Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 379 Extra 4 Monkey Tickets

In 1997, taking advantage of the family gathering, Fu Manhai proudly announced to everyone: "Come on, Manhe, do you know how much a monkey ticket has gone up to now?"

Speaking of this, everyone seemed to have been reminded.

They have seen a lot of price increases in recent years, and they have even paid close attention to the changes in the South Island real estate market.

But if there is anything that can increase the value of that little monkey ticket, it is really hard to find a second one!

The year the Monkey Ticket was first issued, I actually forgot about it when the good fortune came.

After all, even though she knew the value of the monkey tickets before she traveled through time, it had been twenty years since she traveled back in time before the monkey tickets were issued...

But Fuyunlai was a college student at that time!
The college students at that time, who were concerned about the country and the people, paid the most attention to these current events.

Therefore, when the surrounding students were paying attention, she naturally stocked up some without hesitation.

But later, she gradually found many ways to accumulate her own wealth. She didn't pay attention to this little monkey ticket for the time being.

After all, in Fu Yunlai’s impression, it will be decades before the monkey ticket is really worth a lot of money!

But little did she know that while she wasn't paying attention, her family was paying more and more attention to it as the price of monkey tickets increased one after another.

From 84 to 86, the price of monkey tickets increased from 3 yuan to 30 yuan.

At that time, it was not just the popularity of monkey stamps, but also the prosperity of the entire philatelic market. To what extent was the prosperity?

Not to mention the adults who noticed the value of this small stamp, even the younger generations of the Fuji family would say something about stamps from time to time.

In the early 70s, the price of monkey tickets went crazy, rising from about 240 yuan to about yuan.

At that time, the entire Fu family's monkey tickets were turned over.

Liu Xiumei was hesitating and wondering whether to sell it at this price!

However, Fu Yunlai felt that there was no shortage of money now, and she was ready to collect it for the rest of her life.

Unexpectedly, within one year, monkey tickets continued to skyrocket. How crazy is it?

When the price of a single coin soared from more than 300 yuan to 1500 yuan... Liu Xiumei no longer cared about anything else, and simply collected all the monkey tickets in the family. No matter what they said when good luck came, they would sell them.

This time, Fu Yunlai tried to persuade him for a long time but failed to persuade him.

By the time Liu Xiumei scattered the family's monkey tickets for trading, the price of the monkey tickets had exceeded 1600 each.

If we follow other people's personalities, they might actually take these monkey tickets back and continue to collect them at this time.

But Liu Xiumei was different. She felt that the price was too scary, and she urged Fu Manhe and others to trade without hesitation.

Not long after all the stamps from Fujia were sold, the monkey stamps experienced a sharp drop in price.

The price fell to around 1200 before sustaining it.

But this price has remained unchanged for a long time.

Fu Yunlai, who had originally wanted to collect the monkey stamps herself, now had another idea... Well, she had to admit that she knew that the price of these monkey stamps would definitely not be this high in the future.

The Fumanhe brothers soon learned about Fuyunlai's little move. Because they traded a lot of monkey stamps last time, the Fumanhe brothers didn't have no information channels in the philatelic market.

They quickly stopped Fuyunlai because the price they sold at was too coincidental, and Fuyunlai suddenly wanted to acquire it again. Not only was it not easy to achieve their goal, but it was also easy to raise the price of the monkey ticket.

After confirming that Fu Yunlai really had this idea, Fumanhe and the others simply started to contact people.

Within half a month, Fu Yunlai's monkey tickets doubled from the beginning.

But these monkey tickets were too fragmented compared to the full page she originally held.

Fuyun was unwilling to give up. Although Fumanhe and others did not understand her persistence, they still followed her to search for her.

Even some of their friends got started.

It wasn't until Fu Yunlai gathered all the monkey tickets in his hand that the Fuji family's monkey ticket hunting trip ended.

However, in addition to good luck, they also have a lot of scattered things on their hands.

It's not that they didn't give Fuyunlai any more, but that Fuyunlai later only pursued the full page, and other scattered ones no longer had such big pursuits.

However, with the arrival of 97, monkey votes experienced another surge.

When Liu Xiumei heard the news, she didn't feel sorry at all!

Anyway, she felt that they had made enough money from the last time they sold monkey tickets.

Who knew... As the price of monkey tickets rose higher and higher, the people in their family seemed to be paying more and more attention to it.

Only then did Liu Xiumei realize something was wrong.

But it's too late!

At this time, Liu Xiumei raised her head and glanced at her younger son, who was pretending to be mysterious. Facing this look, Fu Manhai immediately stopped trying to be pretentious and said directly: "Two thousand three thousand! It's already two thousand or three thousand!"

At the end of the story, Fu Manhai was so excited that he just hugged Fu Yunlai.

If Fu Yunlai hadn't wanted to buy the monkey ticket back in the first place, how would he have had the opportunity to make this profit again.

But Liu Xiumei frowned when she heard what he said.

After looking at the family, everyone seemed to be extremely excited. She couldn't help coughing lightly. When everyone looked over, she asked seriously: "So, you all have monkey tickets in your hands now?"

"How many are there? No... What are you going to do with the monkey tickets in your hands this time?"

Hearing Liu Xiumei's question, several members of the Fuji family looked at each other with a guilty conscience. In the end, everyone still focused on Fu Yunlai.

Fu Yunlai hesitated for a moment, thought about it, and said, "Except for keeping some of it, the rest are ready to be sold."

She really didn't know whether the price of monkey tickets would continue to rise this time.

But Fu Yunlai knew that in the coming years, the price of monkey tickets would be reduced at least once.

If she really wanted to invest in monkey tickets, she would definitely buy them back then.

Moreover, this time her brothers finally found a full page of stamps for her, and she was so lucky that she was prepared to never touch them again.

Upon hearing Fu Yunlai's decision, Liu Xiumei immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she looked directly at her sons!

Fumanhe and the others didn't have any objections to Fuyunlai's decision.

Anyway, they would have kept searching in the first place, just to help Fuyun find the full-page stamps and get them by the way.

Nowadays, on average, a small stamp can almost double your net worth.

Each of them has at least ten cards in their hands. This time, it’s pure profit!

Although nowadays, the net worth of the Fuji brothers is far beyond this amount.

But who would complain about the lack of money?

Moreover, this method of hiding and raising...

In a certain industry, this is a particularly elegant thing.

Once your career has reached a certain level, the people you come into contact with will be different.

When meeting each other, in addition to discussing business, they also have to discuss investments in hobbies.

This has nothing to do with how much you earn!
But if you make money, you can be proud of it, and if you lose money, you can accept it with a smile.

But this time, Fujia has already made a profit.

Although after they finished selling the monkey tickets they wanted to sell, the price of the monkey tickets was already 2500, and everyone in the Fuji family was not disappointed at all.

But in the blink of an eye, the Fuji family didn't know whether they should be happy or disappointed. News came that Monkey Ticket... had started a new wave of price cuts.

The price fell by 1000 yuan as soon as it fell, and it did not stabilize until the price of a single coin reached 1500 yuan. This is only a few hundred yuan higher than the price Fuyunlai paid for monkey tickets!
If you have a long-term commitment, the price can be considered a steady increase.

But as a stamp collector, who wouldn’t pay attention to the price changes of this monkey stamp?

Suddenly, even if Fu Yunlai and the others didn't want to buy it, people came to inquire about the channels through which they originally purchased.

The news was quickly reported to the Fumanhe brothers. They discussed it and asked about Fuyunlai.

At this time, the fortune came, which was a pleasant surprise. She said to them without hesitation: "Take it, whether you want it or not, I will take it all! Especially the full page and quadruple tickets, I will take as much as you can! "

The brothers, who had never doubted the fortune, raised their eyebrows slightly when they heard this.

They simply discussed it with each other.

Later, it was decided that Fu Yun Lai's demand would be met first... but as long as the revenue collected was more than Fu Yun Lai's before it was sold, the rest would be given to one and left to the other.

If a good thing like this happens again, they will also drink the soup, right?
As for the full-page and quadruple tickets, they are also planning to do this.

Just because of their last experience, they know that these two are not so easy to obtain.

But this time, even the Fumanhe brothers did not expect that the downturn of Monkey Ticket would last for several years.

And over the past few years, they have collected them intentionally or unintentionally, and the amount of monkey tickets they have is really quite a lot.

Even the hard-to-obtain quadruple tickets are available to everyone, and Lucky Lucky has two to himself.

On the whole page, only Fu Manjiang was the luckiest. He collected it through a family member of an employee of the construction company he now manages.

At that time, the other party's family was also having trouble, and they tried their best, but they didn't expect that in the end, it was this full-page monkey ticket that could not be called a good one that saved them.

And with the arrival of 2005, monkey tickets finally started to increase in price with difficulty.

However, compared with the price of about 1500 yuan that Fuyunlai and the others have collected over the years, it has only increased by about 200 yuan.

By May of the following year, the price of monkey tickets finally reached more than 5 yuan again.

This year, Fu Gaoming is already 77 years old, and Liu Xiumei, who is one year younger than him, is also 76 years old.

Even though they later used health pills to nourish their bodies, Fuyunlai and the others did not dare to use this matter to irritate the two of them.

But in the blink of an eye, another year later, as the stock market rose, the price of monkey tickets soared again.

Moreover, the price growth seems to be endless, one year after year.

Especially the whole page of monkey tickets, that is simply scary!

In 07, it was still 27.5, and by 10 it was already 58.3.

That's just two or three years, just turning over and over again without doing anything.

But this is not the end. The price of monkey tickets has achieved continuous growth this year.

A single coin went from about 6000 yuan at the beginning of the year to more than 4 yuan in April, and by December at the end of the year, it jumped to nearly 8000 yuan.

At that time, Fuyunlai and the others had no idea of ​​selling the monkey ticket. Their only idea was to see how much it could rise.

But what happened next did not disappoint them.

In February 11, the price of a single monkey ticket exceeded 2 yuan.

The highest transaction price at that time was 10812 yuan!
And in just one month, its price has increased by more than 2000 yuan.

In other words, according to the price of the Monkey Ticket purchased by the Fujian family, they have already made back all their money in just this month.

Seeing this situation, the Fu family got together to discuss it and made the decision without hesitation!

Every time they sell one, they can make a net profit of 10,000 yuan. With the number of single stamps in their hands, they can just sell this million and get back.

As for the collection... isn't there a quadruple ticket each?

Although it is not as expensive as a full-page version of over one million, it is enough to collect by yourself.

Therefore, the Fujian family quickly released the monkey tickets through various channels.

It just so happened that at this time, the price of monkey tickets was still rising. There were many people who wanted to buy, but not many who wanted to sell.

So with this move by the Fujia family, this huge sum of millions was soon back in their hands.

As for later, although the price of monkey tickets fluctuated, it never fell below 10,000.

When the price approaches 10,000 yuan, Fujia will occasionally charge a little more.

Basically, the Fu family did not go out to look for these on their own initiative.

But now, in the monkey ticket transaction, the channels they originally laid out have matured.

When someone comes to them to buy, they will basically sell some of whatever they have on hand.

After trading a lot, I discovered something interesting.

This thing of chasing high and selling low... is really not surprising in Monkey Ticket.

When it comes to stamp collecting, many people get into it and then leave it every year.

You always buy high when you invest, and you always sell low when you leave…

In other words, when the price drops, those who can’t stand it will easily leave.

Attracted by high prices, more people will invest in this industry!
The Fuji family just sat like this, even if they didn't take the initiative to run the business, they started running the monkey ticket business of buying low and selling high.

It’s really surprising!

But this money... I really didn't earn much.

This is a group of people who like to collect stamps.
In Nanshi, even those who do a little bit of stamp collecting know that the Fujians have something in store.

We also know that they have full-page and quadruple tickets in their hands, and the single tickets they usually play are just leftovers from their own playing.

However, it is easy to get a single monkey ticket from Fujia. Sometimes they are willing to give out one or two at a lower price.

But if you want to exchange a quadruple ticket or a full page with them...

According to what the scoundrel Fu Manhai said, it was used as a heirloom by their family!
But who doesn't know that when their sister Fuyun came, she was a frequent visitor to the Overseas Chinese Store and the Friendship Store.

Especially after cooperating with the Fu family, she had enough overseas remittance coupons.

She didn’t know how many times she had raided the artworks sold in overseas Chinese stores and Friendship Stores.

So there is no family in the Fu family that lacks heirlooms!

But these people in Nanshi don’t know yet.

Long before luck came, I made an almost indispensable trip to Beishi every year, and I also liked to visit Liuli Street.

It wasn't until fake goods became rampant there that she went there less and less.

Nowadays, their homes in Beishi and Nanshi have a display room dedicated to antiques.

Children from several families are taken in by their parents from time to time to gain experience.

Of course... they actually went along to learn more.

After all, when Fu Yunlai bought these things... he was basically buying them blindly.

That is to say, it was better than that, unlike now where fakes are rampant.

Nowadays, whenever experts want to come to their parents to gain insights, they will basically not stop the good fortune from coming.

But I will let everyone in the family, big and small, follow along and learn together. (End of chapter)

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