Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 36 Exchange

Chapter 36 Exchange
"And this is too little. It's another round of hard work in vain, and people secretly dislike it!" At this point, Liu Xiumei was afraid that her two daughters would not understand enough, so she gave another practical example.

"Just like today, look at your two sisters-in-law. You see, they have changed the cans. Not to mention that the supply and marketing cooperative does not always supply it, and it has given them convenience."

"It's just an extra cent or two, and they save a rare dim sum ticket, so they think they've earned it."

"There is also food. The prices and food stamps are the same as those at the food station."

"But the amount of fine grains at the grain station is limited. Let's see how many families can exchange all of their monthly quota for fine grains?"

"It's not because even if it's within the regulations, if the grain station doesn't have supplies, you won't get them even if you want them."

"So not only are they willing, but they are grateful."

"And if you don't pay for canned food and don't pay for grain, what will happen over time?"

"Perhaps, their appetite will grow more and more!" Fumanman said thoughtfully, and several others nodded.

I even broke into a cold sweat when I heard about the good luck coming.

In her past life, she had never dealt with such a relationship of interest.

Although the workplace is not easy, there may not be much contact with each other in real life.

Especially the nature of her work. At best, she follows the project, but at worst, it’s not fixed.

As for other ways to make money... they are more the result of selling labor and physical labor, paying one hand and delivering the goods.

At most it’s just that it’s not easy to collect money!

As for family relationships, two children in a family was considered too many at that time.

The biggest dilemma is probably whether the parents are partial or not. How could there be such a complicated situation?
And in this life... now, she is only 17 years old!
"Mom, you are so kind...I will always listen to you from now on!" Fu Yunlai hugged Liu Xiumei's arm tightly without hesitation.

"Mom is definitely helping you when she helps you, but you shouldn't forget what you should remember!" Liu Xiumei was reluctant to let her daughter go independent so early.

But I also know...that's just a matter of time!

There are only four kinds of food. Mao Guixiang replaced rice and glutinous rice, leaving only white flour and millet.

Liu Xiumei thought for a while and simply hid the things first.

Whether or not to change this depends on the situation!

And... with outsiders, you can't be as confidant as your family.

Sure enough, when the smell of braised pig heads came out of the Fujia kitchen, someone came looking for him in the yard.

The first ones to come were naturally the Li family, who built the same kitchen as the Fu family.

Grandma Li brought her little granddaughter with her. As soon as she came in, she sent her little granddaughter to play with the Fu family's children, and then immediately went to find Fu's mother.

The two murmured secretly for a while, and then Grandma Li went back with her things.

Fortunately, my clothes are now loose and I have a can in my arm, so it's not easy for anyone to spot me.

Moreover, as she walked, she said in a loud voice: "Xiumei, I will pay you back the garlic when I buy it from the grocery store tomorrow!"

Grandma Li just left, and the Zhang family from the main room and the other side also came.

Seeing that there were only four cans left in the Fu family, he immediately forced Liu Xiumei to loosen her mouth and gave her another bottle.

She was obviously prepared and used candy coupons to exchange for it.

When she left, she looked around and saw that no one seemed to be paying attention, so she went back quietly.Coming together from behind were the Zhu family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law from the west wing.

Their eyes were so sharp that they not only ordered two of the remaining three cans, but also took a fancy to the goose eggs that Liu Xiumei had never thought about exchanging, and they almost went to grab them.

This shocked Fu Yunlai and also shocked Liu Xiumei.

No... This sister-in-law of the Zhu family usually seems to be polite, especially since her family is the 'dean' of this large courtyard. She usually maintains her identity, but is also very helpful.

"Auntie, we really don't plan to exchange this... Moreover, this was not exchanged for others, but was saved by relatives in the countryside!" Liu Xiumei stressed again helplessly.

But Grandma Zhu just didn't let go of the wooden basin where the goose eggs were placed. Liu Xiumei, mother and daughter were all there, but no one dared to directly reach out and grab it back.

After all, the bucket contains eggs!
Even if the goose egg shell is thick, there is no guarantee that it will not be damaged during the grabbing process.

Grandma Zhu still smiled kindly but didn't let go.

In desperation, Liu Xiumei had no choice but to relent: "Two... Madam, there really can't be any more! By the way... I still have five kilograms of millet sent by my mother-in-law last time. The new ones this year are of first-class quality! "

"Auntie, you also know that my family has a large population, and these goose eggs are not enough. Can I give you five kilograms of millet?"

"Besides, you don't have to give food stamps. It's no problem to use other bills to pay for it. My parents' place in the countryside is short of all kinds of bills."

Grandma Zhu gave her daughter-in-law a wink. Although the eldest sister-in-law of the Zhu family was embarrassed, she still insisted: " me the millet first?"

The millet at the grain station is often not replaced. Firstly, the millet is slightly more expensive than rice.

Secondly, the condition and quality of Xiaomi are really not very good.

People who want to buy millet are doing it to nourish their families.

Xiaomi like this is really hard to make up your mind unless you have to.

Liu Xiumei had no choice but to take out the millet she had just hidden. The Zhu family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at each other with sharp eyes. When they saw a similar bag next to them, they immediately winked at each other.

However, the two of them were not in a hurry to speak. After Liu Xiumei brought the millet and opened it for the two of them to confirm, Grandma Zhu put the basin back to its original position without hesitation, and then moved aside one goose egg in each hand.

She didn't hide the goose eggs on her body, but put them directly into the millet bag, and then said casually: "Lend me this bag first... By the way, Xiumei, the bag next to your millet is the same as the one containing millet. It’s a bit like...what’s in there?”

"Why are you hiding good food in your room? Why don't you also open my eyes?"

Liu Xiumei twitched her lips, although she had also thought about whether to replace the two bags of grain depending on the situation.

But changing it out so quickly, or even like this... was not part of her plan.

Seeing that Liu Xiumei seemed particularly reluctant, Grandma Zhu persuaded her in a friendly voice: "Don't worry Xiumei, I just want to take a look, how can I force you to give me a little bit?"

Liu Xiumei really looked at Sister-in-law Zhu in disbelief. The bag she was holding tightly with both hands showed how unbelievable Grandma Zhu's words were.

Grandma Zhu was completely unaffected and just waited eagerly.

In desperation, Liu Xiumei raised her chin and signaled the Fumanman sisters to take it off.

"Hey... this flour, so snow-white, must be Fuqiang flour! How long has it been in supply? How did you get it, Xiumei? You didn't notify everyone when you changed it!" Grandma Zhu seemed to be real and fake. Blaming.

But upon hearing the words "Fu Qiang Fan", Sister-in-law Zhu immediately came over!

She looked at the snow-white flour in the bag with eager eyes. Tomorrow her eldest son-in-law would come to the house and wanted to use this fine flour to make some buns and dumplings, which would be a great honor.

After all, what this Fuqiang fan represents has never just been about price.

(End of this chapter)

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