Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 263 Registration

Zuo Cuifang's movements were also not slow, but the canteen was crowded at this time, and it took her a lot of time to queue up.

By the time she went out with their lunch boxes, Fu Yunlai's things had already been put on the bicycle and pushed away from the factory gate for quite some time.

When Zuo Cuifang caught up, the two of them hurried home.

It was not just Zuo Cuifang who decided to bring Fuyun back today. Now, the whole family is probably waiting for Fuyun to come and have dinner together!

The arrival of Fortune was really welcomed by Grandma Lin’s family.

But when choosing accommodation, she took the initiative to live with Grandma Lin. As for the master's special arrangement to live with her daughter... Even if the little girl acted coquettishly, she did not let go.

But that night, Fu Yunlai rushed back.

She had to tell her family so they wouldn't worry.

Settling in Grandma Lin's house is naturally a good thing for Fu Yunlai and the Fu family, but for some people in the factory, it is really bad.

That night, even though there was nothing on Fu Yunlai's bed, many people came looking for her.

Even no matter what other people in the dormitory said, it didn't completely stop these people.

So the next day, when Fu Yun went to work, it was inevitable that some people she met in their dormitory would have a bad look towards her.

But most of them understood the good fortune, and even took advantage of lunch time to comfort her.

After all, in this matter, she could be considered a disaster!

Seeing that there is only one month left before the college entrance examination, whoever wants to participate is scrambling to study.

Just because Fu Yunlai has never given up studying, why should she waste her time asking her for advice one after another?

No matter how you look at it, this may be affecting Fu Yunlai's own college entrance examination. Fu Yunlai just moved out of the dormitory. If it were them, they might have fallen out with him.

Of course, anyone can say harsh words, but maybe not being able to do it is another matter.

After all, a job nowadays may last a lifetime. If you don't really hate it to the extreme, there are really few people who have the courage to break up with it directly.

Fu Yunlai knew what these people were thinking, and also knew that they were just talking about being powerful. After listening to it with a smile, they passed away.

In the next two days, Fu Yunlai did not feel completely at peace.

Fortunately, after the past two days of publicity, everyone basically knows that Fu Yunlai has to concentrate on studying for the college entrance examination recently and will not live in the dormitory for the time being.

As for everyone's reaction after hearing the news, I don't care about it.

Because next, she will not only be busy with her own review, but also help Lin Lan's two cousins, a cousin, her family and Lin Lan.

No way, her knowledge is too solid.

Zuo Cuifang really didn't think much about it when she took her home. She even turned on the lights in the main room so that she could study hard.

Anyway, there are people in their family who are going to take the college entrance examination, and even those who are not taking it can still hang out nearby to borrow some light.

But who would have known that the grandsons of Grandma Lin's family would be shocked to see the contents of those notebooks brought by Fu Yunlai.

There was no need for the elders in the family to make arrangements, just because they were Lin Lan's cousins, they tried their best to bribe and please, using all the means they could think of.

I feel a little embarrassed if I don't let go of the good luck.

And it was at this time that Fu Yunlai realized that the reason why her master was particularly concerned about the college entrance examination this time was because she also had a younger sister who was an educated youth in the countryside, and he wanted her to pass the college entrance examination this time and escape from there. Tough environment.

But who knows, no matter the information she sent or the news she got, it was the day before the college entrance examination registration, and there was no news. On this day, Fu Yunlai also went to register with his family.

After paying the registration fee of 50 cents, Fu Yunlai still couldn't react.

This was the first time she knew that to take the college entrance examination, she had to pay extra!

Their family spent a full two dollars in one go!

On the way back, Lin Lan, who was holding Fu Yunlai's arm, suddenly asked: "Come on, will Sister Manman also take the college entrance examination?"

Fu Yunlai spread his hands helplessly. After they received the letter from their sister urging them to study, they immediately wrote a reply and went to Bei City.

But I don’t know if it’s because there have been too many letters recently, or if something happened to her sister that delayed her reply. Anyway, I haven’t seen a reply yet.

Naturally, she doesn’t know whether her sister will take the college entrance examination.

As for what the Fu family knew about her...if she had warned her family early, she should have participated.

Thinking of the two letters she sent shortly after each other, Fu Yunlai hoped that her family's understanding of her sister would still be so accurate.

Lin Lan knew that the sisters Fu Yunlai had a good relationship, so she held her friend's arm tightly in comfort and murmured in a low voice: "Sister Manman must be very hopeful if she signs up. And these people in my family..."

As she said that, she looked to the side happily.

Uncle Lin was discussing textbooks with Fu Manhe. Seeing the back and forth between the two, he was worthy of her grandparents' love and support.

As for her sister-in-law and her eldest cousin next to her, Lin Lan really didn't want to talk.

And the two cousins ​​who came to join in the fun... Do they really think that there is no fee to register for the college entrance examination?

No, before I came to sign up, I really didn’t know it would cost money!

Fu Yunlai and the two saw it when they signed up just now. Some people were borrowing money on the spot, some were hesitant when they heard that they needed money to sign up, and some simply turned around and left.

Fu Yunlai couldn't guess whether these people who left and hesitated really didn't have the 50 cents, or they were reluctant to part with it from the bottom of their hearts!

Or maybe, it's just too self-aware.

But in general, the registration fee alone can be regarded as completing the initial screening.

After registering, the time for the college entrance examination is really approaching.

Fu Yunlai discovered that those people who originally wanted to find her in the factory seemed to be making moves again.

Even occasionally when she was at work, someone would find an opportunity to come over to her.

Seeing that their team leader and deputy team leader were not looking very good in the past few days, Grandpa Fu and the others came.

As always, Grandpa Fu chose to arrive on Saturday night.

The herbs were unloaded outside the city early. Fu Yunlai, who had received the news at the gate of the factory, took her cousin to the bus, and she went around first on her bicycle.

When she arrived at the place, she asked Liu Xiumei, who was specially guarding here, to pick up her cousin at the bus station, saying that she would stay here to wait for someone.

When Liu Xiumei was no longer visible, she went to collect all the hidden herbs.

To be honest, Fu Yunlai no longer knows what to do with the herbs sent by Liu Jiawan.

Grandpa Liu and his family have already used all the health pills they received in exchange.

Most of the medicinal materials sent over the past six months have been replaced with daily medicines.

However, these daily medicines cannot be stored for a long time without special treatment.

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