presence.

The first person entering was the Li family. Their family was actually a family of highly educated people, and the male owner was the only engineer in the textile factory.

My wife is a waiter in an overseas Chinese store.

But because I only raised an only child, I heard a lot of gossip in the neighborhood.

It also makes this family of three basically not like to interact with any family in the courtyard. In Erjin, the Mu family is famous for having no sense of presence.

Compared to the Li family, the Mu family has more family members.

Their family has four generations living under one roof, living in a single wing in the west wing.

Fuyun Lai didn't know the exact size of the penthouse, but she knew that the people who lived there were the Mu family's little-footed grandma and the Mu family's aunt who had always been in poor health.

There is also the uncle of the Mu family who seems to be busy all day long and is completely invisible.

In addition to this, he is the eldest son of the Mu family who is several years older than Fu Manjiang.

There are three people of the same generation as Fu Yunlai in the Mu family, two girls and one boy.

The eldest son is a son, and he got married no later than Fu Manjiang, but he has given birth to three or four girls so far... It's not that Fu Yunlai didn't know even if he lived in the same compound.

But this family, in order to have a son, is really crazy.

Anyway, as far as Fu Yunlai could remember, the Mu family's sister-in-law could still be seen in the yard from time to time two years before she got married.

Although he is relatively introverted, he can still have a conversation once he gets along well with her.

Later, we really saw less and less of them every year, and they were either pregnant or breastfeeding.

In the past two years, the two previous generations of the Mu family have completely disappeared.

The amazing thing is that although his family has many children, Fu Yunlai cannot be sure how many he actually raises.

Because unlike the children of other families in the courtyard, his children don't often come out to play with other children.

Occasionally, I can see little girls looking out from behind doors or windows.

Fu Yun asked before Fu Yun came, and her mother was a little hard to explain, but she still told her:

"Although the Mu family has always been a two-income family, from now on, it's not so much two people getting paid, but it's no different from one person."

"Your Aunt Mu's health... was not good to begin with, and her attendance at work was less than half in one month. However, when her son turned one age, he immediately took over the class."

"So...even if they work in a textile factory, their clothes are not enough."

What should I do if I don’t have enough clothes?

For example, older children naturally don’t know how to make new clothes, so it’s not that they don’t want to come out to play, but that they have no way to come out and play.

As for the two sisters from the Mu family, Fu Yunlai actually doesn't know them well either.

In the past, before Fu Manhe went to the countryside, he liked to take his nephew and sister to pick up coal cores, but his family didn't care that much about their income.

The Mu family is different. The two young ladies are busy at home and outside the house every day. They are really making money to support their family.

In fact, they were the last two sisters in the courtyard to enter school, and the first two sisters to drop out of school.

Other people wished they had two more years to go to the countryside later. As soon as their sisters graduated from junior high school, one of them got married and the other went to the countryside.

Moreover, she is also the first educated youth in the whole yard to settle down in the countryside.

Moreover, I would write letters or send things back to support my family from time to time.

So this kind of family... If the Mu family is not in difficulty, it is certainly not.

But to say that their family is really struggling, I don't know if I should nod.

You can go, Grandma Mu rarely even goes out, and suddenly...

"Who knows!" Fu Manman responded to his sister nonchalantly, and then carefully sorted out the remaining embroidery thread.

Recently, for the two sisters to learn embroidery, I have tried every means to exchange for threads, but they are almost gone.

Fu Yunlai felt that something was wrong with her sister's attitude, and subconsciously looked at Grandma Fu beside her.

She was only at home one day this week, and occasionally she couldn't even come back for one day. She often felt out of touch with things at home. (End of chapter)

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