Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 245 A visitor from the Wei family

That's why Fu Yunlai worked so hard to learn how to make clothes. Her first thought was that one day, she could personally turn the fabrics in her backpack into beautiful clothes.

And I worked hard to learn embroidery because I didn't want to let down my grandma.

More importantly, she wanted to make better use of the particularly delicate and rare fabrics in her backpack.

Of course, the longer I study, the more I like it and become more and more addicted to it.

It is estimated that no one will dislike beautiful things.

And if you can create it with your own hands, then... I guess as long as you have the opportunity and the ability, you will be willing to work hard!

Moreover, although Fu Yunlai didn't know enough about fabrics, he still had a good grasp of basic beauty and quality.

Overall, Fu Yunlai felt that there would be at least about one-third of the fabric in her backpack, which were rare and good fabrics.

Fu Yunlai is planning to use these fabrics only after she has a sufficient understanding of the fabrics, or after her embroidery skills have really made sufficient progress.

As for the remaining two-thirds of the fabrics, Fuyun has never seen any fabrics that she couldn't find until now.

Grandma Fu felt a little regretful when she heard that she still needed to prepare fabrics first.

She thought for a while, then took her little good granddaughter into their room, and signaled Fu Yunlai to move out the basket from an inconspicuous corner on the shelf in their room.

Fuyunlai opened it and saw that it was full of shoe soles!

She looked at Grandma Fu with wide eyes in shock: "Grandma, didn't you secretly pierce the soles of these shoes yourself?"

"What do you mean secret injection?" Grandma Fu cast a disapproving glance at her little sweet granddaughter, and then muttered: "This is with your mother's consent! I'm usually bored, so I just need a few injections!"

Fu Yunlai looked at Grandma Fu again and again in disbelief, but couldn't see anything wrong.

Just in time, Grandma Fu opened the shoe soles that were carefully tied with hemp rope in the basket, and quickly found what she needed: "Look, this is for your sister! Just make the uppers on it." !”

Fuyun came to take it and counted it. There were three pairs of six soles.

Now, it was certain that her luck would come, and her mother's permission from her grandmother must be true.

After all, their family has never been short of shoes this year.

If there was so much left under such circumstances, it only meant that her grandmother had done an extraordinary amount.

No wonder she had to be in that corner just now to find the basket containing the soles!

Looking at Fu Yunlai with suspicious eyes, Grandma Fu turned her head slightly in discomfort, until Fu Yunlai shouted helplessly: "Grandma, are you really not going to tell me?"

"If you really don't tell...then I'll ask my mother!"

"You kid! Really!" Grandma Fu reached out angrily and patted Fu Yunlai's arm, but seeing that Fu Yunlai still looked uncompromising, she whispered:

"It's not like I'm alone at home every day and don't have anything to do. I've done so much without even realizing it!"

"Besides, your mother occasionally goes to the mountains with people who invite her."

"It's like picking wild chrysanthemums and osmanthus flowers years ago, wild vegetables and locust flowers picked recently, mugwort picked in two months, etc."

"At that time, I was the only one at home, and I basically never left the courtyard of your house. The old lady from the Li family and the Zhu family next door was busy. What could I do without piercing the soles of my shoes?"

"Now, my old man's eyesight has not only improved, but his strength has also returned."

"Pricking the soles of my shoes, stitch by stitch, I can do it very quickly even if I don't have to see it with my eyes."

"Usually, sitting with old ladies and young wives wearing my soles actually affects my performance."

"Come on, you don't know. When I was with them for the first time, I didn't pay attention to control the speed. Some of my daughters-in-law laughed at me because I was used to working in the countryside. This move is even neater than them."

"I am an old woman who is not afraid of laughing, but my body is not very healthy!"

"Although... if someone mentions it, they will naturally think that it may be because I, a rural person, have a lot of work, and if I push my body, I won't think too much about it."

"After all, I have never lived in a courtyard before, and no one understands my situation."

"But it's not like you and your grandparents are still there now. Their physical changes are so obvious. Grandma also thinks it's better for less people to think more. Otherwise, if someone is really smart and thinks too much all of a sudden, it won't be good. At the end of the day, Grandma Fu was also a little regretful, because there were really not many rags and old clothes from the Fu family that could be used, otherwise she could have tied up an extra basket of shoe soles.

Fuyunlai sounded funny and helpless.

However, after confirming that this little work was indeed not tiring for her grandmother, she agreed to keep her grandmother's secret a secret after Good Luck came.

But thinking about it, when they usually go to work and her mother is busy, it would be really boring to leave her alone in the yard.

But in this day and age, there are really not many things that can help people kill time.

There was also a moment when the good fortune came, and I thought about whether I should prepare some embroidery materials and tools for my grandma.

But when I thought about how difficult it was for my grandmother to see clearly the few times I saw her, I quickly gave up this idea.

In this day and age, you may not even be able to buy reading glasses. If you want to make your grandma boring, just be boring!

It really didn't work... She went to the scrapyard a few more times and got some little books with pictures for her grandmother to pass the time.

When her grandmother drew embroidery samples for them this year, she also said that she herself had read the little people's books brought back by Grandpa Fu.

There are really a lot of things inside that can be used to make embroidery samples!

As for the TV set that Fu Yunlai once heard in an overseas Chinese store, Fu Yunlai still dare not think about it for the time being.

Not to mention whether tickets are required to buy a TV in this era, as far as she knows, there is still a little bit of talk about the four major tickets. This TV... she has never heard of it.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be so surprised when I heard the Li family sister talk about it.

In the following days, the good fortune really seemed to fly by.

First, people from the Wei family came from as far away as Bei City. As soon as she got off work that afternoon, Brother Fu was waiting outside on his bicycle. Because she didn't ask for leave in advance, she had to go back to the factory the next day.

But at that time, Fumanhe's expression was not that good.

Fu Yunlai was confused at first, but when he saw the Wei family team, he knew the situation.

Yes, the Wei family is not just the parents of the future brother-in-law.

Instead, my parents, my aunt's family, my sister, my brother, my sister-in-law, and even my biological sister all came.

From people in the Wei family, we also heard that their grandfather, who was in poor health, wanted to come directly, but because of the long distance, his old man's health was really unbearable.

There are two other brothers and one sister in the family who could not come this time. Needless to say, the sister has a family to take care of after she gets married.

As for the two brothers, one of them is really busy and can't get away.

The other one is a doctor and has to stay to take care of the elderly.

Seeing such a group of people, Fu Yunlai was actually particularly worried that they would not be easy to get along with.

But after actually getting along with each other, this family was not difficult to get along with, but she basically understood the reason why her fourth brother looked so bad.

There is a saying that goes well, it is better not to speculate in half a sentence.

Although this word is used to describe the inability to understand each other and the difficulty in communication, it is better to remain silent.

But Fuyunlai felt that it seemed a little appropriate to put it on the two families!

People in the Wei family are actually well-educated, but in this era, most families with good education basically don't end well.

Unless...their family itself is invincible in this struggle.

Of course, it is also possible to be directly involved.

Although the Fu family secretly guessed, they did not understand what was being asked.

As for the nature of their family's work, Wei's family also briefly explained...probably, they are either doing research or working in an office.

No matter how you look at it, it seems that he is not someone that the Fu family would come into contact with in their daily lives.

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