Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 249 Farewell

After Fumanman's wedding ended, everything seemed to be in fast forward in the following days.

First, only one week after the wedding, Wei Guangji was transferred back to Beishi.

It’s really less than a year!

After Fu Yunlai came back, he heard from the neighbors in the yard that the factory director looked as sad as Fu's family when he was sending him to the station, and he pulled him and refused to let go!

And half a month later, Fu Manman also went to Bei City under the farewell of the Fu family.

This time, Liu Xiumei and his wife were with her.

For this career, Fu Gaoming discussed it with his family early, and then went to the factory to ask for leave in advance.

This can be said to be the first time he has taken such a long leave in many years of work.

Although there must be some people in the factory who are not happy, there are also people who know a little bit about the facts and are full of envy and yearning for him.

For people in this era, being able to go to the capital, no matter what the reason, is particularly enviable.

Not wanting to trouble her children too much, Liu Xiumei told them early that they didn't need to take time off to see them off on the day they left.

Even if Fuyunlai and the others were unwilling, they had to obey Liu Xiumei's insistence.

On Saturday afternoon, as soon as Fu Yunlai left the factory gate, she saw the boy who came to pick her up specially.

Looking at the large wet stains on his back, Fuyun came to greet him and couldn't help but said with half disgust and half distress:

"I can just take the bus back by myself! There's no need for you to come over after get off work!"

"Aren't you afraid that it will be too late if you come back?" Fumanhe explained while riding his bicycle: "The eldest brother specially asked the brothers Xiao and Zhong to come over and say hello last night."

"They said they would come back to cook for us as soon as they get off work tonight, so we should just go home and eat as usual!"

Fu Yunlai was slightly stunned and subconsciously looked at the lunch box in his hand.

Although she did not receive advance notice, she still made the same decision as her brother!

Back in the courtyard, the first person to welcome the good fortune was Da Hei from Gong Deng's family.

After hearing Fumanhe's scolding, it whimpered twice before truly becoming quiet.

This time, Fu Yunlai did not rush into the second entrance alone. Instead, he waited for Fu Manhe, who was pushing his bicycle to cross the gate, and walked slowly toward the second entrance.

Hearing the sound, Grandma He's family stretched her head out to take a look, hesitated for a while, and finally did not step out of the door.

I guess... when the Fuji family and his wife are away, according to the temperaments of his children, they are not in the mood for extra meals!

When he returned to Erjin, the deserted feeling that Fu Yunlai had imagined did not appear.

The children, who were brought back to the courtyard right after work, were running and playing wildly with their friends in the courtyard whom they had not seen for a week.

Xu Chunhua, who has an open voice, can roar throughout the whole house just by staying in the main room.

In the kitchen, not only Mao Guixiang was busy, but brothers Fu Manjiang and Fu Manhe were also directed around.

Occasionally, you can hear the two of them raising their voices to instruct the children to run errands.

I don’t know why, but this simple scene seemed to fill my empty heart with good fortune in an instant.

The original thought that if my parents were not at home, it would definitely not feel like home, completely disappeared.

Another week passed, and it was the day when Liu Xiumei and his wife came back.

Fu Yunlai was still at work as usual, but Fu Manhe didn't want to listen to his parents at all and had already changed classes early.

Not only was he ready early in the morning to pick up his parents in the morning, but he also stood guard at the factory gate when Fuyun came to get off work.

Although Fu Yunlai was funny, he still carried the freshly prepared meal and quickly got on the back seat of the brother's bicycle.

In the courtyard, as soon as Fu Yunlai entered, a neighbor started teasing him: "Lai Lai is back too? Is this because he knew your parents were coming back today, so he went home too?"

Today is not Saturday, and this period of time is the busiest time for shoe factories.

Fu Yunlai came back last week and only stayed for one night.

Fu Yunlai smiled sheepishly at his neighbor. He didn't even want to waste time to answer, and quickly continued to rush home.

The neighbor who was teasing didn't care. He looked at the two children rushing past and shook his head with a smile.

Isn't this a good time?

When these children also get married and have children, they will probably no longer have such urgency for their parents.

Hearing the greetings outside, Liu Xiumei, who had not seen her youngest daughter for almost half a month, was worried and hurriedly came out to greet her.

Just in time, Fu Yunlai picked up his lunch box and quickly climbed up the stairs in front of the main house.

The mother and daughter met on the veranda and couldn't help but immediately held each other's hands.

Fu Gaoming, who was a step too late, could only take the lunch box from his daughter's hand honestly and take it to the kitchen to deal with it.

"Mom..." Fu Yunlai held her mother's arm tightly and called out coquettishly. Although she usually only returns home once a week, this time it only lasts for ten days, but it feels very different.

Liu Xiumei also stroked the top of her little daughter's hair lovingly.

This is the first time in her life that she has been to a city other than Nanshi.

To be honest, there were so many things that she had not seen and experienced in Beishi, the capital city.

In addition, the Wei family, as the landlord, showed their sincere hospitality.

But no matter how attractive everything in Bei City was, after seeing her daughter integrating smoothly into her new family, she just missed her home and her family even more.

Therefore, even though she could stay longer, Liu Xiumei hurried back home amidst her eldest daughter's full reluctance.

At night, Fu Yunlai took out the health pills he had prepared: "Mom, I'm going to think of a way to give it to my master!"

Liu Xiumei was a little surprised when she heard this. She naturally knew her daughter's feelings for her master.

But she hadn't mentioned it until now. Liu Xiumei thought she was waiting for the other ingredients for the prescription to be collected.

And now suddenly I mentioned...

Fu Yunlai didn't explain it carefully. She was thinking that the start of the college entrance examination was not far away.

She will definitely have too many things to do in the future, and she is afraid that she will not have enough time to deal with it.

Liu Xiumei did not object, but carefully discussed a suitable method with her daughter.

After saying this, Fu Yunlai was a little hesitant, but finally said firmly: "And... I am also going to tell the master and Lan Lan about the prescription."

Lin Lan knew about the existence of health pills, but she had never mentioned it to her so far.

In the past year or so, both Grandma Lin and Grandma Lin have been sick to some extent.

Even when Fu Yunlai had hesitated, Lin Lan could still do it... Fu Yunlai felt that in addition to meeting the best family in this world, she was probably also the friend who made her most fortunate. !

Liu Xiumei thought for a moment and realized that her affectionate daughter would not object.

Moreover, she has always been grateful from the bottom of her heart. After all, without Lin Lan and Zuo Cuifang, her family would not be where they are now.

With her mother's approval, Fu Yunlai's footsteps were a little lighter when she left.

So, the next morning, Fu Yunlai took the opportunity to call Zuo Cuifang to go to the toilet together.

But when he came out of the toilet, Fu Yunlai suddenly pulled Zuo Cuifang aside mysteriously, as if he had something to say.

"What is this? Come on." Zuo Cuifang asked with some doubts as she looked at the pills in her hand.

Fu Yunlai signaled her master to swallow the medicine first, and then said: "This is medicine specially used to replenish the body!"

"Medicine specifically used to replenish the body?" Zuo Cuifang didn't understand. She looked so good, but she still needed to replenish her body?

"My uncle spent a lot of effort to find a secret recipe that is said to be used to maintain health in the palace in the past. Aren't my grandparents old?"

"My body feels better now after using this formula!"

"Did your uncle find it? That must be rare!" Zuo Cuifang thought that she had vaguely heard about Uncle Fu's ability, and nodded.

Then he said: "Since it's medicine to nourish the body, how can you give it to me? Wouldn't it be better to leave it to you, Grandma Lin?"

"Everything is available!" Fu Yunlai patted his pocket and asked with a smile: "If you still have trouble, my aunt will go back every day to help bring medicine!"

"Do you have to carry it with you every day? Then you might as well give me a bottle to finish the job!" Zuo Cuifang muttered subconsciously.

But seeing Fu Yunlai just smiling and not answering, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

In the days that followed, Zuo Cuifang felt the effects of the health pill more and more, and she no longer mentioned the pill to her apprentices anywhere in the factory.

But every time I gave it to her, she took it very honestly.

Even though she was still taking it and the elderly at home no longer needed her, she didn't say a word.

There were only a few times when she looked at her husband, children, and elderly parents at home, and she always had many impulses to ask about good luck.

Later, when there was only the last course of treatment left, Fu Yunlai told Zuo Cuifang the medicinal materials needed in the formula and promised her that as long as she found the medicinal materials, she could help make the medicine.

Zuo Cuifang is not stupid. She naturally knows such a prescription, and being able to directly tell her all the medicinal materials is considered to be extremely trustworthy.

It’s just that many of these medicinal materials are hard to find!

But no matter what, it is still a hope!

No wonder Fu Yunlai gave it to her so suddenly.

It probably took a long time to find all the medicinal materials and prepare the medicine!

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